• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 11,882 Views, 614 Comments

Stallions of Harmony - Longest Night - Jetto

Six stallions must use all their willpower in order to harness powers of Elements of Harmony and stop Nightmare Moon from casting an everlasting night.

  • ...

21. One last time, Welcome to Ponyville!

Soarin loved Ponyville. He spent his early days in Cloudsdale, later moved to Manehattan and lived there for almost all his life till adulthood, before becoming a Wonderbolt and sticking mostly to Canterlot. Ponyville was the first time he experienced what slow life meant, and he loved it! The roads were empty, but what was there in form of ponies, were all nice and kind folks, unlike the snobby, self-centered citizens of big cities.
Not to mention, it was full of eye candy, regular candy and even eye-candy serving regular candy. Bonbon's bonbon's were super good. Too bad BonBon was not interested. Other then that, Ponyville was a sweet place to be, even better once Prince finally wakes up and all six of them would finally go and rock this town... in a good way.

All it was left, was keep his end of the bargain and gather the courage to convince Spitfire to come. Shouldn't be too hard. She plays tough, but breaks easily once he whines enough. With that plan in mind, he walked to her hotel room and raised his hoof to knock. He stopped, as he heard some loud noises coming from inside.
Intrigued, he quietly put an ear to the door and listened.

"... sorry Spits, but we all agree on this one!" the voice belonged to Cloud Star, the vice-captain. After previous leader retired, he was considered to be his replacement, but Spitfire was chosen instead. A choice he supported wholeheartedly.

"You guys can't be serious!" Spitfire objected "Sure, he's not the greatest flier there is..."

"Then why is he here?" this voice belonged to Misty Breeze, ranked nr 1 in terms of sex appeal among all the fliers around the Equestria despite being a complete tomboy "Did 'not the best' become the new tag-line of Wonderbolts when I wasn't watching?"

"Misty has a point," the voice belonged to Echo. She was awesome due to one simple fact- she was blind, yet perfectly capable of navigating with echolocation. And she was still leagues more skilled then Soarin "hundreds of trainees are dying for a place in the team, all of them way more talented. How is that fair to them?"

"Guys, can't you just give him one more chance?" Spitfire tried to sound calm, but didn't do a good job of it "I mean, he's making progress..."

"Not fast enough!" interrupted Fleetfoot. Despite being a model Wonderbolt, she had the misfortune to look almost exactly like Echo, but have a perfect vision. She struggled to make a name for herself, other then 'not a blind one'.
"We gave him a chance. And another. And then another. Just face it spits, he's just not good enough."

"And how do you know that?" Spitfire raised her voice. He could hear a chair falling near her "This was supposed to be his first major show! It's not his fault it was interrupted by ancient evil goddess!"

"Look, we're not blaming him for being scared. That's a perfectly natural reaction," said Cloud Star "but I'm not going to put my trust in a pony that runs away FOR DAYS, when the team needs him the most!"

That was it. Soarin really wanted to enter the room and confess everything, tell them that he's the element of laughter and risked his life to save them all. Unfortunately, nopony was to know the truth, so he had to make a lie about running away from Ponyville and hiding for several days. Maybe if he asked Princess Celestia, she would make an exception. The list of ponies that were 'in', other then Princesses and Captain of Guard, was limited, but existed.
Ditzy and Dinky knew, because Doctor doesn't keep secrets from them.
Applejack was informed as well and she swore to keep it to herself.
Rumble knew, but only because Thunderlane told him before they were informed of the secrecy.
Spitfire was his best friend, he knew her since pretty much forever, it wouldn't hurt to at least tell her.

But then what? She would keep a 'hero' among their ranks. A hero who ran away, keeps on screwing up and can't catch up. His mere existence caused fighting among the group. The longer he stayed, the more he would drag them down and worst of all, Spitfire would lose her credibility as a leader for allowing her incompetent friend to stay, despite general disapproval.

"Look, it's not that we hate him," Cloud Stars claim helped, but only a bit "he's a great guy, a good friend and best wing pony I could think of. But he's not a Wonderbolt."

"Be honest with us Spitfire," said Misty "none of us would be able to get away with half the stuff he does."

