• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 11,882 Views, 614 Comments

Stallions of Harmony - Longest Night - Jetto

Six stallions must use all their willpower in order to harness powers of Elements of Harmony and stop Nightmare Moon from casting an everlasting night.

  • ...

9. It gets bad

Prince Blueblood had enough of Ponyville and its inhabitants for many years. About one hundred, possibly more if he ever had the misfortune of achieving immortality.
After a long and painful journey he was done, his job complete and over with and he was finally able to get some rest, at least until he’ll report back to Princess. He had about one more hour until she visited, just enough to lay down, relax and calm his nerves. After all, what place was more comfortable and silent than Public Library and if he ever saw one more crazy pony from this town...


Two Canterlot unicorns screamed when they found Golden Oaks Library was full balloons, streamers, confetti and, most of all, ponies, all bundled together in one place, looking expectantly the two newcomers. Shining Armor could recognize a lot of them. There were a lot of Apples (and Oranges) he met at the Sweet Apple Acres (though Applejack, and Big Macintosh were strangely absent), many mares they passed and Prince left unconscious, ponies working near town hall on their own stands (with marshmallow 'goddess' thankfully absent) and many ponies he never saw before. Weather management ponies were not present, neither was Fluttershy. He did saw Ditzy and Doctor in the crowd, both waving towards them, Ditzy quickly averting her gaze, blushing.
But most of all, they saw one pony they did not expect, but did not forget either.

“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie and I made this party just for you!” quickly said the pink, fizzy maned mare, as she approached them with party hats, putting one on each of their heads without asking “You remember me, right? I was near the station today, just walking and saying hi to everypony, then I saw you and I was like GAAASP! And you were like AAAAAH!, because I didn’t know you, and I know everypony here, so if I don’t know you, that means you’re new, and if you’re new, you must feel lonely (although you seemed like close friends, so maybe I overreacted) because you don’t know anypony in Ponyville, so I decided to throw you a PARTY! Now everypony can meet you and you will get tons of friends!” she stopped to take a long gasp, then continued “Do you like it? We have everything! Sodas, sarsparillas, spaghetti, sundaes, sunflowers, cider, which sadly breaks the alliteration, but phonetically it’s the same so I let it slide because it’s deeeelish! Not hungry? We have dance floor with pop, polka, polka-pop, pony-polka, pop-pop, polish poppy polka, pubstep (which is just dubstep, but I wanted to keep alliteration going, because it’s funny that way) and pink metal, not sure what it is, but it’s pink so it should be cool, oh and we have games! We have boggle, bobble bubble bundle, big bomb baldness, bippity bop buttoms and no party is complete without pin the tail on the pony. Yes, I know the last one doesn’t fit, but it’s my favourite, I couldn’t help myself. I would’ve gotten more, but I was running out of time so I had to improvise a little.” She took another deep gasp and wiped the sweat.
“So, what do you think?”

Prince Blueblood and Shining Armor were standing in their places, jaws dropped, staring at Pinkie Pie. She smiled brightly and waited their answer, like everypony else gathered.

“It’s...” Shining Armor was the first to break silence “... nice?”

Everypony cheered loudly, the music started and the party has officially begun, with everypony starting to enjoy themselves on the dance floor, games or just chatting. Several ponies approached the two and started bombarding them with questions.

Shining Armor tried to satisfy all of them, but felt much too overwhelmed by the amount of attention from all those mares, especially by those who asked him to dance, to the point of arguing between each other over order, drawing straws and taking dibs. Never in his life was he surrounded by so much females, garnering for his attention. And they enjoyed his awkwardness a little too much.

Prince Blueblood, on the other hoof, was the exact opposite. He hated parties. He swiftly ignored all the commotion and walked toward the tables with drinks, as he needed one right now to not explode. That did not discourage mares from following him around anyway, their memories of earlier charm way too fresh to dissuade them. And one especially couldn’t get the hint.

“Hey, why the frowny face? This is a party, party ponies should be smiling, because party is funny and not saddy. It’s a new word I just made up, it’s like funny in reverse, which is kinda funny, except not! Wanna dance?”


