• Member Since 13th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 30th, 2022


The sexiest man you've ever met.

More Blog Posts119

  • 243 weeks
    Stories resubmitted


    I hit the resubmit button on my old stories "Lick," "The Art of Falling," and "Sapphire" because someone asked me to. I don't remember exactly why I unsubmitted them or when. They should be visible on the site again.

    Enjoy the finale.


    12 comments · 648 views
  • 297 weeks
    I finished Some Hugs Last Longer Than Others

    A long time ago, years ago actually, I said I'd finish my last fic. I did try a few times, a couple different finished versions have existed. But they were all terrible. Some Hugs was a problem story from the very beginning. The concept seemed like comedy gold. Pinkie Pie glues herself to Rainbow Dash. Hilarity ensues.

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    5 comments · 718 views
  • 335 weeks
    How was the Friendship is Magic movie?

    So there was a Friendship is Magic movie released semi-recently? I haven't seen it, but I was looking around for fans of the show's reactions, and I can't seem to find much discussion anywhere. Did we all hate it, or what?

    17 comments · 779 views
  • 353 weeks
    Writing is Dumb - Part Two of the Story of the Story of Spring is Dumb

    Once upon a time, I started a full making-of-style commentary of the creation of Spring is Dumb. The first part describing the prewriting of the story looked like this. Now, about two

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    7 comments · 960 views
  • 361 weeks
    I published a story!

    Your favorite fimfic author is taking his very first tippety toe baby step toe touch into the wild and wonderful world of original fiction publishing, and that first step is this thing, which you can find here. Might look very familiar if you participated in the Writeoff's

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    14 comments · 696 views

Story unsubmissions - update · 7:38pm Sep 6th, 2016

I'm not unsubmitting all my stories. Yeah, yeah, look at all that egg on my face.

I'll be honest. I don't really like my fan fiction, and I don't really like this account. I started this account just out of high school, and there are a lot of things I've said and done on this site, in blog posts and in stories and in comments, that I wish I hadn't and could just delete forever. I don't like that a bunch of stories I wrote about cartoon characters swapping spit and fucking each other is easily searchable and readable on the internet. I do want to use some of this writing in the future, and I don't like that first publishing rights means I can't. I want to be Big Serious Writer Guy. Not that guy who once wrote a story about a technicolor pegasus getting raped by a tentacle monster, or who wrote such-and-such stupid asshole comment wherever else on this site. And I'll just make a blanket apology here to anyone I was ever an ass to. It wasn't personal.

I wanted to make a clean break, cold turkey. Move on, let it all be forgotten. Be Big Serious Writer Guy someplace else. I figured very few people would notice or care. I still maintain that if I hadn't bothered letting people know first, it would have been months at the earliest that anyone would have even noticed.

But as it turns out, a few of you noticed anyway, and there's no easy way to get around the site's rules so people who really, really still want to be able to read these stories still can. Also, some people I talked to said things that made sense. So there you go, egg on my face. This is where making big unplanned dramatic declarations gets you.

After doing some talking with smart people and some thinking with my smart sexy self, this is the new plan.

Here is a list of eight stories I'm currently writing original fiction versions of:

Maybe if You Beg
Just Being Pinkie Pie
Where Have the Stars Gone
Along Softly on the Tongue
Her Blood Ran in Hollows of the Floor
If You Give an Alicorn Princess a Ribbon
Bouts of Forgetful Artistic Destruction
There's Something in the Woods

The original fiction version of some of those is going to be different enough that the story will probably be able to stay up here without any problem, like Just Being Pinkie Pie. The original fiction version of others will be so similar that I'll have to remove the stories from this site to have any chance of getting them published anywhere, like Bouts of Forgetful Artistic Destruction. That's just how first publishing rights works. I'm sorry. I won't remove them until the new versions are finished.

For now, all other stories will remain untouched. A lot of them only work as pony stories. Blogs will remain untouched. I made a lot of hubbub over nothing. Again, I'm sorry. Egg on my face.

In the meantime, I'll be around. I'll probably start writing for the writeoff again. Maybe I'll write blogs again someday. Maybe I'll update whenever I finally get something published somewhere that actually matters. Who knows.

See ya later.

Report HoofBitingActionOverload · 1,164 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

I'm glad you are keeping your stuff up. Because no matter what else happens we are still a product of what we did, both good and bad. The older I get the more obvious that seems. And so what if folk look back despondently on your old stuff. If that matters to them, then maybe they are only pretending to like your new stuff? (in 10 or 20 years).

yays! That guy who wrote about a technicolor pegasus getting raped by a tentacle monster is staying! :pinkiehappy:

Guess I no longer need that folder where I saved all your stories now, though I did appreciate the early warning so I could snag em all for my reading pleasure. I hope things go well for you with the non-pony writing!

I'm really grateful that you listened, and considered, and even more so that this is the decision that you came to.

Definitely let us know as the original fiction starts working its way through the pipeline! For some stupid reason I wasn't following you, and doing so now isn't going to do much good ponywise, but I'd love to hear where you go from here, if you want to tell us.

And I might just see you around the Writeoffs. :twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer

I think you're worrying too much about people caring about technicolor horses swapping spit. I mean, Anne McCaffrey basically made a career out of writing psychic dragon porn.

Besides, having proven that you can actually attract an audience of thousands with your stories already is a pretty cool thing. I mean, how many starting writers can claim that?

For me, fanfiction has served to encourage me to write more. I wouldn't have considered doing professional writing at all were it not for fanfiction, and it has been great fun, great practice, and makes me great friends.

Of course, I'm also fairly shameless and don't actually care if people know about my love for colorful cartoon ponies.

"Just Being Pinkie Pie" might just be my favorite work of yours. It has about everything I like in a one shot.

I get the feeling some of those stories are gonna be tricky to convert, since they rely a lot on the Equestrian setting and characters. Good luck with your Big Serious Writer dreams. :twilightsmile:

4196176 I am now going to look up Anne McCaffrey.

I'm corrupting the youth! :raritydespair:

I wish you luck in your writing endeavor. As soon as I read your post about what was to happen I immediately downloaded your library.

Your stories come across self assured. What I mean to say is your abilities made characters become people not tropes or archetypes as I read about them. At times when you crank up the serious, something like maturity or wisdom or experience comes through-- the characters and their interplay belong squarely in the grownup section whenever this happens.

It doesn't necessarily do the escapism thing to me like work from other authors, instead it makes me reflect on people I know and knew.

Yay, and by your icon itself I could tell it would be a real shame if you went fully defunct. That and I had a read later story for at a minimal of a coons age that I probably should get to at some point in my life. :T

Do be sure to let us know when you get your original work published: your fans will be first in line to get a copy, I'm sure!

For example check out JawJoe on this site: he has transitioned entirely over to writing original fiction and because he advertised it on his blog his book was #4 top seller on amazon for a while!

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