• Member Since 10th Jul, 2022
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Hiya! Just your average void dweller story writer!


After buying a railgun prop Zoe finds herself in the land of equestria as her favourite android from the series murder drones, will she be able to adapt to her new life?

Or will she fall to those that want to harm her.

Find out in this story.

-while tagged undertale there will be no undertale displaced, only the Canon characters (and maybe some AU's).-

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 96 )

I love Murder Drones, but here's the first question to ask: Where are your punctuations, dear author?

Also, seriously, please don't caption your own writing. It makes the invisible narrator sound really unreliable and compromises your entire storytelling. As an author, you really should consider keeping the distance from your readers when telling the stories, so as not to break the magic of literature.

For example, this paragraph:

Anyway... When pinkie gets to her room she sees a strange creature lying on the floor
(cover image)

Wouldn't it be better if you describe—portray—how Uzi looks like? Not only is that quite fitting of the plot, (since Pinkie was observing the protagonist,) but you also keep the story consistent by sticking to in-universe knowledge.

I like this idea, but you really need to pay more attention to details like punctuation and capital letters. Omitting one or two full stops, I could understand, but at the end of every paragraph? Perhaps too much to ignore.

cool keep up the good work

I shall keep a close eye on this one.
Also, have your first like as a symbol of my goodwill.

Thank you all for your constructive criticism considering I uploaded this story literally today

hooray! A murder Drones cross over! I was wondering if these were ever going to be made.

Remember, the Absolute Solver only affects anything metallic and mechanical, not on everything or probably has zero affects on organic targets. And her railgun has a 30 minute charge so she can only use it as a last resort or as a "F u" Fatality on some poor bastard.

Oh, canon Uzi had learn martial arts via pirated movies and she's an android with a metal body. Pretty sure she could go toe to toe with AJ or Dash in a fist fight if it comes to blow

I’m pretty sure the absolute solver can do stuff to organic matter, considering what it did to that arrow in the latest episode

HOLD IT! But that arrow has a METALIC tip. So yeah she could redirect it

I’m not talking about how she redirected it I am talking about how she turned it into an organic abomination

Be sure to try and avoid making too many stories, otherwise you'll find yourself mentally burnt out and possible be unable to write more chapters.

Absolute solver can indeed affect organic material as when Uzi had transformed in episode 4 her wings and tail were organic, she is a singularity between biology and technoligy

Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting…

You seriously want to write fanfic for murder drone? that thing currently barely has any lore to go off with. only speculations from fans.
It's like RWBY you know? animator just want something cool looking and made up plot to make it possible afterward. there's actually nothing going on behind the scene.
currently, they make it all cryptic and shit so that they have leeway to go off any direction they want.

why do i know this? my favorite animation studio, GAINEX, also use same tactic.

Absolute Solver can be anything at this point. a virus, a singularity AGI, an eldritch entity, a human mind,a demon, future-self,builtin secret program, secret of universe.

1. I like the story so far. Nothing crazy but a good start leaves an open caves for what you want to do in the story.
2. No idea.
3. Are you open to the idea of having other displaced enter your fanfic like when other displaced utilize tokens to call other for help?

I am, I just don't know where or how to reach out to other creators to get their permition

When you want to cross-over with someone, you send them a message asking. If they agree to it, you make a google doc, change sharing permissions to 'editor' and send them a link. You will then write the next chapter, writing what your character was doing before they found the token, heard the tokens message, and then summoned that Displaced. The person you're writing with will then control their character and reply accordingly. Now, before you go doing all of that, you must ask yourself 'why' you want your character to summon them, you can't just do a cross-over without it holding some form of important to the character's growth, world building, and story progression, otherwise your readers will hate it, especially if the chapter the cross-over takes place has too much talking.

Does it matter what displaced it is? Or can it be anything?

Pretty much anything, any suggestions, I have a few ideas in mind already but I also want to hear your ideas

Can't you just search for Displaced stories on here? Also, what's murder drones? Is it a video game or a cartoon?

It's a web series on YouTube made by Glitch Productions

"My.....what?.. Oh! You mean my sick as hell ray gun!? " Uzi exclaimed as she pulled a ray gun styled to look similar to a futuristic assault rifle with a miniature nuclear reactor as the power source out of her bag, the bag was a deep purple with a rectangle at the front of the bag, the rectangle had a smaller rectangle in it as well as bones coming out from behind the rectangles

Wait wouldn’t that be radioactive?

Right! Hehe thanks for the correction lol 😅 I'll fix that now

So, fun fact, there are already cosplay of the murder drones characters, mostly N for some reason, I like dat ☺️ he just a wholesome murder robot that is only 10 years old

Thank you for your correction!! 😁😁😁

I've noticed you've been ignoring my comments/advice. Did I do something wrong?

Apologies for ignoring your advice I've been unintentionally doing that, however I believe I have found my own style to Wright my story

That's good, best of luck to ya in your story.

Maybe, maybe not. You will just have to wait and see😋

anyone that takes that bet is a fool

There is more to the next chapter than you may think.

Bro who's zoe? So it's just an uzi cosplayer?

Yes, however overtime she becomes more and more like the actual Uzi

More becoming like the actual uzi? So zoe will become a real uzi later?

Almost, she is still herself, she just adopts Uzi's name and alot of her personality

Oh okay thanks for the explanation to my confusion this help me understand more a lot

This is a good story can't wait to see more chapters

Hey when you start doing crossover I would be happy to do one with you if you feel like it

Sure! I'm already doing a crossover at the moment, however, would you want to do a crossover for my other story? It's called 'Fates hand's' 😁

You forgot to add who Southern is.
My bet is on Spike.

I do apologise, also thank you for pointing it out, also added Spike's one despite the nickname never being mentioned.

Oh now we are getting Undertale aspects? Interesting.

undertale hum? if we should give soul traits to drones, it will be the color of their visor.
for uzi: I would very much see perseverance in normal times and determination as the second phase.

... How did I not think of that? 😃
Great idea 😃

Who was the person you did a crossover with

Their fimfiction name is Story Writer, go check them out!

I also find it funny as no one mentioned the royal guard actually being competent for once

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