“Oh, maybe a round of bippity bop buttoms? I must warn you, I’m a champion.”


“But I can go easy on you, if you want...”


“Oh, then maybe...”

“Which part of me ignoring you don’t you understand?”

She stopped for a moment, raised w hoof to her chin then shrugged “All of it?”

Prince groaned and kept on ignoring her, as she kept on bouncing after him and showered him with attention anyway.

“Can you believe her?” asked a certain cream earth pony mare with rose colored hair “Does Pinkie Pie know the concept of ‘I saw him first’?”

“Technically, she met them before any of us,” added bright magenta mare with lime mane “so she has dibs on both. Also, it’s her party.”

“It’s THEIR party,” argued rose maned mare “she just started it.”

“You say it as if Pinkie had some ulterior motives! Or maybe you have some, eh, Rose?”

“S-shut up, Daisy!” she covered in blush and looked away. Daisy giggled in response.

“What do you think, Lily?” asked Daisy behind her, but heard no answer. She turned around “Lily?”

Lily Blossom wasn’t a very sociable pony. She was very much liked by her friends, family and the entire town, even if she couldn't quite speak to them all that well. Born an earth pony in a traditional, completely unicorn family in Neighpon, she was treated as a disgrace to her bloodline, living in a society ruled by unicorns and attending almost purely unicorn school. She was very pretty even back then, her raspberry coat and blonde hair being rather rare occurrence in back home. She wasn't even trying to attract popular colts, or make other fillies jealous, but it was enough for them to consider verbal and physical abuse, forever scarring her gentle soul. But ever since moving to Ponyville, she lead a happy life, sharing house and business with her two best friends, Rose Luck and Daisy Wishes. Her life was good and she was content with what she got- a low pay, hard and dirty job of growing, caring and selling flowers. She couldn’t ask for more. She didn’t dare ask for more. She had no right to ask for anything out of her reach.

She was really grateful to Pinkie Pie for inviting her, like she always did, even if just because she was always near Rose or Daisy. They were the ponies you wanted to know- both pretty, smart, easy to talk to, kind. Next to them, Lily felt like an awkward extra accessory that comes as a bundle. Take two, you must get the third one. And she felt really awkward even being here, especially as two new stallions appeared in town, which was rare, and every time it happened, mares were fighting over each other to get to them first. She didn’t want to take anything or anypony away from other great mares, much more deserving then her. So she was sitting alone by the wall, sighing over a half empty paper cup of apple cider, looking out of the window, wondering if she should just go back home.


Lily barely noticed a mare that slipped on a spilled whipped cream on the floor, carrying a stack of glass punch bowls, which were now flying toward her, with only seconds to avoid. Lily only watched and couldn’t even shriek in fear, only covered her head from the incoming glass, realizing that it was futile. Then she heard a noise of crashing glass, falling right next to her, as she just stood there helplessly. Only after a few seconds and realizing she was unscathed, she slowly opened her eyes and looked. She saw everypony in library looking at her and glass shards few feet away. Everything was strangely colored in purple, like she was looking through a smoked glass.

“Are you alright, miss?” asked a concerned voice of a tall, white stallion that just walked to her. His horn was glowing and she could see that it’s glow was connected to the purple wall. He lifted the barrier and carefully grabbed her hoof. “Miss, are you alright? Are you not hurt somewhere?” asked gently Shining Armor.

Lily froze and couldn’t say a thing, partly from shock caused by near death experience, but mostly because of those big, concerned blue eyes that she couldn’t take her gaze of off.

“Oh dear, Lily, are you alright?” asked a mare who dropped the glass bowls “I’m so sorry, I slipped, I didn’t mean to!”

“She’ll be fine.” Assured her Shining Armor with a smile “She’s just a bit shaken, but otherwise unhurt.”

“Lily!” Rose quickly dashed toward her friend and hugged her “Oh, thank Celestia you’re alright! We were worried sick about you! Daisy!” she shouted and waved to their friend “I found her, she’s fine. She’s... Lily?” Rose looked into dead eyes of her friend. She waved a hoof before her face “Daisy, I think Lily’s broken!”

