The Sci-Fi Ponies 2,082 members · 1,819 stories
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So, I'm posting a second update on my Cyberpunk story (the first update was here, so read that for context) - I'll come clean and admit I've stalled out on writing it. The big problem was that I was trying to tackle Pinkie Pie first, but the issue was how to write her as a Rockergirl musician when A) the site forbids using copyrighted song lyrics outside of the show (which won't translate at all to CP2077's world), and B) I'm nowhere near a songwriter, so I couldn't figure out how to make "Cyberpunk-themed songs" if I tried. Since it's almost the end of January (and my big plan to kick off 2020 by posting a story set in the Cyberpunk universe is basically scrapped by now), I'm posting this update to indicate the story is now on hold.

I'm also trying to think of a different story idea right now (a relatively light one, so hopefully I can make progress on it) but it isn't being posted to this group, due to it being set in a non-Sci-Fi setting. It's loosely inspired by a game I found skimming through TV Tropes called "Casino Empire" (a "business management" game about running several different casinos in Las Vegas), so if anybody is interested, leave a comment or shoot me a PM, and I'll post an update on the story when I find a group more appropriate for the story.

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