He heard a loud sigh. Probably Spitfire.

"I know it's hard for you," he heard Cloud Star "but the sooner he leaves, the better for all of us. Especially for him."

That was all he needed to hear.

Throughout his entire life, Soarin was many things. Recently, he was a Wonderbolt. Clumsy, unskilled, but a Wonderbolt indeed. Now, he was alone, pondering. Not something he did often, but it was about time, now that the biggest chapter in his life was ending.

One of the many great things about Ponyville, ponies aside, was the scenery. Soarin flew a long way just to find the most green hill he could, with the best panorama imaginable only to lay on it and observe in peace. Looking at the setting sun was a completely new experience, knowing how hard he worked and how much he risked to bring it up again. It was worth it, but the cost was dear.

"Hey." he heard the sweetest, friendliest voice call him. In any time of his life, it would instantly pull him up from the grass, but now he didn't want to face her.

"I said hey!" too bad she put her face right in front of him. And sweet Celestia, she had her hair down, held by two black hair clips on the sides. And she wore glasses. He looked away. Stupid sexy librarian Spitfire, why is her face so pretty?

"Hey." he answered, less enthusiastic then ever. She did noticed he wasn't in a mood, but pressed on anyway.

"So, where's the lucky lady of the day? Let me guess, she'll be back with friends and I should scram before I get mixed up in one of your o--" she couldn't finish, as Soarin interrupted her.

"Just tell me I'm fired already!"

Spitfire's ears drooped, as she looked at her friend, lying on the ground. He was depressed, a rare view.
"You eavesdropped us?"


"Pfft, don't listen to these morons. Cloud is still jealous that I'm in charge, and Misty..."

"...is right. They all are."

Spitfire tried to interject and deny it, but couldn't. They both knew what the truth was. And it hurt.
She walked next to him and fell on her back, enjoying the same view he did.
"Damn, you picked the most awesome view! That is one kickass panorama!"


They didn't say anything for the longest time. Minutes passed, the sun was slowly going down, soon to be replaced by the moon.

"This is not fair," Spitfire broke the silence first "we dreamed about this our entire lives! Who died and made THEM a leader, huh? If I want a clumsy manwhore in MY Wonderbolts, who the buck are they to deny me that, huh?" Soarin didn't say anything "Do they have any idea how hard we worked to get here? Motherbuckers just step on pony dreams like it was some trash in their way!"


"Me, biased?! HA! So I chose you over hundreds other ponies because you're my friend? BIG BUCKING DEAL! I know you better then anypony and I know you'll be the biggest and baddest bucking flier there is!"


"And I trained you like a bucking slave to get you where you are. But no, you need to be this awesome to enter the team... says bucking who? If they're oh so perfect, why do they even train anymore?"

"SPITFIRE!" he finally yelled "That's enough!"


"I'm just not good enough, end of the story. No use lying to ourselves."

Once again they fell into silence, again content with just observing the sun fading away.
"Okay, it's decided then," Spitfire stood up and sat in front of Soarin, blocking last rays of sun with her well shaped, sexy body "you're fired!"

Relief. Soarin was able to sigh, now that the worst part of the day was over, going away with the sun. To be completely honest, it didn't feel that bad. No more trainings, team will get a new, better, replacement, a pony who dreamed and worked harder then he ever did. He'll be free again to date and hang out with anypony he wished. Best of all, he and Spitfire are still friends, nothing will change that. Maybe being a Wonderbolt wasn't for him...

"See you next tryouts then."

...he had honestly no idea what he was supposed to do now. Find a different job, some new apartment now that he's out of Wonderbolts dorms and...

"Wait, what?"

"You were right," she said "my training regime was a bit too much for you, you burned out quickly. You are you and I gotta respect that, which is why," she closed her face dangerously to his own. Urge to kiss and ravage her was strong... if he wasn't scared so much "take some break, bang some nameless hoes left and right 'Soarin Style' and later at the tryouts, you'll show'em who'se da boss!"


"Who's da boss, Soarin?"

"Umm..." he shifted his eyes, then pointed hoof at her "...you?"

"BUCK YES I AM!" she sent an echo throughout the valley "And you know who else will be?"

