• Published 26th Apr 2024
  • 623 Views, 19 Comments

Equestria Girls meet Venom - Big Imagination E

The Rainbooms need to help Eddie Brock regain a new life. But first they need to stop a great evil. With some help from a race of symbiotes and the leader: Venom

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Venom's Food Frenzy and Training

Meanwhile at the Life Foundation Drake was extremely pissed that his symbiote was stolen last night and wanted answers right now.

"I can't believe it!! My Symbiote was stolen and you can't give me a fucking answer why!! Although that I'm glad that the human matched with the other symbiote that still leaves me to find the other! Find it! Now!!!" Drake yelled.

Yep. Drake was definitely pissed at the whole thing. Back with Eddie and the group they were walking to a restaurant where Eddie was hoping to find Anne so he can tell her that he now has proof that Drake is not a nice guy. Meanwhile a lady from Malaysia was coming to San Francisco. But what they don't know is that she is possessed.

Then back with the group they all arrived at the restaurant and they saw Eddie running towards Anne while she was on a date. The girls all watched from the back seeing all the drama that was going on. In fact they saw Eddie crash the date by seeing him eat a bunch of other people's food and spitting them out.

"Why does he have to do this?! This is so not proper like!!" Rarity said.

"Rarity calm down. Like we told you before Venom hasn't eaten the proper food in months. So don't be so surprised." Agony reminded her.

Then they saw him climb in the lobster tank and actually grabbing a lobster and ripped it's head off and did the same thing on another.

"Ok we do not need to see that anymore. Can we get out of here? Eddie needs some serious medical attention and Venom isn't making him feel good." Twilight asked.

"Yeah. It's probably gonna take a LONG while before Venom gets fully satisfied with Eddie feeding him. Come. We're gonna train you girls. You'll need all these abilities to really stop Drake." Scorn answered.

So they all left the restaurant and leaving Dan to get him the medical attention he needs to cure him.

We come to an empty field with some trees and the girls and Spike are all there ready for their training session. Then Scorn came out and faced the group other with the other symbiotes.

"All right girls. Listen up. To fully take down Drake and the Life Foundation you must learn to use these Symbiote abilities we have given you. Now you got lucky with the guards but Drake is a different enemy. So in order to stop him you must master the abilities we have to help you succeed. Are you ready?" Scorn asked.

"We're ready Scorn." Twilight said with confidence.

"Good. Now there's different abilities you need to master. There's the strength, the cardio, and of course our abilities. Master all of them and you will have no problem stopping Drake. Ok guys." Scorn said as she covered Twilight along with the other symbiotes doing the same to the others. "Let's do this."


So they began training with the first one. The strength. They all started with Scream ripping out a tree and threw it to the others to see if they can hold the tall tree like Scream did. And sure enough they all could. Next what they did was test the speed of how fast they can go. And they all galloped down the straightaway, amazed at how fast they were going, and they all didn't even feel tired! Another two turns and then the gang was on the final stretch to the finish line. They took long strides, seeming to fly over the track, and next thing she knew, they all were past the line. Then finally cane the fun part: testing the Symbiote abilities. Some of them can sprout out tentacles and shoot spikes and that's what Agony, Scream, Hybrid and Scorn did. Then the others can shapeshift their hands into different weapons to use in combat like spike balls, swords, knives and other weapons. And that's what Slasher, Lasher, Hysteria, Phage, Scorn, Hybrid, Agony and Scream all can do. In the process they shot down some ducks and ate them in order to stay satisfied.

After three hours their training session was complete and the symbiotes sank back into them and turned into heads and faced them.

"Not bad. Not bad at all. I think you're all ready for Drake. He won't have a clue who he's dealing with." Hysteria said.

"I hope so." Pinkie agreed.

"Um Scream? I don't appreciate you killing those innocent ducks and eating them. What if they had ducklings to care for?" Fluttershy asked.

"Fluttershy we went over this. We have to eat certain chemicals to survive. And sometimes the risk of killing animals like these ducks are part of the process." Scream replied.

"Scream. There's something you should know. Fluttershy is known for loving on all animals, hostile or not.” Twilight explained. "And she doesn't like it when we kill them."

"Understandable. Ok maybe we stick with killing Drake's men and himself." Scream said.

"Yeah. Do that. But I think we have something to upgrade you. See back at Camp Everfree we found these geodes and they gave us magic. And for Spike he gained magic of his own one day at the park when he found an emerald necklace. So maybe we can use them as well." Sunset offered.

"Hm. Interesting. After we cover you again try and active your geodes." Hybrid said.

"Ok we'll try." Sunset replied.

So all the girls and Spike placed their geodes and necklace on and all the symbiotes covered them and they actived their power. The glow in their bodies caused them to gain either wings or unicorn magic like teleportation, levatation and mind control. But for Lasher he gain dragon like features and the abilities of a dragon like fire breathing, roaring, and flying. They were all amazed and love the forms they gained.

"Ooh. Nice. I love the unicorn magic. Perhaps you are more than a drama queen after all. Sorry I doubted you Rarity." Agony said.

"Apology accepted. I guess we ain't so different." Rarity said.

Then all the symbiotes sunk back in them and the magic returned back in the geodes and necklace as the girls regained their normal forms. And Spike was normal like usual.

"Wow Spike. I love how you can become a dragon. I think you can be a fierce warrior. But there's one more thing you need to know. Our weaknesses. Those you cannot use." Lasher said.

"Ok so what are your weaknesses?" Spike wondered.

"They are fire and high pitched noise. The fire is if it's actually on us. We can't handle that heat. Now even though we are gonna breath fire just don't go IN the fire. And the high pitched noise is too loud and harmful to us too. Any sound that is 4,000 to 6,000 hertz is a sound we want to stay away. Now if the sound is lower than that then it's ok." Lasher explained.

"Ok so no fire on you guys and no sound that's 4,000 or 6,000 hertz." Spike recapped.

"Excatly. Now I think we better head back to Eddie. I'm sure Venom was not happy with how the medical attention turned out." Lasher said.

They all agreed and went to find Eddie to see if he's ok. Meanwhile back at the Life Foundation Drake was still not happy with how his symbiote was missing still. But then one of Drake's henchmen arrived and carried Dr Skirth by the arms and told him that he has good news for how the symbiote went missing.

Author's Note:

So the Symbiotes all trained the girls and Spike!! But Drake might start getting a lead on catching them. Better hope that training will help them!