• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 536 Views, 23 Comments

I Love You, Shining Armor - CrackedInkWell

After joining the Royal Guard, Shining Armor has been looking for an opportunity to climb up the ranks beyond a private. To do so, he volunteers to become Prince Blueblood's bodyguard - from there, things get complicated.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - The School of Love

“Why here of all places?”

Shining glanced up at what Blueblood was referring to. Being his turn, Shining thought that this time they should go somewhere a bit more… remote. Not out of the city, but in a place where not many ponies go to at this time of night. In front of him was the Canterlot Aquatic Center, an indoor pool that is usually crowded during the day. But being the evening, however, the building is closed up for the night.

“Well, why not?” Shining asked with a smirk, “Can’t swim?”

“That’s not the issue. Why come here when it’s closed?”

“Because we’re going inside.”

Blueblood’s eyes widen, “You mean breaking in? Surely you can’t be serious?”

“Yep,” Shining went over to the chainlink fence. “Besides, there’s no security here anyway, the doors are never locked, and no one comes by until morning.” Another smirk, “Wanna give it a chance?”

“... I’m rather surprised at you. I never thought you had a mischievous side.”

“Well… You could blame Cadance, really. She had done this before we even started dating and showed me how to get in. Besides, we’ve done it plenty of times and we’ve never once been caught. And besides, I thought it would be fun to take a dip with you.”

Blueblood peered upwards at the building. At the roof were huge windows that showed an aqua light that reflected the pool. In front of them was a chain-link fence that encompassed the entire building, where the gate was barred and padlocked. Beyond it, was the wide entrance that led towards the changing rooms. Only the full moon and the pool gave any lights.

“But why?” Blueblood asked, “In the time I’ve known you, you’ve been the most law-abiding pony I know.”

“I am. But sometimes a little rule-breaking is fine as long as it doesn’t go too far.” Shining started to trot towards the fence but noticed that Blueblood wasn’t following him. Looking over his shoulder, he saw that he hadn’t moved. So he turned around and walked back to him. “Hey, we don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just thought it would be fun and relaxing for us. If you wanna go somewhere else, we can.”

Blueblood eyed the building, “It’s just… strange is all. I’ve been brought up to always follow the rules and laws. Never step out of line in that, but… Never once been tempted in doing it.”

“Especially when if we do, I guarantee that we won’t get caught.” Shining softly smiled. “I promise that you’ll be safe, nopony would know we were here. I’ve done it countless times with Cadance, and now, I’m giving that opportunity to you. To cut loose for a bit and have fun where no one is looking.”

Another glance at the building, “But neither of us brought any bathing suits.”

“Ha, so?” Shining’s smile widened, and Blueblood’s face went red.

“You mean… as in naked?”

“Your Highness, apart from that tie and suit piece thing, you have no clothes.”

There was a long pregnant pause.

“And… how do we get in?”

Shining lit up his horn where he took a part of a fence and peeled it upwards. High enough for a full-grown stallion to squeeze through. “The owners never fixed this part of the fence.” He waved a hoof. “After you.”

Blueblood glanced between the opening and over his shoulder. The palanquin had left them minutes ago at a side of Canterlot that is almost deserted. Looking around, it didn’t seem like anyone was watching. “So… you won’t tell anypony about this?”

“Only if you don’t.”

One last glance over his shoulder, and the prince ducked his head under the opening with Shining followed after. The two of them approach the entrance with Shining lighting up his horn to illuminate the tiled space. Weaving through the lockers and showers until they came to the indoor pool. A strange serine place where both the moonlight and the lights underneath the water gave a quiet, peaceful scene. Being empty of swimmers from the day, the two took in how massive this pool is from the looming diving board to the slide in the back that makes it look so otherworldly in the light. And being so empty, every sound they make comes back to them in an echo with nothing interfering.

“You know Shining,” Blueblood commented, “I never thought a place like this would have a uniquely calming atmosph-”

CANNONBALL!” Shining galloped at full speed towards the pool, lept at the edge, and curled into a ball before crashing into the water letting lead out a splash from it. Blueblood took a step back when the water threatened to get his hooves wet. A moment later, Shining’s head poked out of the water. “Hey, the water’s great! Come on in!”

“Like… now?” Blueblood looked down at his suit collar. “As in… Now, now?”