"Umm... Cloud Sta--?"



She lifted him up on all four and glared him deep into the soul.
"Yes, you! I made a mistake of picking you up when you weren't ready, but this time you will be." she wrapped her wings around his shoulder and extended her hoof forward, pointing at setting sun "Because by the time you're back, you'll be the biggest and baddest of asses they ever seen!" She smelled of burnt logs and almonds. A damn weird combo, not very feminine, but sweet Celestia, he loved it.
"So what do you say, next-boss? Are you with me?"

Soarin shifted his eyes left and right. If she saw his giant blush, she ignored it "Umm... yes?"

"Can't hear ya. Say it louder."





He gasped as much air as he could, before exhaling it all.

Some birds flew away from a tree. Soarin breathed heavily, too absorbed with hype and emotions to notice, that Spitfire's wing was no longer on him. When he finally came to his mind, he looked down at the messed up Captain of Wonderbolts, with disheveled hair and shattered glasses, twitching on the ground.

"Umm... too loud?"

Next day, six new friends met at a small cafe to officially commemorate three new residents of Ponyville over a glass of soft cider. It was only afternoon, harder stuff had to wait till later.
"So, Soarin," Thunderlane started "did you find a place to stay? I have a spare guest room in my house, if you want to."

"Nah, I already got this covered," he hoofwaved and displayed the big grin "remember Cloudchaser and Flitter?" he asked the others. Prince was filled on this detail the other day, how Soarin managed to score two lesbians in a threesome. Anypony else he would doubt, but this was Soarin, so it was legit.
"I met them yesterday evening. Turns out, Flitter has this big, expensive house from her parents and Cloudchaser was unemployed for the longest time, so they were looking for a roommate to share the rent. And here I am." he preened proudly "Under one roof with two beauties, helping their financial status and all legal. Life is awesome."

He received some nods of approval. They couldn't help but awe at their friend, realizing dreams of all the stallionhood in reality. There was only one pony not quite okay with this.

"Oh come on!" Thunderlane shot his arms up, almost spilling his cider "I offer you a place out of my sheer kindness and you... you... How do you even do this? This isn't fair!"

Soarin raised an eyebrow and smiled smugly.

"YES I AM JELLY!" he stood up with the statement, ignoring the fact that he was now in center of attention "I mean, jealous over the fact that for some inexplicable reason, YOU of all ponies get all the ladies!"

"Would you rather be in his horseshoes?"

"YES!" he answered quicklz "What's fair about one guy who gets it all without trying? Why can't I get some action too?"
instantly, all his friends hissed and pulled back "I'm an adult, handsome stallion in a town full of mares! What does he have that I don't?"

Much to his surprise, his friends didn't bother answering. He expected some nasty comments and jokes. Good looks, charm, money, fame, better haircut- the possibilities for a joke were too good to pass on, yet...
Doctor shook his head. Big Macintosh facehooved. Shining Armor kept crossing his hooves into an x. Blueblood kept gesturing the 'cut throat' with his hoof. Soarin put a hoof to his mouth and stifled laughter. What did they mean?

"OH, so you want MORE action, huh?" he recognized the voice behind him. And he wanted to buck himself "Well, you're on a very good way to get some... FROM SOMEPONY ELSE!"

Thunderlane was covered in sweat, as he turned to Blossomforth, with the 'I might be smiling, that but just hides my rage' look on her face.

"Oh, hehe, hi sweetheart," he gulped and walked to her slowly. She did not budge, but he could feel the heat coming from her. And not the good one "you look especially lovely today."

"You want some action? Here, let me give you some," she answered through her teeth, then walked right past her coltfriend to the table where his friends sat terrified. Without asking she grabbed Soarin's cider mug, which was almost full, then splashed it straight into Thunderlane's face.
"There, you liked it?" she asked viciously, while gently putting the mug back "Because that's the last time you get something from me!" she once again turned to other stallions, who instinctively covered their faces "Good day, gentlecolts!"

With that said, she flew away, leaving all five stallions relatively unharmed, and her coltfriend dripping with cider. Thunderlane sighed deeply and slowly got back to his seat. Then he shot his face into the table and left it there.

