• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 1,781 Views, 169 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Spyro's Adventure - RainbowRaptorDash1

It is time for a magical journey of wonder and adventure with the Goofball Trio!

  • ...

Creepy Citadel

Pinkie was feeding Inferno when Burpy waddled up to her.

"Well, I’m close to figuring out what Burpy is. Huh? What’re you feeding Inferno?" Sonata asked as she arrived.

"Beats me. Just some baby food Sonic Boom fed her kids. Before you ask, it's not regurgitated." Pinkie informed.

"Good, ‘cause I don’t think even YOU have the stomach to do that." Sonata sighed in relief.

"Relax, it's just some mashed up vegetables. So, what's up Sonata." Sonic Boom asked while flying.

"It’s not gonna be long now before I figure out what Burpy is." Sonata answered.

"At least he's harmless." Pinkie added.

"Come on! Let’s get ready!" Spyro said while flying by.

"Honey, our time for a fight!" Terrafin called out.

"Oh, I see." Sonic Boom noted.

"Don't worry, Pinkie. I can babysit." Sirena volunterred.

"Thanks, Sirena." Pinkie said in gratitude.

"Everyone ready?" T-Bone checked.

"Anyone else coming along?" Mikey asked.

"I'm coming." Slam Bam answered.

"Boomer come too!" Boomer added.

"ATTABOY, BUDDY!" Mikey cheered.

"I suppose I’ll come along as well." Stealth Elf volunterred as Sonata smiled that her loyal friend was coming.

"We’re all good to go!" Pinkie informed.

"Now you’re talking! We should have our bony hands on the Eternal Undead Source in no time. Well, my and Chop Chop’s bony hands anyway cuz, you know… skeleton. Yeah." T-Bone said before opening the door as he went into the spiral staircase with everyone braving the darkness and moved forward after him when the door then closed behind them as they soon reached the bottom of the bone staircase. "Welp, there’s the Creepy Citadel where the Eternal Undead Source rests in peace. Heh-he. Okay, lemme see if I remember… First, you’ll enter the Castle through the Main Gate. Then… After you fight your way through the castle, you’ll go to that Gateway over there. Then, if you play your cards right you’ll find the Eternal Undead Source. HA! Easy!"

"Thanks, T. You better get out of here. We can handle it." Mikey smiled.

"Oh here, let me get the gate." T-Bone remembered before he inserted the Skeleton Key as he grabbed his skull and turned the key clockwise three times before the gate lowered as he pulled the Skeleton Key out with his skull. "And don’t worry, I’ll be right behind you. And by that I mean right here. Hahahhhahha. Good luck!"

"Huh? There’s already a scroll to our right?" Pinkie noticed.

"What's it say?" Spyro asked as Pinkie picked it up and read it before giggling as she looked at the Skylanders with a mischievous smirk.

"A Battle Cry contest every year with the most frightening one and the best at making milk shoot out of other people’s noses win?" Pinkie snickered as the Skylanders were caught off guard by that.

"I know, it's silly." Spyro admitted as Mikey and Sonata stifled their giggles at that.

"Let's get going." Slam Bam declared as the group started moving forward before encountering Spider Spider Spitters and a Bone ‘n’ Arrow.

"This will be easy. Stone Wave!" Mikey shouted.

"Tidal Slash!" Sonata yelled.

"Burning Bone Ball!" Pinkie roared as all three attacks amazingly fused together and destroyed their enemies like a bomb

"HAHAHA! Boom-boom!" Boomer laughed.

"What was that?" Sonata asked.

"I think it was an Elemental Overcharge." Mikey noted.

"Huh?" Pinkie noted.

"Let's get inside and worry about it later." Flameslinger pointed out

"Drawbridge up ahead, and looks like a light beam puzzle we'll need to solve to lower it." Slam Bam called out as Sonata spotted a whirlpool and got an idea.

"You all go ahead. Me and Slam Bam will catch up." Sonata smiled.

"Okay?" Mikey said in confusion.

"Good luck." Pinkie added as Sonata and Slam Bam dove into the water while everyone solved the puzzle.

"The drawbridge is down!" Stealth Elf informed.

"Let's get inside." Mikey nodded as the group crossed the drawbridge, finding another puzzle along with more enemies.

"I got the lock! Just cover me!" Stealth Elf requested.

