• Published 28th Apr 2024
  • 231 Views, 13 Comments

Spike Piece - Rock-Lee

Spike being a pirate searching for one of the most important treasures on the world

  • ...

Yes captain!

Spike watched from afar as the Marines' ship docked on the island, his heart pounding nervously as he realized they might be looking for him. Quickly, he moved away from the port, staying hidden in the shadows while cautiously observing the activity around him.

As the Marines disembarked from the ship, Spike remained alert, carefully evaluating his options. He knew he couldn't afford to be captured, not when he was so close to unraveling the mystery of the One Piece. With determination, he decided it was time to leave the island and seek refuge elsewhere.

With swift and stealthy movements, Spike slipped through the streets of the island, avoiding detection by any Marine patrols that might be lurking in the area. His mind raced as he plotted a plan to escape the island without raising suspicions.

After ensuring no one was nearby, Spike headed towards the dock in search of a boat to take him away from the island. Hopefully, he could find a trader willing to take him to a nearby island where he could continue his search for the One Piece without being pursued by the Marines.

Finally, he spotted a small fishing boat moored at the end of the dock, apparently abandoned by its crew. With a mixture of relief and nervousness, Spike approached the boat, making sure not to be seen by any Marines who might be watching the area. With quick and silent movements, he untied the ropes holding the boat and jumped aboard with agility.

Once inside the boat, Spike hurried to untie the oars and began rowing away from the port, quickly distancing himself from the island while keeping a vigilant eye on his surroundings. He knew he couldn't let his guard down until he was safely out at sea, beyond the reach of the Marines who might be searching for him.

With each stroke, the distance between Spike and the island widened, and a sense of relief began to wash over him. However, he also knew that his journey was far from over. He had to find a way to reach a safe island where he could plan his next move without worrying about being captured.

After sailing for what seemed like hours, Spike would be about to take a break... Until out of nowhere, a massive sea beast's head would appear from one second to the next just a few meters away from him, ready to devour his boat.

The sudden appearance of the sea beast's head left Spike breathless, his heart pounding as he watched in horror as the monster loomed over him. With a mixture of panic and determination, he realized he was in a dangerous situation and needed to act quickly if he wanted to survive.

With swift movements, Spike grabbed the oars tightly and began rowing with all his strength, trying to get away as fast as possible from the sea beast looming over him. The boat rocked violently as the beast thrashed the waters around it, sending giant waves crashing that threatened to capsize it at any moment.

"SONIC RAINBOOM!" A female voice would shout before a bright beam of light would appear out of nowhere and obliterate the sea beast in less than a second, leaving only its headless corpse floating in the sea.

The sudden attack surprised Spike, who came to a sudden stop as he watched in awe the destruction of the sea beast at the hands of the mysterious force. With narrowed eyes, he searched the horizon for the source of the attack, wondering who or what had intervened to save him at the last moment.

"Need a hand, kid?" asked the voice of a woman, who could only be seen on a much larger ship than Spike's, her appearance only visible as a silhouette.

Spike cautiously observed the figure on the larger ship, his senses alert as he assessed the situation. Despite the relief of being saved from the sea beast's attack, he couldn't let his guard down in front of a stranger, especially at sea where dangers abound.

With a firm but cautious voice, Spike responded to the woman from his position in the smaller boat.

"Who are you? And why did you save me?" Spike asked, his gaze fixed on the silhouette of the woman on the larger ship. He was determined to get answers before fully trusting her.

The woman on the boat let out a soft laugh before responding, her voice carrying a tone of amusement.

"They call me Dash, and let's just say I have a weakness for saving those in distress at sea," the woman replied, laughing lightly. "Besides, it's not every day I see a young man like you facing a sea beast with such bravery."

"Though a boat doesn't stay afloat on bravery alone," Rainbow would say with a somewhat playful smile, pointing at Spike's small boat.

"...I guess I don't have much choice," Spike would say, letting out a somewhat embarrassed sigh.

With a friendly smile, Rainbow approached Spike's boat and extended a hand to help him aboard her larger ship. Spike, grateful for the help, accepted Rainbow's hand and climbed aboard carefully, making sure not to lose his balance as he moved from the smaller boat to the larger one.