“Yeah, take that off and get in.” Shining swam up to the pool’s edge.

Reaching up to his collar, a sense of embarrassment was painted on the prince’s face. “As silly as it sounds, I think I would feel naked without this.”

“You’re naked already, it’s not like you’re putting on a strip show. Besides, I don’t think you want that to get wet, right?”

“Well… no.”

“Then c’mon,” Shining flipped around, kicking against the pool’s tilted walls to propel him out further in the water.

Out of modesty, Blueblood turned around to undo his bowtie and unbutton the collar off him to place them on a nearby sun chair. Although what Shining had pointed out was indeed true, to him it was like flaying himself, to be completely without any hide at all to where he’s at the most vulnerable with nothing to cover him. He was thankful at least that Shining wasn’t looking by the time he slipped into the pool.

At the same time while getting in, he also began to wonder… why. Why did Shining choose to come here to skinny-dip in a public pool after hours? Didn’t Shining also want him to teach him about something or other? This seemed like a rather unorthodox way to approach it if that was his intent. Then again, it probably wouldn’t hurt to ask.

“So what’s your reason for coming here?” Blueblood swam over to him. “Is this another lesson you have for me, or do you have something else in mind since we’re alone in a pool?”

Shining’s face turned red, “Okay first off, I’m not sure if I’m ready to go that far. And second, there is a lesson I have for you.”

“So why here?”

“Because this one needs… privacy. It’s on a topic that might be too sensitive for anyone else to hear.”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow, “And what would that be?”

Shining moved in the water to where he was floating on his back with his forelegs stretched out to balance him. “If there’s anything I’ve learned about relationships with Cadance, is that we might think we’re looking for someone that makes us happy… But the truth is, it’s not.”

“No?” Blueblood swam over to him, taking hold of his foreleg. “If not to be happy, then what would we be looking for?”

“This is going to sound odd, but there is truth in this: in terms of a relationship, what we’re really looking for is someone who feels - deep down - familiar. Some traits of them that remind us of someone we’ve known. This could be anyone from our earliest memories to even yesterday can have a huge effect on what we expect out of love. It could be our parents or caregivers, siblings, even friends, teachers - anyone that we care enough for. But even then in love, there is something that most aren’t aware of is that we can be attracted to ponies that were awful because we knew someone in the past that was also awful.”

“But why would anyone do that?”

Shining tilted his head over towards him. “Because growing up, we may have experienced some bad things from the ponies we loved. Maybe they bullied us, or belittled, didn’t take us seriously, maybe shouted - of course it was awful, but that is the sort of thing we were familiar with. What ponies may not be aware, of is that even when they’re dating someone who on paper is good for them, they feel disconnected. Because they sense that this pony won’t make them suffer in the way they need to suffer to make them think that love is real.”

“Sheesh! That’s a cheery thought.”

“Maybe not, but the reason why I’m bringing this up now is that boil it all down, our pasts affect how we love in the present. And sometimes you have to look at it for what it was. Like if you’re into the bad colt, let’s say, who smokes, drinks, and treats you like trash… that should give you some pause. But then again, not everypony has the same experiences.”

Shining flipped around in the pool, diving under for a second and reappearing behind the prince.

“I suppose that makes sense.” Blueblood said thoughtfully, “I never realized that before.”

“With all that in mind, let’s play a game.” Shining swam over to the prince, placing his front hooves around his body. “Who do I remind you of?”

This was such a revolutionary idea that Blueblood was at a loss for how to approach it. Until now, he had seen Shining as someone rather unique. Like a of a one-of-a-kind event. It’s rather hard to even come close to his mind… at least, as a whole. Then he thought about about possible individual traits.

“I suppose…” Blueblood began. “There may be a few ponies you vaguely remind me of. But only in parts.”

“That’s a great place to start,” Shining nodded, “Like what?”

“Well, first to come to mind is that you are the strong type… Reminded me of my first crush when I was a teenager.”

“Really?” Shining smirked, “Who was he?”

“Hm… For the life of me, I don’t know who his name was, but I remember what he looked like. He was this strong athlete that had the kind of muscles to die for. I think he had this personality that he could carry the entire world on his back and make it look easy. I never got to know him personally, at the time I was too nervous about going anywhere near him for fear that I might come off as a lunatic, or an idiot.”