"Right! Sonic Boom, help her with anything just in case!" Pinkie ordered as Stealth Elf pulled a lever, changing a crystal’s direction.

"Okay!" Sonic Boom replied as the crystal was now beaming the light beam to another crystal before Stealth Elf and Sonic Boom used a teleporter, going to another area as they pushed buttons and moved blocks.

"Okay boys, who's first?!" Mikey quipped while twirling his hammer as he and everyone else kept the enemies busy while the girls dealt with the lock.

"Just about done." Stealth Elf said as Sonic Boom noticed an odd gate. "Soni, focus!"

"Right!" Sonic Boom nodded as the two girls soon got the lock undone, solving the puzzle as the light beams caused the pair of drawbridges to lower as the others beat the enemies.

"Girls, hurry back to us! We'll try and clear a path!" Mikey urged while fighting off ghouls when the two got back to the group as they crossed the bridges before encountering a Shadow Knight.

"Tidal Slash!" Sonata's voice echoed thrice as she erupted from the water with mirror clones before they sliced the Shadow Knight to pieces. Slam Bam then jumped out of the water, catching up with Sonata. "Took you guys long enough."

"Where were you?" Pinkie asked.

"Using the back door." Sonata answered.

"GET DOWN!" Slam Bam showed when he pinned Sonata and Pinkie down, dodging the horizontal swinging blade pendulums as they stopped for a few seconds after hitting a wall.

"Thanks, Slam." Pinkie smiled.

"Let's move when they stop. And when that sickle vice opens." Sonata planned.

"Okay, everyone move carefully." Mikey agreed.

"Right." Spyro sighed.

"You okay?" Sonata asked while dodging.

"Cynder could get through this effortlessly." Spyro sadly answered.

"Don't take this the wrong way... But we should be worried about Hex." Flameslinger pointed out.

"As a fellow elf, I agree." Stealth Elf nodded.

"If Kaos had used her for evil..." Boomer noticed.

"Hey, let's focus on getting through right now." Pinkie responded as everyone agreed and started dodging all the pension traps before they ran into more enemies, including a Shadow Knight that revealed itself.

"Ambush!" Mikey shouted.

"Form a circle! Attack and defend!" Sonata ordered.

"Let's go!" Pinkie urged as everyone formed a circle and attacked before the enemies came at them.

"Daybringer Flame!" Spyro roared as his attack cleared a way through.

"Everyone, moved forward!" Mikey said as the group moved past spinning floor circles and traps before encountering more enemies and a Gargantula.

"We don't have time for this! Skeletal Grasp!" Pinkie yelled as she destroyed the enemies easily. "We're pressed for time, people! Move!"

"You okay, Pinkie?" Sonata asked as the group moved forward before encountering Bone ‘n’ Arrows and a Shadow Knight.

"Every second we waste is more time Kaos has poisoning Skylands with darkness." Pinkie angrily responded while attacking the enemies.

"You sure you good? ‘Cause you’re starting to sound like Raph." Mikey noticed while hammering enemies.

"Soni, this a mother's wrath?" Sonata wondered while slicing her foes.

"Yeah, but she doesn’t know it yet, since she’s a bit of an airhead." Sonic Boom giggled.

"I heard that!" Pinkie shouted.

"Little Air Skylander humor." Sonic Boom shrugged off.

"Bottom line, it's okay to be worried Pinkie." Mikey said as he swung his hammer.

"Yes, but don't lose control of yourself. Believe me, I know." Sonic Boom advised.

"Thanks." Pinkie responded in gratitude as the group beat the enemies.

"Companions, over here!" Chop Chop called out as the group went down, only to see tons of immovable block-like creatures before Pinkie noticed a button in front of one.

"Start pushing.' Pinkie simply said as she stepped on the button, causing five creatures in front of her in a straight line from left to right go underground, revealing two more buttons. "Keep moving them." Pinkie added as she pressed the button on the right, causing five creatures in a + formation to go underground, revealing a pressure plate before the party girl saw a block to push onto it.

"This is annoying." Mikey sighed as Pinkie pushed the block onto the pressure plate, pressing it down, causing two creatures in a front and back line go underground. Soon, the rest of the buttons were pressed, leaving only two creatures left, and fortunately, they weren’t in the way.

