• Published 9th May 2024
  • 759 Views, 45 Comments

Sunset, what do you want? - DapperLilArts

Sunset Shimmer has lived happily in exile in the human world for nearly a decade-- But now a decision must be made. Will she remain here, or return home where she could fullfill her dreams of being a Princess?

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Sunset, how was the party?

Not sure yet, but I sure as hell hope it’ll be good! I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it.

I spent the day with my Twi, nothing much to report other than adorable cuteness and unchaste moments, and we had a lovely lunch together at Pinkie’s diner. And no, she didn’t remember to bring me that jacket.

Saying goodbye to Twi when I dropped her off was surprisingly hard, sometimes it’s just. Too good, too perfect, you know? One of the reasons I’m excited for college is that I’ll get to actually share a dorm with her– we’ll be closer than ever. I considered asking her to move in with me before; But I wasn’t about to provide her a downgrade to her home. No matter how cozy she thinks my apartment is, her home is infinitely better.

And I'm not about to ask Nightlight and Velvet if I can move in with them, heh.

Before Twilight opened the door to her home, she took a good look at me, and she could read my expression very easily. “You’re nervous, aren’t you?” She stated with a sympathetic smile.

Considering I was about to go to a gala in another universe, and even see my old mentor again, yes I was. “I thought I was the mind reader here, heh.”

She reached for a hug, and I accepted wholeheartedly. “You’re Sunset Shimmer. You can beat anything! Especially some stuffy party. Go get ‘em!” she gave me a couple of friendly pats to accentuate her words; Which was endlessly amusing.

I know it might sound dumb, but this was exactly what I needed. I could feel her faith in me emanating from her skin, after all. I kissed her joyfully. “Thanks, Sparkles.” We leaned foreheads together only for a little, before I had to let go.

The sun was close to setting when I was making my way to Canterlot high, and I did feel a bit nervous. But after having survived so much like me, you learn to be a bit fearless.

I was driving on my motorbike in my full punk getup– What, you thought I’d wear a dress? No thank you. Sure I don’t want to stand out, but I’m not about to sacrifice my personal style! Besides, Rarity is not here to force me to wear one. Win.

Though I’d be lying if I said I didn’t put effort in my appearance. I wore as many cool accessories as I could without being overkill, and generally took my best with me. I even brought my geode! Mostly ‘cause I don’t like leaving it sitting in my apartment alone. Sure, not all of these accessories would transfer well to Equestria, but I could always double check when I’m there.

Honestly, I’m glad that our clothes change a bit going from one place to the other– Otherwise both me and Twilight would have arrived butt-naked the first time we got here, and just walked around like nothing’s wrong. Streakers from another world.

I will say– That’s one of my favorite parts of being human. Like, just the boots alone they have here are awesome statements– And they make you taller, AND they’re comfortable? Huge human win, right there. Wearing boots with hooves suuuucks. Though I do also enjoy being able to walk around naked in Equestria, it was really surprising to me how prude they all were when I first got here.

It was interesting to see highschool so empty– It was vacation time for the students, I think. Not that I had to worry, as a graduate, heh. I couldn’t help but have my mind move to the many wonderful memories I had made there. I stopped my bike on the parking lot of CHS, and I was pleasantly surprised, because Princess Twilight was waiting for me there, at the foot of the statue, gazing at her surroundings listlessly.

I parked my bike, and she noticed me, giving a shy wave. Even from far away I could tell she was wearing a very intricate dress, no doubt fully ready for the party, one of Rarity’s best, I’m sure.

And to provide my bisexual insight, she looked phenomenal. Though I suppose I’m biased, since I’m dating a girl that looks identical to her.

There are some differences, and being an expert in Twilight’s appearance, I can spot them. This Twilight is chubbier; No doubt a result of her eating much healthier in Equestria, as opposed to mine, that only started eating better in recent years. The fact that she wears her hair down definitely inspires a bit more confidence; And she carries herself out more calmly too. It’s very subtle mannerisms I enjoy noticing! She used to be pretty fidgety, when we first met– But I could notice every time I met her, she was more confident and calmer.

“Heya, Twi! Were you waiting for a while? I wasn’t expecting to see you here!” I gave her a friendly wave, coming closer, and soon enough we were both in front of the statue. “Awesome dress, by the way–”

But I got interrupted, because she leaned forward and hugged me. Lucky me, I’m fairly adept at telegraphing Twilight Sparkle hugs, and got to hug her back without being toppled over. “I’m so happy you’re here…!” I heard her mutter, face stuffed on the crook on my neck. Another benefit of being tall. She must have been quite stressed, because she lingered on this hug for a while.

A bit weird, the scent on her– It was kind of like Rarity’s perfumes? And not my Rarity, too, it definitely came from Equestria. I tried not thinking about it, because it was very unusual for Twilight to even try with perfumes.

Okay so, this is not voluntary, but I could feel her feelings through physical contact; She was doing bad. I could tell she was nervous, that she had cried recently, but that she was also excited. The trademark nervous/excited emotions that are very common for a Twilight Sparkle, but this seemed to be even deeper. “Hey, glad to be here. Shall we?” I motioned to the mirror.

“Um… before that, can we talk? It’s… Important.” She pointed at a bench nearby, and I nodded. Whatever this was, it had to have something to do with how she was feeling, and if a friend needed me to be there, I would.

We took our respective seats, I leaned back comfortably, while she hunched forward, fidgeting with her fingers– I knew exactly what it was like, they’re super easy to fidget with, unlike hooves. We sat only a couple meters away from the place where she had blasted me with friendship lasers, all those years ago.

The place where she changed my life. Where she saved it.

Nervously, she adjusted her hair away from her eyes, placing it behind her ear. For a moment, I could remember exact moments where my Twilight had done the same. “It's… it’s about what you and I talked about yesterday.”

I nodded quietly, letting her continue. “There’s no easy way to say this, so I'll just… Try to make my way to it. Stick with me, okay?” Her nervousness seemed to be increasing, but she remained subdued. “Of course, don’t worry, I'm listening.” I assured her.

Her gaze was on the grass, but it looked at nothing. “So… After my failed coronation, my friends gave me this magical memory album of all of us– Something they had made for me. It was a beautiful sentiment– Memories of us, coming to life, in unforgettable manners, all gathered in one big volume! It was really really nice– I was so glad to have it.”

I wasn’t about to interrupt her, I just agreed. “That sounds really damn nice!” I affirmed simply, paying attention.

“I-It was! It really was. But the thing is, when I was alone, before I got to write to you again, after that whole mess of a failed coronation, I was shuffling through it, and…” She shuddered a little, continuing to fidget. I observed her intently, looking at all those mannerisms. “...And… I realized that this album would be all I have of them, for a millenia. It would be all I have left. Even if we made more memories, well…”

She leaned back on the bench, and her gaze moved a bit closer to mine. “I realized that would be all I have for a thousand years. Just that. And it wouldn’t be enough for me. Not even close– they say ‘better to have loved and lost’ but honestly? A millenia of missing my friends sounds like torture, I can’t go through it. I can’t. Not alone…!”

