• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 1,155 Views, 17 Comments

Royal Exotic Feasts on Respectable Mare Every Date - Aklinstar

Chrysalis' plan for revenge fails yet again, which somehow leads to her going on a date with Starlight.

  • ...

The Date

“This date is going to be perfect.”

“Trixie somehow doubts that,” interjected a sky-blue mare in a bored tone; her eyes half glazing over a magazine as she lazily kicked her back legs up and down at the edge of the bed.

Chrysalis immediately twisted her head one-hundred and eighty degrees to face the interloper. “Silence,” she hissed; her tongue angrily flicking through the air.

Trixie snapped her head deeper into her magazine; a bead of sweat forming on her brow. Peering back up she shuddered at the sight of Chrysalis slowly turning her head back towards the mirror. She kept an eye peeked over to ensure she wasn’t going to be reprimanded and encased in a slime cocoon, again.

Chrysalis levitated a hair brush off the stand and ran it through her already immaculately smooth hair; an ultimately pointless endeavor given how her natural hair wasn’t like that of the flawed manes of ponykind and several other species, but it did give her something to do as she waited for the appointed time.

She cleared her throat and gave Trixie one last scathing look, daring her to interrupt her again. Seeing the other give no further objections, she continued, “The kind of date of which I have schemed since the fall,” Chrysalis sang, a glint appearing in her eyes.

She whipped her head toward a table on her left and let the brush clatter to the stand. “Starlight Glimmer will not be found.” She strutted forward. “Awestruck horror so profound!” she continued, waving a foreleg in a sweeping motion in front of her, grabbing hold of an object.

“What she doesn’t know is that I have her doll!” she drawled, standing on her hindlegs and holding the lilac plush toy that had purple synthetic hair with a teal streak through it. Two black beads stared back at her. She stared blankly back, realizing how she must have looked. She used her magic to slowly set it back.

She’d received it on Hearth’s Warming. It was one of two gifts she’d received that day. She hadn’t been expecting anything, she couldn’t care less about the ridiculous traditions of such a feeble race.

The first gift however had, predictably, been from Starlight: a teal scarf and a… wool hat thing she couldn’t remember the name of. Utterly pointless considering she could just change into something warm with her magic if she so wished but that was Starlight: sickeningly sweet. Not that Chrysalis minded as she received love from the gift, which made her all the more powerful…

“Um, what was that about Starlight not being found?” Trixie asked, nervously glancing between Chrysalis and the only reasonable exit out. Not that Trixie was above jumping through a window if the situation called for it. She just wasn’t too keen on spraining something, again.

She was promptly ignored as Chrysalis instead focused on grabbing the scarf and hat from the rack with her magic. She adjusted them absentmindedly.

But the second gift… she’d scoffed at the thing, doll, whatever when she’d opened the box. She looked at the tag to see who dared be bold enough to give her something so stupid but instead it taunted her and read as miss me?

When she demanded the culprit reveal themselves, all she’d gotten were some shrugs, grins and that accursed noise that ponies call a giggle. Well, we’ll see who’s laughing when I turn all of those curs-ed ponies into my playthings instead… she grinned.

No, she did not miss Starlight Glimmer, not one bit. It was absurd to think that she did. When Starlight was whisked away on some meaningless mission by a sentient map—which still seemed strange to her, why take orders from such a thing?—she didn’t care.

How had she gotten to this point in the first place? It was unfathomable. These imbeciles were too trusting, something that would bite them back full force soon. To think it started with another failed attempt at overthrowing those pesky ponies.

Admittedly attacking the enemy right after breaking free from her stone prison hadn’t been her most reasonable decision but somehow it had given her an opportunity…


“LET ME FREE THIS INSTANT. YOU WILL ALL SUFFER GREATLY FOR THIS!” Chrysalis screamed, trying to shake free out of her straitjacket and chains that bound her to the wooden chair; spittle flying from her mouth.

Twilight sighed. She turned to Starlight who seemed worried but was able to find her senses and give her nod to continue. Twilight gave her a thankful smile and cleared her throat before turning back to their captive. “As I was saying… We’ve come to a decision. It was not an easy one to make. Starlight brought up a lot of good points as to why it could be considered unethical, but based on the numerous studies I’ve come across it doesn’t seem like it actually impacts the thought processes of the recipient to any notable degree. You would still be you of course, but—”

“Today, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash droned, the anticipation chipping away at her sanity.

“Right…” She cleared her throat. Her features hardened as she gave Chrysalis a neutral look. “Despite the spell being perfectly ethical, we’re still going to give you a choice… Either you allow me to use the reforming spell on you, which would mean you would get to stay in Equestria… whilst under heavy surveillance at all times,” she muttered the last part as she glanced at Starlight.

Chrysalis scoffed, “And if I refuse?” She already had an idea of what the other option was.

Twilight furrowed her brows, appearing pensive for a moment. As she opened her mouth to respond, instead of words pouring out she instead let out a yelp as a sudden flash of light startled her. She rubbed her eyes and found a creature of mismatched proportion’s back turned to her.