“Umm, mister Prince?” asked shyly Ditzy Doo, as she approached Prince on his way to drink table, managing to slip in the second Pinkie Pie was gone for a moment to entertain other guests. He quietly growled as he scanned the mailmare, but quickly grunted with disgust as he noticed her derped eyes “About what happened before... umm, I’m flattered and all, but I-I don’t think I’m ready for any sort of relationships, so, if you don’t mind, we could just be friends?”

Prince deadpanned and looked at Ditzy with a very, very bemused face “What made you think I need any friends?” he passed by her, completely ignoring the mare. She stood there for a moment longer, thinking.

“I warned you,” said Doctor, as he walked toward her and put a hoof on her shoulder “this is his true self. Quite sad, don’t you think?”

“Yes,” Ditzy nodded “he’s really hurt. More than I thought.”

“Ya think it’s a good idea?” asked Applejack, as she walked with his brother through Ponyville, coming to a Pinkie Pie party they were both invited to.

“Eyup.” Answered Big Macintosh “If he won’t remember anythin’, it’s all fine’n’dandy an’ we can pretend nothin’ ever happened. But if he does, then sooner we apologize, the better.”

“Ah guess ya have a point... but still, t’aint fair we have’ta apologize for HIS allergy! HE shoulda watch out for this kinda stuff ‘imself, not us!”

“Ah know, AJ,” Big Mac nodded “but shiftin’ blame ain’t ever solve anythin’. Besides, we insisted on feedin’ him, so we take at least part of blame.”

“Well, Ah insisted...” admitted Applejack, lowering her head. Big Macintosh gently pattted her head.

“Ah know, you did'n mean any harm. Now come on, let’s get this over with.”

"We go there, confirm that we won, then go back, got it?" asked Blossomforth "No Pinkie parties!"

"I know." answered Thunderlane, rolling his eyes.

"Don't rub it into his face. No taunting and no victory dance, okay?"

"Why in all hell would I ever do that?"

"Why in all hell would you ever bet all your co-workers, including filly-friend and a boss, into slavery?"

"...point taken." he blushed and looked away.

"And if Rainbow Dash is there, DO NOT kill her, okay?"

"I was just kidding! Besides, not like any stallion could even touch her, anyway."

"Well, that's true. I doubt she'll even be there. Last I heard, when Pinkie asked her to come, she said that she'd rather choke and die than see 'that creep' again."

"I can only imagine what their interaction was like." answered Thunderlane, and they both snorted, imagining Prince Blueblood talking to Rainbow Dash.

"Oh come ON, Spitz!" yelled Soarin "How can I amaze those ponies, if I can't even interact with them?" he took out a small envelope “I was even invited to a party tonight!”

"No means no!" answered Spitfire "I can't let you wander of in a town full of single mares."

"But... it's a town full of single mares! And they're all..." he paused for a moment, looking for a word "...friendly!"

Spitfire sighed "I miss the days when castration was an option."

"And I miss the days of freedom. Ever since I got into team, all I ever do is practice, practice, practice!"

"And yet you show almost no progress.” she added, deadpan.

“Pleaaaaaaaaase?” he knelt and joined his hooves in a plea.

“No. No matter how many times you ask.”

“Okay...” Soarin pouted and frowned “...I get it, I get it.”

Moments passed. Spitfire was busy with paperwork she worked on on a table of her hotel room, while Soarin just sat there with the saddest possible face and looked out the window.

“Soarin, could you stop that?”

“Stop what? I'm just sitting here, being sad. Is that against rules?”

“Well, no, but... you know what, forget it.”

She stamped a few more papers. Soarin didn't move from his place and kept observing the empty streets of ponyville. He sighed deeply, making Spitfire miss the document with her stamp.

“Don't you have anything better to do?”

“No, not really. There's this party, and festival going on, but my grumpy, stuck up boss won't let me out. So I'll whimper and be miserable, so she'll feel bad.”