I listened intently, and that last statement was certainly something very critical. Was she considering abandoning Alicornhood? Because I know better than anyone that Celestia needs an heir– And Twilight here is the absolute most qualified pony for it. Equestria needed her.

Then and only then, did I decide to step in. What she was feeling was serious, and I needed to say something. “Look Twilight, I can’t say I understand completely, but I get what you mean. It’s a heavy topic for sure, you’re dealing not with your mortality, but your friend's mortality. I get it. Look…” I had to make up things on the spot– While also gathering from what I had learned and experienced, it was difficult.

I tried for a moment, considering what my Twilight would say about it– Because she was always better at making decisions, and always better at thinking at things objectively.

I shuffled a bit closer, and made sure to be as reassuring as possible– I needed to make this count. If there was any way I could help a friend endure this weight, I had to. I wasn’t sure if I had nearly the wisdom to help, but I had to try. “I had a conversation similar to this once, with Celestia. When all I wanted was to be her successor. I was questioning her on immortality, and you know what she told me? She told me that even Alicorns, someday, also expire. They return to the cosmos when their task is done…!”

Twilight closed her hands, bringing them together, while she listened to me intently; She looked like she wanted to just listen, so I continued. “At the time, it filled me with dread, but, after I thought about it more… It’s hard to describe this, but like. If you are a being that lives for a thousand years– You will change from the kind of being that lives for a hundred, at best. Mortality, or lack thereof, will be recontextualized to you. I completely understand why you’re nervous– Hell, I’d be too– But you have to understand– None of this is bad. Everything ends at some point– And if we’re lucky, it’s a happy ending.”

“Y-yeah.” She muttered, and her eyes were watery, she was trying to look at me, her face red, but she couldn't. I was lucky that what I was saying didn’t come out as incoherent babble. Thinking under pressure is one of my many qualities, I suppose.

“I know this sounds weird. But when the time comes for your friends to… Go, hell, when the time comes for me to go, you’re gonna be ready for it. I know you will. Because to you, it’ll be a part of existing. It’ll be just… part of the natural cycle of things! And you’ll be okay. We all believe in you…!” I mustered the warmest smile I could.

She finally managed to make eye contact. Quiet tears streamed down her cheeks, but she tried smiling back at me. “B-believing in me is one thing, but… I realized that’s not what I need right now...”

She sniffled, and her gaze failed to meet mine for only a bit. “What I need, more than faith, is to have somepony to rule alongside me…!” It looked like she was holding that in for a while.

That was a loaded statement– and it was clearly something she had thought of for a while now.

Of course. Celestia has Luna… But Twilight needed more than just family or friends…

My eyebrows raised, and it all clicked for me. This wasn’t just about existentialism. Twilight, you scamp. You’re looking to settle down with another pony that ascends into Alicornhood! That’s adorable. I couldn’t help but blow air through my nose, suppressing a chuckle. “Well that won’t be hard– I bet you got thousands of suitors. But hey, the grand galloping gala is a wonderful place to start! How about I be your wingman a bit?”

Her eyes widened in confusion and shock, and she sniffled while tilting her head. I kept going. “Just saying, before I dated the other you, me and Pinkie went on some wild parties, and I have some experience with it. Now granted, a lot of the suitors in the gala are stuffy jerks, but you don’t have to find true love in one night, right?”

“U-um, right, but Sunset–”

She was stumbling on her words, so I decided to continue assuring her. “Have you asked Celestia to delay your coronation? I think that’ll be important for you to find a special somepony to spend a thousand years with. Damn, if Cadence was here, she would go nuts…”

“Y-yes, I have, and she agreed, but Sunset–”

I reached in for a hug, and she accepted fully, still sniffling a bit on my embrace. “Everything’s gonna be okay. How about we get going? We can talk about this on the way! We shouldn’t keep the others waiting. This is good news!” I couldn’t help but be happy for her– After all, the idea of ruling alongside someone for thousands of years, a rule of love, is pretty damn magical. No wonder she’d want to delay her coronation!

Hey, I may not live in Equestria anymore, but even I could see the benefit of this. Celestia’s solo rule was certainly something, but it was far from a golden age.

I trusted Twilight to be a good ruler, but after what I had heard, I couldn’t help but agree– That she’d do terribly, if she was grief stricken through its entirety. But that’s not her failing; that’s good news! Twilight Sparkle is looking to settle down, heheh.

Now, how in the world to get her an actual good partner. That’d be difficult.

I stood, and looked back at her. One thing that was unfortunate, although I could feel that she felt better, is that she was still incredibly nervous. Her emotions were wild and her heartbeat was high. I wish I could have said more assuring things, but well, I’m not perfect. Never been, never will. But I'll be damned if I let Twilight Sparkle cry on my watch.

“C’mon. Let’s be wild and live in the moment. Who cares about a millennium from now, away?” I offered a hand to her, to help her stand up, and with a frail smile, she accepted it.

I have to admit, this was much better. By this, I mean her idea of not wanting to rule alone.

If I was in her place? I’d go insane, for a thousand years, without having someone that could truly relate to me, and of course, love. I’d start burning things for sure. Equestria would fall back to the dark ages because its ruler would be lonely as hell.

…Though part of that is ‘cause I’d make a terrible Princess, heh.

I did a rehearsed motion, of leading the way while holding her hands. This is something I’ve done plenty of times with my Twilight. Whenever we’re at a crowded place, I lead, and to make sure we don’t lose each other, I keep my hand behind me, and she holds it. Not just so we stay connected, but so that I can feel exactly how she feels.

As I led Twilight to the portal, I could tell this was working at least a little.

And so, hand in hand, we crossed the line.

Rematerializing in Equestria is always a bit weird. Falling on all fours, feeling hairier– it’s a whole thing. Not bad at all though– I felt magic coursing through me instantly. And what’s more, an interesting discovery I made ages ago, my Geode doesn’t cross with me– And yet, my powers remain! Stronger than ever, actually. I can read minds like it’s a special quirk only I can do.

But what surprised me was the 5 ponies staring at us the moment we crossed the portal– All of Twilight’s friends were waiting for us.

Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, all stood in the same library room Twilight always stood while waiting for me to cross, and they were waiting intently, wearing their respective party gowns. And they cheered happily when we appeared together, glad to see us; A surprise for me, I was expecting them to be waiting for us at the train station or something.

“Hey, girls! Long time no see–” Was all I could mutter, before Twilight leapt forward, brandishing her wings as if waving wildly. “HI GIRLS! So here’s the thing, we talked, but only for a bit, haha! We’ll talk more at the party! You know???” Her voice continued to be quite nervous, which made me a bit sad. I wished I could have calmed her nerves more...

While I stretched, her friends all looked at eachother and me with confusion, but I honestly didn’t care much. The friend of my friend is my friend, but to be respectful, I would keep my distance. I shot sparks and flames out of my horn briefly, just for the reminder of how it felt.

