• Published 17th May 2023
  • 1,675 Views, 115 Comments

The Lonely Prince - Caladis

Twilight Sparkle is asked to solve a Friendship Problem for Prince Blueblood, but doesn't know what she's getting into.

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Chapter 7 - A Difficult Choice

Author's Note:

This chapter was written with the assumption that everyone has seen the Season 3 finale 'Magical Mystery Cure.' To avoid losing this assumption, a link to a YouTube Video will allow you to watch the full episode.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 3, Episode 13 - Magical Mystery Cure - 1080p HD - YouTube


The next three months passed by with a new routine that worked well.

To the surprise of the locals, Blueblood had stayed in Ponyville and lived with Twilight in the library while also working alongside the commoners of the town. While Blueblood didn’t like getting his hooves dirty, he did do a good job in learning what the average stallion had to do to earn a living first-hoof. To add to the realism of his efforts, he lived off the bits he earned from his part time work as well as Twilight’s royal stipend, which was smaller than he realized, while cutting himself off from the rest of his Princely wealth.

It was eye-opening for the Prince and Twilight was pleased to see him get out of his comfort zone because it did exactly what he hoped it would… it allowed him to relate to the common pony and interact with them without it being awkward.

As the time passed, plans were made for a Canterlot Wedding similar to what Cadence had enjoyed, which was no surprise to anypony.

After careful consideration, the general plan for living arrangements after the wedding was for Twilight to move into Canterlot Castle with Blueblood, with Twilight visiting her friends in Ponyville or her friends visiting her in Canterlot in between saving the world.

Dramatic, but probably true.

In the meantime, on the days that he didn’t take part-time work around the town, Blueblood held a local version of Day Court, allowing ponies in and near Ponyville to receive Royal help and Royal Judgement without having to go all the way to Canterlot. Twilight enjoyed helping with the process and was pushed out of her own comfort zone when Blueblood put her on the throne to practice rendering judgements… which allowed her to relate to being a ruling princess.

While they did this only 3 times a week, Spike was always on hand to record who the pony was, what they asked for, and what Blueblood or Twilight agreed to, which was sent off to Canterlot to be processed. Celestia had expressed a great deal of thanks to her nephew and future niece for doing this because it helped thin the Canterlot crowd for Day Court.

However, this weekend was different.

Blueblood had been recalled to Canterlot by Celestia to deal with pressing issues at court which had to take place in pony. When they had said their goodbyes to each other at the train station, Twilight hadn’t realized how lonely she would be afterwards. Blueblood was a solid fixture in her life now and him being gone left her feeling empty.

Twilight had never felt as alone as she had these couple of days but fortunately Celestia had sent her a book to read yesterday, and Blueblood was due back today. She burst from the library in song.

“Morning in Ponyville shimmers. Morning in Ponyville shines. And I know for absolute certain, that things are certainly fine…”

She continued her song with no pony really batting an eyelash and several ponies seemed happy to join in on her antics. She was just so happy that Blueblood was coming home today that she didn’t really care. At least… not until a torrent of water fell on her like a bucket had been dropped on her.

“Rainbow Dash! That’s not funny!”

Rarity looked over at her. “I’m terribly sorry darling… I’m not very good with the thundery ones.”

Seeing Rarity with Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark was far from expected. After a brief explanation that made no sense, Twilight got Spike from the library and started to investigate the situation only to discover that all her friend’s cutie marks had changed.

Returning to the library in a panic, Twilight remembered the spell book Celestia had sent her yesterday and concluded that the spell she had cast to try to figure out what it did had probably been the cause of the cutie mark mix up. Spike rapid fired several suggestions to fix the problem but she had to deny all of them because she just knew it wouldn’t work. Spike tried to cheer her up with the notion that their friends would like their new lives but that just made Twilight feel worse as she went to lay down on her bed.

She knew that wallowing in self-pity would solve nothing but… the door opening refocused her attention as Blueblood entered the library.