"Okay, double time it!" Sonata urged as the group moved forward only to encounter Spider Swarmers and Gargantulas.

"BRING THE BOOM!" Boomer let out his battle cry while bringing a triple-bundle dynamite out before throwing it, setting off an explosion that damaged one of the Gargantulas while Terrafin and Flameslinger doubled team the other.

"I bring the pain..." Terrafin started off while punching.

"I make arrows rain!" Flameslinger finished as the two friends' Earth and Fire attack destroyed the monster before Sonic Boom grabbed a Soul Gem.

"Healer's back in business after this." Sonic Boom smiled as she was holding Whirlwind's Soul Gem.

"Good. Now let's get the Undead Source." Mikey said as the group moved forward while dodging traps before encountering Moon Widows and two Shadow Knights. "Stone Wave!" Mikey roared as he sent out his attack while Sonic Boom unleashed a loud scream, with the stone breaking the stones and fired them off as shards and destroyed the enemies.

"Huh. Guess opposite elements CAN work together." Sonic Boom smiled.

"Don't forget your vine attacks and mossy stone shields, Mikey." Pinkie added.

"It's just an instinct to use my Earth attack." Mikey shrugged.

"Remember, be strong and calm like the forest." Pinkie reminded, quoting Master Splinter.

"Everyone, the Eternal Undead Source!" Chop Chop said as the group moved forward while beating more Shadow Knights, Moon Widows, Bone 'n' Arrows. They then got a treasure chest open and got the loot inside before dodging traps and beating two more Shadow Knights before finding a stone block maze with hidden buttons, traps and a hidden light beam puzzle.

"I'm starting to hate this place!" Mikey groaned.

"You'll get used to stuff like this." Terrafin assured.

"Forward, friends." Chop Chop panted in exhaustion.

"Hmm… Probably gonna need to refuel." Pinkie noticed.

"I'm fine." Chop Chop insisted as the group got through the maze while dodging traps and solving the light beam puzzle, opening a gate.

"Let's go!" Sonata said.

"Oh! There's some food we can heal up with!" Pinkie wondered.

"Take it to go." Sonata advised.

"You sure? Look up ahead." Pinkie pointed out as there were Moon Widows, Shadow Knights and a Bone 'n' Arrow. "Better heal up right now."

"Okay, we'll cover you!" Sonata assured as Pinkie grabbed the food and pocketed them in her hair.

"Let’s move!" Pinkie urged as everyone charged into battle and attacked hard. Soon, the group beat the enemies and got to the Gateway as Pinkie panted. "Okay, let's take five and heal up."

"Go ahead." Mikey agreed as the group took a break and healed up from eating the food that Pinkie got. "Everyone ready?"

"Ready." The rest of the heroes nodded as the group got onto the gateway before they were suddenly teleported to some kind of rooftop arena in the mouth of a giant winged bony statue.

"Whoa!" Mikey gasped.

"If this doesn’t scream “Undead,” I dunno what does." Pinkie noted.

"Amen to that, sister." Sonata agreed before the group noticed something was building in the air and knew what was coming next.

"Pinkie, got any earplugs?" Mikey asked.

"Any reason why?" Pinkie responded.

"Kaos' voice." Mikey answered.

"Right." Pinkie answered before Kaos suddenly appeared.

"Well well well! I guess you thought you were just going to walk in here and take the Eternal Undead Source, eh? EH?" Kaos taunted.

"Well, we're scoring 5-0. Best make it 6." Spyro fired back.

"WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG! HAHAHA! NOW, you’re going to pay for meddling in my plans! MINION!" Kaos called out as a skeletal ghost appeared with a spiked ball ‘n’ chain for a tail.

"Ghost Roaster!" Terrafin gasped,

"Now THAT’S a skeleton ghost!" Pinkie noticed as Ghost Roaster started attacking.

"Any weaknesses this guy has would be useful to know?" Mikey asked while dodging.

"Keep dodging until after the third Skull Charge!" Chop Chop advised.

"That's it?!" Sonata gasped as the group dodged the third attack before Ghost Roaster laughed spookily, leaving himself wide open.

"Nail him!" Mikey shouted as everyone hit Ghost Roaster hard, with the combined attacks were enough to knock his head off before that and Ghost Roaster’s body vanished, leaving behind some cake.

"Ooh! Cake!" Pinkie smiled.