Once aboard Rainbow's ship, Spike looked around in awe at his surroundings, marveling at the breadth and grandeur of the vessel. With each step he took, he felt smaller in comparison to the magnitude of the ship and the experience of its captain.

Rainbow, meanwhile, moved confidently across the deck, her gaze fixed on the horizon as she skillfully directed the ship. Her presence was imposing, but at the same time warm and welcoming, which made Spike feel comfortable in her company despite the unknown situation he found himself in.

"I hope you don't mind the company of a young pirate on your ship," Spike said, trying to break the ice as he adjusted to his new situation.

"Of course not, kid," Rainbow replied with a friendly smile. "Everyone is welcome aboard the 'Sea Killer', as long as they're willing to work hard and follow my orders."

In that brief moment of conversation, they would analyze each other for something detailed in them, analyzing each other's appearance.

Spike dresses elegantly, wearing a high-quality white shirt that contrasts perfectly with a dark blue velvet vest that gives him a sophisticated touch. His matching pants are made of fine fabric and perfectly ironed, showing his attention to detail and sense of style. He wears perfectly polished brown leather shoes, completing his refined look. An antique pocket watch hangs from his vest, adding a touch of nostalgia and distinction to his outfit. His dark green hair is elegantly styled back, and his eyes shine with determination and youthful curiosity.

Rainbow wears a flashy and colorful pirate outfit. She wears a blue jacket with golden trim and silver buttons that reaches her thighs, open at the front to reveal a white shirt underneath. Her pants are dark blue, tight-fitting, and decorated with golden details that add an elegant touch to her outfit. She wears tall black leather boots with thick heels and sturdy soles, ideal for maintaining balance on deck during storms at sea. At her waist, she wears a leather belt adorned with silver buckles, where she keeps a pirate-style sword and various useful accessories. Her rainbow-colored hair reaches her waist.

"Wow, we have an elegant one here?" Rainbow would say somewhat surprised by Spike's elegant clothes.

"Thank you, I suppose I like to dress well even in difficult situations," Spike replied with a smile, only for Rainbow to mess up his hair with her hand.

"And where were you going, kid?" Rainbow would say leaning on the railing of her ship.

"Well, I was on my way to a nearby island

according to a map that... um... I acquired," Spike replied, trying to hide the true nature of the scroll he carried with him. "It seems like life had other plans for me before getting there."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, her sharp gaze evaluating Spike with curiosity as she held his gaze.

"Interesting... A map, huh?" Rainbow said, her tone filled with intrigue. "I suppose I could help you get to your destination, as long as you tell me a little more about your mysterious map."

Spike stared at Rainbow cautiously, his mind racing as he considered how to respond to her question. He knew he couldn't reveal the true nature of the scroll he carried with him, but at the same time, he needed Rainbow's help to reach his destination.

With a sigh, Spike decided to trust Rainbow to some extent, revealing only the necessary information to get her help without compromising his mission.

"The map... it's something special," Spike began, choosing his words carefully, keeping his explanation as vague as possible. "It leads me to an island where it's rumored there's a treasure. I don't exactly know what kind of treasure it is, but I know it's something many people are willing to kill to obtain."

"Look, kid, I'm not the type of person who gets easily scared," Rainbow said without even giving Spike a second to say another word, subtly reaching for the base of her sword. "If you're willing to trust me and follow my instructions, I promise I'll take you where you need to go smoothly... In exchange for a part of the treasure, of course."

"U-Umm...S-Sure!" Spike would say taking a few steps back with his hands raised.

Rainbow nodded approvingly, a playful smile curving her lips as she watched Spike with interest.

"I like your attitude, kid," Rainbow said, her tone full of confidence. "And what do you have to offer for a crew?"

"Well, I can be quite useful in a fight, especially if I find myself in a tough situation," Spike replied, his tone filled with determination. "Plus...I enjoy cooking."

"A cook! Amazing!" Rainbow would say patting him on the back. "Come on, I'll show you the kitchen so you can prepare something good."