“Dearest, I’m home! Is it just me or are the pony’s acting stranger than normal today?”

She hopped off the bed and ran down the stairs, crashing into him with a big hug as her tears flowed freely. He held her tight. “What’s wrong? Beloved?”

Twilight quickly explained what was happening and waited for judgement. Blueblood sighed. “Magic can be dangerous; we both know that. But these are your friends. Just go help them… I know you can do it.”

Twilight walked over to the mantle of her fireplace with a picture of all her friends and she just seemed to glow with pent up magic as an idea occurred to her.

“You’re right. And I know just what to do!”

Blueblood smiled at her warmly. “I’ll stay here and out of your way. You got this… I believe in you.”

Twilight and Spike made the rounds and took the better part of the day to fix the problem but at the end of the day, she came rushing back into the library with all her friends to rewrite the spell.

Blueblood was as excited as the rest of Twilight’s friends as the spell was rewritten and inadvertently cast at the same time. The beams of magic from the necklaces of the elements of harmony hitting Twilight wasn’t part of the plan but when Twilight pinned her ears to her head with a small smile of acceptance, Blueblood’s breathe caught in his throat as he witnessed the moment she literally exploded into magical nothingness.

Pinkie’s gasp of surprise paled in comparison to Blueblood’s own heart wrenching wail of despair. All five girls gave Blueblood a big group hug as they worked to calm him down.

Blueblood looked at the blackened mark on the floor. “What am I supposed to do without her?”

Pinkie patted him on the shoulder. “Let’s go outside. We’ll think of something… my Pinkie sense tells me that she’s not dead.”

Blueblood sighed as he headed outside and Applejack nudged Pinkie. “That could have been phrased a mite gentler, sugarcube.”

The stallion and five mares stared at the beautiful night sky waiting for a sign, any sign that Twilight was okay. Within moments… a huge burst of magic with Twilight’s cutie mark flared and floated down from the sky. When it landed on the ground, it seemed to explode, causing a bright flash of light that revealed Twilight Sparkle, safe and unharmed… but now as an Alicorn.

Blueblood’s eyes went as wide as saucers as Rainbow Dash expressed joy at having a new flying buddy, Rarity expressed an honest shock at not knowing it was possible to transform into an Alicorn and Fluttershy causally commented that Twilight looked just like a Princess.

Celestia appearing and commenting that Twilight was a Princess now didn’t help Blueblood’s situation. As all her friends moved to bow to the newest Alicorn Princess, he did the same, falling to his knees and bowing as respectfully as he could. Twilight’s question of if there was a book on how to be a princess may have caused Celestia to chuckle but it did nothing for Blueblood.

Twilight quickly motioned for her friends to rise but Blueblood either didn’t see it or couldn’t physically do it. Twilight walked closer to her fiancé.

“Rise, my love.”

Blueblood shook his head. “I cannot, Princess.”

She frowned. “Please… rise.”

Blueblood bowed lower. “My Princess…”

Twilight looked at Celestia who just shrugged, and then at her friends who just seemed to look at each other completely at a loss of what to do. Twilight, left with no other options, physically pulled Blueblood up back into a standing position but he seemed so weak in the knees that the possibility of him collapsing again was a real possibility.

Twilight nuzzled into him. “It’s been a long day… lets go cuddle in the library and get some sleep. I bet these wings are pretty warm… what do you say?”

Blueblood smiled weakly. “After you, Princess.”

The inclusion of her new title bothered her. All the pet name practice was meant to allow them to speak to each other without any titles. It’s as if they lost all their hard work in an instant. Still, she was willing to admit that this new change was going to take a little getting used to.

They got comfortable with each other and fell into a deep sleep that lasted until early morning.


Twilight woke up cold.

Why am I cold?

Patting the bed beside her revealed that Blueblood wasn’t there but that wasn’t anything new… he often got up extra early to handle things that he needed to take care of like a good reliable stallion would. As Twilight tried to drift off back to sleep for an extra 30 minutes of rest, a pounding at the library door forced her to get up.