“If it helps, I did the same when I met Cadance - took weeks just to say hello to her.”

“You also have the kindness of Aunt Celestia.”

Shining blinked, “Wait, really?”

“Honest, aside from Cadance, I remember liking Celestia. But in hindsight, it’s because she treated me a lot nicer than my parents. While… not saying much, she was always excited to see me and was willing to listen and play with me when I was a foal. Where my parents expected me to grow up quickly, she allowed me to simply be a kid. She’s always been kind, and I trusted her enough to come out to her first.”

Ears folded flat against Shining’s head, “Sorry to hear that.”


“It sounds like your parents weren’t that great, were they?”

Blueblood frowned. “That is an understatement. When they died, I didn’t cry once. It’s rather hard to feel sorry for someone who only saw you as a political tool to gain the upper ranks of society. But on the other hoof, there is a small trait of theirs that you remind me of?”

“I do?” Shining blinked.

“Remember when you stood up for me? For all their faults, the one commendable thing about my parents was that they were strong-willed. Whenever anypony doubted my abilities, they stepped in to tell them off, insisting that I wasn’t a failure at all. That I can become great, entitled to be so…” Blueblood paused, “That came out wrong.”

“Point is, they build up your self-esteem.”

“If you like.” The prince shrugged. “And what about you? Who do I remind you of?”

“Well like yours, you have traits of ponies I know here and there?”

“Such as?”

“For one, you kinda remind me of my little sister. I think I had told you a little bit about Twilight, had I?”

“A little. That she’s Celestia’s student.”

“And also ridiculously smart.” Shining nodded. “Seriously, growing up when I had trouble understanding my homework, I didn’t turn to my parents, I turned to her because she’s like a walking library despite being younger than me. Like you, she knows all sorts of cultural trivia stuff that I never even heard of. Ask her about anything like a particular piece of classical music or modern art, and she could give you an entire lecture on it.”

“I’m flattered that you think I’m a walking librarian of Equestria.” Blueblood pecked his lips before continuing. “ But it’s not like I know everything… I know everything about Canterlot and classical music, fine art, and cultures around the world, but I had to due to being the Prince that I am.”

Shining embraced Blueblood gently. “But that’s the trait that makes you special. I’d say you're the smartest stallion in Canterlot by default. I can’t imagine what it’d be like if you weren’t the voice of reason in my life.”

“Really? Voice of reason?” Blueblood laughed. “I never thought I come off as such. But we’re getting off-topic, who else do I remind you of?”

“Well, in a way you have certain traits that remind me of my parents.”

“How so?”

“I can see that you have my mother’s strong will, and my father’s need for organization.”

“Speaking of which, I am curious, what are they like?”

“In a nutshell? Dad is an astronomer for the Canterlot Observatory. Mom is an editor for hire, who loves thrill rides. I mean seriously, whenever we’re at a park with a rollercoaster, she immediately makes a B-line for it. Overall, they have their hooves full, but I still think they’re good enough.”

Blueblood frowned, “Is it bad to tell your coltfriend that you envy them?”

“What do you mean?”

“That you had the one thing I would love to have, but didn’t? You had a good family, I only had Celestia and later Cadance. My parents had skipped my foalhood altogether and went straight to make me into an adult in miniature form. There were days I wished that I could exchange them for someone that would treat me better.”

Shining hugged him, “Hey, I’m here at least.”

In that embrace, Blueblood planted a kiss on his lips. “And I thank you all the more for that.”

For what it’s worth, perhaps having a coltfriend like Blueblood is a beautiful destiny he never knew he wanted. It had been a few days, and their secured yet tempting relationship had been simple. Even today, he welcomes the Prince with a full embrace of hooves as they kiss in Blueblood’s office.

Blueblood had been getting used to embracing Shining day and night, having his forehooves caressing the shoulders and face of his lover. He felt calm having felt his lover's pair of hooves around him, feeling the warmth of his gentle arms. At the same time, they squealed against their kiss in sheer delight on the inside.

They didn’t need to worry about any work-related issues for that day, as they had a full day to themselves this time. They had the excuse to be clingy in the daylight hours at the office, cuddling and whispering in peace with nopony walking in.

