• Member Since 19th Feb, 2017
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6-D Pegasus

Me or my OC?


In the days following Starlight Glimmer's recent reformation to the ways of friendship, Spike figured he'd see her around more often. However, he didn't expect her to start going out of her way to spend as much time with him as possible.

Determined to get to the bottom of it, Spike decides to figure out what might be going on in Starlight's head.

Cover art is a screen grab from Season 6, Episode 1.

Featured on March 2!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 49 )

"Starlight! Look at me!" Spike stared deep into Starlight's lavender eyes, trying to pierce through the windows of his friend's soul. "You never erased me. You realized the error in your ways and reopened your heart to friendship. The scroll fixed itself, and time returned to normal. All those awful futures we saw never happened and not just because we stopped you, but because you stopped yourself. And after all that, you knew you messed up, and you're trying to do what you can to make up for it. All you have left to do now is forgive yourself."

This is all pure facts. This story was excellent and everyone felt in character. Especially Starlight. To add on to your point about the timeline theory, there’s nothing saying Spike would disappear from existence if she got her way. For all we know, Spike would’ve hatched somehow.

Man, this story was emotional!!

Very well done!!

nice story

These two are so freakin' cute together! :twilightsmile: They really should've gotten more episodes! They had great chemistry with each other!

We seriously need more Starlight and Spike stories because this one is really good. Nice work!

A little personal exploration of these two that i didn't know i needed, before i got. Great read!

I really loved the dynamic they had every time they interacted. Makes me wish there was an episode specifically around them both.

Sometimes I like to imagine they had a moment like this before Season 6, which might explain why Starlight seemed a lot more open to Spike than the other girls, save for Twilight hehe :twilightsmile:

What a cute story.

Some of the later expositional dialogue gets a bit too winding and unwieldy for comfort IMO, but other than that relatively minor hang-up, this was an interesting take on a surprisingly unexplored facet of Starlight and Spike's friendship. Kudos!

This story was very intense (in all of the right ways). I almost shed a few tears, myself, reading this.

6-D Pegasus… well done, friend!

Awww :twilightsmile: I'd read tons of emotional stories before, but had never written one myself, so this was a pretty new field for me. Hearing that from you must mean I did a pretty decent job at it hehe

Oh dear Celestia :rainbowlaugh: looking back, I kinda wanna smite that paragraph out of existence now haha

When I was coming up with what Starlight and Twilight had talked about, I went on a bit of a mental tangent figuring out an explanation for the different futures, and accidentally let my internal rambling slip in through Starlight's explanation :rainbowlaugh: if you've read any of my other recent fics, you might see a pattern with my love for explanatory paragraphs, but in this case I realllyyyy shouldn't have left it in x'D I totally agree that it messes with the atmosphere a bit^^

Thanks for pointing it out hehe, I doubt I'd have fully realized otherwise. Glad you enjoyed the story nonetheless!^^

Absolutely amazing! I love how well this fits into the cannon of the show. The idea of Rarity restyling Starlight's mane and basing it off her Cutie mark was also a great touch :)

No complaints; I enjoyed reading this and it was well done. I salute you.

Given that Twilight isn't the only student of that school but does appear to be the only one with a dragon, it's more likely that it was a Kobayashi Maru situation where the real test was how one deals with failure. Celestia showed a personal interest in the only pony to just straight-up do the impossible because she knows a main character when she sees one. (Other more headcanon-y stuff: Trixie, due to her traveling showstallion father, had a better grasp of the geopolitical implications of using a real dragon egg in that manner).

Wow! I could really feel the emotions coming from Starlight and Spike. The initial awkwardness bleeding into enjoying her helpfulness to realizing she is hiding something... It flowed seamlessly as Spike grows a little concerned about her. Starlight’s sheer guilt over the what-ifs is palpable even in the beginning (from our perspective). Hanging out so often became more exhausting and a tad bit tedious.

Funny how innocent enough questions led her to existential dread.


This was such a fantastic story. I could've easily seen this being part of the show. :twilightsmile:

This was a wonderful done story.
Thank you!:moustache:

And love the touch with, Luna's guiding light, to help Spike, help Starlight.

Definitely can't go wrong with this duo!:pinkiehappy:

This was incredibly well done, the characters felt incredibly on point and I loved it. It also really does bring up a whole slew of thoughts. I always assumed that the loss of that 'bond' had resulted in the elements failing, but in the end they really all had found their ways in one way or another. But... in all of them Spike hadn't existed. What if he had been a key part of why the timelines had failed and the six were thought to be the main reason? It really does make you think. Good job.

Nice story this could've went a completely different direction but I appreciate that you went in a direction you wanted ,I do love romance stories tho

That was cute. And SO well written! Well done :twilightsmile:
Very in character on all counts.

Oh my gosh. Ever since I first saw that episode I've wondering if Twilight never passing her exam would mean that Spike wouldn't exist. Glad to see that someone else thought about it too.

Neat story! Glad to be one of the people reading it!


Given that Twilight isn't the only student of that school but does appear to be the only one with a dragon, it's more likely that it was a Kobayashi Maru situation where the real test was how one deals with failure.

