• Published 5th Mar 2024
  • 680 Views, 40 Comments

Transformers: Iron Hearts - autobotfan15

Soldiers of steel awaken in a new world only for their war to continue.

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Chapter 3: Bases and Secrets

Railroad construction Site- The Next Day

A hot air balloon landed near the site where many ponies and a steam hammer worked. Twilight Sparkle hopped out along with five of her other best friends. Rainbow Dash looked around. “Geez that machine has got the tracks further than I thought.”

“Howdy y'all,” came Applejack’s voice as she approached her friends.

“Hello Applejack, Great progress you and the others are making,” Twilight said. “Keep this up and you should reach Mount Aris by the end of week.”

“It ain’t nothing sugarcube, you can thank the new friend we made.”

“And what new friend would that be darling?” Rarity asked.

Applejack said nothing but instead turned to the other workers. “Lunch Break!”

The other workers put down their tools and went inside the crew cars. Pinkie Pie was just about to follow them when Applejack grabbed her tail. “Not yet, I have to introduce you,” she said.

“But wouldn't your friend be eating inside the train?” Spike asked, confused.

Applejack said nothing at first as she approached the yellow locomotive. “Nope because he’s an outside guy and prefers a little privacy. Ain’t that right Bumblebee?”

“You talking to the engine? Wow you really lost it,” Rainbow said.

Suddenly much to their shock the engine began transforming. Bumblebee then stood up and looked down at his new friend and the others. “I wouldn’t say she lost it,” he said grinning.

“Dear sweet Celestia! What is that!?” Twilight asked in alarm.

“No need to be scared y’all. He’s a steam train, Cybertronian and a friend,” Applejack said.

“The name is Bumblebee, and we come in peace,” Bumblebee said.

“We? There are more of you?” asked Fluttershy in worry.

Bumblebee nodded before continuing. ”That is why we must leave while the crew is on break, my leader wants to meet with you all.”

“Woah woah woah,” Rainbow said, hovering up to the autobot’s face. “How do we know you’re not some evil alien that wants to kidnap and experiment on us?”

“If I was a Decepticon that would be the case but I’m not one of them, we are the good guys,” Bumblebee replied.

“It’s true we may have met last night but somehow I sense no lie in this one,” Applejack said smiling up at the yellow scout. “Now let’s go.”

The group hiked for a while back up the line until they reached a huge cave away from the railroad line. Twilight gained an ominous feeling as they went inside and soon saw what was the back end of the Autobot Ark. They were soon walking in where immediately the six mares and one dragon were greeted by the site of more big robots, many of them bigger than Bumblebee. Some looked like they had parts of locomotives and train cars attached to them. Others looked like they had strange glowing wheels, and glass on some parts of their exteriors. They were all either working on fixing the ship's components or were on computers but immediately stopped as they stared at the newcomers. A large red one with a bit of wood on his body approached. To the girls he looked like he could transform into a train car of some kind.

Ironhide looked down at the ponies and dragon. Then turned to Bumblebee with a look of confusion and slight annoyance. “I thought it was just one pony you revealed yourself too and what’s that scaly life form?” he asked, pointing to Spike.

“I’m a dragon,” Spike said, feeling intimidated.

“These six ponies are the legendary heroes of this land,” began Bumblebee. “Like us, they seek unity and peace.”

“How can these six little organics be heroes?” Wheeljack asked, approaching to get a better look. “Sure two of them can fly, but how can they take out monsters?”

“We have our talents, magic, and the elements of harmony,” Twilight said.

“Magic?” asked Wheeljack.

Twilight’s horn lit up and nearby a toolbox started levitating.With a purple aura around it. The autobots were impressed. “Interesting, is that all you can do?” asked Wheeljack.

“Questions will come later, for now we have a more serious issue,” a voice said and everyone turned to see a rather larger robot approaching.

The girls looked up at amazement at the newcomer. For some reason Twilight Sparkle felt calm with this newcomer. For some odd reason this taller one reminded her of Princess Celestia in a way. This taller bot had parts that would make anyone tell he could transform into a train. The newcomer knelt down and stared at the seven lifeforms. “Are you Twilight Sparkle, the element of magic and Princess of friendship?”

“They know your name?” whispered Pinkie.

“Yeah…” Twilight replied.

“My name is Optimus Prime, we are robotic warriors from the planet Cybertron. But you can refer to us as Autobots for short.”

“Wait warriors? Why are you here? You’re not here to enslave us like the Storm King are you?” Rainbow said, flying up to Optimus’s face.

“No, that would be the goal of our enemy the Decepticons led by the ruthless Megatron.”

“Megawhat?” Pinkie asked.

Optimus turned to another Autobot at a computer and nodded. The Autobot known as Ratchet pressed a button and the screen showed the girls images of what looked like a war in a city made of metal. “Our world was once peaceful,” Optimus began. “We Cybertronians lived in harmony. But that was before a former gladiator known as Megatron rose to power and believed a path to preserving and reproducing our resources was to conquer worlds and utilize their own resources to make energon, our life blood and fuel. But the high council forbade it. But that didn’t stop him from gaining support and soon an army.”

“And that’s how your war started?” asked Twilight.

Optimus nodded in sorrow. “A war that lasted centuries and slowly consumed our planet. We soon decided to leave to find a better life only for our enemy to follow us. We are unsure if they are on your planet or thought this world didn’t have the resources they needed. Because if they were here and online, you would most likely be their slaves.”

The girls were silent taking in this information. Optimus continued, “we are few but strong warriors we want nothing more but to preserve freedom and one day reunite with our brothers and sisters. Who might be taking refuge either on other planets or amongst the stars.”

Twilight was silent for a while before she stepped forward and took a deep breath. She then looked up to Optimus’s optics and held out her hoof. “Well as the Princess of Friendship I would like to welcome you and your kind to Equestria.”

