• Published 28th Oct 2013
  • 10,589 Views, 488 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friendship's Turmoil - Superdale33

Kingdom Hearts x Equestria Girls. Sora travels to a world that holds a powerful magic, which he must protect from the impending Darkness while searching for his lost friend, Riku. Takes place after Dream Drop Distance.

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Chapter 2: Fitting In

Kingdom Hearts: Friendship's Turmoil
Chapter 2: Fitting In

The hallways of the school were not very confusing for Sora, but since he was completely new, he had a hard time navigating through them. Each hallway branched to more hallways, and everything looked the same no matter where he went. Still, with Principal Celestia’s directions, he knew he would find his destination. What kept his mind occupied was the meeting with Rainbow Dash, not two minutes ago. A feeling in his gut told him he should meet her again, and he wasn’t sure why.

Perhaps he was simply worried about her, or maybe he just enjoyed her company. Whatever it might be, he hoped he would see her again. Making a friend always made him happy, and in this new world, she could help him find what he was looking for. Smiling to himself, he put his hands behind his head as he made his way to the counselor’s office. After he paid his visit, he would get to work on finding that special magic. He still had to protect it, and it would be far easier to defend it if he knew what to defend.

“Second door to my right,” Sora muttered to himself as he walked to the door that he was heading to, stopping short of entering. “Here we are.”

The door he stood in front of was different from any other door in the building for one simple reason: the window on the door was in the shape of a heart. It didn’t bother Sora though, and he rapped his knuckles against the wood of the door three times, waiting to be allowed permission to enter.

“Come in,” a feminine voice called out, and Sora did so. As he closed the door behind him, he saw the counselor, who was sitting behind a large wooden desk, and she wasn’t too different from everyone else he saw in this world. She had pink skin, and her hair was violet, magenta, and pale gold that looked incredibly soft and gentle. She wore a royal purple jacket similar to Principal Celestia’s, and light green pants.

The counselor was mildly surprised to see Sora, shown by her studying him with a tilt of her head. “Are you a transfer student?” she requested nicely.

“Yeah,” Sora answered, his smile instantly appearing, “Principal Celestia told me I had to come to you for orientation.”

The counselor smiled back, putting any worries Sora had at ease. “Ah, I see,” she said, then gestured to the seat in front of her desk. “Please take a seat so we may begin.”

Sora nodded and strode over to the indicated seat as the counselor sorted through papers. As Sora plopped into his seat with vigor, the counselor found the sheet she was looking for, grabbed a nearby pen, and faced Sora.

“First off,” the counselor started, “I’m counselor Mi Amore Cadenza, or just counselor Cadence for short.”

“I’m Sora,” he introduced, putting a hand over his chest with a confirming nod. “So, exactly how does orientation work?”

“Well, one part is knowing your name, which you’ve already given me,” Cadance chuckled, writing down on the paper before looking back at him. “But the rest is just getting to know you for the school record.”

“Okay, I see,” Sora nodded, but then a quizzical look came over him. “Principal Celestia said that new students have to go through orientation after something happened here. Do you know what she meant?”

Cadance rubbed her chin in thought, putting the pen down for the moment. “Not all the details,” she admitted, “From what I was told, a student was turned into some sort of monster during the Fall Formal dance.”

“Monster!?” Sora blurted, his mind going straight to the one’s he had faced before and he leaned forward. “Was it a Heartless, or a Nobody!?”

Cadance raised a brow, bewildered, “Heartless? Nobody?”

Realizing his slip up, Sora relaxed his posture, giving a sheepish chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head. “Never mind,” he said, “So, what happened with the monster?”

Sora hoped she would take the subject change, but how he had suddenly shouted strange names was cause enough to question further. Cadance was conflicted on whether she wanted to know what he meant or not, but luckily, she reluctantly answered his question, ignoring the previous outburst for the time being.