"That was terrifying." Mikey said.

"He was an Undead Skylander, whaddya expect?" Pinkie shrugged while eating the cake.

"BAH! He means nothing! You still won’t be leaving the land of the Undead! Ever! Again!" Kaos said.

"I hate his voice." Sonata groaned.

"I SUMMON, MY EVIL UNDEAD SPELL OF DESTRUCTION!!!" Kaos shouted, causing the Eternal Undead Source appeared as he used it, causing ghostly spirits to fly around the arena.

"Bud Boulder." Mikey called out as a stone barrier appeared with flower shells as a white laser beam appeared, stopping against the barrier before it turned red, starting to damage the barrier. "It's holding."

The laser vanished before more beams appeared as the group started dodging them. Laser beams appeared and disappeared in various patterns, making it somewhat hard to avoid them, especially with the last group of lasers aiming at them while they dodged before the spirits faded.

"Huh. No matter. Plenty more where that came from." Kaos shrugged off.

"Cheap trick." Mikey scoffed.

"How about another Evil Undead Minion to round things out! Get ready for a real blast from the past, Spyro!" Kaos taunted as a dragoness appeared.

"Cynder, snap out of it!" Spyro called out before Cynder roared as she breathed out spectral lightning at the group before everyone dodged when Spyro just charged at Cynder. But then Cynder became a shadow on the ground as she dashed through/under Spyro as ghosts rose up and attacked him before she came out of the ground, allowing Spyro to tackle Cynder while she was thrashing to get free. "Cynder, I know you're in there. Look at me."

But then Spyro’s claws started turning black as Kaos smirked.

"Spyro, get off her!" The Goofball Trio screamed.

"Cynder, just look at me!" Spyro called out as Cynder started calming down

"Spy... Ro?" Cynder lightly gasped when Spyro’s legs started turning black as Kaos’s smirk grew before the Goofball trio tackled Spyro off Cynder.

"What were you thinking dude?! Kaos was counting on you to go after her!" Mikey pointed put when Spyro's corruption just stopped as Cynder started acting more dazed than controlled.

"It's me, Cynder. You know this isn't you." Spyro said before the black completely returned to Cynder as her glowing white eyes glared at the heroes, followed by her vanishing into the shadows, having retreated.

"Mwahahhahha! You may be wondering why I’m laughing. BECAUSE, I know you can’t keep this up. SOON, you will make a mistake, and then this will all be over!" Kaos laughed.

"Not likely." Spyro growled.

"NOW! I, KAOS, SUMMON MU PARTICULARLY EVIL UNDEAD SPELL OF TOTAL DESTRUCTION!!" Kaos roared while using the Eternal Source again as the group were dodging rotating, spinning, still and targeting groups of lasers before the spirits faded again. "Ha. Ha. Ha. I’m still laughing here. HA! See? There’s another one."

"Pinkie, I need a mirror!" Flameslinger requested, having a feeling of who was next.

"NOW, you face an even more powerful Undead Minion! ATTACK!" Kaos ordered as a blue elf in black clothing appeared.

"Got a plan, Sling?" Mikey asked.

"Just get her to see her reflection!" Flameslinger answered.

"Watch out for Hex's skulls and her bone walls!" Stealth Elf informed as Hex started shooting magical skulls at the group.

Pinkie gave Flameslinger a mirror as he rushed at her. "Hex, look at yourself!"

But then Hex raised a bone wall, sending Flameslinger flying back as well as the mirror before it was about to shatter on the ground, followed by her vanishing as Stealth Elf caught the mirror.

"That was WAY too close!" Stealth Elf sighed in relief.

"Oh come on! Really?!? Really?!?!" Kaos growled.

"Release my fellow Undead Skylanders!" Chop Chop ordered.

"FINE! I didn't want to do this. SCRATCH THAT! I TOTALLY WANT TO DO THIS! NOW, I SUMMON MY ULTIMATE EVIL UNDEAD SPELL OF COMPLETE AND UTTER DESTRUCTION!" Kaos roared, using the Eternal Source again as the group dodged spinning, still, random, and slow-moving lasers before the spirits again faded. "WHATTTT!!?????? But how can this be? You are NOTHING! Specs! Worms! Interlopers!"

"He's annoying." Mikey sighed.