"I know we should be consoling you," said Doctor, scratching his head "but you had that coming."

"Shut up." replied Thunderlane, not even bothering to lift his head up, content on just looking at the table the moment.

"Shouldn’t we do something about it?" asked distraught Shining Armor.

"Nope," Bic Mac shook his head "happens all the time. They'll be back together tomorrow mornin'."

Soarin resisted his urge to make a snappy comment. Thunderlane suffered enough, as guilty as he was. Nothing good will come out of telling them that he was glad that for once, it wasn't him. Then he'd have to explain that he meant 'something behind me', not the splash in face. That only happened once. She was ginger.

"Umm,excuse me!"

The awkwardness was interrupted by the newcomer, a pink mare with long, straight blonde hair, decorated with a single lily. Shining Armor had this strange feeling that he knew her... but couldn't honestly tell why. He remembered she had a lily cutie mark, but forgot her name, if he ever knew. Right now, she stood before the table, with some kind of big package wrapped around in a paper on her back, trembling once Shining looked at her. She blushed and shifted her eyes left and right, opening and closing her mouth rapidly, but aside from few squeeks and whines, no sound came out.
She was soon joined by two more mares, one with rose, other with daisy cutie mark. They pushed her toward Shining Armor, where she panicked and started stuttering. Rose maned mare jabbed her at the flank and gestured to finally get over with it. Whatever 'it' was.

She finally stepped closer to Shining, took a deep gasp and said.
"Umm, I, umm... Iwanttotahnkyouforthehelpatthepartyandsavingmeandthengivingme
<long gasp>
anditsgettinghotinhere... so... KAYTHANKSBYE!"

With that said, she put the package at the table, bowed and rushed away from the table.

"Miss, watch out for..."


"... cart!"

Shining Armor was about to stand up and rush to her to help, but was outpaced by her two flower friends, who rushed towards her and helped her with wiping the dirt and tears. He could swear the rose one glared at him with disgust, but couldn't tell why.

"Did that just happened?" asked Prince, tilting his head as he observed the flower trio.

"I blinked, what did I miss?" asked Doctor, looking around the table. Breaking one of his oldest rules always made his life worse.

"I have no idea." answered Shining Armor. He looked at the package and took a peek inside. Sure enough, it was full of flowers, which smelled like a delicious snack. Or decoration. Or a gift to somepony, which they technically were. If only he knew why.

"I told you, man," Soarin smiled at Shiny "she llllikes you!" he giggled and used that moment of confusion to order another mug of cider.


Unlike previous encounter, there was no way his testicles could forget the next pony. And not in a good way.

"Rainbow Dash?" he asked, looking at the rainbow maned pegasus, standing there, nervously shifting her legs. She was wearing a small satchel around her head, looking around nervously.

"Yeah, so, umm..." she started nervously scratching her head “what's with Thunderlane?”

“Blossom.” Mac answered shortly. Rainbow nodded and shrugged.

"Anyway, I just wanted to, you know... give you this!" before Shining could ask, she pulled out a small box, cheap looking box of chocolates and nonchalantly threw it on the table. Stallions, sans Thunderlane, looked at the box, then back at the now furiously blushing Rainbow Dash.

"D-don't get the wrong idea!" she said nervously, flailing her hooves "I-I don't like you or anything, it's just to show gratitude for, you know... earlier..."

Shining's eyes widened as he connected the dots "Oh! That. Y-you didn't need to..."

"I always pay back my debts! Yeah, that's what it is, a debt!" her blush wasn't convincing anypony, except Shiny of course "Thunderlane, back me up! Do I pay back my debts?"

"Yeah, sure boss." he waved his hooves, not even bothering to raise his head from the table.

"See? Now we're even, kay?"

"Umm... sure." answered Shining Armor, more intimidated then convinced.

"What happened between you two?" asked curiously Prince Blueblood, not exactly sure when they even met. Probably when he was in coma, there was no other way.

"NOTHING!" they shouted in unison, noticed it, blushed and averted their eyes from each other. Soarin tried very hard to stifle his giggles.