Every pony in the room turned their heads at me in surprise, and I have to admit– I got a bit embarrassed. I guess I’m the only pony that knows what it is to be without magic for a really long time! “Um, sorry, I was just warming up, haha!” In an attempt to stave off awkwardness, I simply moved forward. “I’m gonna hit the bathroom before we head for the train station! No need to wait for me, you all can head to the exit! I’ll see you there!”

I quickly trotted past them, and as soon as I was out of eyesight, I picked up the pace. Not as a need to run away– you just wouldn’t beliiiiiiieve how satisfying it is to go fast when you’re on four legs. I found myself pretty excited to run on dirt and grass soon.

My stay in the bathroom was brief, I was just there to wash my face and look at my reflection, really. It Looked like most of my punk accessories passed through, and most welcome, my piercings. But not my pants, no big surprise. I couldn’t help but smile, seeing that old familiar Unicorn face. My physique from the human world definitely translated well. I was tall– Even taller than Twilight here, and pretty defined. It made me feel excited to gallop on grass; And to maybe have a reason to buck something, to see how strong I would be.

And in the same way, I couldn’t help but spew flames out of my horn in delight.

…An act quickly regretted, when the bathroom curtains caught fire.

But as you’ll find, this exact scenario had happened before, so, with the water still running on the sink, I quickly redirected it to the curtains with levitation before the fire could spread! Quick thinking under pressure, one of the many qualities of Sunset Shimmer.

No crisis here! No problems! I double checked to make sure everything was okay, just in case.

I shook off my nerves, and stepped out of the bathroom.

…And found all six of those ponies staring at me– In fact, they were discussing something, and went quiet the moment they saw me.

This is the kind of thing that would freak out someone like Fluttershy, but me? I have perfect technique to play off of it.

And that technique is to literally not care and pretend you didn’t see it. “Off we go! Keep up!” I said joyfully, trotting down those halls.

They followed behind– Lucky for me, I knew the way. I wasn’t trying to lead, I was honestly just looking forward to being outside.

Of course, Pinkie was the first one to keep up, giddily bouncing around. The similarities between the two Pinkies I knew were endlessly entertaining. Twilight followed quickly behind, stuttering a bit. “U-um yes! We still have plenty of time to catch the train to Canterlot!”

Surprisingly, although not that surprising, Rarity was the first to address me. “Sunset, darling, is that what you will be wearing for the festivities tonight?”

Wow, deja vu. I could swear that my Rarity had asked the exact same thing at some point in our years together.

With a snarky smile, I side eyed her, shamelessly displaying my spiked leather jacket. “Sure is. What do you think?”

“Well, it’s–” She stopped herself, shaking her head. I could tell that she wanted to judge me, heh. It was amusing, what can I say? “It is perfectly fine, you look dashing.” She forced herself to say. And Twilight, who was on my other side, hastingly agreed. “She’srightyoulookgreat!”

“Thaaaank you kindly, Rarity. You too, Twi.” I made a fake bow. Okay I’m not being a dick here, I swear! It’s just– When they speak with the exact same voices of my friends, it almost tricks me to be the same level of closeness that I have with my friends, and that translates in many ways. Hell, looking at Twilight, even the pony version, just hearing her voice elicits automatic affection from me. It’s involuntary!

“Well I for one think you look awesome!” Rainbow Dash affirmed, fiddling with her admittedly beautiful dress as she accompanied us in flight. “Like c’mon, why am I even wearing this thing when I could have a sick leather jacket!!”

With a quick, sharp gaze, Rarity’s eyes pierced the pegasus, and I had to contain myself not to laugh. “Sorry!” Rainbow folded instantly. The familiarities between these and my friends amused me.

Pinkie walked closer, stepping in front of Rarity, and as expected, this Pinkie Pie also didn’t really understand personal space. “Hiya Sunset!! What’s the thing you’re looking forward to doing the most, at the gala??? There’s just so much fun stuff to do—-”

“Drinking!” I replied decisively, just to see her reaction, and to not much surprise, it was positive, with her nodding mischievously. “Niiiiiice” She affirmed. And to throw her a bone, I continued. “And of course, the pastries and sweets. I heard some mad mare baked a cupcake storm. I’d be stupid not to try.” This wasn’t my first experience of the gala with these 6– it was just my first hands-on experience. I was well aware that Pinkie helped with catering.

And I was also aware that this kind of compliment made her rave; I, for one, take personal pleasure at winding Pinkie up and watching her go, heheh. “YEAYEAH I’M THE MAD MARE!! I LIKE YOU ALREADY, SUNSET!!” A comical statement, that I did not look into.

I barely noticed it, but Twilight was scanning my every interaction with her friends.

Truthfully? What I was looking forward to the most was checking out the Canterlot gardens again. They were beautiful at night, and in the past, I was a lone wolf, so I’d often spend my time there, studying or just getting away from other ponies. It would be nostalgic.

“Ease off Pinkie, let her breathe, will ya?” Applejack commanded plainly, trying to get a bit closer. “I just wanna let you know that we’re all mighty happy yer here, Sunset!” She proclaimed happily– And that did put a smile on my face. Fluttershy, flying behind her, agreed, even if very quickly. “Y-yes! Super happy!” I sensed no deception behind her voice at all, and I got a pretty good lie detector. “Thanks, guys! I’m glad to be here!” I responded quickly and honestly, and tried not minding their tones.

Because it did start feeling like they were buttering me up, for some reason.

I guess that bothered me a little. I’m not made of glass– And least of all, I didn’t want this night to be about me at all. All I wanted was to make sure Celestia knew I was there, and also that Twilight was comfortable. Hell, I wasn’t even planning on stepping onto the dance floor!

It’s kind of my rule with parties nowadays. Take as much as you can of positive out of it, free snacks, nice mingling with friends– But don’t push it.

Finally, the castle doors. This place was enormous, and kinda claustrophobic. I have no idea why a Princess like Twilight, nerd that she is, has a castle this huge and lonely. Surely something like a library would be more fitting? Whatever. Hers got blown up, sadly!

I ran towards the doors and pushed them forward as fast as I could. Finally, grass beneath my hooves, the Equestrian air feeling my lungs.

I took a deep, satisfying breath. The horizon was beautiful, Ponyville looked lovely, the sun had just set, and due to it, the entire sky was covered in a purple like-haze, and littered with stars. I couldn’t help but smile.

“A-are you okay?” Twilight asked me, getting closer, I could tell she was worried about my demeanor. Honestly, it’d be complicated to explain why I was acting like this. She brushed close to me, and I could feel her insecurities.

So I just looked at her with a warm smile. “Hey Sparkles. What time does the train leave?”

“Oh, we still have well over half an hour to–”

“What’s that? We’re running late? Oh no!” I said in a joking tone, before looking back at all six of them. “Better hurry!!!” And with a smile, I took off, running out of there.

Any excuse to gallop, I would have taken– But it helped to hear the pleased and cheerful affirmations of Twilight’s friends behind me– Who appreciated the rush. Rainbow Dash especially, who flew overhead laughing.