“Apparently, a group of friends used some type of magic to take it down,” she continued slowly, still curious by the words Sora mentioned. “You would have to ask someone else for the details.”

“Gotcha,” Sora said, “What else do you need to know?”

Cadance asked question after question while Sora answered as much of the truth as he could. He made sure to keep all information that would paint him as a world-trotting hero secret, but all in all, it was an easy and rather fun process. He told her where he moved from, where he currently resided - which he was able to avoid by saying he hadn’t memorized it yet - and what classes he would like to join. Considering that Sora wasn’t going to stay for very long in the world, he decided to just go with the regular curriculum. With the short amount of questions, it should have been a quick session, but Sora couldn’t help but describe in detail his old home. In the end, Sora gave a yawn from sitting in one place too long, stretching his arms out, which Cadance noticed.

“That should be all, Sora,” Cadence concluded, writing down the last bit, “Now, classes have already ended for the day, but you are welcome to explore the school to familiarize yourself with it until it officially closes.”

“Thank you very much,” Sora said, rolling his arm around in its socket to get the blood moving again. Orientation had taken longer than he had expected, and now he was really hungry. He hoped he could find some left over food back at the cafeteria. Leaping out of his seat, Sora made his way out, giving a wave to Cadence as he left, which she returned.


As Cadence sat there, looking over what she had written during Sora’s orientation, she couldn’t help but give a wide smile at his optimism. No matter what was thrown at Sora, he always found a way to overcome it, and come out with a smile on his face. It was an attribute that she hadn’t seen at all while she was at Canterlot High, and she wished more students shared his enthusiasm. He was definitely an interesting person.

“Well, I’m done for the day,” she said aloud, cleaning up the cluster of papers that littered her desk. After all, she had to check in with her sister-in-law to make sure she wasn’t overworking herself, again.


As Sora made his way through the hallways of the school, he tried to go the opposite of the way he came. It worked, to an extent, as he found himself in a hallway just off from where he was heading to. With a shrug, he ran the rest of the way, and threw open the doors, entering with his continued running. The room was empty, seeing as there was no point in sticking around school after hours.

Making his way past the tables and chairs to the serving station, Sora was a bit surprised to see the same old woman from before still there, like she hadn’t moved at all. He also noticed that all the food that was placed around was now gone, leaving him with nothing to eat, much to his grumbling stomach. Stepping up to the counter, Sora asked, “Do you have any food left? I kind of skipped lunch.”

“Sorry, sonny,” the old woman apologized, still remaining where she stood. “All out.”

“But you didn’t even look!” Sora pointed out.

“Don’t need to look, I already know!” the old woman shot back with a laugh, causing Sora to sigh in exasperation, slumping his body. A soft giggle was heard by the entrance, causing Sora to perk up from the sound. Turning to the door, he saw a pink-haired girl cover her mouth in embarrassment, lightly blushing, and quickly bolt out the door that she had apparently just entered through.

“Huh,” Sora muttered, staring at where the girl had left, “Who was that?”

“Oh, I guess we do have some food left,” the old woman restated, looking through a refrigerator a few feet away from the counter. Turning his head to the old woman, Sora could clearly see that there was more than ‘some’ food left. A lot of apples that he didn’t even bother to count, nor would he get the chance as the old woman closed the door of the refrigerator with an apple in hand.

“Here ya are,” she said, giving the apple to Sora’s eager hand. “Don’t eat too fast now, ya hear?”

“Don’t worry,” Sora said, already taking a bite from the apple, which was absolutely delicious, “I won’t.”

Then, he quickly made for the door, wanting to meet the girl that he had seen. It looked like she was the only other student in the school at the time, and Sora wanted to see if she could help him out. When he re-entered the hallway, however, he was disappointed to see that she was no where in sight.

“Where did she go?” he asked himself, taking another bite of the apple as he thought of where to look for her. She could have went to any place in the school, and because of its layout, Sora wasn’t sure if he could find her again. Sighing in defeat, he simply walked through the hallways, hoping to find his way around by the time school actually started the next day.


