• Published 14th Jan 2024
  • 581 Views, 255 Comments

Amber Starts, Comforting Endings - David Silver

With books in her eyes, a chipper unicorn comes to the big city of earth ponies, certain that they would be more open to the idea of a grand library than the superstitious unicorns she was leaving behind.

  • ...

8 - Coming Together

With all the major roadblocks removed, and an actual budget given by the mayoral office, they could proceed at a lively trot. Reaching out to the other libraries, they stocked up on the utter essentials; educational cornerstones and timeless classics ponies enjoyed. Using the new index of sources, they ordered their own blend of interesting tomes for future readers to read and enjoy.

Amber danced in place, excitement overflowing. "And, if we don't have it--" She waved over the city. "--We can trade with the other libraries. So nice of them to share their book lists. We're a whole city of books! So it's good to have the basics, but our own collection, different than theirs, so we're expanding that collection, not just repeating it."

"Makes sense." Comforting floated behind Amber, watching her place her orders. "You don't need my help for this part. You have this under control."

"I do, but--" Amber twirled to face Comforting. "--I'll really appreciate your help when these books start showing up. We have to get them on the shelves." She pointed to where shelves had been moved in; a fact that made her giggle excitedly. "Our library's starting to look like a library."

Comforting floated over Amber to hug the unicorn as she passed. "It really is. It's just missing the books, and you're already working on that. One thing, what about not books?"

"Not books?" Amber squinted at the very thought of it. "Libraries are for books, right?"

"Mostly!" Comforting brought her hands together, floating along belly up. "But they're also community centers, where all kinds of fun things can happen. It's up to the librarians, that's us, to plan them. A movie night? We could host that. A book signing of a new book by their author? We could host that." She rotated to be belly down, tail swaying above her. "A library is as much a space that happens to have books in it as anything else, and it's a public space. We can do a lot with it."

Amber clapped her hooves together in delight. "Marvelous idea! Of course, it should serve more community functions than merely housing literature."

Her mind was already bounding ahead with possibilities, imagination painting vivid scenes across the blank walls. "Storytelling hours for foals, craft sessions making art from books, scavenger hunts investigating subjects...why, we must tap every organization that may benefit from this free venue!"

Comforting pulled out a sheet from nowhere, jotting down Amber's wandering thoughts.

Amber bounced on her hooves, suddenly gripped with urgency to compile a grand calendar of events. "The historical society, astronomy club, theater troupe - so many friends yet to make who could enliven these rooms. We shall curate a cultural hub welcoming all interests under our roof!"

Comforting put a big period at the end of each of those ideas. "Don't forget you're a little new. You're going to have to introduce yourself to the city. The whole thing, once this place opens." Not that she was being paid attention to, but she kept on writing with a smile.

Laughing merrily at her own racing thoughts, Amber drew Comforting into an impulsive hug, interrupting the jotting a moment. "However did I get on before you arrived to elevate my small visions into such dazzling dreams?" She squeezed tighter, voice thickening. "You make me believe anything is possible..."

Pulling back before she descended fully into sentimental tears, Amber dashed the shimmer from her eyes. There were calls to make! "Now, let us contact every creative spirit in town and start filling calendars. Our community literary palace awaits!"

Comforting smiled at her eager little agent, wagging the pad she had been using. "Need this?"

With a determined nod, Amber levitated the pad and a pen over to begin noting ideas, imagination already painting the coming days in bold strokes of joyful connection and discovery.

Comforting landed just behind the front desk. "Now, one thing! Computers. You'll want them, for us, for the visiting ponies, for everypony really."

Amber clopped a hoof to her head. "Computers. It's so easy to forget those, being so new to them. Don't ponies already have one?" She pulled out her own phone, glowing with her gripping magic. "I've yet to meet a city pony without one."

"True!" Comforting darted over to poke the phone. "But the phone won't know what's right here. Our computers will know which books are in, or not, by the moment. Also good for research, or typing, or..."

"Oh." Amber crashed to her haunches. "Computers do a lot of things. Yes, we should see how much they cost and try to get some if it'll help ponies get things done." She made a new note about looking into that. "There's so much to do to make a new library possible."

Comforting ruffled Amber on the head. "But it's being done."

"It's being done," sighed out Amber with a dreamy smile. "We're doing it."

Comforting laughed warmly, always delighted to see Amber getting swept up in her imaginings. "Yes we are, my friend! All those who said it couldn't be done should see what the power of determination and dreams accomplish."

Giving Amber another affectionate ear scritch, she zoomed over to perch herself atop the brand new front desk. Coincidentally, it was just the perfect height for her lanky frame to lean onto with an elbow casually.

Amber turned to keep Comforting in view, smiling so happily the whole way.

"I must say, this is shaping up into a positively splendid space already!" Comforting remarked sunnily, surveying their nascent realm. "Or it shall be, once all our grand visions materialize the way you have it so stirringly laid out in your mind's eye."

"Like magic, without so much magic." Amber tapped at her chin. "Still magic, certainly."

With an expansive wave of her paw, Comforting continued, "Oh, I can picture it already. Shelves packed with colorful spines, beckoning new worlds to explore. Tables humming with whispered discussions and scratching pens. Wide-eyed colts and fillies squealing in a quiet corner over favorite picture books."