“You're such a delight, you know that?” Blueblood whispered against his ear, “I bet it’s the first time you’ve heard it come from a stallion.” he teased as he kissed his way on the cheek.

“It’s beautiful coming from you.” Shining responded, his hooves exploring more of Blueblood’s waistline. “Beautiful in every way.”

Shiny…” Blueblood squealed at the massage on his waist by his lover's hooves, he threw his forehooves around his shoulder passionately as he whispered seductively. “Darling, how much I love you do I have to say for us to sleep over tonight?”

Shining blinked, “Sleepover?”


“I’m sorry, but this is news to me, what sleepover?”

“Well it is my turn to host our date, is it not? I took your word of doing this simple to heart, and I thought what could be simpler than a sleepover with just the two of us.”

“Huh…” Blinking, Shining paused for a moment, “Ya know, I don’t think I’ve been to a sleepover since I was a kid. Though I am curious, what exactly do you have in mind?”

“Besides being at my chateau? Nothing too over the top. A movie here, a dip in the hot spring there, some cuddles, and uh…” Blueblood’s face turned beet red. “Perhaps other things if you’re up for it.”

“Other things? What are you…” It then hit Shining like a fallen piano on his head. “Wait, you’re not asking what I think you’re asking.”

Blueblood traced circles on Shining’s withers with a hoof. “What do you think I’m asking?”

There was a long silence as Shining tried to figure out what to say, “... But we haven’t been dating officially for that long. I mean, I’m flattered, but isn’t this too soon?”

This gave the prince pause, “You’re not a virgin, are you?”

“I-I uh, it’s not…”

“Let me guess,” Blueblood smirked, “Cadance?”

“... Maybe.”

“Ha, I knew it.”

“Look, the point is, I don’t know if I’m willing to cross that line there. Yes, I’m dating you, but remember that I’m in a relationship with Cadance too. If I did this behind her back, I would be betraying her trust in me.”


Shining blinked, “Sorry?”

“Ask her.” Blueblood wrapped a hoof over his coltfriend’s neck. “Before tonight, you should sit her down and talk it out. While I would love to show how much I adore you, it wouldn’t be fair to you either unless you let her know upfront about it. So I will make you a deal, if she says no, then you have my word that I will not do anything. If she does say yes it’s alright, then I will let you take the lead. Maybe we would get intimate, maybe we won’t. Eventhough it's my turn to host our date, at least you will have full control.”

“I just don’t want this to go too far.”

Blueblood kissed his forehead, “It never hurts to be considerate.”

“He wants to do what?” Cadence asked, wide-eyed at what she heard.

“All I said was that I would talk to you about it.” Shining looked over his shoulder. Having asked to talk to her in private, Cadence had pulled him aside into one of the castle’s empty rooms. And yet, as Shining explained what was going on, Cadence had slumped her hunches to the floor, her jaw hanging open from what she heard. “I didn’t think he would want to do it this early, and I don’t want to jump in this right away. But I thought that this is something you should know about.”

“I mean… at least you told me about it ahead of time. But really, I’m just as surprised as you are.”

“And at least he told me that I would have control of our date tonight. But Celestia, that seriously caught me off guard.” Shining ran his hooves through his mane.

Cadence nodded. Deep down she half expected that her cousin would harbor some lustful feelings towards Shining, but didn’t expect such an open invitation to it. There was a part of her that thought that this was crossing a line. This didn’t exactly feel like sharing as invading something that was personally hers. On the other hoof, if she had found out after the fact that Blueblood seduced Shining without being upfront - naturally she would have been far more upset. If anything, asking her was her cousin’s idea.

“How do you feel about it?” Cadence asked.

“I mean… I’m flattered that he wants to sleep with me. But I’m unsure if I could really… ya know with him without possibly hurting you. It’s more than just sex, it’s about trust. He placing his trust in me to know what I'm doing (which I don’t), and yet at the same time betraying yours. Even if you did say yes, I’m not entirely sure if I would go through with it. It’s… It’s overwhelming if I’m honest.”

Cadence hugged him tightly. “Remember before we did it the first time that you used to tell me, ‘You don’t have to do it if you feel you’re ready?’” Shining nodded. “Because you’re right on one thing. It is a matter of trust. Even a leap of faith. Trust that he wouldn’t hurt you in any way, and you wouldn’t intentionally break my heart.” She cupped his face in her hooves. “Be honest with me, Shining Armor, if given the chance, if you had my full approval, would you sleep with him? Maybe not tonight, but in the future, would you?”

