The Sci-Fi Ponies 2,082 members · 1,820 stories
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I'm asking here because the Forums for the official Cyberpunk Equestria group are basically a ghost town - the most recent forum on there yesterday hasn't had any responses back yet, and the last post BEFORE that was made three whole years ago! I'm asking here because I have a few cyberpunk ideas rattling around in my head, mostly inspired from the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077, and the various tabletop games (Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk Red, etc.) that it is chronologically spawned from - there are other cyberpunk stories I'm also drawing ideas from (Shadowrun, Deus Ex, etc., etc.), and I want to discuss them with anybody who is interested - reply in the forum if you want to discuss, and I can arrange PMs if the discussion begins to take what I consider "spoilers" for any upcoming stories I'm thinking of writing on this site.

Back in the day, I ate up cyber punk, and grew up wondering what kind of augmentations would become available, and what I would eventually implant into my body. I also resolved I would gladly take the ability to subtitle (in modern terms: have an implanted HUD to use search engines), but never get into braindance (Direct Neural Interphase VR hedonism).

... And then I grew up, and won't do as much as take anabolics or steroids.

Im very interested in those kind of stories.
Im reading a few on this site now actually and i love them all. So if you posted one then ill definitely read it.
But giving ideas or helping with it, id try but i doubt id be useful in that area.

Thanks for the support! I'll probably need to take some time to properly draft them up (depending on how busy I am with my day job), but I hope you'll be able to read some of it soon!

As long as im aware of it then ill give it a read.

But yeah, life happens, do what you need to.

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