• Member Since 27th May, 2022
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Just a friendly Autistic writer who overthinks the adventures of characters. I do story commissions! Current focus: Equestria Girls. Respects G5's existence (somebrony has to!).


Commissioned by: FizzBerry

Content Tags (Spoilers): Consensual physical transformations and (later on) accidental mind swaps. They're tame enough to fit the rating, but you have been warned to be safe.

Note: This is a standalone tale that has nothing to do with the Friendship is Worth It series! This is its own thing.

Starfire is the dutiful assistant to Principal Celestia. Rarely seen by the student body, he works hard to one day become a Principal himself and do his school proud. One day, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna offer him a chance to take a walk in the shoes of a Principal. Of course, as he will quickly find out, this walk won't be done in the typical fashion. Life in CHS, after all, is far from typical.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 7 )
Comment posted by TheGJ90 deleted February 22nd

“I can explain, Principal!”, exclaimed Gilda with her arms crossed, clearly annoyed by the situation she was stuck in. She was sitting on a chair in front of Principal Celestia’s desk, with the lady herself sitting on the other side while giving the petulant student a calm unreadable glare. Standing to Celestia’s right was her sister and partner Vice-Principal Luna, who gave Gilda a similar glare that had an additional layer of coldness to it that was unique to her. The girl they stared daggers at was not one to be shaken by such a reception, however. With increased indignation and a slightly more restrained tone, she elaborated on her point;

Principal?" Exclaimed*

“Your shouting quickly turned into a fist fight by the time I had gotten close enough to intervene.”, Luna added with a professionally delivered deadpan voice that hid any emotions she was feeling over the topic of discussion. Gilda shouted out of pure frustration, her restraint nearly tossed aside;

intervene," Luna*

“You threw the first punch.”, Celestia noted calmly. Hearing this did nothing to sooth the girl’s anger;

punch," Celestia noted calmly.*

“She threw the first insult! I ain’t taking that sitting down!”, the outraged student yelled in response. Neither official was moved by that claim, however, as Luna gave her retort while furrowing her brow ever so slightly;

down!" The*

She then released the item from her grip, revealing it to be a large round disc with decorative carvings on the side that faced the ceiling. Carved in the center of the disc was artwork depicting an Earth Pony standing proudly on all four hooves. Starfire was, in a word, stunned. His mouth was agape for a moment or two before he felt the urge to rant come on. Try as he might, he could not hold himself back. With a loud inhale, he began to nerd out at a rapid pace;

Wh-why does she have one on her!?!? :applejackconfused:

“A magical artifact, here?! In your possession?! This is huge, since every time an artifact from beyond the statue portal is found, it is usually by some misguided young person who goes on to use it irresponsibly! But, since you have one in your hands, you are sure to handle it with absolute care without causing any lasting harm! When Sunset Shimmer and the Rainbooms find out about this, they’ll-!”

this, they'll-"*

“You can, however, transform into any person you want, so long as you remember their name, face, and voice.”, noted Luna, her seriousness cracking ever so slightly as a particularly humorous test played out in her mind, causing a tiny smile to appear on her face. Celestia, having caught this, grinned back at her sister before returning her gaze over to Starfire and getting to the point;

voice," noted Luna,*

“As for why we haven’t given it to her yet… Well, we decided we’d try to have a little bit of harmless fun with it first.”

Right... :ajbemused:

“Yes.”, was his answer, both calm and earnest in equal measure. Celestia and Luna showed him smiles filled with appreciation as they explained their plan to him in great detail. The next day was going to be the most unique day in Starfire’s life.