"And now you're about to become EX-INTERLOPERS! Because, there's no way you can stand up to ALL THREE MINIONS at once! ATTACK!" Kaos ordered as the three Undead Skylanders reappeared, fully healed and recharged.

"I'll handle Cynder. Stealth will handle Hex, and the rest of you handle Ghost Roaster." Spyro said as Stealth rushed at Hex, dodging her attacks.

"Hex, look at yourself!" Stealth Elf pointed out as Hex was about to attack, but froze with glaring eyes while the green was holding the mirror right in front of her face. "See? This isn't you." Stealth Elf said while holding the mirror as Hex's glare started to soften. "Remember, your curse doesn't dictate you. You told me that." Stealth reminded, causing Hex to start backing off as she held her head and screamed in pain before soon falling unconscious. "Hex."

"Cynder, come on. It's me, Spyro." Spyro said while pinning Cynder down as his scales started turning black. "Think about how you changed. Everything we've been through. I know you can hear me." Spyro added as Cynder started holding her head in pain and growled while Spyro’s wings, tail, spines and horns started turning silver. "Cynder, I love you." Spyro finished before Cynder roared as an explosion of light erupted from the two dragons, and when that light faded, Spyro and Cynder were back to normal while the dragoness was unconscious.

"Keep hammering him!" Sonata said.

"Let's go!" Mikey agreed as everyone nailed Ghost Roaster hard and right into the wall, causing his jaw to drop,, then the rest of his head, knocked unconscious before the lasers faded away.

"IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Kaos yelled out.

"Not for us." Pinkie smirked.

"Take the Eternal Undead Source! But I promise you, SOON! You WILL regret this!" Kaos vowed before vanishing as the Eternal Undead Source lowered to the group when Chop Chop suddenly dropped his sword and shield and collapsed in pain and exhaustion.

"Chop Chop!" Mikey panicked before what seemed to be half of a Soul Gem floated down.

"Huh. That’s weird." Pinkie noted.

"Doesn't matter! Chop's hurt and we have to get him back to the core!" Mikey urged as Sonata grabbed the Eternal Undead Source before she and everyone else in the area found themselves back at the skeleton staircase.

"Mikey, set Chop Chop on my back." Spyro volunteered.

"What about Cynder?" Mikey pointed out.

"I got her." Sonata answered.

"Thanks, Nata." Spyro smiled as Sonata managed to get Cynder onto her back.

"But what’s your history with her?" Sonata asked.

"Let's just go back." Spyro insisted before the group started going back up the skeleton spiral staircase as they soon arrived at the Core of Light Ruins.

"Stealth..." Hex weakly said.

"Rest easy, Hex." Stealth Elf advised before the Eternal Undead Source started flying into the air.

"Thanks for being my best friend." Hex smiled.

"Hey, she-elves stick together, right?" Stealth Elf smiled back.

"Right." Hex agreed with a small giggle before Master Eon's spirit appeared.

"Give us the info, Master E." Mikey requested.

"Skylands is growing darker, young friends, but now you three and the Skylanders have brought back the Eternal Undead Source and its power to the Core of Light." Master Eon informed as the Eternal Source flew into the darkness of the Core of Light underground before ghastly smoke spirits erupted from the magma, flying upward and emerged from the mouth of the Skull Mask, flying around the machine before becoming an eerie circling grayish-purple mist.

"Screech, Scream, Shout... Wake up Uncle Chop Chop." Sonic Boom said to her three kids as they got ready.

"Wait, your kids have names?" Spyro asked.

"What makes you think they didn't?" Sonic Boom deadpanned.

"You never told us their names." Spyro answered.

"Now, back to figuring Burpy out." Sonata said as the griffon trio screamed, waking up Chop Chop.

"Gyah!" Chop Chop yelped as he flinched, knocking his shield painfully onto Cynder's tail, making her wince as she started coming to, but fired her lightning breath at Ghost Roaster on a defensive reflex.

"Hey!" Ghost Roaster said.

"What... What happened?" Cynder asked.

"A lot, you three." Pinkie simply answered.

Meanwhile, at the arena where the Eternal Undead Source used to be, red eyes gleamed in the shadows. "Finally, I'm back, and out of that weak purple dragon's body. Now I'll make sure that him and his pathetic little friends the true strength of the Darkness!"

Author's Note:

Next Time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Darklight Crypt