"Did you see that? Oh, that guy has some nerves!" asked angry pegasus filly, as she pressed her eyes dangerously close to binoculars.

"See what?" asked a white unicorn filly at her side.

"He threatened her! That villain is making Rainbow Dash his slave!" she growled viciously at her target.

"Who? Shinin' Armor?" asked Applebloom, as she and the unicorn filly looked at her pegasi friend "He ain't a bad pony. Big Macintosh says he's a good friend o'his."

"Shining Armor..." the pegasus repeated "...you'll pay for what you did to her at the day of Summer Sun Celebration! Nopony assaults THE DASH on my watch!" even though he did exactly that, but she didn't say it.

"Scootaloo, are you sure?" asked unicorn filly "They look more like they actually li--"


Her two friends stepped away from the bushes and had a private conversation.
"Applebloom, what do we do? She started talking like Rarity. She scares me!"

"Ah know Sweetie Belle. We gotta keep'er away from 'im. Ah dun'want any of us to have a 'murder' cutie mark!"

Sweetie Belle stopped to think.
"What would it even look like?"

"Ah dunno. And Ah dun'wanna know!" they both nodded.

"Umm, excuse me?" another voice came out from... behind Rainbow Dash?

“Wait, there's more?” asked Prince to nopony in particular.

Even Dash was surprised to see that nopony else, but Fluttershy managed to hide herself behind her much smaller friend. She had a gift of creating an invisible aura around her when she wanted to. And now she walked out of Dash's metaphorical-shadow into the view, looking at Shining Armor.

"How many more are there?" asked confused Prince, getting no answer from either Mac or Doctor. Thunderlane didn't care. Soarin had to turn back not to look at Fluttershy and make the same mistake Shining did, instantly locking his gaze into her eyes. His urge to hug and pet her was very strong, but he fought it back.

"Mister Shining Armor, I wanted to apologize for running away before, I was so scared of that noise, I didn't even think of saying goodbye!"

Shining Armor inhaled and exhaled at the dangerous speed. Groping and molesting, even non-sexual in nature, were crimes he would never forgive himself for. Even if molesting is technicallya sexual assault in definition, but he couldn't think straight. Sweet Celestia, why was Fluttershy so cute?

"So, I, umm," she pulled out a basket (where did she even get it from?) and put it before Shining Armor "I made some brownies for you and your friends. I hope you'll like them... if they're okay, that is..." she stepped back and averted her head, making her hair cover half her face "...I'm not a very good cook, but I did my best, so, umm, please try and enjoy them, if that's okay with you."

Shining Armor froze. His eyes stopped on Fluttershy's embarrassed face, awaiting his answer. He took a breath and stood up.
"Excuse me, I need to... freshen myself up. I'll be right back."

He turned right and ran straight forward.
"The toilet's that... way!" said Prince Blueblood, pointing left, at the opposite direction.

Even Thunderlane raised his head to observe with others as Shining Armor ran straight towards the small bridge, jumped right from it into the river, making a loud splash. Few seconds later he emerged from the water and slowly walked towards his seat. He sat once again, dripping all over the way, but smiling regardless.

"Umm..." Fluttershy tilted her head "...are you feeling alright?"

"Perfect," he replied with a bright, wide smile "I feel much better."

"Rrright," Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes "Fluttershy, I think we should go now." the yellow pegasus nodded and they stepped back.

"Umm, I guess we'll see each other later," shy pegasus said quietly" if you don't mind, so... bye!"

And gone they were. Shining Armor turned around to his table. Prince telekinetically grabbed all the presents- flowers, chocolates and basket of brownies, and pulled it away, before Shining Armor FACED the table, Thunderlane style.

"This town..." Shiny started weakly.

"...is awesome!" Soarin ended, laughing out loud.

Everypony nodded and sipped on their cider. The thought of helping themselves to a brownie crossed their minds, but they opted on letting Shiny take a well deserved rest instead. At least nopony disturbed them anymore.

"Dashie, I must say, I'm really proud of you." admitted Fluttershy on their way back. Dash raised her head with pride, welcoming a much needed ego-grooming after all that happened.

"Of course you are. After all, I'm your bestest and awesomest pony ever!"

