• Published 12th Jan 2012
  • 19,033 Views, 293 Comments

More Than Buddies - Crowley

You have a crush on Ditzy Doo, but you'd never tell anypony...

  • ...

Part 4

Ditzy Doo drearily lifts the last cardboard box into the pegasus-powered moving truck near the runway, her mood as heavy as her wings felt. She rejoins her workmate, who glances over the truck’s contents.

“Aw, Ditz,” Raindrops says as carefully as possible - she didn’t want her friend to be any more upset than she is, “I’m afraid you’ve put the packages in upside-down again. It says ‘this way up’ for a reason.”

The blonde mail-mare looks back at the boxes, the words "Ԁ∩ ⅄∀M SIH┴" clearly labelled on each of them.

Stupid Ditzy Doo. Incompetent Ditzy Doo.

“Sorry.” is all she cares to say. The other ponies exchange worried looks.

“You should take the rest of the day off, Ditz.” Raindrops nudges her, “I won’t tell Chief, I promise. You’ve been through a lot today.”

Wordlessly, Ditzy nods.

It’s not like they’d need me anyway.

“Ditzy, wait!” a voice carries over from the Post Office entrance. She lifts her head, turns around at the sound of her name, and gasps.

Your running breaks out into a gallop as you head towards the runway. Ditzy’s bright, beautiful eyes light up. She begins running toward you too.

You meet with her half way. Without stopping, she throws herself at you. You do the same, colliding in an embrace of forelegs, pegasus-feathers and warmth. Hugging each other. Nuzzling each other.

“Don‘t go. Please don‘t go.” her forelegs that wrap around you squeeze tightly as she buries her head into your shoulder. You squeeze her in return.

“It’s alright, Ditzy, I didn’t get fired,” you can’t help but notice the subtle scent of coconut in her hair, “I’m here to stay, buddy.” Loosening the hug, she lifts her head up to face yours, her eyes calmly taking in your own.

“Buddy?” she asks.

You nod. “Unless…” your faces slowly drift closer to each other, close enough to feel her sweet, warm breath, and drifting closer still. “Unless you want us to be something more…”

You trail off as her lips press against your own. Your mind shuts down, rests, as you melt on the inside, drifting away from your troubles. As each of your muscles slowly relax in a state of bliss, you push back into a kiss of your own, watching Ditzy’s eyelids flutter shut. You close your eyes too, letting yourself get lost in the moment.

All of this time, she harboured a love for you that flew right over your head. And right now, with her wrapped in your forelegs, sharing the kiss you thought you’d never have, it was worth every ridiculously early morning. Every hour of sorting envelopes. Every blow to the head (all two of them). And you’d go through it again just to kiss her one more time at the end of it all.

You know you’ve found somepony special, somepony who you’d never let go. Despite whatever any other voices would say about her, about you, she’s the only one who could make you smile with that perfect, carefree way. She’s yours, and you’re more than happy to be hers.

Your kiss breaks after… you don’t know how long. You turn your head towards the odd sound of hooves clopping against cobblestone. Raindrops, along with the rest of her delivery team, applaud at the open affection between you and your love, one or two of them throwing in a cheeky wolf-whistle. You both exchange embarrassed looks.

“Oops, I, uh, I forgot they were still there,” Ditzy blushes, “Sorry.”

You chuckle, lightly planting another kiss on her lips. “No worries, we’ll just go somewhere else. Somewhere quieter, somewhere-”

“Like my place?”

Whoa. You weren‘t expecting that, of all offers. That’s another thing you love about her - she’s always full of surprises. Trying to sound as laid-back as possible (and failing), you give her a cool smirk.

“Lead the way.”

Another surprise; without warning, Ditzy flares her wings and playfully tackles you, wrapping all four of her legs as tightly around you as possible. However, instead of hitting the ground, you find yourself drifting further and further away from it. When the realisation that she’s just plucked you from the ground, and is now flying you towards her home sinks in, you wrap your legs around her too. Because you love her, not just because you fear for your life.

How she was able to lift and carry a fully grown stallion was beyond you; maybe years of carrying heavy post-sacks and packages made it easier for her. Either way, you grow a little more hesitant to the idea when she does a sudden barrel-roll, twisting her flight path into a completely different direction.

“Oh, I just remembered!” She cheerfully exclaims, “My house is this way, not that way! Silly me!”

It’s gonna be an interesting trip, to say the least.