More importantly, Twilight was giggling.

That was an absolute win.

Speaking of Twilight. I have to admit, she had put a lot of work into her appearance for tonight. Maybe it was Rarity rubbing off on her, maybe it was her living up to her princess status, but dang. Her mane was perfectly combed, in a beautiful bun, and her dress looked like it actually had scintillating stars in it. It honestly looked like the kind of dress that Luna would likely wear, if I would guess.

We were already on the train, so in an attempt to force myself not to stare, I looked out the window a lot. After all, with only the added difference of her wearing glasses, I would be acting a whole lot different tonight.

Lucky me, she did not wear glasses– And I could continue to look outside, watching the central Equestrian forests and mountains pass by. A very beautiful vista, that I sometimes missed.

And no, I didn’t make small talk on the train with her friends. Like c’mon, can you blame me? It’s super weird, they sound like my friends but aren’t– I can’t just go “Hey Pinkie, Let’s do some shots when we get to the party!” Or go “hey Dash! Remember that time when we were gaming–” Or go “AJ, let’s do that dance you taught me at the last Apple family reunion!” Or go “Hey Rares let’s judge the other party goers for their drip!” Or even “Yo Fluttershy, can I try wrestling your bear friend again?”

None of that translates, and I have to do a whole other layer of thinking to distinguish them.

But one thing was for sure, I could easily sit next to Twilight and mingle– Keep her mind somewhere better, somewhere a bit more light. It was the least I could do, and I quite enjoyed it.

And I could swear, sometimes her friends were peeking at me conspicuously.

Why, I couldn’t possibly tell.

But I wasn’t about to let anything bug me tonight.

Yeah, I gotta admit, it was a pleasing deja vu.

Canterlot castle, all dressed up, lighting the night sky with its glory. All the tapestries, all the lights, all the glamor. Don’t get me wrong, that’s not what I’m about, I suppose the only time I was about this was when I wanted to be unignorable, Celestia’s perfect pupil.

But now? It’s just fun to get lost in.

I said goodbye to Twilight’s friends pretty quickly– Mostly because I didn’t want to be the center of their attention, and it seemed kind of clear that they were trying to make me more comfortable here or something; Not in an overbearing way, but still!

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the sentiment, but again, I'm not made of glass. If anything, I was worried about Twilight tonight. Whether she would stick to me like glue or leave me to my own devices, I would try my best to be a good guest. It was easier, considering I didn’t bring anybody with me. Can you imagine if I had brought my Pinkie? Unending chaos would ensue. Equestria can withstand one Pinkie, but two? Celestia have mercy…

Also, bringing my own Twilight would have been a bad idea, for sure. Two Twilight’s running around would cause a lot of eyebrows to raise, and I could tell she would get very nervous here. So many stuffy aristocrats and ponies in positions of power– I could see Rainbow Dash mingling with the wonderbolts, and that was only the tip of the iceberg.

Lucky me, I wasn’t familiar with many of the upper echelon in Equestria anymore (perks of being in exile for nearly a decade!) So I couldn’t tell who here was really important.

Except, well…

Celestia was on the same podium she always stood in the gala, greeting visitors. For a moment, it was as if it was just me and her at the party. Sounds were distant, the ponies were far away. Just a failed student and her old mentor. I think she saw me and waved, and I waved back with a shy smile, unsure if it was even me she was waving at.

I was fiercely snapped into reality by Twilight, right next to me, addressing this. “Do you want to go talk to her?”

From her tone of voice, it sounded like she wanted me to talk to Celestia. Which, well, I couldn’t blame her. She might as well have said “Go talk to your not-mom-god-ex-mentor and un-burn that bridge!” Which would have been endlessly amusing, but still...

I blinked, and it was as if I was no longer alone at that party. The sounds of the crowd flooded my ears, and I let out a chuckle. “Nah. I’ll try to later, when she’s less busy.”

I don’t know if that was a lie, frankly.

But the best solution was to change the subject. I bumped Twilight with my rump, and she let out a quiet flustered yelp. “So Sparkles, see any cuties in this crowd?”

I’ll be honest, I was just asking to change the subject– it was instantly apparent that none of the ponies in that crowd could live up to Princess Twilight Sparkle. The halls were bustling with lively music and joy, but honestly, a vast majority were stuffy aristocrats, none who would ever deserve being with her.

I guess she must have agreed with me, because she shook her head avidly, flustering. “Nope! None here! Not my type, and, uh, stuff!” The words failed her, which amused me.

“Hey, don’t worry. Canterlot wasn’t built in a day. You have plenty of time to find a special someone– somepony; And I’m certain you’ll manage! I’m gonna go get some sweets, if you need me just ask, okay?” I bumped her once more for good measure, giving her the warmest smile I could. The pastries were calling for me.

“Yeah!!” She affirmed, with an embarrassed nod. I obeyed the call of the pastries.

Don’t get me wrong, I did believe she could find somepony worthy of her– But I struggled to imagine anypony that would be. Twilight Sparkle deserves everything, not just another Jane doe. Trying to picture who would be truly good enough to be with her for 1000 years was a losing battle.

Maybe some badass Unicorn chick with a six pack or something. That enjoys blowing stuff up and being protective of her girl. Maybe? Eh I’d have to think this kinda thing over.

She gave me a shy quick goodbye, standing there a bit flustered. No big surprise, my Twilight also was always really shy when it came to talking about romance.

Those pastries, man. I kinda do wish my Pinkie was here right now– she would go nuts. Plenty of tables filled the walls of the halls, with endless assorted snacks and foods and sweets; and plenty of waiters were passing by. But I was a self-server. I want something, I go get it.

And here, finally, I could exercise my favorite pastime at parties, people-watching. Or should I say pony-watching?

I stood, back to a wall, near a window, enjoying myself getting plenty of pastries, drinks and snacks, all while observing the ponies at the party. Of course, this was something that was funner to do with a friend, but I derived no less enjoyment from it alone, after all, it’s Equestria! There’s funny things happening everywhere.

Rainbow Dash seemed to be having a good time with her Wonderbolt buddies, as she flexed and did loopty-loops demonstrating some sort of flight she had taken earlier, and Fluttershy seemed to be observing her from a distance, while also surrounded by birds, no doubt preparing for a choir. My guess? Fluttershy was working up the nerve to ask Rainbow for a dance– A task I imagine would be torture to her, specially considering how oblivious Dash was in my universe– If this was any similar, Flutters was in for a struggle. That kind of obliviousness was endlessly entertaining to observe, though. But sometimes kinda frustrating.

Applejack seemed to be standing diligently near Rarity, waiting for her to finish talking with Twilight, likely for similar reasons as fluttershy. It was fun to watch her demeanor, it was like she was a protective bodyguard that handled the ponies around her like they were made of glass. Kinda cute. One thing I did notice, more than once tonight, Twilight seemed to be hounded by Rarity over something. My first guess would be party etiquette, or something regarding dress wear, whatever. Though weirdly, I did see them both glimpsing at me on occasion while arguing, though that must have been my imagination.