Fluttershy put a hand to her chest as she tried to calm her racing heart, resting against the lockers, since she had to run quite awhile until she felt like she was far enough. All she wanted to do was grab an apple for a light snack before she started her detention, but now it seemed she would be unable to. The transfer student was there, so she was about to leave him be so as to avoid meeting him. But Fluttershy overheard the conversation he was having with the lunch lady, and couldn’t suppress a giggle at his antics.

She couldn’t believe she had done that. She laughed at the transfer student! She knew he wouldn’t want to be near her now. This was exactly why she stayed away from the other students - it always ended up with her making a fool of herself. The transfer student wasn’t even here a day and she already messed up. Suppressing a sob, Fluttershy pushed off of the lockers and walked towards Vice Principal Luna’s office. Maybe she could cheer herself up later by visiting the animal shelter, unless she was bogged down with detention.

“I should have taken Rainbow’s advice,” Fluttershy said to herself sadly. Even after three more classes, she still couldn’t muster the courage to ask someone for help. Who was she supposed to ask besides her friends? Now she could be cleaning the halls for days before she would be finished. Thinking back, Fluttershy had skipped a lot of classes. She was surprised she wasn’t punished sooner.

Eventually, she found herself standing before Vice Principal Luna’s office, and with a timid fashion she gently gave a single knock on the door. “Enter,” Luna said from within, causing Fluttershy to jump slightly from her sudden voice. With a tinge of fear, Fluttershy opened the door, peeking inside to see Luna waiting for her at her desk with a raised brow. Vice Principal Luna had light blue skin, and dark blue and light purple hair. She wore a purple shirt with dark purple pants

“Ah, Fluttershy,” Luna noticed, “You have arrived.”

Fluttershy entered the room fully, giving a small nod to Luna’s statement. “You already know what you must do to make up for your classes,” Luna said walking around her desk to the corner of the room, where a mop and bucket sat. “But as a refresher, you must clean all the halls of the school by next week, starting now.”

Handing the mop and bucket to Fluttershy in each hand, Luna backed away, looking around with surprise. “Did you bring another student to assist you like I had suggested?”

“No, ma’am,” she whispered, feeling guilty. Luna had given her two days to find one other student to help her clean. But her friends had already made plans for the time she would be serving detention, and she would do anything besides ask some random classmate to help.

Giving a disappointed sigh, Luna simply said, “Very well. You may start immediately.”

Gently pushing Fluttershy out of her office, Luna closed the door, leaving her to start her detention. Fluttershy looked both ways of the hallway, unsure where to even begin. Deciding to start in the library, and maybe see if Twilight was still there, she began lugging the bucket and mop towards her goal.

As she walked, she came to realize just how much she would have to clean, and it dampened her mood further. It would take a lot longer than she originally thought. As she rounded a corner, her eyes glued to the floor in hopelessness, she accidently bumped into someone, causing her to stumble back, lose her footing, and fall on her rear, the objects in her hands clattering to the ground.

“Oh, sorry about that,” a young voice apologized, making Fluttershy flinch. She had messed up again! Fluttershy was too busy rubbing where she had landed to look at who she had bumped into. “Hey!” the voice continued with a happy tone, “You're that girl I saw!”

Fluttershy froze where she was, too afraid to see who she had walked into, but with a gulp, she did so anyway, coming face to face with the transfer student. She had not gotten a good look at him the first time he presented himself, but now that she was a few feet away from him, she could easily see his childish face with brown spiky hair.

Fluttershy whimpered, looking away as she hid her face from view. Out of all the people she could have bumped into, it had to be the transfer student. “S-Sorry, sorry!” she quickly apologized, hugging her legs in fear. “I didn’t mean to laugh at you, or bump into you! I just… w-well, umm, I..”

“Hey, you don’t have to apologize,” the boy interrupted, taking her by surprise. “I probably shouldn’t be deep in thought in the middle of the hallway anyway.”