Shining hesitated, looking her in the eye he told her the truth. “... I don’t know.”

“Okay…” Cadence quietly said, nodding. “If you do, the only thing I would ask is use protection.”

“Wait…” Shining blinked, “You’re saying yes to this?”

“Yes, but remember, you do have the right to say no. You don’t have to sleep with him, yet if you do, at the very least make sure that you two wear a condom. The last thing I want is either of you catching something the other might not know about.”

“... Not gonna lie, I thought you would be way more upset at this.”

“I would be more upset if you didn’t tell me upfront. What matters to me is that eventhough you’re dating someone else, you still love me too.”

“And I do.”

Cadence planted a kiss on his lips. “Whatever you end up doing, do so because you think and feel that it's right. I have faith that you will do so regardless.”

Blueblood wished that he had a crystal ball that would reliably show him the future. To say that he was anxious was an understatement. Although his turn to host the date, he wasn’t absolutely sure of how it would end. Chances are (and a good one at that), knowing Shining’s personality it probably is unlikely that this evening would end in more than a cuddle. On the other hoof, if (and this was an enormous if) Shining were to go further… Unlikely perhaps, if all the stars aligned, but still possible that he would sleep with him… If he was honest, he wasn’t sure what he would do.

Still, in either outcome, it didn’t hurt to be prepared. In his theater room, the screen had been pulled down, the projector set up and some films were waiting to be picked. The kitchen staff had been working to provide snakes and delights from scratch from homemade marshmallows to a chocolate fountain. Even the natural hot spring underneath the Chateau has plenty of candles to light the mood at his command. His butler had a box placed at the foot of his bed with certain… goodies if things escalated to that.

All that was left now was Shining.

At sunset, just as the sky was darkening and the lights were lit, a servant informed the prince that Shining was coming up from the gate. Before he could go meet him, Blueblood checked himself in a mirror one last time. Running through a mental checklist of his appearance. Mane. Teeth. Nose hairs plucked. Bathed. Hooficured. His stylish evening robe of black and white. He nodded. Whatever happens, he was ready.

He arrived in the foyer just in time to have Shining enter. “Good evening, Shiny.”

“Hey there,” Shining nodded. There was a sense of quiet anxiety in his tone, as though he was uncomfortable in his horseshoes. After a beat, Shining looked up and down at him, “Somehow, I feel that I’m underdressed.”

Blueblood laughed, “To me, you certainly are not. However, if you want I can let you borrow one of my evening robes.”

“No, I’m fine. Just didn’t expect you to be uh…” Shining’s cheeks turn pink and turns his head away, coughing into a hoof. “So, this is your sleepover. What do you want to do first?”

“I figured to start with something simple.” Blueblood said, flicking his tail playfully at Shining’s face, “Let’s go to the theater room and watch a movie there.”

Blueblood walked forward a bit but stopped when he noticed that Shining wasn’t following behind him. Looking over his shoulder, Shining seemed nervous. Lost in thought about something. “Everything alright?”

“Huh?” Shining blinked, “Oh yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” Shining trotted over to his side.

“Is something the matter babe?” Blueblood asked, “You seem to be more nervous than usual.”

“I mean… yeah, I am.”


“Well, I’ve had a talk with Cadance earlier about… ya know.”


“She uh… she said she was okay with it.”

This got Blueblood’s attention, “Really?”

“As long as we use protection. But…” Shining let out a heavy breath, “Celestia, it’s still heavy for me. I mean with all my knowledge of romance, this one has thrown me through a loop. Kinda like her being okay with me cheating on her but it… isn’t? Does that make sense?”

“So what I’m hearing, is she gave you permission to sleep with me, but you don’t quite feel like that news has settled in yet.”

“It’s still… new to me. A concept that I’m having a hard time getting my head around.”

Blueblood hummed, “Remember, you’re not being forced into anything.”

“I know. I’m just… conflicted is all.”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow. “Conflicted?”

“Like I don’t know if I would be able to go through with it, even if I wanted to. All I know is I don’t want to risk anyone’s feelings getting hurt.”