And Pinkie, of course, was busting it down on the dance floor. She seemed to have enough decorum not to bump endlessly into other party guests, and yet, her ability to be capable of eating pastries while dancing rivaled my Pinkie’s.

Celestia… Was looking right at me, for most of the party. That much, was unmistakable. I couldn’t help but feel guilty; No doubt she was checking to make sure I wouldn’t be up to something. Best I could do in this scenario was to behave! I remained still, and did not do anything suspicious.

And so, I made sure to start drinking.

I refused to feel bad tonight. I was going to enjoy myself, and not worry about nonsense. And I hoped that Celestia would see me behaving properly!

Unfortunately I barely got to drink. “Hi, Sunset… Would you like to dance?” That familiar voice snapped me out of my trance; Twilight had teleported right next to me, and asked me that question while I had a mouthful of pastries in me. Embarrassing, but I could play it cool.

“Um” I tried swallowing as fast as I could without choking to death, then and there. “N-no thank you, I’m not stepping on the dance floor tonight!” I stated, with as much calm confidence as I could muster, unable to allow my smile to be anything less than nervous– She caught me off guard, okay?

“W-what?” Seeming genuinely shocked at my answer, her ears drooped low.

But what can I say? I wanted to be anything BUT in the middle of a crowd tonight– this party was not about me, and I sure as hell wasn't going to be seen shaking my booty next to a princess.

“I don’t wanna make a fuss, that's all!!” I tried covering. “This night’s pretty big, and the last thing I wanna do is risk making a mess. Celestia’s watching me like a hawk.”

I suppose I did feel like I was on thin ice– Nothing you can’t easily avoid by being cautious and taking it slow, but still.

“Aww…” Okay, that seemed to genuinely upset her. Fuck.

My gaze led me to the window, and to the gardens outside.

I had a pretty good idea on how to make it up to her. “Hey, do you trust me?” I offered her a hoof.

“Of course!” She answered without hesitation, placing her hoof on mine.

I teleported us both out of there, into the gardens outside. And I was happy to do so– The party was getting a bit much, even for me.

And hey, as I walked slowly outside, I got what I wanted. The gardens were beautiful, they weren’t as lit as the party inside, so the moon and stars were our biggest source of light. There were less ponies out here, and the sounds of the party were distant echoes.

The Princess followed me closely in confusion. “Um, Sunset, what are we–”

“Follow me! I want to show you something.” I stated simply, as I picked up the pace, looking back with a smile. There was a line of being open versus being intriguing that I wanted to toe, hopefully to make her distracted from all the messed up thoughts from earlier.

This garden was my jam, back in the day, and I was just. Completely delighted to see not much had changed.

So together, we ran through the canterlot gardens at night. I have to say, it was lovely to hear her giggle. It was endlessly familiar, and considering how much she had gone through, it was music to my ears.

Dirt and grass beneath my hooves, the humid cold night air in my lungs, it felt good. I had no more regrets about coming here tonight.

We reached a dead end, but not for me. A wall in our front, windows to the party on our right, the gardens we came from behind us, and a ledge leading to the Canterlot skyline on our left.

“What is it you wanted to show me…?” She asked with that classic Twilight Sparkle curiosity, that couldn’t help but make me smile. “Here, follow my lead.”

There was an old, tall tree that obscured a lot of the wall and rooftop on this dead end. I jumped, and with a mix of levitation and teleportation, I climbed it, and from it, I reached a hidden ledge. Twilight followed me in flight, and she gasped in surprise.

There was a hidden little nook, in between the rooftops, one with a bench, a sealed door, and old abandoned gardening utensils– with plenty of vines and leaves covering them. I took in the familiar sight with a smile. “I used to come here a lot, when I was a student of Celestia’s. I often wanted to be alone, y’know?”

With a hoof, I pointed at one of the bricks on the short walls of that nook, moving a couple of vines away– In it, an old, familiar scribbling. “Sunset Shimmer was here!!!” And upon seeing it, the Princess giggled in delight.

“It's cute! I like it!” She nodded, smiling at it, and me. I have to admit, it felt good to share parts of myself I didn’t get to share with anybody, or anypony. This nook was one of the reasons I wanted my Twilight to be here with me tonight.

But of course, that wasn’t the main event.

She was distracted looking at me, so with one hoof, I moved her head in the opposite direction, and I felt her emotions spike with my touch and the view.

This nook was the perfect, best-seat-in-the-house to be capable of viewing all of Canterlot, from above, without a single obstruction, and even better, comfortable privacy.

The skyline of the city was quite frankly, ethereal at a night like this. It lit up the night almost with a fog of scintillating lights and glory, with some of the Castle’s spotlight swerving around slowly. This was the first time I had shared this view with anypony. The mixture of colors, the way it reflected off of the mountains and forests around it, and the fact you could see so far into Equestria, it was the best view in all of Canterlot Castle, to me, at least.

“T-this is the best view in Canterlot Castle. Oh my gosh.” Her jaw was slacked, so I quickly picked it up for her. With a confident smile, I walked towards the ledge and leaned on it. “Yep, it’s really something, and I’m glad I finally got to share it. I’m pretty sure there’s no gardener that even knows that this is here, perks of the Castle being so huge, after all. I’ve been coming here since I found it, when I was much younger. Whenever I wanted to get away from everything, I’d sit here…”

My gaze was set on the skyline, and I have to admit, I felt a bit of sorrowful nostalgia. Sure, those days weren’t the best, but being a student of Celestia was an incredible position.

But above all, I was just glad I wasn’t alone up here anymore.

The echoes of the party were the only memory that it wasn’t just us in this castle. But I didn’t mind. The silence was comfortable, even if I could tell she wanted to say something.

“Damn, I always forget how clear the sky is here…” I looked up, and it looked like an unending sea of stars, you could easily identify constellations, celestial bodies, it was gorgeous.

“I-I know, right?” She agreed immediately. “Equestria’s skies are much better than earths, I have to say– And the air, too…!”

Okay, although I’d usually defend my home turf, she was right. Both the skies and the air here were endlessly better. The human world is full of cars constantly shitting out smoke in the air, it’s kind of disgusting, but I guess they have no other ways to get around, with their two legs, heh.

“Yeah. Nothing beats that Equestrian night air.” I nodded, closing my eyes and feeling it.

“It iiiiis pretty chilly though…!” She shivered slightly, rubbing her exposed legs– Yeah, that dress was beautiful, but it did not protect her from the cold at all.

With one thoughtless motion, I took off my jacket and handed it to her.

Look, I’m not a pony that gets cold easily, I run hot. And the funniest thing here– I kind of got a deja vu, the moment I saw the Princess put the jacket on and thank me, flustered, with that pouty look Twilight’s often had.

Me and my Twilight had done this before.