That's my favorite explanation too. It could also have been in the vein of the flowerpot test where the winner wasn't the one with the fanciest bouquet.

When I clicked on the story, I was half-way expecting it to be a silly story or a light-ship cuddlefic. What I did NOT expect was the pretty deep levels of self-guilt and trauma. Good work 6-D.

This was a nice read.

Better than “decent”. :raritywink:

This definitely is a good story. Glad to see another Starlight Spike friendship story that really takes to account about what did happened to Spike in those alt timelines?

I always enjoy stories like this where characters open up about past events, worrying or kicking themselves over the scary outcomes that could have happened as opposed to the positive one that did happen in the end. They are so incredibly relatable and help with how to move on from said experiences without hurting yourself for what happened or could have happened.

This was a really great story, and I'm glad that such solid writing was used for Starlight and Spike. They are actually a pretty good duo in these kinds of stories. I think I'll add this as one of my top favorites.

Very good story, I really really enjoyed, you did a great job showing the emotions and the guilt starlight was going through, it really helps me with my own problems reading a story like this too with characters I relate too and love, thank you so much for the good read :)

Traipsing through trauma is always fun. It's good character exploration for sure, especially when her guilt makes no logical sense, but total emotional sense. Glad it turned out to be a nice friend shipping. You get a like.

It's stories like this is EXACTLY why there should have been an actual episode with only Spike and Starlight Glimmer. No Mane Six,no Discord,just these two. Ever since becoming Twilight's new pupil,Spike no longer has to worry about being by himself while Twilight and the girls are away. And Starlight has someone to talk to if she ever feels like she doesn't know what to do. This would also give the perfect opportunity to bond with each as well.

The feels :raritydespair:

I was hugging the hay out of my Starlight plushie while reding this.

Very well written mate. The way you convey the emotions is masterful.

Thanks for writing such a lovely story.

Thanks so much! I'm hoping to write more emotional stories in the soon future :twilightsmile: and thanks for the watch as well! Hope you enjoy the crazy ride that are my stories^^


Didn't expect see you here. Interesting story.

Time-traveling villainy+regret+existential crisis+adorable baby dragon=wonderful story.

Well done.

This could literally be an episode. Well done!

This is a cool exploration of Starlight's recovery from villainy (something which was just glossed over in the show) and, more interestingly, the topic of Spike's egg not hatching in the event that filly Rainbow's rainboom never occurred. I appreciated your consideration for how cutiemarks work in the nonsense of the time-travel shenanigans.

Though, I feel like the initial explanations of how Spike and Starlight spent their time together was a little repetitive. Contrasting this repetition was this beautiful series of rapid-fire paragraphs revealing Spike's growing impatience AND, simultaneously, explaining what happened, all wrapped up nicely in small, concise paragraphs:

"Spike! I just found the spell for cloud walking! Want to see if we can bring a cloud down and mess with it?"

"Oh? Sure, that sounds pretty cool actually! Lemme finish my lunch real quick and we can check that out!"

"Hey Spike! You want to see a new kite I added to my collection?"

"Wha- oh, hey Starlight. Uh, sure we can do that I guess."

"Pssssssssst. Spike? You in here? I want to show you this really interesting way to hide a-"

"Starlight! For Celestia's sake, I'm trying to take a nap right now!"

"Oh, my bad."

"There you are, Spike! Want to check out my newest kite?"

"What the- Starlight, didn't we do that like just four hours ago?"

"Re- really? Oh, yeah you're right..."


"... want to check out the kite I made before that one?"

"For the love of-"

Cool story :twilightsmile:

While I did really enjoy this, everyone was really in character, and the end really reminded me of the end of an episode which I also applaud you for. However, my one nitpick (not trying to be mean btw) is that even though I love Spike comforting her in then end, I feel like you made Luna an idiot slacker, even though she wasn't in the story. No matter who it is, or what the nightmare is about, Luna will always be around to help ponies with their nightmares. We see this in the show proper when she's having nightmares about going back to the village of equality in the season 6 finale. In fact, you could have done something similar where Luna helped her, and then Spike did the rest. Regardless, I quite enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

aaaaaa yes, this was actually something that I had covered but forgot to slip it in while writing the emotional segment, the crystal on Starlight's bedside was supposed to be enchanted in a way that obscured her dreams, and Starlight would explain she also used this to keep her (and maybe others') dreams hidden when she ran the village so Luna wouldn't catch on. She continued to use it after coming back after being haunted by nightmares of what she had done, both to Spike, Twilight, and the world, and feared retribution if Luna ever truly saw what her actions led to.
as a result of having too many ideas without a full plan of integrating them all, this one went under the radar and I totally forgot about it until you mentioned!

You think you’d add that in?

Spike walked along through the long, empty hallways of Twilight's castle, his tiny footsteps echoing off the blue and purple crystalline walls as a relaxed smile plastered across his face.

I feel like incorporating "pattering" of his feets against the floor would be a cute way to write that bit . Such as

"...castle; the patter of his tiny footsteps echoing diminuitively against the blue and purple crystaine walls, as a relaxed smile..."

