• Published 20th May 2024
  • 1,784 Views, 29 Comments

Violence Solves Everything - Serene Wish

Anon accidentally discovers his amazing healing abilities and is determined to change the world.

  • ...

If you're persistent enough

The summer noon sun illuminated Ponyville with bright rays. Ponies leisurely strolled through the streets, enjoying the warmth and tranquility. Some basked in the sun, lazily exchanging words, while others frolicked in the parks, immersed in joyful games.

The silence of the library was only broken by the rustling of pages and the occasional hum of a magical horn. Taking a break from the book about a human's adventures in Equestria, Anon glanced around. As expected, Twilight was completely engrossed in reading and for the third time attempted to take a sip from her empty mug.

Closing the book, Anon settled comfortably into the bean bag chair, feeling inner peace.

He had been in this world for less than half a year, but he had already completely fallen in love with it. Clean air, natural food, friendly ponies, and a plethora of alien literature — what could be better? After his arrival, ponies even began writing in a new genre about humans, which quickly became popular.

Currently, he was reading a book about a human, but its contents raised many questions. The main character was a nutty sociopath, and evil seemed poised to prevail. Such stories were not usually characteristic of ponies. Unfortunately, the author's name had been erased, and Twilight didn't even remember such a book being in the library. Another puzzle added to the stack of questions.

Someday he would figure out these questions, but not today. Today, he was going to enjoy the peace and tranquility that usually prevailed in Ponyville. Or rather, it was a succession of tranquility and absolute madness.

"Too quiet," Anon thought, trying to tune into the rhythm of the universe and get answers.

The universe remained silent.

But the answer came in the form of a gray pegasus, crashing through the window and ramming into the tower of books, ending up buried beneath them.

Twilight squealed from the crash, her "fight or flight" instinct kicking in. Being a pony, she chose to flee, but it wasn't so simple with her numb legs. Jumping up, she immediately toppled over. A book, ejected from her telekinesis, gracefully landed on her head, hiding her in its cover.

Anon took a sip of coffee and nodded in satisfaction — everything was as it should be.

Listening with one ear to Twilight's disgruntled muttering as she struggled to rise, Anon left the cozy chair and went to help the clumsy pegasus. Tossing aside a few books — more work for Spike — he unearthed the pegasus, who turned out to be Derpy, of course.

His eyebrow raised as the whole picture unfolded before him: the pegasus had managed to get tangled in the strap of her bag and was now lying on her back with her legs tied together. She breathed heavily, her face growing increasingly red. Her tail swished on the floor, expressing her owner's embarrassment.

"Impressive," Anon nodded, amazed by the pegasus's skill. "How long have you been into this?"

Derpy blinked in confusion, not understanding his reaction. Was this some human thing? She actually needed help!

Fortunately for Derpy, Twilight had already recovered from the grand entrance of the pegasus and approached the scene of the accident. Using telekinesis, she quickly untangled Derpy, stood her up, and put her bag back in place, maintaining a stoic expression.

"Um, sorry," Derpy smiled sheepishly, adjusting her bag. "I was trying to avoid colliding with another pegasus, but..."

Twilight sighed, interrupting the pegasus's explanation.

"It's okay," she said, patting Derpy on the head and diverting her with a question. "Do you have something for me?"

She simply couldn't stay mad at Derpy. Whatever mischief she caused, once Twilight looked into her eyes, all anger disappeared. Perhaps even an attempt to take over Equestria would be forgiven. Well, who wouldn't?

Anon chuckled, observing what was happening.

Ponyville was divided into two camps: some considered Derpy strange, while others, who were much fewer, considered her the cutest pony in Equestria. Both groups drew conclusions based solely on her eyes.

Perhaps those eyes gave her uniqueness, but that same uniqueness became a limitation — she surely had to fly much slower than other pegasi. How painful was it for a creature born to conquer the skies? Maybe Derpy just didn't know any other life.

She had eye problems, but the residents of Ponyville treated her with such indulgence, as if she also had problems with her head.

Anon wondered why her eyes hadn't been healed yet. It wasn't that there was something wrong with her — it was about living a full life. On Earth, it would only be repeating the mantra that she was no worse than others, but was there any point in Equestria? Wasn't magic all-powerful?

Scratching his chin, he vaguely remembered Twilight saying that congenital defects were much harder to correct. It was unlikely that Derpy, with her productivity, had spare bits to see a specialist.

At that moment, an unexpected answer came from the universe, and Anon stared thoughtfully at his hands. Twilight always believed that humans must have some kind of magic, and it manifested through their hands. Who was he to argue with the Element of Magic?

It seemed like it was time to try something.

"Derpy, do you want to fix your eyes?" Anon asked, causing both mares to turn to him in surprise.

"Do you know how?" Derpy tilted her head in confusion. Why would he bring up this question if he didn't? "Some method from your home world?"

"It's just a theory," Anon said, vaguely wiggling his fingers. "But no harm in trying, right?"

"I'm in," Derpy agreed easily.

"I have a bad feeling about..." Twilight began, casting worried glances at both of them.

"Shh," Anon interrupted her, placing a finger on her lips. "Just watch as I do my magic."

"But we don't even know if you..." Twilight protested, but she was shushed again.

"How are you going to do this?" Derpy interjected, looking expectantly at the human.

Anon approached her and squatted down, waving his index finger in front of her face.

"All you need to do is keep both eyes on this finger," Anon instructed. "No matter how hard it is, don't take your gaze off it."

Derpy nodded and focused her gaze on the finger.