Back before we were even dating, me and all our friends would sometimes take hikes on the everfree forest, during our vacations. And the thing was, me and Twilight would often walk a bit separately from the group, leading the way. Me because I was guiding, and her because I was determined to keep an eye out for if she needed to rest, or needed her inhaler.

And on one particularly cold night, I noticed that she was shivering, and without thinking, I removed my jacket and handed it to her; Which was comical, since it was a bit too big for her, but hey, nothing better than some body heat to warm you up! And that jacket was full of it.

The funniest thing though, she thought I didn’t notice– But seconds after she started wearing it, She reached down with her face and took a big whiff of the inside of my jacket.

I tried so hard not to burst into laughter, like what, was she put off by my sweaty scent or whatever? Little did I know at the time, it was quite the opposite. She wore my jacket for the rest of my hike, and then some. It was a damn wonderful time. And she even stole a sweater of mine at some point.

But hey, the Princess next to me had a bit more decorum than that.

…Nevermind. She thought I wasn’t looking, because I was facing the Canterlot skyline, and she reached down and took a big whiff of the inside of my jacket.

These Twilights, Man. Hah.

“Twilight.” I stated plainly, and amused myself by watching her straighten her back instantly, pretending she hadn’t done what she just did.

I tilted my head with a smile, looking at her from top to bottom. “I hope you’re feeling better…?” Hope is certainly the right word. I was nearly begging her to be feeling better after everything she told me.

“Y-yeah. I am.”

Well, I had to face the music eventually!

The party had died down a little, and most ponies were dancing slowly in the ballroom, plenty whom I recognized. But me? I was about to face Celestia and ask her “howsit goin!”

Twilight led me to her calmly, and I could feel her excitement, at least. But me? I’m not going to lie, I just wanted to be as formal and possible and then go back to getting some snacks. At least the princess looked good wearing my jacket, but I had no doubt Rarity would judge her on it.

“Greetings, Sunset Shimmer!” She spoke with a certain joy, a certain excitement. Her smile was genuine, so mine was too. “Hi, Princess Celestia. It's nice to see you again!”

“The feeling is mutual. How have you and Twilight enjoyed the evening?” She spoke calmly and with a certain giddyness behind her words, as her eyes switched from me to her pupil.

With a bit of nervous laughter, Twilight stepped forward, with her classic embarrassed demeanor. For a moment, I was reminded of the first time I had met Celestia, after my banishment. My friends had all forgotten me, and I was so close to losing everything, but Twilight helped me reunite with my old mentor without hesitation. And much like that time, she was much more nervous than I was, heh.

“Hey, so, Princess Celestia, the thing is– I talked with her, but only a little bit. I was hoping you could…?” She folded her wings close, and nudged her head at my direction, a motion I did not understand.

Celestia’s eyes widened a little bit, as she quickly switched her glance between me and Twilight, in confusion. “Um, so, did you not…?”

“Nope haha! Please help” She stated, and now I was the confused one, as I tried deciphering whatever they meant.

With a nod, Celestia stepped forward, an action that would have intimidated me, if she wasn’t smiling. “But I trust you two did enjoy the festivities, after all?”

At least that got a positive reaction out of Twilight, who nodded emphatically. “Y-yes! We had a wonderful time. Sunset showed me a really good spot to enjoy the party…!”

Snickering, I took that as my cue to add my input. “Heh, yeah, and trust me, that’s not the only hidden spot I have here in this castle. If you’d like, I could show you more of them tonight?”

“Hihihi, I would love that!” She said, with a genuine giddy smile, and nuzzled me affectionately.

Yeah. I know. Weird, but not so much; Princess Twilight liked my idea so much she just nuzzled me then and there after letting out one of her dorky adorable laughs. Totally fine; And yes, if you must know, she must have doused herself in a gallon of Rarity’s perfume, and no, I don’t know this because I sniffed her, I promise.

That's normal! Nuzzling another pony is totally normal and okay; This is just a thing that ponies do, we nuzzle each other all the time when we care about each other and stuff.

Now you might ask 'Sunset, how do you know what a pony ritual of affection is like?’

First of all. Like. C'mon. Screw you man

Second of all, what actually matters here isn't this cute little display or whatever.

It's the fact that I literally read minds and feel feelings through physical contact; And sometimes it's involuntary; When someone, or in this case, is feeling something very loudly.

I love you!

She felt that, really, really loudly.

…I wanted to chock that up as platonic immediately, I really did. But the problem here? I’m an expert in Twilight Sparkle feelings of affection, I’m DATING one.

I know the feeling of Twilight Sparkle loving me. Because it was basically routine at this point.

So when she nuzzled me, and her feelings loudly spread throughout my skin, to me that was normal. That was something that happened to me every day that I spent with my Twilight. But also it wasn’t, because this wasn’t my Twilight. I nearly jumped and choked right there; As I recoiled from her touch in immense surprise, and she sure noticed me flinching, that much was obvious.

“Are you okay?” She asked quickly in surprise– Even Celestia noticed me freaking out.

“U-um!” I managed to mutter, eyes fixed on the Princess. “I, uh,”

I had nothing. My vision blurred in confusion and my face grew redder by the second– My body almost commanded me to teleport out of there, my heartbeat rose, I was freaking out.

Celestia snapped me out of my trance easily. “Could we talk in private, Sunset Shimmer?” She offered, and that was an offer that I accepted emphatically.

Shake yourself off, you’re imagining things, this meant nothing, move on, move on, move on!!

“I-I’ll see you soon!” Twilight spoke behind us, in a certain nervous tone that was now feeling very familiar to me. I barely mustered an “Y-yeah!” before quickening my pace.

Holy shit.

What was that.

No, actually, no. I didn't need to know, it was nothing!

Nothing at all!

“It is wonderful to see you bonding with her and all her friends, Sunset.” Celestia spoke, side eyeing me with a smile, as we walked on empty hallways of Canterlot castle together– and I have to admit, my legs were feeling wobbly. Not just because of whatever insane thing had just happened, but because walking side by side with Celestia through these halls was something I hadn’t done in ages.

It was a couple of drastic steps above nostalgia, it made me feel bittersweet in indescribable ways, and I was trying not to freak over whatever the hell had just happened with me and Twilight.

“Y-yeah. They’re really welcoming.” Though I guess it was easy to say that, considering I had the same friends elsewhere. That’s it, Sunset, just make small talk so you can walk away.

“Indeed. Twilight is the future of Equestria, but I must admit… That future is in jeopardy, in her current state…” Okay, not small talk, BIG talk. Celestia seemed to be worried about her pupil, and I sure as hell didn’t blame her.

“Y-yeah, she told me about some messed up stuff she was feeling. It’s rough. …If you don’t mind me asking, what are you all going to do…?” Keep it light, let’s not thread where we’re not meant to!

She slowed down, until she sat by a balcony, overlooking the rest of the castle. It was peaceful, but internally I was anything but, my gaze dissociating into the night. “Our next plan of action is to find a suitable partner for Twilight to rule alongside– Essentially, a new pupil for me, and her. We are halting all of our plans for a coronation, until we manage to fulfill this task. Twilight, in her current state, could not rule, no matter how qualified. She is succumbing to her insecurities, and I do not blame her. I am at least happy to know she knows what she wants…” She looked at me analytically, and I averted my gaze.