Spitfire snorted “Yeah sure, good luck with that.” and she got back to her work. She was a trained professional, she cared not for making her best friend since childhood down. He could scowl and whimper all he could, make the biggest and saddest eyes possible, look miserable all he wanted. Not even looking at her like that would work. There was just no way...

She slammed her hooves on the desk “OKAY, FINE! You can go!”

Soarin instantly cheered up and flew up “YESSS! Ponyville- HERE COMES SOARIN!” and he rushed towards the door, faster then he ever showed during the practice. Spitfire walked to the doors and shouted after him “If you're not back in two hours, I'll have your a**!” after a short pause she added, because he was Soarin “AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY!”

Pinkie Pie always made sure everypony was having a good time at her party. She took a lot of effort to make sure nopony is alone and in rare instances it did happen, she greeted them, made a short conversation and introduced to somepony else who they might share a topic or two. She was very proud of herself, helping create bonds between complete strangers that would later become best of friends. She was the one who introduced Doctor to Ditzy Do and so far they seemed like best friends, maybe even more, who knew? She also managed to introduce new filly pegasus, Scotaloo, to Sweetie Belle, just after the latter got into a heated argument with her former best friend. And now they were inseparable.
She was still only one pony and was already spreading her attention everywhere and she struggled. She had a hard time figuring out who might be a match for Prince Blueblood, the only frowny pony on the party and he did his best to ignore every single mare interested in him. A tough case, but for Pinkie Pie it wasn't a problem. It was a challenge. She bounced in his direction, as he looked around the tables with drinks, analyzing each punch bowl and bottle. She had to start a conversation somehow, something that would then lead to the most beautiful friendship ever. Something good, something original, something groundbreaking.

“We have a very nice weather today, don't you think?”

Perfect, thought Pinkie Pie.

“Everypony is always like 'grrr, clouds are in sky, why doesn't anypony clean them?', and then Rainbow Dash goes WHIIIISH, BOOOOOM, ZAAAAAAP! And it's all good! Too bad she couldn't come today. She said she would choke and I don't want her to die. Because then she'd be dead and that would be really bad. And Cloudkicker and Raindrops are sick, so they can't come either, but Thunderlane and Blossomforth are coming. They said they wanted to see you, isn't it cool? They can be best of friends!”

“You don't say...” answered Blueblood, not even bothering to look at the pink pony, still looking through the bottles.

“Yup! And I haven't seen Applejack and Big Mac in here. They said they'll be late, because they're busy and all. They asked me to not make anything with honey. Not sure why, but they were pretty serious, so I said 'okay' and there is no honey anywhere.”


“Oh and guess what? You know Wonderbolts? Pfft, of course you do, everypony knows who Wonderbolts are. They're only the best fliers in all Equestria! I found one of them and gave him an invitation! Isn't that cool? I never had a celebrity at my party!”

“Pinkie, can you tell me what THIS is?” asked Prince, as he held a bottle in his hoof.

“Oh, that's Sweet Apple Acres Apple Cider, the best there is.”

“And this?” asked, pointing at a punch bowl.

“Cherry-Lime Punch, low sugar for those that wish to keep their slim figures.”

“Okay then, can you tell me one thing then?” he looked at her nodding “Where, pray tell, did you put all the alcoholic beverages?”

“Silly Prince,” she snorted and hoofwaved “there aren't any.”


“A real Pinkie Party doesn't need alcohol! We can party, play, dance and have all sorts of fun without it! Besides, Summer Sun Celebration is in few hours, we can't go all drunk before that! That would be silly.”

“Yeah, silly.” replied Prince, as he smiled slightly and started giggling.

Pinkie Pie sighed with relief, as she finally managed to get a positive reaction out of him. She joined him in the laughter for a while. However, as time went on, her smile slowly diminished, as Prince was still giggling madly.

“Okay, that was funny, but it's enough.” said Pinkie Pie.

Prince still laughed, slightly louder than before, making pink pony feel rather uncomfortable. She shifted her eyes left and right and kept a forced smile.

“Okay, now it's getting a tiny bit creeee-pyy. Please stop.”