Optimus carefully took her hoof and slowly shook it. “Thank you, your majesty.”

“Please just call me Twilight,” she said.

Decepticon Fortress - Around the same time

The former home of the Storm King had many things removed. Anything that was related to the storm creatures, whether it being flags or paintings, were destroyed and replaced with flags of a strange triangular insignia. Megatron was inside sitting on a makeshift throne. With him was Tempest Shadow, Grubber, and Starscream. “I can understand your need for a base on the surface but why do you insist I don’t try and give you an audience with the ruler of this land? In fact why have this so far from civilization” Tempest asked.

“Secrecy is an important asset to us at this moment. I don't know how advanced your nation’s technology is but the idea of aliens living among your kind might result in panic,” Megatron replied. ”Besides, this location is perfect for us to test out the flight technology you provided us without much detection. However, we can't progress our research without my chief scientist, Shockwave.”

“Shockwave?” Tempest asked.

“Yes, he was a valuable friend of ours,” Megatron began, his voice now filled with sorrow. “He was our brightest mind, always thinking with the logic of his head. I fear he may be lost or even worse, possibly offline. But if we can recover his remains we can salvage his mind and put it in one of our computers.” He then looked down to Tempest. “If you can help my seekers find him, you will prove yourself a very worthy ally.”

“How did he get lost?” Tempest asked.

“When our ship crash landed on your planet long ago, it broke apart in the air. One big part was an onboard laboratory. Last thing I saw was Shockwave running into that lab to get something, probably his top secret project,” Starscream answered. “No one saw him run out and into a stasis pod like the rest of us.”

“There are so many places to look, many of which are untouched by any form of society,” Tempest said before grinning. “But I promise I will find your friend.”

Megatron smiled. “I know I can count on you for this task. Now go outside and wait for Starscream. Your search for him begins immediately.”

“Yes sir. Come on Grubber,” said Tempest as she and her companion left the room.

Starscream turned to his leader. “Nice acting my lord. Even I was convinced your emotions were genuine.”

“She must think we are like our enemies. However, the moment she starts to question things or even encounter an Autobot, exterminate on site,” Megatron ordered.

“Yes mighty Megatron,” said Starscream as he left the room to join Tempest and his seekers.

Autobot Ark - Half An Hour Later

The mood on the ark could be described as tense as some ponies and a dragon stood on a platform simply observing the autobots. They didn’t know what to truly make of these visitors but on the other hand they are thankful to not be hurt by them. A few awkward minutes later a door opened and soon all turned to see the approach of Optimus Prime with Twilight Sparkle riding on his shoulder. “Autobots, I have some news,” he began. “After careful negotiation and consideration with Twilight Sparkle, we have a new mission.”

“Yes! No longer will we be cooped up in here!” Cheered Sideswipe as he pumped his metal fist.

“When do we roll out?” asked Sunstreak.

“That is yet to be determined,” began Twilight. “Until I can talk with Princess Celestia and Luna we need you to keep your activity to a minimum. Should you go into places with a heavy population you are to remain in alt forms unless absolutely necessary.”

“What? We’re still sticking with disguises?” Ironhide asked.

“While my country may be on the threshold of new technology, some of which coming from another world entirely, the ideas of aliens living among us could result in fear. Our nation was just recently attacked by outside forces,” Twilight said. “Some of you will be part of the railroad as prototypes of new locomotive and rolling stock designs. While the rest of you will keep your original alt forms since there are many places not accessible by rail. We have just now started an industrial revolution with my railway project.”

The many Autobots silently agreed. But then Ironhide raised his hand. “Are we at least gonna patrol for any Decepticon activity?”

“We can’t confirm any Cybertronian activity until our instruments are fixed,” explained an Autobot named Hoist.

“I can help with that, consider this my first lesson into your technology,” Twilight said.

“Very well, you will learn under Perceptor's, Hoist’s and Wheeljack's knowledge,” said Optimus as he now turned to Bumblebee and Applejack. “As for you two I think it's time you get back to work.”

“Landsakes he’s right! Lunch time is almost over!” Applejack exclaimed as Bumblebee quickly scooped her up and began running out of the ark.

“Be on your guard Bumblebee!” Optimus hollered to his scout.

“Don’t worry sir I will!” Bumblebee called out.

An Unknown Place - Around the Same Time

In a dark place a figure worked. His single yellow optic paying close attention to his work as he welded pieces together. At one point he turned to a large glowing cylinder that illuminated the dark room. “Vitals are looking stable,” the Decepticon said.

Shockwave has simply lost track of the time he’s been on this planet. All he could do was take comfort in the fact he is still online and that the solitude has allowed him to work in peace. But all the same he longed for the company and hoped whatever discoveries he made, they would make Megatron even more proud of him.

After a few more minutes he stopped welding and took a moment to view a monitor that displayed dozens of images. Most of them showing ponies doing mundane tasks but one image stood out amongst them. Six little mares floating in the air, five of them wearing necklaces and one wearing a crown of some kind.

He then began typing on a keyboard while talking to himself. “Research log 1023, So many years have passed and hardly much has changed. Even after an even bigger attack by a monster dubbed, The Storm King, the nation was quick to recover. It still makes me wonder if an upfront attack on these Equestrians is even worth a risk.” He paused before continuing. “This is the first time my thoughts are conflicted about exposing myself to these life forms. Is there even a chance they will even help me understand this world better?”

Shockwave paused again this time looking down at his one hand and his gun. He then looked at a picture of a zebra wearing gold. “Perhaps a soft approach to the local life form of this particular area would be logical. She was once shunned by the society but then accepted. Maybe she can help me as I feel I could use a lab assistant. Shockwave out.”