They walked for a few steps more.

"By the way, which part of me are you impressed with today? And don't say 'everything', I already know that."

"W-well, I'm impressed by how humble you acted today," Fluttershy answered. Dash raised an eyebrow. That wasn't something she often heard about herself.

"I mean, you spent all that time at the table, calm and collected when you thanked Shining Armor for... well, I'm not sure what but that's okay with me... while a Wonderbolt was sitting right next to him!
Everypony always keeps saying how that's the only thing you talk about and you would do anything to talk to them, but here you were, acting like a real mature mare. This just proves that... Dashie?" she looked at her left to notice that Rainbow Dash was not walking with her anymore. She turned around to notice her stopping and sitting on the ground, looking at the ground, many steps back. Fluttershy carefully walked to her friend.

"Shy..." Dash said quietly, looking at her trembling front hooves "...what is happening to me?"

Fluttershy couldn't answer this question. All she could do was pat her poor friend and hope for the best.

After saying goodbye to their friends and drying up a bit, Blue and Shiny finally left to their new home. Apparently, the library, where so much happened, was currently deserted after previous librarian retired and moved away to Trottingham to live with her foals and grandfoals. It had two bedrooms, kitchen, two bathrooms and even a basement, among other attractions. The downside was having to actually run it, but Ponyville was a small town anyway so it shouldn't be too busy. And it was full of reference materials for Prince's studies, it was just perfect for his new life.

Except... an orange filly blocking their way just appeared before them. They stopped, all of Shiny's gifts levitating behind them. She stared Shining Armor straight into soul, at least so it seemed, as he awkwardly looked around.

“Umm, can we help yo--” Shining started, but was interrupted.

“You'll pay for your crimes, scumbag!” she suddenly said. Her proud, intimidating speech she spent all two minutes of thinking up was taking effect. As in, Shiny and Blue raised their eyebrows and looked at each other, shrugging.

“I think you confused me with somepony else...”

“Don't think I don't know what you did, SHINING ARMOR!” she pressed on, scaring exactly nopony. It was actually quite an adorable look, but they didn't want to say that to her “And I will make sure justice is served!”

Shining Armor raised his hoof to say something, but was lost. She clearly knew who he was and had something against him, but he couldn't figure out what.
His train of thought was interrupted, when two fillies tackled the pegasus , pinning her into the ground, where she struggled and moved around, growling like a little beast.

“Oh, hehehe, please forgive Scoots,” said the white filly unicorn “she got, umm, excited! Yes, excited!”

“We were just playin', you know...” added Applebloom “...oh hey, look at the time, we need ta go to...” she thought. Thankfully her unicorn partner backed her up.

“Dinner! We need to go get dinner! Can't be late, or Rarity will, umm... you know...”

“BYE!” yelled both, as they dragged the orange filly with them. She managed to wiggle her mouth out of their hooves and say her last words.

“Sleep with your eyes open, villain! Because you never know when JUSTICE finds you! AND I AM JUSTIIIIIICE...” she announced while being dragged by the other two.

When the fillies were gone, the stallions still stood on the road and pondered for a moment. Shining felt a hoof at his back. He turned to see Ditzy Doo, in her full mailmare uniform and saddlebag full of letter. She was smiling at him, eyes as derped as ever, when she said:

“Welcome to Ponyville!”

The beginning...

Author's Note:

And we are DONE! Two more bonus chapters along, but this is the official ending of the origin story. I had a blast writing it, along with all the previous chapters and I hope you had fun too. So many questions:
-Will Shining Armor ever choose a single mare? (HA!)
-Will Soarin get his Wonderbolt gig back?
-Will they ever go on a hunt?
-Will Blueblood graduate?
-Will Thunderlane get some story? (spoiler: yes)
-Will Big Macintosh get some story? (spoiler: yes)
-Will I ever give you a solid proof that Doctor is Doctor Who and not just a guy who speaks gibberish and seems like Doctor Who despite giving you plenty hints that he could be or not because it's all red herring and ARFGGHH!
-Will Luna grow up and stop being cute? (Yes and No)

I'll gather some more thought's on it and make a larger blog post about this story as a whole, along with the plans for future.