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This is an update of this forum asking people of this group about interest in Cyberpunk stories. I'm writing to say that I've gotten an idea for my Cyberpunk story, and have started writing a couple of days ago. I won't be able to post any chapters today (due to Christmas family gatherings about to take up most of my day), but to give a sneak preview, I'll be listing off my story's version of the Mane Six, here re-imagined as Edgerunners in the Cyberpunk series of games (combining elements from the upcoming 2077 video game, and the long-running Tabletop RPG series, especially the 2020 and Red versions). It also borrows a few elements from the Interlock Unlimited System, especially the Hybrid Role system where characters can draw Special Abilities from two different roles, assuming there's some logical overlap provided by in their story.

And for full disclosure, I'll give credit to Claylex, for having already wrote up something like this about a year ago. Anyways, onto the characters:

* Twilight Sparkle
- Primary Role: Netrunner
- Secondary Role: Techie (specialization in computer design)
Synopsis: Although eager to join the Night City Police Department on the heels of her MAX-TAC brother Shining Armor, Twilight's training to join NET-SEC abruptly ended when she helped a hacker who had uncovered documents of a large corporation's nightmarish experiments evade apprehension from NetWatch agents (leading to some NCPD higher-ups forcing her to resign, or be branded as an accomplice in "cyber-terrorism"). Forced to go underground (using employment in a computer/cyberdeck repair shop as cover), Twilight has decided to take her Netrunning skills to expose the corruption within the NCPD, and the corporations who are cultivating it. However, while she is now well outside of the law, Twilight is hesitant to delve fully into criminality, and is wary of cooperation with the various Netrunner gangs. While she is now sympathetic to those who wish to bring transparency and accountability to the politicians and businessmen who run Night City and beyond, she is also wary of those who wish to "set free" various AI programs, either without knowing, or even fully knowing, if they're dangerous and malevolent to society at large...

* Pinkie Pie
- Primary Role: Artiste (Rockergirl)
- Secondary Role: Techie (Drones and Explosives)
Synopsis: After her family farm fell by the wayside, Pinkie and her sisters struck out as a rocker band, seeking to make it big in Night City. Unfortunately for Pinkie, her upbeat and perky brand of song-writing is not exactly what the disgruntled masses of 2077's America want to hear, and after one too many nights where Pinkie and her sister's barely flee an outraged mob of punks hurling bottles and bullets at the stage, Pinkie has decided the problem is her songs aren't "real" enough to connect to the common person, and the only way to learn how the people truly feel is to live life on the streets (something her sisters are less than enthusiastic about). Having learned quite a bit of high explosives and drones from jury-rigging her own pyrotechnics and other special effects, Pinkie is offering services as an Edgerunner, hoping a few jobs will give her the experience she needs to truly connect with today's disaffected populace.

* Rainbow Dash
- Primary Role: Athlete
- Secondary Role: Runner (Aircraft)
Synopsis: Born on a US military base in Germany, Rainbow Dash grew up inspired by fighter pilots in the United States Aerospace Force, especially the legendary fighter ace Spitfire. However, her dreams of graduating were sabotaged by one Lightning Dust, and even though Dust was eventually discharged from the USAF herself, Dash had kept a bitter chip on her shoulder ever since. Although having mingled with mercenary teams (including the EuroSolo Gilda), Dash hasn't quite gotten a Solo-level hang of combat - however, her athletic speed and agility are more than enough of an asset to compensate for her supbar firearms and melee skills, and her ability with piloting aircraft are an absolute godsend for a team that has some aerial transport available for a job. Having drifted around the world for employment, Dash has come to Night City after hearing a tip that Lightning Dust has gone to ground there - while it could only be a mere rumor, Dash wants to ensure that cheating and treason doesn't go unpunished. And even if Dust isn't there, the employment opportunities are more than enough to keep Rainbow Dash occupied with work.

* Fluttershy
- Primary Role: Animal Empath
- Secondary Role: Med Tech
Synopsis: With both of her parents migrating as refugees from the various brushfire wars in South America, and her younger brother becoming a trouble-making grifter who keeps landing himself in hot water, Fluttershy has struggled to find a role in Night City's grim atmosphere. Originally taking her knowledge of animals to help with local pet shelters, the ongoing slumps in Night City's economy has resulted in the demands of pets to an all-time low, and the skyrocketing violence has forced Fluttershy to turn her care for animals into surgery on humans. Having worked as a nurse for a "relatively decent" Ripperdoc, Fluttershy is now seeking to be employed as a field medic for Edgerunner teams - although still hesitant to support groups who frequently kill people, the sheer financial stress put on her family is leaving her little options...

* Applejack
- Primary Role: Nomad (Jodes Nation)
- Secondary Role: Private Investigator (To simulate Applejack's "Living Lie Detector" ability)
Synopsis: After her family was run off of their ancestral farm in Tennessee, Applejack's family became one of many Nomad Families roaming the countryside, pledging their loyalty to the Jodes Nation for their agricultural expertise. Although the green thumbs of her family have helped the few independently owned farms left in producing fresh produce, Applejack has been left burning with a desire to pay back the corporate goons who ran her family off of their own property. To that end, she has honed her ability to examine the truth, turning it to some freelance detective work and bounty hunting when her family arrives in a town where law enforcement needed the extra help. With her family now stopped in Night City to supply fresh food to a population mostly raised on Kibble and SCOP, Applejack has begun picking up some odd jobs before her family leaves again, hopefully finding information related to those who repossessed her farm...

* Rarity
- Primary Role: Fixer
- Secondary Role: Corporate (Fired, but kept knowledge)
Synopsis: Originally a designer for a fashion company, Rarity had one of her sowing arms mangled in an "accident" caused by higher-ranked designer Suri Polimare, who proceeded to arrange Rarity's firing when she attempted to file a lawsuit. Forced onto the streets, and needing to financially support her sister Sweetie Belle, Rarity had to readjust her business acumen to her new environment. Having contracted herself as a "Negotiator" or "Face" type of Fixer, Rarity had helped facilitate Edgerunner meetings and criminal sit-downs, her silver tongue resolving problems that guns and blades could not. Although seeking to build up enough reputation and finances to establish her own independent business, Rarity is also itching to deliver payback on Miss Polimare for ruining her life. But with vengeance a far off goal, Rarity is content with focusing on the present, one contract at a time.

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