He finally stopped and looked deep into Pinkie's eyes with a very angry expression.

“So are you trying to tell me...” he made a step toward her, while she stepped back to avoid collision “...that you spent an entire day preparing a party, all that food, drinks, games, decorations and music, and one thing you decided to NOT get, was... alcohol. Yes?”

“Umm... yes?”

“I had a rough day. I was drugged, slammed, dragged along, confused, stuffed, embarrassed, insulted and humiliated more then I ever had in my entire life!” he slowly walked towards her, as she lowered her head and slowly backed away, trying to escape “And when I'm finally done and wish to rest, what do I see? A PARTY! A frickin party! I HATE PARTIES! Full of farmers, commoners and simpletons, loud, obnoxious music and childish, boring games, getting followed by the most annoying, pink mass of flesh, with cotton candy for a brain! AND I CAN'T EVEN GET DRUNK?” as he shouted the last part, the entire party seemed to stop, the music suddenly muted and everyponies eyes were concentrated on the Prince and Pinkie.

“I-I j-just...” stuttered Pinkie, but the look in Bluebloods eyes made her, of all ponies, too scared to say a word.

“You just WHAT? Wanted to help me get more FRIENDS? I guess all the ponies in this stupid, backwater town are too dumb to get my oh so subtle hints, so I'll say it loud and clear.
I don't have friends, I don't need friends and most importantly, I DON'T WANT FRIENDS! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!”

Aside from his voice echoing through the room, there was an absolute silence. Everypony was too busy digesting these words to gossip. All the mares trying to get a hold of Prince wee instantly pushed back and looking at him with disgust. And Pinkie Pie...

“I-I-I d-didn't...” her speech was lost in the midst of constant sobbing. He puffy hair suddenly dropped and her eyes started tearing up. Finally she gave up, turned back and dashed out of the building with tears in her eyes.

Blueblood on the other hoof, was still furious as he watched her run away. He looked around the place, noticing everypony was completely scared and slowly leaving. Not fast enough.

“Didn't get the memo? GET OUT! EVERYPONY GET OUT, NOW!” his horn glowed brightly and sent a small magical shockwave, which made all the glass bowls, bottles and several windows shatter from the vibrations, making a lot of noise and scaring the living life out of anypony inside, making them run for their lives in disorderly fashion. Only few seconds later, the library was almost empty, now full of trash, chaotically thrown away cups and plates, spilled drinks, scattered cards from various games, used up streamers and popped balloons. As far as he could see, all Prince was left with was an after party mess, and one more pony.

“You went too far!” Shining Armor said angrily, as he moved closer towards Prince “Why did you have to do that? All she wanted to do was welcome you, and THAT'S how you repay for her kindness?”

Blueblood didn't flinch. In fact, he looked Shining deep into his eyes.

“Kindness? THIS is kindness to you?” he pointed at all the party leftovers “No, this isn't kindness.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Kindness is saying good morning. It's letting an old mare go first in line. It's picking up someponys wallet and giving it back. THIS, on the other hoof, is flattery. Butt-kissing. No sane pony would go this far for a stranger they just met, who is in this town for only one day. Unless, oh I don't know, they were expecting a good review from a Royal Inspector or something.”

“T-this is insane...” Shining Armor shook his head at Blueblood “...they just tried to be friends!”

“Friends? No, they wanted to be close enough to get benefits.”

“What benefits?”

“Like, oh I don't know, getting money from a rich noble? Or be close enough to stab my back?”


“Speaking of which, my little bodyguard, good job on failing miserably!” he walked closer and poked his chest with a hoof. Shining Armor had a really bad feeling, but couldn't say anything “Where were you when I was chocking on the damn cupcake?”

“Ah crap...” Shining's ears drooped as one topic he dreaded most has come up.

“Yes, I remember that! But it gets better! So I'm in hospital, suffering due to my allergy, which by the way, HURTS LIKE HELL, and what does my brave guard do? Leave me in hospital where I am safe? NO! You drug me with some primitive zebra potion, because you know, that's a smart idea, and drag me along the entire town as I make a complete fool of myself! Yes, I remember all of it, every line of the song, every dance move, every dirty mare I touched... ugh, I even tried to woo that freak-eye!”