Taking a risk, Fluttershy glanced at the boy again, who had a smile on his face. It took her a moment longer to see that he was holding out a hand to help her up, while his other hand held a half-eaten apple. She took the hand hesitantly, unable to tear her eyes away from his own, which were ocean blue. With the boy’s help, she was standing once again, and bowed her head, trying to hide her face away from him.

“T-Thank you,” she squeezed out, playing with her hands nervously.

“No problem,” the boy said with a shake of his head. “The name’s Sora.”

“I’m…” she started, then whispered the rest of her name, which Sora was just barely able to make out.

“Flutter what now?” Sora requested with a confused expression.

“Fluttershy,” she said just a bit louder, but it was enough for Sora to hear.

“Oh, nice to meet you,” he expressed, eating his apple contently. “What are you doing here anyway?”

Instead of answering, Fluttershy simply glanced at the objects she had dropped, and Sora took the hint when he saw the cleaning supplies. “Your cleaning the hallways?” he asked for confirmation.

She nodded, still averting her eyes. “All of them?” he continued on, disbelief evident in his tone.

Again, Fluttershy nodded. “Well,” Sora said, looking around him, “I’ll help you out.”

The statement caused Fluttershy to finally look at Sora, who still had his kind grin on his face. “Y-You want to help me?” she asked timidly, still not believing that a transfer student would suddenly come and assist her.

“Yeah, why not?” Sora said simply, picking up the items that Fluttershy had dropped. “With this many hallways, I don’t know who wouldn’t want to help you.”

Fluttershy could name a few, even a lot, of people who would say otherwise. But she still smiled at his generosity. He was willing to spend the time to clean the halls with her, and she was very glad of it.

“Thank you, Sora,” she said, causing Sora’s smile to grow even wider.

“Don’t mention it.”


A man, cloaked in a black coat with a hood over his head, stood in the center of the lobby of the school. Holding his hand up to where his chin would be, he silently contemplated how to proceed with his orders. At the same time, he glanced at the area around him with a hint of interest. He pondered how people could decorate a building in such a fashion. In fact, he questioned the school as a whole. If it wasn’t for the powerful magic his master had felt, not a single soul would know, or even care, that this place existed. It was a trivial thought, however, and he focused back on his objective.

At that point, a Corridor of Darkness appeared behind him, with its oval shape of pure black. Another figure, clad in the same black coat with hood up, walked through, stopping a few meters from the first person. “So,” the second figure said, having a laid-back tone. “Are you going to get started or what?”

The first figure looked over his shoulder, the hand still on his chin. “You do not understand the magic that is at work here,” he said with a stern and calm voice. “It takes a delicate touch to find and destroy the magic of friendship.”

“As if,” the second figure waved off, “You act all high and mighty, but in the end you’re just too soft to deal with things like this.”

“And you act like an imbecile,” the first figure snapped, walking away from him.

“Hey, hey,” the second figure called, causing the first to halt to hear what he had to say. “If you think you can handle this all on your own, then I guess there’s no reason for me being here.”

“Exactly,” the first figure agreed, about to continue his walk before the second figure cleared his throat.

“But you know,” the second figure said, dramatically looking at the ceiling as if deep in thought. “It sure would be difficult with that keybearer running around.”

The first figure remained still, thinking over the other’s words. “He has already arrived then?” he asked nonchalantly.

“Sure has,” the second figure answered, “I’m surprised you didn’t know yet. You’re slipping.”

The first figure fumed over the other figure’s words. His master had explicitly ordered him to take care not to draw attention until the time was right. But time was short if the keybearer had already arrived. “Very well then,” the first figure gave in with a small nod. “We’ll do it your way.”

The first figure raised his right hand and snapped his fingers. In an instant, Black blobs formed on the floor, and monsters began to emerge from them. They were about waist high, with two, long antennae that stretched to their lower back. They were humanoid, but had large claws on their hands and inhuman, round yellow eyes.

