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David Silver

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Comments ( 69 )

awesome start to a new story.
foals nursing are fun and all but if you ask my mare right now she would say one thing that brat got her teeth early.
my mares filly got her milk teeth at 2 weeks way early and the mares nipples are paying the price. :twilightoops:

edit wow first post on a David Silver story i am amazed.

You did it! Adults can, usually, be trusted to be more careful about it.

So will Winter be talking more? He was just learning in the end of the other story

Also, YAY!

Yep. He's a vocalized kirin now, doing his best to express himself. And be a good father figure of the family.

Perfect, all caught up. Now I can’t wait. I just love stories that give characters we know children. It’s like our characters we got to know are now getting to know themselves as parents. New Dynamics!

Oh a sequel, neat! Looking forward to next chapters :)

This is a good start for the sequel.

This was a nice chapter and I think that Maple may have mentioned that she had something for Summer in the previous story. Though possibly to somepony other than summer I'm not sure.

"I'll never say no to a little Winter time."


Maple ran her tongue over the frozen surface of the ice pop. It was her own creation. One had to mix maple with just the right other companions to make a proper pop, or you could end up with a slushy thing instead. Not that maple slush was an awful thing, a fine thing to stuff in a snow cone, really.

Not that slushies are bad in general.:pinkiehappy:

"Helpin'." He whistled sharply, summoning the rest of Winter's poker buddies. "Friends gotta stick together! We'll get this place spruced up for ya."

Ah, friendship can be such a beautiful thing, can't it?:ajsmug:

Winter headed home, walking through the quiet streets of the sleepy country evening. Whistling felt right, so he picked up where he left off. Everything was ready for the next day!

Happy hour; wait for it...


It's good that Winter's friends came by to help.

Winter paled around her snout with a delirious laugh. "It ain't just ah'm ahead?!"

That should be Summer instead of Winter.
Also it seems there might be a kirin foal on the way which should be interesting.

Can't go getting our kirins mixed up.

Is that a common thing in your stories? The whole “bottle materialization” thing? I’m not saying I was counting the days till the nursing chapters but that seemed odd to me. Great chapter as always though.

I have used that at least once before. Note they already did nursing.

"Praise the queen," he laughed out.

"Princess," corrected Maple. "But yeah, praise her! Right nice pony she is.


It's good that the machine is helping the mares stay fit during pregnancy.

It's good that Spruce's birth was without any complications.

the birth of a foal is a vary special thing.
awesome chapter.

video attached is my pony foaling last spring.

It's nice that Spruce made a friend.

"Mmmhmm." She nosed at him as she walked. "You'll get to meet some other little babies just like you. A bunch of foals, looking so cute!" She giggled with joy at the imagined idea. "And you get to walk." As fun as keeping her infant swaddled was, he was a pony. Equines could walk pretty fast. She didn't want to get in the way of his development.

T: IRL, ponieth (ponies) can walk fairly well within an hour of being born. :twistnerd:

It shouldn't be too surprising that ponies, being even more developed and clever, may take a little longer to finish booting up.

Need more wholesome herd content.

"All three fillies should meet each other."

Since one is a colt I think this should be changed unless Winter is very confused here.
Now that all the children are born the adventure of raising them can begin.

Oops, we can't go misgendering them so early. Rude.

Aren't there two colts (one of them Spruce) and one filly though?

"No!" Winter nuzzled each little colt, then paused. "Maple."

At this point, there should be one colt and one filly.

His wings fluttered in distress.

Did I miss something?

You are right but I had forgotten if Spruce was a colt or filly.

Summer beamed with sleepy pride at her newborn twins. "This little darling is Dawn," she said, indicating the filly with the wispy purple mane. "And her rambunctious brother here is Dusk."

Dusk wriggled and kicked his tiny hooves against Maple's side, eliciting a giggle from her. "Well howdy there, Dusk. You sure are a feisty one."

Winter nuzzled his nose against the colt's fuzzy cheek. "Dawn and Dusk. Fitting names for our twins that arrived together." He smiled at Summer. "They're perfect."

Spruce babbled excitedly, reaching his tiny hooves toward his new siblings. The three foals seemed instantly drawn together despite their exhaustion from entering the world just hours before.

Summer eased herself to her hooves, wincing slightly but waving off Winter's concern. "Just a few new-momma aches, I'll mend quick." She peered lovingly at the three foals. "I can't believe they're really here."

"We're officially outnumbered," chuckled Maple. She passed Dusk to Summer before scooping up sleepy Dawn. "But we got enough love for a whole herd of little ones."

Summer nuzzled Dusk's downy forehead, giggling as he suckled on her mane. "With you two by my side, I'm ready for anything these precious gifts bring our way."

If i see correctly, it seems this part is duplicated.

Oof, big error there, fixed.

This is a nice chapter and it's good to see Winter is being a great father.

This was indeed a nice soft chapter.

It's good that Winter is able to take care of the foals and allowing his mares some time to themselves.

He tossed a berry which Dawn pounced on eagerly. Nearby, Spruce and Dusk scampered about pretending to be brave adventurers exploring a cavern, if their sound effects were any clue.

To wit...

Basking in this casual camaraderie, Winter finally felt the tense knot between his shoulders uncoil. Growing apprehension had shadowed him as the twins' birth approached - would parenthood isolate him from his social circle? Render poker nights obsolete?

But just like always, the circle made space for him, foals and all. Even better, his friends seemed to relish the new dynamic, fawning over babies between hands and surrendering poor plays without complaint. Easy as that, Winter's worlds realigned seamlessly thanks to open hearts.

This acceptance untangled the last lingering threads of loneliness in him. However rowdy his family grew, he would always have room at the table among friends.

To wit again...

Winter set out his hand. "Two of a kind."

You mean like... a Pair? :ajbemused:

Winter is doing far better than once he did. His card buddies love him.

Winter lifted an ear. "But..." He frowned. "My break will end soon... I will have to work." And that meant less eyes and hooves around to keep their foals safe and happy. "Why can't being a father be a job?"

Maybe if you were a FOSTER parent; You get a stipend for each kid you're caring for. At least, that's how it worked where I'm from.

But he's an actual father, so he's SOL, i'm afraid.

Summer has at least managed to find something productive to do with her free time. That she managed to reconnect with Hickory was nice as well

I would hate to be them when they realize their session inadvertently (and accidentally) broke their promise to Cherry... particularly the part about the no additional foals without an okay from the boss mare

With Dusk snuggled against his chest, Maple guided Summer step-by-step until, with a gasp of delight, she produced a warm bottle brimming with nurturing milk.

Oh, right, this story has the milk bottle manifesting. Kind of weird honestly, especially on an M rated fic.

I am Spruce, and these are my sisters, Dawn an' Dusk.

Dusk is male so it should be siblings. Can't have typo's at a festival.
I'm looking forward to reading about the Festival. Also nice to see Autumn Blaze again.

Winter nodded along with that. "Those are big words. A pony can be all kinds of smart. Did she say what kind of smart you were showing off?"

Spruce shook his head. "She didn't, but she said I was smart. So I must be smart!"

Well, to quote Einstein,

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life thinking that it's stupid.

Winter leaned in to nose at Dusk. "Kirin eat what they like, but not too much cake, or you'll have fat kirin."

I imagine that considering their two-sided nature, Kirin have a faster metabolism than you might expect.

Literally burning extra calories. :ajsmug:

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