I nodded quietly, as if I understood, but frankly, my mind was a bit frazzled; I was still recuperating. “I hope you guys manage to find one! Sounds like a big deal.” God that was so stupid to say. Such a blank statement, I was NOT stable.

“We have already found one, our best possible suitor at the moment, actually.” She spoke in a relieved smile, and honestly? It made me a bit relieved too.

At least that problem was dealt with, you know? And it wasn’t mine, either. I just wanted to get back to the party. “O-oh! Awesome! Is it a secret, or can you tell me? ‘Cause I’m curious–”

“It is you, Sunset Shimmer.”

Everything froze.

I froze.

My fucking heart froze.



That was all that could come out of my mouth.

Celestia noticed my mental state, and I don’t blame her for being a bit amused. She giggled, bringing a hoof to her lips, and came a bit closer, regarding me with kindness. “Isn’t it obvious? You were my original pupil, and that wasn’t for no reason, you’ve always excelled at much, and had boundless potential. And now, you are better than ever, Sunset. You have understood and forged the bonds of friendship, you have proven to have a kind heart, you have protected another world dutifully from magical threats, and above all, the confidence that I see in you… It is not arrogance anymore. You are more than the perfect suitor.”

How the hell did I feel dizzy, and yet, Like I was a statue, all at once? “B-but Twilight, she, uh,”

She nudged me, and an emotion rushed through me from her. It was pride. “This was her idea. She is quite fond of you, and not just that, but her frequent correspondence with you allows her a perfect perspective. She has reported to me, time and time again, on how well you were doing, passionately so, if I may add. And I could not be prouder.”

“H-holy shit.” Was all that could come out of me, as my gaze was completely lost in the night. At first, I felt utterly flabbergasted, but a warm feeling started spreading through me.

“Heheh, ‘Holy shit’ indeed. I mean all the words I say, Sunset Shimmer. I am proud of the pony you have become– And I believe that you have the makings of a wonderful Alicorn, if you would allow me to attempt to train you once more; And what’s more, Twilight believes in you with all her might! And as do I– As do all her friends.” She regarded me with adoration and pride, a gaze that I did not have from her, or any parental figure, in well over a decade.

“T-this is incredible, I, wow,” Kudos for me not being capable of formulating a fucking proper sentence. I felt like bursting into laughter. I felt warm.

She closed her eyes, her head held high, facing the moon. “Equestria needs you, Sunset Shimmer. Twilight needs you. What do you say? How about we try again?” Her smile was captivating, her faith was intoxicating, my own muzzle was grinning madly.

“I, I don’t know what to say, this is just everything I’ve ever–”

I stopped.

I stopped and felt a cold shiver rising in my spine.

I wasn’t living in Equestria.

I wasn’t dating this Twilight.

My friends, my girlfriend, all were waiting for me back home.

My expression melted into a grimace, as my thoughts spiraled, and I felt like I was going to pass out; Maybe even throw up, then and there. I felt my stomach twist as air left my lungs.

“I, I… I have to…” Words failed me, and I had to lean on the railing.

Celestia regarded me, eagerly awaiting my response.

With monumental effort, I managed to ask a question. “C-can I sleep on it?” The stupidest nervous smile appeared on my face, as that was all I managed to blurt out. I hated myself for not instantly accepting it. I hated myself insanely for not hugging Celestia tightly and not letting go– For not emphatically agreeing, cheerfully laughing with joy.

And I hated myself for not instantly running away.

“Um… Sleep on it?” She tilted her head in confusion, and I don’t fucking blame her.

I nodded, unable to look her in the eyes. “It's, uh… it’s… I have to think about it…!” While I said those words, my body was already recoiling, my legs were already moving me backwards.

She nodded at me with an earnest smile, she believed every word she said. “I see. Do not worry, we will await your response. This is a big responsibility, after all. Know that we have our utmost faith that you will make the right choice for the future of Equestria– And that our trust in you is absolute.”

NO FUCKING PRESSURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I couldn't show weakness in front of her. So I turned around. I turned around and prepared to fucking run. “Okaythankyouverymuchiloveyoui’mgonnagothinkaboutitnow”

“T-thank you for coming…?” Was all I heard her blurt out, as she watched me gallop out of there for my life.

As I ran, looking for any place to have a panic attack in privacy, every single moment in this party, on this day, hell, in the past weeks and months were recontextualized in my mind.

Of course Twilight messaged me through the book anytime she could. She wanted to see more of me.

Of course she already considered me a potential suitor, I was literally dating another version of her, and I, idiot that I am, went on endless tangents about how well I took care of her.

Of course Twilight wanted to talk to me before crossing the portal. She was going to ask me this herself I just, like a fucking idiot, didn’t realise it.

Of course her friends were waiting for us. They thought I would have said yes already. She had talked to all of them about us.

Of course Rarity was hounding her– She was the queen of giving relationship and romance advice– No WONDER Twilight was doused in a gallon of her perfume.

Of course she wanted me to dance with her– She wanted it to be known publicly that she was with somepony, and she wanted it to be me.

Of course they didn’t let me bring a plus one. Twilight wanted me all to herself tonight.

And of course, there was no way she would want my girlfriend present on the night she requested me to vow that I would spend a thousand, loving, incredible years devoted only to her.

That diabolical, adorable, malignant, lovestruck, deranged cutiepie.

I found a quiet balcony to shout as loud as I could, a couple dozen swear words for good measure, and then just scream.

How could I have been so fucking oblivious. How could I have been so fucking stupid.

Here it was, my biggest wildest dreams, offered to me on a silver platter, and I said “I’ll get back to you on that” And for WHAT. to pay taxes on a smelly world with barely any magic?! On a smelly world that took me in when I had nothing else?!

Why did I ever even consider spending the rest of my life there?

…Because of my Twilight.

My heart sank. I nearly bit the railing I was leaning on, on the realization that I couldn’t have this without losing her.

No. Not losing.

Without ditching her.

Without crushing her.

I let out a couple more screams and curse words into the nightly air for good measure.

And you might be thinking: ‘Sunset, do you love Princess Twilight too?’

Let's not unpack that right now.

I had no fucking idea what to do, and it sure as hell didn’t help that the Princess of Friendship teleported right next to me; wearing my jacket like it was hers.

I flinched, like I was face to face with a monster.

I flinched, like I was face to face with a lover.

“Did everything go okay…?” She asked me, earnestly, genuinely caring about how I was feeling.

Turning away from her, I faced the night, and gritted my teeth. I resisted the urge to bang my head against the railing violently. “Twilight. You planned this all along, didn’t you?”

“...Yes… I did.” She joined my side, but kept her distance, something I was very, very thankful for, because if Twilight Sparkle touched me right now, and if I could feel everything she felt about me, to have made this decision, I have no fucking idea what I’d do, but the one thing I know is that it wouldn’t be sensible, and I'd regret it.