The second figure chuckled, his whole body shaking from his laughter, “Yeah, this is more like it!”

“If this fails, you’ll have to answer to our master,” the first figure explained plainly as he turned towards him.

“The old coot?” the second figure scoffed, “As if. He sent you to do this. I just tagged along for the ride.”

“Then you can stay around to see if your little plan works,” the first figure said in a bout of anger. A Corridor of Darkness enveloped him, and he disappeared without a trace.

The first figure looked at the Heartless the first figure had summoned and crossed his arms with a shake of his head. “Spoilsport,” he muttered, before he too was gone in a Corridor of Darkness. The Heartless in the lobby, growing restless, began to shamble down the hallways of the school, hungry for hearts.


Having found another mop, Sora was busy cleaning the floors with Fluttershy, who seemed much happier that he had offered to help. Between the two of them, they were cleaning the floors fairly quickly, but they still had a ways to go. They were quiet as they stood by each other with mops in hand, pushing against the floor to scrub the muck. Feeling slightly bored, Sora decided to strike up a conversation.

“Say Fluttershy,” Sora started, gaining her attention as she turned to him, stopping in her work, “Have you seen a guy named Riku around?”

“Sorry, Sora,” she apologized as Sora stopped his work as well to face her. “I haven’t heard anyone by that name before.”

Sora sighed, but nodded in thanks. “Are you looking for him?” Fluttershy followed up, curious as to Sora’s question.

“Yeah,” Sora answered with a smile, “He’s a good friend of mine that went missing a while ago.”

“Oh, I hope you find him then,” Fluttershy said sincerely.

“I know I will,” Sora said, looking off to the side in thought. “I won’t give up until I find him.”

Fluttershy smiled at his bravado, and continued cleaning the floors. Sora was about to do the same thing, but he caught movement from the corner of his eye. Looking over, he didn’t see anything besides the empty hallway. He glanced over to Fluttershy, but she behaved like she hadn’t seen a thing. Facing the hallway, Sora jumped back from the sight: A Neo Shadow was standing there, tilting its head quizzically.

Narrowing his eyes, Sora saw the Heartless dash out of sight into another hallway. If Heartless were here, then that meant that they were hunting for the magic of friendship. He had to stop them before they could find it and destroy friendship as he knew it.

“Fluttershy,” he called, and she looked towards him with a smile. “I, uh, have to do something. Do you think we can call it a day?”

Fluttershy was confused, a frown emerging, “I guess we can stop for now. What do you-”

“Thanks, Fluttershy,” Sora said, dropping his mop and bolting down the hall where he last saw the Heartless. He ran around the corner, seeing the Heartless go through another hallway. When Sora reached it, he was met with many Heartless, waiting for his arrival. He screeched to a halt, wondering how the Heartless were able to plan an ambush. He didn’t have the time to stick to the thought as the Heartless charged towards him.

His face turning serious, Sora threw his arm out to the side and summoned his keyblade, Kingdom Key, in a flash of light and got ready for battle. The first Heartless took a swipe at him, but Sora ducked and sliced right through it, and it disappeared in a black mist. Three more tried to leap at him, jumping into the air for a pounce. Sora saw it though and jumped back, readying his keyblade. When they landed, he surged forward, swinging his keyblade three times, one for each Heartless, and they all disappeared.

Sora saw two more zig-zagging down the hallway towards him, and he readied his keyblade once more. The closest one swung its arm at him, but he jumped up and landed on its arm, rendering the Heartless useless for a moment. The other Heartless jumped over the other to catch Sora off guard, but Sora simply swung his keyblade vertically and swiftly destroyed the two of them in one blow.

Seeing that there was still more Heartless to take care of, Sora gripped his keyblade tightly, and rushed forward. With each Heartless that came by, Sora swung his keyblade and destroyed it. He was very successful, able to take down each enemy as he ran through the hallway. When he reached the end, he found the lobby was full of Heartless, each wanting a chance to take his heart.