“Ditzy's not a freak!” shouted Shining in response, but was swiftly ignored.

“And don't even get me started on that clumsy excuse for a Wonderbolt, which by the way, also hurt a lot!” he took few steps forward, pushing Shining Armor further back, until his backside reached the door “Ever since I met you, I've been a subject to all matter of abuse from everything around! Do you enjoy seeing me suffer? WELL?”


“GET OUT!” he shouted right into his face “GET OUT AND NEVER SHOW YOUR FACE TO ME AGAIN, YOU INCOMPETENT MORON!” he then telekinetically opened the door and magically pushed Shining Armor out and violently closed the door.

Once outside, Shining looked at the magically closed doors and sighed. For some inexplicable reason, he felt like the worst kind of pony. And he thought nothing could top his last week and daily scolding from Captain, up to including the last, infamous one that suspended him.

He heard a deep voice behind him “Hey, you okay there?” it belonged to Big Macintosh, who stood outside the house. He wasn't alone though. Along with him was his sister Applejack, and behind them he saw Thunderlane, Blossomforth, Doctor and Ditzy, all six of them waiting in front of the Library. He turned to them and sighed deeply, before saying.

“I'm so sorry about this. I didn't expect it to turn out like that.” he scratched the back of his head and turned his head away, not sure what else he should say in a moment like that.

“It's not your fault, mate,” said Doctor, as he walked to him and put a hoof on his shoulder “I'd say your friend, or not really, put himself there, all right. I expected him to be quite angry and rude when out of potions influence, but this is...” he stopped to think of a word.

“A little over our heads.” finished Ditzy. Everypony nodded.

“We saw Pinkie on our way here,” mentioned Thunderlane “I don't think anypony has ever seen her sad, much less crying.”

“Well, it's Pinkie we're talkin' about,” said Applejack “she'll be down for a while, but she'll get better. And Prince won't be comin' back to Ponyville after this... right?”

“I don't think anypony will ever want him back,” replied Blossom, then looked at the downed Shining Armor “but hey, you're always welcome again, Shining Armor.”

Everypony nodded, which made Shining feel a bit better, as he smiled weakly. There was an awkward silence, nopony exactly sure what they were supposed to do now. On one hoof, they had no intention of sticking near Blueblood any second more, but couldn't leave Shining Armor alone like that, while Shining Armor wasn't sure if he should stick around and at least pretend to do his job, or leave it and risk wrath of his superiors. Anything was better than facing Prince Blueblood again.

Suddenly, they heard a yell from the skies “Fillies and mares, fear no more, 'CAUSE SOARIN! HAS! ARRIVED!” as he said that, he landed perfectly right before the library and small gathering of ponies. “Lets get this PARTY! STARTED!” he raised his hoof in a cheer.

Nothing happened. They stared at him awkwardly. Soarin lowered his hoof and scratched his head “I'm too late, am I?”

Suddenly, all ponies gathered gasped with surprise, looking in Soarin's direction, then knelt in unison. He hoofwaved at them and blushed “Oh come on, it's not a big deal, I'm just a rookie Wonderbolt, no need to...” he paused and asked “...somepony's behind me?” he looked away to confirm and gasped loudly, kneeling as well.

“My little ponies, let me take care of this.”

The doors to library opened suddenly, much to Prince's annoyance.

“I thought I said I never want to see your fa-... oh, it's you.” said passively.

It's rare that she heard these words spoken so casually, but wasn't a little bit surprised by his tone. She slowly trotted forward and looked Prince into eyes.

“We need to talk, nephew...”

Author's Note:

You have no idea how hard writing Blueblood in this chapter was. And now I have to make him likeable again in later chapters -_- Hopefully I won't lose any readers till then.

And I did it again, this time with Lily. It's an idea I had for a different fic, but it won't ever be written (mostly because it's a fairly obscure crossover, with one OC, and it would be waaaay too long) so I might as well transplant her here. Also, Shining Armor Harem +1