I leaned my forehead against the railing, forcing my eyes closed, I couldn't look at her. For my own sake. “Why. would you ask me this, I have– I have college?!!!”

That last word failed me. The moment I said it, I knew how fucking stupid it sounded.

There was no reality in which human college was more important than ruling Equestria. Not to me. Not to her.

She didn’t answer me, just pouted– I don’t know. I guess she knew I had more to say.

I almost snarled those words, not even in anger. “Why, why, why, WHY would you ask me this, when you KNOW I'm in a committed relationship?!?!”

In another world, no less.

She acted sheepish, like I had caught her stealing cookies. It would be adorable, if I wasn’t fuming. “...I mean… The relationship is with me. A me, I suppose… So…”

“Twilight Sparkle, are you in love with me?!” I asked that, but I honestly didn’t need to. I already knew the answer. It was stupid to even ask. Of course she did. She wouldn’t have asked a god to accept me again– She wouldn’t have asked me to rule with her, for a thousand years, if she didn’t love me.

Nodding slowly, she got really quiet. “It’s just… You’re so perfect for this. You were a pupil of Celestia before even I was. You’re uniquely qualified… You changed so much, you’re so brave, so kind, so confident, I just… You were always ready when I sent you messages. You were always ready to lend advice, to help, to just… Care. I want you closer. Isn’t this perfect? Doesn’t it feel… right?”

“Yes or no.” I don’t know why I even asked this. I don’t know why I pushed it, when I knew the answer.

She took a deep breath. “Sunset Shimmer. I want to spend a thousand years ruling with you, because I love you. Faith isn't what I need to rule Equestria... I need you.” It was the honest truth. She had considered this for weeks, maybe months. She had decided this plainly and completely.

And it fucking hurt. It hurt that this was so perfect.

It hurt that this was everything I ever wanted.

The Princess of Friendship is in love with me. I involuntarily let out nervous laughter.

“...Do you love me…?” She asked. Oh my god, she asked.

I shuddered, shivered, with an exhale. “Can we not unpack that right now, please?!” I begged.

I guess that answer was enough for her, because it wasn’t a no.

Though it was pretty obvious. I was dating a Twilight Sparkle. She had every reason to know that my affection for one would mean the same for another. She was way too intelligent to not notice how I bent over backwards for her whenever she needed help. Even if I was doing it because we were friends, and... She changed my life, I have a debt that I'll never be able to pay, but...

...I would certainly be able to repay it, in a thousand years.

God fucking damnit.

“So… You know what I want. Sunset, what do you want?” That was the worst possible question to ask me at the moment.

I turned to her, and I refused to spill my guts– that were on fire, by the way. I felt sick, dizzy, even.

“I need to think.” I stated plainly. “I have a life there. I have a love there– I can’t just– I need to think about this.” What the fuck was it there to even think about. The human world didn’t matter. Not compared to the fate of Equestria with a solo, grieving ruler.

Twilight didn't deserve to spend a thousand years alone.

“...okay.” She nodded quietly, at least she seemed to understand how fucking difficult this situation was for me.

She looked at me, almost with a smile. “...Do you want to go back to the party?”

No, god no, not right now. “I can't. Not now. I can’t be here. I can’t sleep here. I have to– I have to go home.” I immediately teleported onto the gardens below, and she followed.

“W-wait, Sunset! The train stations are not open at this hour!!!” She followed close behind, trying to stop me.

“Then I’ll walk.” I didn’t care how stupid it was. I had to clear my head. I had to be anywhere but here. I couldn’t make a decision like this now– Hell, it wasn’t even a decision.

“Wait!!” She teleported in front of me, stopping my progress, and placing a hoof on my chest. “Your... Your jacket.”

She looked almost sad to let it go. She looked inconsolable, actually. And her touch translated that to me perfectly. Which only made me feel worse, of course. Fuck. every time she brushed closer to me I could feel her fears, and I could feel her joys. She really, really wanted this.

“Twilight… You have to know how hard this is for me. Please understand.” I can’t believe I was the one apologizing after everything. Goddamnit.

She nodded slowly, and got a bit closer.

“You don’t have to walk. I’ll teleport you there, okay…?” As an Alicorn, it would be an easy feat. I was so frazzled I didn’t even think about it.

I accepted her touch, I accepted her embrace, ugh, and I hated how good it felt, not just for me, but for her. With a slow, channeling flash, we were both in her library once more; And we even took pieces of the garden grass with us.

I looked at the mirror, inviting me to leave. Then I looked back at her, inviting me to stay.

Closing my eyes, I winced. “Look, just– Give me a couple of days… Okay…?”

“Take as long as you need, but please don’t disappear…” She was nearly begging me. She was nearly pleading for me to stay.

All I could do was nod. Because I couldn’t stay here. Every second moved me closer to something I’d regret with every fiber of my being, and I was having a shit night as it is.

“I’ll wait for you, okay?” She said, in a very familiar, close tone. In a very familiar, loving tone.

I was the first to let go of the hug we shared, of course. Because her feelings rushing out of her skin were intoxicating, and the perfume didn’t help.

I practically ran at the mirror.

Shivering, shuddering, I quickly, and shakingly fished my phone out of my pocket– The streetlamps were my only source of light outside the moon, as I stood, panicking outside the halls of CHS.

The air was heavy, it was warm. It wasn’t as fresh as Equestria's. The sky was cloudy, no stars, unlike Equestria.


A handful of missed texts from Pinkie pie, she seemed to be raving about a new game she played, and wanting to show me it. She also asked me how the gala went.

The group chat was sharing memes related to college students, now that we were officially in there. Rainbow spammed one that said “Why be on college when I could be grillin’” and Applejack laughed hysterically at one that depicted a picture of a man fishing on a riverside that said “College told me to work at a bank but didn’t specify which one” and Fluttershy posted an image of a bundle of seven cuddling kittens, with the caption “Us”

A couple of missed texts from Twilight. “I hope the party went great!! Tell me about it when you make it back! <3 Also check this out: 👽← Bogos Binted”

I gritted my teeth.

And let out a couple more screams and swears into the night for good measure.

What the fuck am I going to do.

Author's Note:

And now we arrived at the actual problem.

I've read plenty of fics of EQG, romantic or otherwise, with Twilight and/or Scitwi, and one thing that always bugged me was the lack of consequences, or just a pretty confortable status quo. Like what, Princess Twilight is just gonna constantly visiting the human world to get a chance to see her gf? What, Scitwi is the reason Sunset Shimmer is never gonna visit her actual homeworld? She won't go see Celestia again? Or the other Twilight?

Not to mention, in canon, Twilight's solo rule ended in abysmal failure, with Equestria ending more separated than before its founding, even.

Those bridges aren't burnt. They're very much there.

And I think that there would be consequences, on trying to live a double life like that.

This fic is about those consequences.

And a world hinges on Sunset's decision.