“Then that would be the most wonderous news!” Discord exclaimed as he whisked out a book and donned on a pair of reading glasses.

“Discord! What are you doing here? We’re in the middle of—”

Twilight stopped when she found herself suddenly a few meters and held onto tightly.

“Oh, Twilight… how you wound me so!” Discord started out, placing a paw dramatically on his forehead. “Here I am, being the good and reformed friend that I am coming in to check on the wellbeing of my friends and you don’t even want me here!”

Twilight summoned an umbrella as a waterfall came close to drenching her. She sighed, teleporting back to the floor. “That’s not what I meant and you know it, Discord. This isn’t something you need to concern yourself with. We have the situation well under control.”

“Oh, fine, fine!” Discord spoke gruffly as he waved her off, seemingly conceding, yet his grin still lingered; his eyes drifting to a certain detainee of the room. “I just so happened to be around when, what do I hear? That I’d likely be receiving a new friend! Twilight, really, you shouldn’t have!” Discord exclaimed as Chrysalis found herself free floating through the air as if there were no gravity.

She tried to snarl but found herself suddenly ill from the weightlessness and slow vertical rotation.

“Uh, what are you talking about?” Starlight asked as she used her magic to place Chrysalis back down. Chrysalis scowled at the gesture but kept her gaze focused on the new threat.

“Oh, nothing really. You see, I’ve been looking for a book buddy, that’s all!” he shrugged as he let the book flutter through the air. It drifted towards Chrysalis and started making sniffing noises, irking her greatly. She hissed as it came dangerously close to her face, causing it to whimper and scamper back to its owner. “As a part of my penance for my many woefully wrong misdeeds, Ms. Sunbutt suggested that I take on the dramatics! And what better way to do so than to read to a live audience?”

Twilight raised a brow at that. “Discord, that’s great, really… But you’ve picked one of the worst times and places to practice your… art. Why not start with, say… Fluttershy?” Twilight asked with a pained grin, hopeful he would take the bait and leave.

“An excellent suggestion. My, why hadn’t I thought of that?” he said in a mock tone; holding an innocent smile as he stroked his goatee. “But never mind that! As wonderful as it would be to do so right here and now, I can’t. I have a train to catch in two minutes and I need to pack my things before I leave,” he said as he put his two indexes together and pulled apart, revealing a giant hourglass that he held up to inspect.

Everyone appeared visibly confused at that.

Discord dropped the object, letting it fall through an open portal on the floor before shrugging. In a flash he appeared in front of Chrysalis. He gave her a big expectant grin. “So?” he asked.

Chrysalis’ eyes twitched. “So, what, you insufferable wyrm?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Discord smirked, teleporting over to Twilight and stuck a thumb at her. “Twilight over here was about to respond to you by saying, and I quote—” he slid his paw down his face, and much to everyone’s chagrin appeared to look like Twilight. Well, if she had the same facial build as Discord. He then spoke in a poorly imitated voice, “—'Tartarus. Being a stone statue doesn’t seem to be working out, so that only leaves Tartarus being a reasonable option for the time being given everything you’ve done. We can’t just banish you back to the Badlands, what with how history seemed to repeat itself and with the current attempt… No, those are your two options. We’re willing to give you time to think about it—‘” He stopped to rapidly shake his head, appearing as himself once more to everyone’s relief, all except Twilight who had her mouth agape.

“That’s… exactly what I was going to—”

“And then you would interrupt her by saying…” Discord appeared next to Chrysalis and snapped his claw before holding his arms out like a conductor about to guide an orchestra.

“I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU,” Chrysalis barked forcefully. Her eyes widened at the sudden blurt. She clenched her jaw, reeling from the strange feeling of hearing her own voice that spoke as if it had a mind of its own.

“And there you have it! So, since you’re well on your way to eternal boredom, I thought I’d lend a helping claw by offering to read you a bedtime story every night! I’ve got plenty of material to work with and you’ll have plenty of time! It’s a win/win!” Discord spun a book with the tip of his finger as he gauged her reaction. He smirked as he watched her scowl slowly morph into horror.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Chrysalis slightly stammered before catching herself and giving him a look of defiance. She turned to the group behind him who were looking at one another and shrugging. “You, ponies. Put a leash on your hound.”

Rainbow Dash’s grin slowly grew. “I don’t know… That doesn’t sound too bad if ya ask me. I mean… it would probably be nice to have some company from time to time. Right guys?” She turned to the others who glanced between her and Chrysalis.

Starlight bit her lip, knowing where this was going but not necessarily agreeing with the method. “Right… and you know… Twilight and I were thinking that eternal isolation is rather awful and likely aided in Tirek’s cruelty the first time he escaped, so…”

“No…” Chrysalis shook her head slowly; color draining from her face.