"Yes," was his answer,*

He kept his breathing steady, trusting that the Principal and Vice-Principal would honor the promise they had made the day before. Soon enough, the magic was covering his entire body. For a few seconds, nothing else happened. The young man had a quick thought that this artifact was not working, only for it to be proven incorrect in a most intense fashion. His vision was instantly covered by a blinding light for what felt to him like an eternity, even though it was only for a second or two. To Luna and Celestia, that light had exploded from within his body, obscuring it from sight as the magic did its work. Once finished, the light vanished along with the energy, revealing a sight that, to the average person, would have been absolutely outlandish. Starfire took a moment to let his vision settle itself along with his mind. For some reason, he felt a tad taller than usual. Once he looked over at Celestia and the artifact, however, he remembered why he was here. With a gasp that revealed a voice that was not his, he darted over to the bathroom. Once there, he gazed at the mirror, only to see… Celestia! The artifact had done exactly as the Principal and Vice-Principal had claimed: Starfire had become Celestia! The first thing he really took in was the size difference. His boss was always taller than him, after all, so this took some getting used to. Along with everything else about this transformation, to be sure! The second thing he took in was his, or rather, her face. It was one thing to see it everyday, it was another to have it! So, he had gotten a fresh perspective on Celestia’s facial appearance. He already knew this before, but now, it was clearer than ever that she looked beautiful. Her, or rather, his eyes were wide with shock as his mind tried to process the sight before him. Her hands were now his, along with the rest of her limbs. Goodness, that artifact had even gotten the hair right! As he looked over his new appearance, another fact became clear: he was still wearing his actual clothes, which felt understandably tight-fitting. Thankfully, the size change was not so extreme as to destroy his shoes, but he could still feel how strained and stretched they were. As he tried, and failed, to get accustomed to their tightness, not to mention his new body, the real Celestia had walked up behind him and told him with patience in her voice and smile;

I'm surprised he's still in his usual attire after the artifact turned him into Celestia. :pinkiegasp:

“Oh, it is a good thing that we can keep our minds!”, she exclaimed with mirth while feeling her new hair, which was noticeably shorter and less prominent in color than her original style. Starfire could hear Luna almost letting herself guffaw outloud of the hilarity that was her sister as he made sure to double-check that he did, indeed, still have his own mind. He did this by thinking of something that only he would know to think;

minds!" She*

“So, if students suddenly start seeing me in the halls…”, he began to note with concern in his voice. Celestia, with his masculine voice, finished for him;

halls..." he began*

“Suspicion at worst.”, noted Luna before she took a breath to prepare herself to address the elephant in the room, or rather, the pony. She glared at the recently transformed Celestia when she spoke again;

worse," noted*

Before he knew it, Starfire, as Celestia, was sitting at her desk in her office with Luna standing to his right. Celestia, and Starfire, was already preparing for work in his own office. The morning bell was not set to ring for another five minutes. By this point, the new Principal was nearly ready to get started, with Luna explaining a few more details before the bell could ring;

Celestia, as Starfire,*

“The morning announcements are written on the paper you’ll find in the drawer under the desk’s left side. Celestia made sure to prepare them ahead of time, which is-.”

which is-"*

“One of the things she always does before the morning bell.”, Starfire habitually finished. Upon realizing that he had interrupted Luna, he covered his mouth with worried eyes. She responded to this with a soothing grin and encouraging words;

bell," Starfire habitually finished.*

“The microphone has two buttons on its stand. Push and hold the red button to speak through every speaker in the school that’s connected to the PA system. Push and hold the black button only when someone speaks to you from their end, so that only they can hear you respond.”

Wait, how would he hear the response if he's in Celestia's office? :applejackconfused:

“Who just so happens to be a Canterlot School District board member and one of the school’s investors.”, the new Principal added solemnly while thanking his lucky stars that Diamond was far less antagonistic than she was during her Freshman Year. That should make it easy for him to avoid inciting Spoiled Rich’s financially-backed fury. Before he and Luna could speak further, the morning bell rang, which meant that it was time for Starfire to make his first morning rounds through the school. He stood up, moved around the desk, and was about to take his leave when Luna called out to him;

investors," the new*

“It was a VERY good thing I had called in sick before the Musical Showcase got hijacked!” , Starfire thought to himself with a shudder whilst he walked down the halls. He kept his eyes and ears open for any sign of trouble or someone to greet. Occasionally, he would see another teacher making their rounds as well. He would wave at them politely while keeping his pace steady in the hopes of keeping up appearances and avoiding a potentially awkward conversation.

hijacked!" Starfire*

“How can it not be good? We’re only a couple of short months away from graduation!”

Of course she'd say that. :facehoof:

“Get a grip on yourself, Stafire!” , he thought to himself in an attempt to maintain his composure, only for Sunset to unintentionally make things worse for him by walking towards him and Twilight, her decorative black boots echoing throughout the hall with each step. In spite of his predicament, he would not let himself drop the act so easily.