The human began to slowly move his finger left and right, and Derpy stubbornly followed it with her eyes. One of her eyes kept trying to look elsewhere, but she held her gaze there where she was told. The strain made her eyes even start to tear up.

Anon brought his finger close to Derpy's nose, and keeping her gaze on it became a serious challenge for her, but she managed. Slowly, the finger began to move away from her, and she continued to track it.

Suddenly, Anon clenched his hand into a fist and punched her in the nose with all his might, knocking out the pegasus.

"What the buck, Anon?!" Twilight yelled, pushing him aside and rushing to Derpy.

She began to slap Derpy's cheeks — the only thing she could think of that was appropriate for the situation. Her gaze darted around the library when there was no reaction from Derpy.

What was she supposed to do?

Splash her with water? Call for help? Run to the hospital?

Her stream of panicked thoughts was interrupted by a groan from the now-conscious Derpy.

"Hey, are you okay?" Twilight asked, shaking the pegasus.

"Been worse," Derpy muttered, trying to blink away the fuzziness. There was something strange about her eyes.

"We should..." Twilight began but fell silent, looking at Derpy. "...What?"

The pegasus stared at her with both eyes, completely relaxed. Only now did Twilight notice that there was not even a trace of the punch on Derpy's face.

Twilight shuddered, feeling someone's gaze. Turning around, she saw Anon, radiating pure smugness.

"Well, what is it?" Anon asked, spreading his hands.

From the smirk playing on his lips, Twilight understood that he definitely wasn't inviting her for a hug.

"It's..." Twilight started, trying to gather her thoughts. "Well. I don't know how, but you did it."

Meanwhile, Derpy swayed from side to side, trying to adjust to the wonders of binocular vision.

"You do have a hospital, right?" Anon asked, then shook his head. "No, no. I need a cemetery. Is there one in Ponyville?"

"Yes, on the outskirts," Twilight answered, turning her gaze to Derpy. "But why do you need a cemetery?"

"To beat a dead horse," shrugged Anon.

"I see," nodded Twilight, mesmerized by Derpy's swaying. "Wait, WHAT?! Have you gone insane?"

"No, silly pony," Anon laughed, clenching his fists. "I'm going to cure death."

And he did.

Comments ( 29 )

The face punch was so unexpected that it made me laugh.

100% yes.

also a face punch is the perfect way to wake someone from the dead :P

Hmm, but there’s no such thing on Ficbook. That's weird

"Violence is not the answer. It's a question and the answer is yes."
~Sun Tzu, Art of War

And he did.

Sequal? Anon causes an overpopulation problem

If violence was not the answer, you were not using enough of it.

A Fimfiction exclusive? :derpytongue2:
I'll post it there a little later, too.

Based and blessed.

Oh god this whole story was just a setup for a Dad joke.
I love it

Actually, no. I read a harsh fanfic that included Derpy and it got me thinking. It made me wish that in this AU her eyes were okay and she was flying happily in the sky.

You as well. Your service to the overlords is appreciated.

A positive outlook is always a mood raiser :) I'm happy to see newer folks to the website have a brighter outlook on the future.

"No, silly pony," Anon laughed, clenching his fists. "I'm going to cure death."

now I want a squeal were the apple family gets a surprise, their reaction to Anon punching their parents/son and his wife back from the dead would be funny,

The Magic of Violence ! *party poppers going off !*

Thank you for writing !

Anon is enjoying a cup of coffee and a great book in Twilight's library

Say no more, I'm in.

Percussive maintenance can fix snything.

I detect this story was inspired by the following anime

The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic

"No, silly pony," Anon laughed, clenching his fists. "I'm going to cure death."


Wuten #18 · 1 week ago · · ·

"Well, what is it?" Anon asked, spreading his hands.

you motherfucker I spat my drink

Comment posted by HappyMuffin deleted May 21st

"Imma deck you in the schnoz!"
-Sun Goku

:trollestia: I don't know why but this is so MLP...
:flutterrage: Annarchy Shy of Chaos ! Wait till your father comes home!
:derpytongue2: I'm Okay! But you're . . .
:moustache::raritywink: Busy at the Boutique
:rainbowlaugh: yea busy

Unrelated to this hilarious little story, but that cover art is GORGEOUS!
Who is the artist? Or is it an AI prompt?


Generated by me through Pony Diffusion v6 XL

Thanks very much!

What sort of prompt did you put in to get this kind of image?
The more lifelike elements like Derpy's eyelashes and fluffy chest are really appealing. :heart:

I actually just got lucky on the 6th or 7th time.
I added the source to the description.

Thank you!
I'm new to AI and need to learn how to properly optimise prompts, so this is a huge help for me.

Loved this little story by the way, it was very funny. :rainbowlaugh:

This is stupid, literally hit Death until he left! You know how many rules that guy broke? Too many!

Man, I don’t think it’s that bad, I mean, it was really funny when the guy hit Ditzy who blew up his disease!

... Friend, do you remember what it is called that disease that gives you when there is no death in life?

Is there such a disease?

I can’t believe you forgot... It’s called Cancer asshole! The guy turned life into Cancer! It may not be today, or tomorrow, or the day after, but someday the uncontrolled growth of life will cause disasters in your DNA and end up becoming indescribable things...

... I’m going to go play the role of "Needed Employee" ... Damn, can’t trust the elderly...

"No, silly pony," Anon laughed, clenching his fists. "I'm going to cure death."

"But you were dead!"

"I got better."


The sounds in the distance can be heard from where Applejack is at. Taking time away from bucking trees, she went towards the direction of the noise. Happen to walk upon a path she was somberly familiar with.

On arriving to where the noise is being made, she found—




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