Shining felt the prince catch his lips in a kiss, “Your sensitivity is a rare make of nobility in its purest form. I’d say that for now, let’s not worry ourselves about what we may end up doing and simply enjoy ourselves. And right now, let’s watch a movie and snack a little.”

Agreeing, Shining followed the prince to a set of twin doors towards the theater room. Much like the rest of the chateau, the Prench rococo style was on full display, making the space like a miniature opera house rather than a screening room. In front of them was a small stage that had rows of shell-shaped brass floor lights. In front of the red curtain, a screen was pulled down, and a projector was positioned overhead above the door as they walked in. Shining saw that this room had red silken fabric that was used as wallpaper on the walls, gold molding that decorated the ceiling had a mini chandelier overhead, making the space shimmer. And where he expected to find regular theater seats, he instead saw a couch with a table set with a small banquet. One that had a chocolate fountain, marshmallows cut into squares, cookies, popcorn bowls that were mixed with things sweet and savory, and a fountain that ran red wine.

Shining let out a low whistle. “This certainly beats any movie theater I’ve ever been to.”

“What’s great is that I can get to see films a full day before they’re released to the public in here,” Blueblood said proudly. “As well as a library of films that at my becking call.”

“Celestia, Blue, you must throw some awesome movie parties in a place like this.”

“Well… Not often, I’m afraid. That teenage activity completely passed by.” Blueblood nuzzled him again.

Shining laughed, “Oh c’mon, you’re never too old to have some fun. Even with a bad movie playing, it’s more fun when you have other ponies around to riff it.”

Blueblood blinked, “Riff? What do you mean?”

“Ya know, making jokes at a movie.” The prince however blinked. “Have you ever done it before?”

“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Okay…” Shining tapped his chin, humming in thought. “So you have a whole library of movies, right? Among them, which one is the worst movie you’ve seen?”

Tilting his head, Blueblood was perplexed. “Why?”

“Trust me, the worse the film, the more fun it is to riff it. Now think, what’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen? I’m talking about where the special effects are terrible, the acting is more wooden than a coffee table, and the story makes no sense at all. Do you have any movie that sounds like that?”

“Well… now that I think of it. There is one that I despise the most.” Blueblood frowned, “Have you ever heard of My Highschool Demonic Marefriend from Space?”

Oh! Yes!” Shining’s expression brightened like a foal on Hearth’s Warming Morning. “That one’s perfect!”

“But it’s horrible.”

“It absolutely is, but you have to see it with me. I have so many jokes,” Shining excitedly rubbed his hooves together. “Please, just this once.”

This was certainly an unexpected turn that the prince certainly didn’t expect. As far as this date was going to go, he thought he’d show a high-quality movie to show. Perhaps something from a famous director, or maybe an arthouse film that he thought should gain more attention. Never had he thought that not only would Shining ask for a bad film, but one that he was excited about. It was certainly unconventional… on the other hoof, just dating Shining was unconventional in so many ways.

“Oh very well, you’ve twisted my foreleg,” Blueblood sighed, turning to one of the servants to have the movie brought up. “Just this once.”

“You won’t regret it,” Shining hugged him happily.

So far, not what Blueblood was expecting, but he wasn’t complaining either.

To be fair, however, while My Highschool Demonic Marefriend from Space, is still bad - having Shining make jokes as it plays made a world of difference. He never thought of just having someone there, someone he enjoyed being with, making fun of a movie that otherwise would make it a chore to watch, enjoyable.

Before his eyes and ears, he saw a terrible movie turn into a laugh riot. From the cheaply designed set pieces (“Who knew that didn’t have enough crayons and cardboard.”) to the awful acting, (“Is that supposed to be anger or her reading a dictionary?”), and the horrifically bad story, (“Remember kids, having to blow up the world is bad, but if you have a hot marefriend, it makes it okay!”) made an awful movie into a comedic masterpiece.

“I feel as though I have been missing out,” Blueblood confessed, his back against the smooth rock, bubbling spring water swirling just underneath his withers. “Perhaps I should invite you around to watch terrible movies more often.”

Across from him, Shining was leaning back. His hooves rested on the back of his head and a satisfied smile on his face. “You know, I haven’t done that since I was in High School. Reminds me of when I used to have a guys' night with my friends where we put on movies to make fun of. It’s good to be cracking jokes like that again.”