Starfire!" He*

“Be like Celestia!” , he declared in his mind, which helped him focus on the task at hand. He gave Celestia’s traditional warm glare a little more power as he greeted Sunset with polite friendliness;

Celestia!" He*

“More like you show up mere minutes before being late.” , he dryly corrected in his head while listening to Sunset speak further;

late." He*

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

Since when did people start saying that? :

“Just keep on walking, Star. You can talk with them as you walk.”, he suggested to himself while keeping his nerves from getting out of line. He knew that voice well and, combined with the steps, could only mean one thing: the Canterlot Movie Club had also come to school early! Apple Bloom, the source of the drawl, fast-walked up to Starfire’s right side, with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle going up to his left. Remembering that these were kids, he greeted them while keeping his eyes on the hallway path before him;

walk," he*

“After lunch hour, you’ll have to work with Ms. Cheerilee to go through this month's list of recommended books. Most of the students will be in class around this time, so you won’t be disturbed too much. After that, you and Luna will deal with any troublemakers that you haven’t talked to yet. That would be Rainbow Dash in this case. Also-.”


“Luck can run out, I know.”, noted Starfire. With a sigh, he explained further;

know," noted Starfire.*

“What would Celestia say to this little one?”, he thought to himself. The answer came to him within moments. Once Diamond recovered, he told her with an encouraging grin;

one?" He*

After giving him a grateful nod, Diamond walked out of the office and closed the door behind her. After a few minutes of peaceful paperwork tackling, He heard another knock on the door. Soon enough, Sunset Shimmer, much to his internalized dismay, had entered the office. She expressed a most serious look as she walked up to his desk with purpose in every step. To Starfire, an old Wondecolt, this was either a sign of good things to come or a portent of magical disaster. Now more than ever, he thought it best to handle whatever was going to happen cautiously.

tackling, he*

“Bulk Biceps’.”, was Sunset’s simple and direct answer, which was delivered with a slightly unnerving deadpan tone. Just then, the door was violently shoved open by Bulk Biceps, or rather, Trixie! Her newly acquired massive mass of muscle had nearly bonked Sunset on her back by accident, but she was able to get out of the way in time. Trixie gave Starfire a look of horror and frustration as she yelled out in Bulk’s masculine voice;

Biceps," was*

“The Understanding and Friendly Trrrrixie does not blame you, Bulk Biceps!”, Trixie told him in an attempt to calm him down. She then gave Sunset a death glare that the acting Principal would never have expected to see from Bulk Bicep’s face and demanded while pointing her thick index finger at the taken aback former bad girl;

Biceps!" Trixie*

The poor girl got a group hug within seconds after that. After talking with both affected students, it became clear to everyone as to what had happened. After Bulk Biceps and Trixie had gotten their minds switched, they ran out of the classroom in a panic. Apple Bloom had caught sight of Bulk dropping the magic-powered ruler and went to grab it. Her intent was to get it to Sunset before it could be used for ill deeds. But, as fate would have it, Wallflower had just returned from the bathroom and had accidentally touched the ruler with her arm as she walked past Apple Bloom while it was still held in the kid’s hands. The resulting mindswap had rendered the gardener shocked, mortified, and tear-stricken, but that didn’t stop the young Apple from trying to help her.

Still doesn't explain how it got into the classroom to begin with? :unsuresweetie:

“It was all Ah could do to keep her from spiralin’ too far down, ya’ll.”, Apple Bloom, in Wallflower’s body, said while holding what was once her own left hand with her friend’s right. She looked down at her with worry in her eyes, only to see Wallflower look up at her with a grateful expression and a tiny grin. She told her young friend truthfully and with a slight bounce in the Apple’s pink bow;

y'all," Apple*

After that, Apple Bloom and Wallflower returned their minds to their proper bodies as quickly as they could. It was hard to tell who was more overjoyed over having their body back, given that the young farmer was square dancing in celebration while the gardener was hugging Sunset with all of her heart. With the crisis resolved , Sunset grabbed the ruler after it was placed on the desk again as soon as she was released from Wallflower’s vice grip, walked over to a relieved Starfire, and said;


“Attention students and staff: an unexplainable incident occurred after one of our Math classes earlier today. It has been investigated and resolved thanks to everyone involved. However, if any of you have seen or experienced such an incident at any point today, do not hesitate to send word to Vice-Principal Luna, myself, and any other trusted Wondercolt who can help you. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day.”

classes ended earlier today.*

With that, the process with the artifact was performed and the transformations reversed. Even though Starfire had gotten his own body back, his short stint as Principal Celestia, and the situations he helped resolve, would stay with him for a long time. After all, one does not easily forget about literally taking a walk in someone else’s shoes.

Or somehow finding another artifact similar to how this all started. :twilightblush:

Despite the mistakes I found, this was pretty good, especially for one on body swapping. Definitely better than another one I know I doubt I'll ever revisit. :trollestia:

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