• Member Since 18th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen May 30th

Inquisitor M

Why 'Inquisitor'? Because 'Forty two': the most important lesson I ever learned. Any answer is worthless until you have the right question. Author, editor, critic, but foremost, a philosopher.

Dramatic Readings

Comments ( 71 )
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I now do water filtration questionnaires at various Home Depots. I recently moved into a larger music studio so I’m looking forward to getting my band going again I’ve been doing a lot of searching for musicians. And I still work with various leftist organizations. And I still write shitty fanfiction from time to time. Depression has been up-and-down with goods and bads.

Things were all going well and then took a bit of a nosedive. Turned out I'd just grown bored of coasting and merely having a job and a nice house wasn't working for me anymore. So recently I've returned to counseling and been busting my balls to wrest the demons from their hiding places. Read a really good book on addiction, which helped a lot, and started reading some of the classics to force myself off the computer more often. I mean, I'm not on it half as much as I used to be, but since I work on one all day as well... so now I've chewed through Brave New World and 1984, now lining up either Starship Troopers or Crime and Punishment.

And for my first year in an actually nice house, I have splurged on Christmas decorations. Hate the holiday, love the decor :) It's very... colourful in here.

How about you?

2429855 Dammit, FIMFic never tells me when people post down here!

You are, of course, absolutely welcome. The learning I started with your help has become profoundly useful, even if I have no significant desire to use to to write fiction anymore. Aside from the practical value of superior language skills, it changed the way I see the challenges that lay ahead of me. I wanted to learn, and with a sizeable push, I mastered as much of the craft as I felt I wanted to. Now I have moved on, but these skills will remain with me always, an indelible testament to the power of people who just want to be better than the day before.

And you know that if you ever need a hand with anything, I'll be around... somewhere.

(Probably correcting someone's comma use abuse)

Well, look what just came in the mail!

I saw your name on the list, and dropped in to personally thank you. It's a lovely plushie, and I hope that knowing you were part of making my day/week/month/forever puts a smile on your face even a fraction as large as the one on mine.


I have no idea what I was talking about.

2019486 A year later I find my interest piqued. Perhaps I was wrong to assume you were trolling?

Why would you ask a person who has not claimed to be great why they are great? It seems weird, to me, and a little disrespectful – which is perhaps why I so quickly abandoned any hope of getting anything sensible out of you at the time. In retrospect, however, I suppose my behaviour was no more bizarre than yours.

I do not and have never considered myself great, so your question was, in fact, directed to the wrong person. I do not answer loaded questions and thus I dismissed you as a fool. To be honest, I still think you're probably a fool exactly because the question is loaded (you know, like 'Have you stopped beating your wife?' and so on). After all, wouldn't it make sense to find out if someone thinks they're great before asking then why they think they're great? Even outside of the logical minefield, it seemed somewhat lacking in charity to just assume that someone thought they were great. I mean, maybe you do have a perfectly good reason to suspect I'm a bit of a cunt – and to be fair, you'd probably be right – but it seemed odd to just assume that kind of arrogance of me. But you know... live and learn and all that.

I mean, maybe you think it's normal for people to think they're great? Hell, maybe it is normal for people to think they're great. I wouldn't know. I'm not normal. or maybe it's a cultural thing. Do you think you're great?

Comment posted by Inquisitor M deleted Dec 12th, 2016

2193134 Haven't kicked the habit of checking in yet. I don't really do anything here.

You're still here! Quiet, though.

Word on the street is that you're a shitty orange.

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