Hopping up to stand on the counter, she declared "And a gallery wall here showcasing ravishing art made from repurposed pages, of course! Oooh, we could have monthly craft sessions for patrons to contribute."

Amber's ears danced, trying to imagine half of that and only partially succeeding. "I want that so much, for them."

Then soberly stepping back down, she placed a gentle paw on Amber's withers. "But most vitally, my friend - a sanctuary for any soul, no matter how meek or marginalized, to feel welcomed just as they are. Safe to share thoughts without judgment, and perhaps make a connection or three."

Her eyes shone with visionary zeal. "What greater legacy than fostering understanding between fellow travelers navigating this confusing life?"

Amber let out a soft gasp. "That is--" She paused to wipe a tear away. "That is such a wonderful thought. Yes! Yes, let's make a place where they can all feel welcome, and safe. A sanctuary of books."

The two met, paw to hoof in a firm clap. Their dream was unified, and the future was looking bright.

With overflowing hearts, the music couldn't be held back. The very first load of books arrived and they gladly accepted them. "Oh the shelves yet stand so bare, not a book to greet visitors there!
But soon pages shall line the walls, heeded be our literacy calls!"

Amber's magic and Comforting's darting form soon started a little start to stocking those shelves as they sang right along, "Tra-la-la, fiddle dee-dee, hooray for Amber's library!"

Comforting drifted down an aisle, leaving books as she went. "With nails and hammers, we'll erect some fine shelves, Then courier some tomes to line them thar selves!"

Amber waved at new computers that hadn't been there a moment before. "Comforting's conjuring computers so nifty, Visitors can research most anything spiffy!"

Comforting waved at some open rooms off to the side with a pleased smile. "We'll host puppet shows, and costume balls, Magic lantern nights, then next moonballs!"

Amber made studious notes about the books they had received and visions for the future. "Story hours and crafting classes, oh such sweet bookish lasses!"

They crashed together in a brief but bright hug, singing together, "However shall we choose what fun to run?
Tra-la-la, fiddle dee-doo, there's so much in store at library new!"

Amber smooched Comforting on the cheek and walked towards the front door. "We did good today. So many things on the way. We should be ready. Oh!"

"Oh?" Comforting floated along after Amber. "Oh what?"

Amber twirled on Comforting. "The mayor wasn't lying. We will need more librarians than just the two of us, as eager as we are."

Comforting tapped Amber's horn. "I think that's your side of things. I may scare a few ponies away if they come into a job interview and find me grinning at them."

"Stop that!" Amber reared up to paw at the floating Comforting. "You're the sweetest thing."

"If you know me." Comforting sat up, still hovering. "But, let's be real. If you don't know me, could be a little surprising."

"A little." Amber thought to when she first met Comforting. "But you're still nice, and wonderful. The whole city should learn to love you."

"In time, perhaps." Comforting casually swam away, looking unstressed about it. "But not while they try to interview to become a librarian. That feels mean."

Amber giggled, having to concede Comforting's dramatic visage may indeed be distracting during a formal interview process. "I suppose you have a fair point. We should ease anxious candidates in gently to our unique work environment."

Tapping her chin thoughtfully, Amber mused "Now how best to recruit help without unduly startling applicants?"

She brightened, struck by inspiration. "Perhaps I could handle initial inquiries and interviews solo. Get them comfortable with me as supervisor first. Then, once hired, we can slowly acclimate them to your more...eccentric qualities."

Amber winked playfully to soften any unintended offense, well familiar by now with Comforting's theatrical flair.

Comforting rolled her eyes with a snort. "That's what I said."

"We'll bill you as something thrilling and mysterious to anticipate, rather than fear. Sort of the library's 'resident creative spirit and magical consultant!'" She punctuated the grandiose title with sparkling magical flares shooting from her horn.

Laughing at her own overblown performance, Amber added, "But yes, it may be wise to minimize anxiety starting out. I can gauge good fits, filtering for those open and adaptable to diversity."

Comforting folded her arms. "Much as I love a pony that can roll with the punches, we may want some that are just really good at sorting books. That is the first thing this silly place is about. Putting up with me is not top of the list."

She smiled fondly at her dearest supporter. "I, of all ponies, understand that true friendship begins by looking deeper than appearances. By that measure, what applicant wouldn't adore you once your inner light shines through?"

Bumping affectionately against the hovering chimera, Amber concluded, "Fear not, my friend. As word spreads of all the wonder we shall craft here, queues of potential allies shall soon be chomping at the bit to join our noble literacy mission!"

Comforting abandoned shaking Amber's mind on that one. Some lessons had to be learned directly. Repeating the point wasn't going to help. "We agree on the important part. It's up to you to get us some help." She raised a finger. "Don't forget, the city pays for them, not you. They'll be working for the city, like us. As long as we keep it reasonable, those aren't our bits."

Amber clapped her hooves with building excitement. "Let's get started. Um." She frowned with new thoughts. "How do ponies advertise jobs in the city? Do we just put up a sign? Do we do something with these?" She fished out her phone. "Do you know?"

Comforting chuckled softly. "Sweet summer child, that's a whole other musical number."

But it was one she felt ready and willing to sing for her dear student, agent, and friend.

Author's Note:

It tickles me how much things have become The Tale of the City Library, but not losing focus on our magical characters doing it.

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