As she opened the door, she was presented with a very upset Rarity. “Darling! What is the meaning of this!!!”

Twilight backed up a few steps with her ears folding back as she tried to process that was going on. “What is the meaning of what?”

Rarity pressed a letter into her hooves. “THIS!!! Why did cancel your wedding? The dress is almost finished!”

The blood drained from Twilight’s face as she read the letter, written in Blueblood’s horn writing, cancelling the wedding. Rarity realized that something was wrong when Twilight started to cry.

“I don’t understand… things were going so well…”

Rarity cleared her throat. “You mean… he didn’t tell you?”

Twilight sobbed into her hooves. “…No.”

Rarity looked around. “Maybe he left you a note that explains it?”

Twilight sniffled. “Maybe.”

They both walked into the dining room portion of the library and found a note on the table. With shaky hooves, Twilight opened the note and read it. She could swear she heard Blueblood’s voice.

‘My Dearest,

You are now more of a Princess in your own right than a marriage to me could ever make you. I’ve seen how my Aunty forsakes love because the slow march of time will allow you to outlive me as all of Auntie’s friends have passed on in time. I cannot do this to you. I can’t allow you to love me just to lose me as the years press on. I’m sorry. It may be best to rip the bandage off now and accept the truth that you are immortal, and I am mortal. I shall always strive to be your friend and I’ll be here in Canterlot to advise you on matters that you need help with… but I cannot hurt you with my impending death. Regardless of if that death is tomorrow or 100 years from now… it will hurt you all the same and I can’t live with the knowledge that my love will pain you so. May your future be bright and may you remember me fondly. Maybe someday you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me. Maybe someday… I’ll be able to forgive myself.

Yours, forever in friendship,

The Lonely Prince.’

Rarity read the note while Twilight cried.

Rarity put the note down and grabbed Twilight by the shoulders. “Darling… do you love him?”

Twilight sniffled and wiped the tears off her face and looked at Rarity confused. “What?”

Rarity repeated herself. “Do you love hm?”

She nodded. “With all my heart…”

Rarity hugged Twilight tightly. “Then go find him! There is an old saying. ‘If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours.’ He loved you enough to let you go. To not have to lose him in death. If you love him, then return to him. Hurry! Now!”

Twilight broke the hug and ran from the library heading towards the only logical place. The Train Station. As she arrived, she saw Blueblood sitting on a bench like any other pony waiting for a train. She called out to him.


He rose from the bench only to kneel to her in respect. “Your Highness…”

Twilight found herself enraged by the royal treatment and slapped him. “Stand up this instant!”

He stood up, wide eyed and cheek sore but he obeyed. “Wha?”

Twilight lit into him. “How dare you cancel our wedding! How dare you try to spare me my feelings! I love you, you big idiot! I want you to spend the rest of your life with me. I don’t care that I’ll lose you someday. I want today. And every day that I’m blessed to have you! You can’t take that from me!”

Blueblood lowered his head to conceal his tears. “I love you, Twilight. More than anything. I don’t think I could allow myself to hurt you by dying.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes. “I’ll decide what I’ll allow to hurt me. And it certainly won’t be you. I will love you. And I will stay with you. And when you pass, I may be sad, but I’ll cherish the days I had with you! It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. I think Celestia has it wrong on this. She is denying herself the most important part of life. Love! Come back with me. Let’s continue. Please, my love. Don’t look at these wings and forget my face.”

Blueblood’s jaw dropped as he was forced to consider her point. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think that you would want me now that you are a Princess. Please, forgive me…”

Twilight kissed him passionately. “You are forgiven. But you will have to make this up to me with extra cuddling.”

Blueblood sighed in mock disappointment. “Oh, the horror. Woe is me for all this extra work…”

Twilight giggled as she guided him back to the library. The first thing she did was write Princess Celestia.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have decided that I want to turn my coronation into my wedding. I wish to be crowned with my husband. Please make this happen.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle’