Mainly cause pattering feet are cute <3

Just a smol backfeed on quotation marks; when a character is talking and they have a break in their dialogue but it doesn't change characters, usually one would signify this by omitting the final " from before the break. Highlighted in red:

....pleading eyes. "She never hatched you, Spike! You never existed!"

"I... erased you from existence.."

This would look like this

...pleading eyes. "She never hatched you, Spike! You never existed!

"I... erased you from existence..."

OR, if it feels awkward to do that, you could move the "she never hatched you" sentence above the mid-paragraph break and let the paragraph end with "pleading eyes" which would give the same effect of not implying a change in speaker :3 if that makes sense

Just finished; like others said you did a good job at capturing each characters... ah, character, in your writing. I thought it was a good story and I especially enjoyed the last bit where she was having her nightmare -- I have a smol structural feedback to offer:

The story got more interesting for me once the conflict was brought up, but it felt like it was introduced a bit later than it could have been. My brain craved some foreshadowing around the time starlight was asking to hang out the first time. Perhaps if she were shown to have the signs of sleep deprivation at that first time, and then spike commenting on how sleepy she looked.. it could have added an additional foreshadowing element alongside the clingy behaviour she was displaying, you know? With a bit more emphasis that something was wrong from the start beyond just her behavior.

I also have a 2nd feedback related to descriptors, in that my brain was sort of craving a bit of embellishment on the environmental descriptions to help it come to life a bit. Here's an example text followed by perhaps how my brain imagined it could have been written:

Slowly and sleepily, Spike opened his eyes from where he lay curled up in his bed. The light of Celestia's morning sun flowed through an open window and landed upon the crystalline floor of his room, diffusing its rays and basking the room in a warm glow. A few bits of color danced about the walls as the refractive nature of the castle floors split the light into its infinitely many hues. It was truly a beautiful sight.

Unfortunately, Spike didn't feel the same way when said sunlight reflected straight into his eyes.

So this segment describes spike waking from sleep, the details being on the light coming through the window. I feel like each of these could be "separated" into two ideas and more fleshed out in such a way to bring the act of waking up in his room to life

The first hint of light suggested itself behind Spike's eyelids, bringing with it the promise of warmth and comfort that only Celestia's sun could bring. He willed his eyes to open just a bit, if only to coax the rest of his tired body into the land of the living. His little arms and legs stretched away from him, sore muscles pulling taught until they trembled at full extension.

In any other situation, the sight that awaited him would be absolutely beautiful. The delicate rays of sun illuminating small motes of dust on its way in between the breaks in the curtains; the subtle way the edges of the floor tiles caught the light and glistened like morning dew; the way the crystalline floor seemed to capture and diffuse the light into countless sparkling hues which danced around the room.

Unfortunately for spike, the moment was somewhat spoiled by several of those prismatic beams being cast directly into his eyes.

I hope you find this helpful and maybe inspiring to some extent :twilightblush:

This is one of the best post-redemption Starlight stories I've read on the site yet.

Focusing so heavily on how attached to someone a person will become if they feel they've wronged them is extremely realistic and you did it justice. Starlight truly felt like someone who wanted nothing more than to mask her trauma in this story, and the way you wrote that masking was masterful.

Now, another thing I wanted to focus on is the idea of how Spile would have been erased, as well as Twilight losing her status as an alicorn and simply sinking through the clouds to her doom. It's a really unique way of looking at the situation and I'm surprised it hasn't been done before (and if it has, not to this level of literary prowess).

Bravo, this was something I'll be coming back to for inspiration in my own stories.

Very good stuff, this does a great job filling in some of the gaps left by the canon events of the show. Starlight surely had to come to grips with the things she did, and it's lovely to see her going through that process.

I know you've gotten quite a few stories under your belt since this one so I won't go too deep with nitpicks, but I did notice a few instances of lavender unicorn syndrome sprinkled in here and there. Character descriptions in fanfics for TV shows can be extremely brief and sparse since we already know what the characters look like from the show, so at least for MLP you can abridge them practically to nothing and keep the story flowing without stopping to describe something we already know.

While the story doesn't really feel like a melodrama, there are quite a few bits where the character interactions felt melodramatic. Lots of forceful hugs and intense sobbing that didn't really feel earned to me. That's a thing that comes down to personal taste, though, and I am a firm believer in the less is more approach. Reserving those big actions for when they really count makes them hit that much harder. Maybe that was intentional and you were going for a more melodramatic feel, that's not an incorrect way to write.

Overall this was good, thanks for sharing :)

Dawwwh. This was very wholesome and very good. I don't know if I've ever seen the subject of "What happened to Spike" as a catalyst of Starlight's actions in a story before. Spike and Starlight are both good characters and a lot of times, I have seen them shipped romantically, rather than just a nice story about overcoming difficulties and accepting yourself. In a way, I think it could be a nice call back to Dragon Quest, when Spike had to find himself, so now he wants Starlight to see she's not the same pony as she was. To see that she is good pony now, and she's doing her best to put her best hoof forward. Thank you for writing this! :heart:

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