Underneath a vaulted ceiling where the air was humid and lit up entirely by candlelight, the two stallions sat in a natural hot spring that was underneath the chateau. A spring that still had the original smooth stones that the entire room was built around accumulated in three pools that poured from one to the next. Aside from the pools were a rack of towels, a folding screen, and a record player that despite the humidity was able to play Horseshoepin clearly in the acoustics of the room.

It was, apart from the gardens, the most tranquil place in the chateau. A place where the sound of running water, the scent and ambiance of the candles, and the wonderful warmth of the spring is the kind of place where one goes to let go of stress. The kind of place where anypony would be calm enough to ask anything.

After a long silence, Shining tilted his head up. “Hey Blue, mind if I ask you a personal question?”

“There’s no reason why you couldn’t.”

“Okay,” Shining’s forelegs flopped into the water. “So… hypothetically speaking, if we ever did… ya know… have sex. Why me?”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow, “Pardon?”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered, really. Though, I am curious about something. Out of everyone in Canterlot alone that would do it with you, why pick me?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Because I trust you enough.”

“I mean… fair enough, but what I mean is that technically speaking, prostitution is legal where there are certain houses that are government-regulated. And not every worker there is female either. I mean, as a Prince, had you ever thought of… ya know?”

Blueblood frowned, “To be honest, I had gone back and forth on that very thing even before I came out. While money was never an issue with me, what was, however, is that I have a reputation to maintain. Besides, even if I did and somepony spotted me, there would still be the risk of causing a scandal. I can’t imagine how my Aunt Celestia would react. On the other hoof, part of me almost wanted to and a few times I almost did but chickened out at the last minute.”

Shifting, Blueblood got out of his seat and floated over to Shining, his head still above the water, graceful as a swan. “To me, if I were to have sex with someone, I don’t think I want to do it with someone that I have to pay an experience for. That seems like cheating to me. No, if I were, I wanted to be with someone that I would trust the most. Someone that I could be in their arms and know they wouldn’t hurt or take advantage of me. And let’s say that you immediately came to mind.” Blueblood wrapped his hooves around Shining’s shoulders. “I trust you. I love you. If you ever wanted to go beyond just hugs and kisses, all you have to do is ask.”

Shining’s cheeks reddened, and his embarrassed expression turned away. “Thing is, even if I wanted to, I don’t know if I could. I may be dating you, but at the same time, I’m still loyal to Cadance. What makes it so confusing for me is that while part of me knows that I have her permission, emotionally it feels that I would be betraying her trust in me. I don’t think you would appreciate it if all this was the other way around.”

“What do you mean?”

“Say that instead of her, I had dated you first. Done so for years to the point we trusted each other to get so intimate. Now imagine after all that, Cadance has developed a crush on me. Eventually, it gets to a point where she wants to date me, and let’s say that you agreed for me to do so. Now imagine that after all of that, she wants me to sleep with her. Even if you gave me the go-ahead, how would you feel?”

This gave Blueblood pause. “My… I haven’t thought of it like that.” Another pause. “If that were the case, I suppose it would be complicated. Because it isn’t like having an affair, to be doing this in secret - because this was known from the very beginning. However, if there was anything I would worry about, more than anything, is the question that even if you slept with her, would you still love me?”

“Exactly.” Shining nodded. “I guess for me it was easier when I loved one pony. But two… this is something that I don’t have any idea what I’m doing without screwing this up. Like I said, I don’t want to hurt either of you. And I don’t want either of you to think you’re not loved.”

Blueblood placed a gentle hoof under Shining’s chin, to make him look at him in the eye. “Do you still love Cadance?”


“And me?”


“If I were her, that is all I wanted to know.” Blueblood planted a kiss on Shining’s lips, a reassurance that everything was going to be alright. He didn’t expect that Shining would return the kiss either, but he wasn’t complaining either.

Shining only broke the kiss when he realized that his hoof had slipped underneath the spring water, groping at Blueblood’s flank. “Oh, sorry!” Shining pulled back, “Sorry, I didn’t mean-”

Blueblood wrapped a hoof around him, “I didn’t say for you to stop,” he said with a smile.

There was an awkward pause between them. “Do you…” Shining asked timidly, “Wanna… Keep going?”

Blueblood answered it with a kiss.