Undeterred from the sight, Sora jumped into the fray, swinging his keyblade down on top of a Heartless. With the Heartless destroyed, he swung in a large arc, taking out a lot of the remaining Heartless. The surrounding enemies charged for him, and Sora couldn’t see a way out using conventional means.

Sticking his keyblade in the air above him, he shouted, “Gather!”

A vortex of light emerged from the end of his keyblade, and it began drawing the Heartless from around the room, forcing them to orbit the vortex in Sora’s Magnet spell. With the Heartless occupied, Sora jumped up and took swipes at any passing Heartless, and eventually the area was clear of enemies.

After looking in each direction for any more Heartless, Sora relaxed, his keyblade disappearing in a flash of light. He wondered who could have summoned the Heartless. They weren’t smart enough to organize a trap, so someone must have used them.

“It must be Xehanort,” he said to himself with a shake of his head. “He must have thought he could knock me off.”

Then, with a smirk, he crossed his arms triumphantly. “Guess I showed him,” he remarked with a chuckle. He turned his head to the hallway and gaped, seeing Fluttershy standing there, looking frightened as she quivered where she stood. Did she watch him battle the Heartless?

“Fluttershy?” Sora called gently, taking a step towards her. Fluttershy flinched and ran for the door with eyes clamped shut.

“Wait!” Sora exclaimed, running after her. He only got outside before he decided it wasn’t worth chasing her, and he watched helplessly as she ran down the sidewalk and out of sight. She feared him now, and Sora dipped his head low at the thought. He had made and lost a friend that day, and he hoped he could make it up to her later.

Sora walked back into the school, noticing that it was late afternoon. Wanting to get to bed early, he made his way back up the way he came to the Gummi Ship on the roof, entering it and closing the platform behind him. He climbed into his bunk, but as he was lying there, with his hands behind his head, he found that he couldn’t drift off to sleep, still feeling bad that he had scared Fluttershy.


A man in a black coat was pacing furiously in the lobby that once held the battle between Sora and the Heartless. He couldn’t believe his plan didn’t work, though he should have known that Sora would have easily slain the Heartless.

“So it failed?” a figure said, stepping behind the first figure who froze from the voice. “Can’t say I’m surprised.”

“Look, you,” the first figure snapped, whipping around as he pointed at the other. “I’m sure you wouldn’t have done any better.”

“Oh really?” the second figure asked, “You forget who’s in charge here. And besides they were only Heartless, they can be replaced.”

“Whatever,” the first figure said, waving a hand dismissively. “So what did the old coot have to say?”

“Our master does not care that the keybearer has arrived ahead of time,” the second figure informed with a hint of surprise. “In fact, he thinks of it as an opportunity to eliminate him ahead of time.”

“Doesn’t he need him to make that fancy weapon he always goes on about?” the first figure questioned.

“Yes and no,” the first figure explained, walking over to the display case full of trophies. “He needs seven wielders of the light, but that does not mean he needs the keybearer. He can find a suitable replacement in due time.”

“Okay then,” the first figure said with a chuckle, his old mood returning swiftly. “What does he want us to do then?”

“To simply observe,” the second figure said, glancing over to the other. “And await for the time to strike again.”

The first figure groaned, “He knows I hate waiting around.”

“Then maybe you should attend the classes held here,” the second figure said, his calmness never wavering, “You might learn a thing or two.”

The first figured chuckled, “Gee, I just don’t know.”

Silence was all there was for a minute before the second figure spoke again. “Keep an eye on the keybearer,” he ordered, a Corridor of Darkness appearing before him, “I shall continue my search for the special magic here.”

When he stepped into the portal, he disappeared along with the portal itself. Leaving the first figure alone again. “As if,” he said to no one as a Corridor of Darkness took him out of the area.

Author's Note:

I listen to all suggestions, so feel free to give me some ideas!