• Published 1st Nov 2023
  • 1,259 Views, 20 Comments

Lunar Shattering - Broken-Quill

After a millennium of imprisonment, Princess Luna has returned, yet not in her entirety. A significant shard of her essence remains lost, shrouded in darkness. Darkness that gains power to corrupt, to twist the very fabric of reality.

  • ...

Chapter 2

As the door clicked shut behind Luna, sealing off her retreating figure, an uneasy silence enveloped the compartment.

Twilight was the first to break the silence, her voice tinged with concern. "Do you think she's really alright? She seemed... so distant and not in this world?" . Her gaze flicked to her friends who had also watched the exit of the Lunar Princess.

Rarity, with a thoughtful expression, adjusted her scarf and responded with a weak smile, "Well, her mane was a bit unkempt and her fur is a bit messy. That’s certainly not the royal standard I seen in Princess Celestia , but considering we’re just getting to know her again, perhaps that’s just how she is now? You should really see how the fashion industry is changing. Maybe she is taking a distinct look?"

There was a pause as Cadence listened quietly, her face a mask of composure but her eyes betraying a deeper turmoil. She remained silent, thoughtful, contributing to the conversation with only slight nods or a faint smile, keeping her own counsel.

Rainbow Dash, ever the pragmatist, chimed in with a shrug. "If she’s got something on her mind, she’ll tell us when she’s ready, right? Maybe we're just overthinking things. I say we just relax" With that she made a salto before Landing on the couch and placing her hoofs on the beautifully designed table.

With a look of disapproval, Rarity added facing Rainbow Dash “Although I will say being modest does define a Lady”

Twilight looked towards Cadence, noticing her unusually reserved demeanor. "Cadence, is everything okay? You seem... preoccupied."

Cadence hesitated, then reached into her bag and pulled out a scroll, handing it to Spike with her magic. "Please send this to Princess Celestia immediately," she instructed quietly. As Spike took the scroll and used Dragon Flame to send it off. Cadence’s shoulders seemed to slump slightly as her face took gleamed with uncertainty.

Turning back to her friends with a forced smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, Cadence finally spoke, her voice laced with a hint of distress. "There’s something I need to discuss with you all. Princess Celestia asked me to bring it up... But before we do…”
She paused, her horn glowing with a soft, pulsing light. "I’ll cast a spell of confidence if you wish to learn what I have to tell. It will ensure that we don't speak about this to anyone outside this circle only to each other and Princess Celestia, if absolutely necessary."

Rainbow Dash looked from one to the other, her previously relaxed figure jumped up with excitement of the situation upcoming. "Okay please please please tell us we have to save the world and it in our hooves, THIS will be an amazing look on my application to the wonderbolts!”

Cadence formed a small smile, attempting to mimic the one of her aunt. “Rainbow if you are doing this, then let's really commit. No leaks, no slips. And don’t worry the world is fine, its nothing dangerous" with a small sigh she continued “its just Aunty thinks as the new Elements of Harmony its important for you to know this, if you although don’t want this burden on your backs I would ask you and spike to step out of the room”

"Hey, wait a minute!" Spike said, his tone more assertive than usual, catching everyone’s attention. "I know I'm not a pony and I don't have a fancy title or anything, but I've been with Twilight since the beginning. I've sent countless letters to Princess Celestia and kept secrets before. I can be trusted with this, too."

He looked at Cadence, his green eyes sincere. "I understand this is serious, and I promise, on my honor as a dragon, that I won’t speak of it to anyone else except who you’ve already allowed. Please, I want to help, and I want to be here for all of you, just like I always have been."

Cadence looked at him, the uncertainty on her face softening into a gentle, appreciative smile once again. "Spike, I know how trustworthy you are. It's not about trust. It's just that this matter... it's very delicate. You are still a child and I think you shouldn’t be obligated to hold this on your soul. Once Aunty will see as the issue being a nuisance it will no longer be a secret and Twilight will tell you everything", Looking up at Twilight, Cadance continued “Assuming you would want to know”.

Twilight nodded in agreement, her expression softened by Cadence's considerate words. "Spike, you've always been incredibly brave and loyal, and there's no doubt about your ability to keep a secret. But some things are heavy, even for the broadest of shoulders. When the time is right, you'll know everything, I promise."

Spike's shoulders drooped slightly, a mix of disappointment and understanding in his eyes. He took a deep breath, trying to hide his frustration. "Okay, I get it. It's just hard, you know? Feeling like I'm left out, even if it’s for my own good."

Rarity stepped closer, her voice soothing. "Darling, it’s not about exclusion. We're just trying to protect you. You have plenty of time to deal with the burdens of the world. Enjoy a little less responsibility while you can, hmm?"

Rainbow Dash dropped next to him with a grin, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, and let's face it, buddy, being in the loop isn't always all it's cracked up to be. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss! Just enjoy zipping around and doing your dragon thing without any extra worries."

Cadence gave Spike a final reassuring smile. "And you’re never really out of the loop, Spike. You're as much a part of this team as any of us. This is just one of those times where what you don’t know can’t hurt you."

Spike nodded , "Alright, I trust you guys. Just don’t forget, I’m here when you need me. And I can handle more than you think."

Cadence placed a gentle hoof on his shoulder, her touch light but affirming. "We won’t forget, Spike. And thank you for understanding."

With the matter settled, Spike went to the door, stretching slightly. He managed a small smile, his mood lifting a bit as he made a decision for himself. "Alright, I trust you all," he said, his voice steady. "And since I'm not part of this super-secret stuff right now, I think I'll go grab some ice cream for all of us”

Cadence gave him a warm, appreciative smile. "Thank you, Spike. Ice cream sounds wonderful”

Cadence enveloped the door in her magic, opening it for Spike. As he exited with a bounce in his step, she turned to the others, catching their eyes. "Are we all ready to proceed?" she asked quietly. One by one, Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash nodded, their expressions serious.

Satisfied, Cadence used her magic to gently close the door. Her horn glowed a soft, pulsing light as she cast a spell, sealing the room with a soundproof barrier. "Now, we can speak freely without worrying about any eavesdropping, magical or otherwise," Cadence announced softly.

As the magical glow settled around them, Cadence intoned softly, "This spell will ensure that none of us speaks of what I am about to share with anyone outside this circle only among ourselves and Princess Celestia “

The light from her horn flickered and then solidified, signifying the seal of their confidentiality. With the room secured and the magical vow in place, Cadence took a deep breath, her gaze sweeping over her friends' anxious faces.

She paused, the weight of her next words hanging heavily in the air. "This is about Luna... and her memory."