Twilight’s eyes lit up. She had to hold herself back from showing any emotion. “So… we were considering releasing Tirek and Cozy Glow from their stone prisons so that the three of you could keep each other company. I mean it seems like you worked pretty well together so I would assume you would get along just fine. In fact, why don’t we go grab them right now?” Twilight looked at Starlight and nodded her head towards the door.

“Right…” Starlight said slowly, giving Chrysalis one final look before starting to turn around.

“NO! I’LL DO IT! USE THE STUPID SPELL!” she shrieked as she shook her chair side to side.

They paused at the door.

Twilight glanced back. “…Well, to be perfectly honest I wasn’t really expecting you to… be open to such a prospect so I’d neglected bringing one of the books that details the spell here,” Twilight rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

Starlight rolled her eyes and teleported out of the room, before reappearing a few moments later. “Here it is. I wanted to look at the spell myself to get a better understanding as to how it works. Those studies you showed me seemed good but I wanted to be doubly sure myself. I was concerned it may be too similar to the one I had cast on, um…” She stopped herself when she remembered who was in the room. “Sorry,” she sheepishly grinned at the cyan mare who just waved her off.

“Are you sure? I know you have your reservations about this… I’d be perfectly willing to do it—”

“It’s okay, Twilight. Really.” Starlight gave her the best reassuring smile she could muster. “Besides, I think I have a pretty good handle on it. It really doesn’t seem all that complicated. Well, at least compared to some of the other stuff I’ve done. So, I think everything will be fine… On the bright side, if something did go wrong the spell can be easily countered—” she paused as she saw Twilight raising a brow at her.

“Eh hem,” she nervously chuckled. “Right, no time for doubts. You can count on me to do this, Twilight. I promise.”

“I know you can,” Twilight reassured with a smile.

“Such a wonderfully sickening sentiment. Almost makes me want to join hooves and frolic with you ponies in grassy fields and sing songs…” Chrysalis mocked.

“Really!?” came a gasp from beyond the door, a pink head poking in, causing a few to shake their heads or facehoof.

“NO! Now, hurry up. I’ve about changed my mind on the whole thing! Go on, cast the spell. Give me a eulogy for my passing and be done with it already,” she barked.

Starlight bit her lip and opened the book. She gave it a faux glance and quickly eyed the purple mare beside her.

She didn’t care what those studies suggested. And as far as being considered ethical was concerned; after the whole School of Friendship and Equestria Education Association fiasco, to say she was skeptical was an understatement.

The spell really wasn’t that hard to perform and it was shocking to see how widespread the information was. In fact, they seemed to have a few books available in the school library that mentioned it.

The whole thing just seemed strange to her…

And just how the spell was easy to cast, it was… also easy to cancel out; something she was going to do during the pinnacle of it.

Determined persian blue eyes stared into those blazing emerald ones filled with hostility; those same ones that were filled with uncertainty the day she’d almost convinced her to let go of that unrelenting hatred. A little kindness had almost gone a long way, as it had for Discord from what she understood, so perhaps she just needed something a little more…

It was… a gamble. A huge one. She couldn’t tell a soul what she was doing, so if something went wrong…

No, she couldn’t think like that. And if—when things worked out… She and Twilight were going to sit down and have a long talk.

She took a deep breath.

“Alright, I’m ready,” Starlight said as she widened her stance. Closing her eyes she concentrated on the former queen in front, her horn starting to glow.

Chrysalis eyes' widened slightly as gold rings started to form around her. She wouldn’t admit it but it did make her nervous to see the spell wrapping its way around her, like a constrictor that was about to devour her.

The main reason she’d gone through with it was because she knew the spell wouldn’t work on her, at least she was sure it wouldn’t… But what if she was somehow wrong?

What if it did change her?

What if she would no longer be herself; her real self facing oblivion, leaving a shell of her behind?

She tightened her eyes as the golden glow started wrapping around her face. She grit her teeth in trepidation as she awaited her fate.

She waited.

And waited…

She cracked an eye open, noticing the rings had disappeared. The mare who casted them was giving her a once over as she appeared to rub her chin in thought.

Chrysalis blinked. It didn’t work. Of course it didn’t work. Ha! Now, she just needed to play her part and bide her time...

“Did it work?” Rainbow Dash asked, scratching her head in puzzlement at not seeing any difference.

“Well, I think only time will tell but… Thorax, do you sense any change in her?” Twilight asked as gave him a glance.

Thorax who’d remained silent during the entire exchange shook out of his thoughts and perked up. “Uh, hmm…” He squinted as he sized Chrysalis up. “Well, I think the malice is still there but maybe with a little less… spite? Kind of hard to tell right now...”

“Hey wait a minute… If she’s reformed, how come she hasn’t transformed yet?” Rainbow Dash inquired, giving the queen a suspicious glare causing some of the others to ponder that for a moment.

“I think I can answer that,” Thorax reassured, causing all eyes to drift to him. “Remember when I came to Spike seeking help? I hadn’t changed in appearance yet. When I had stopped following the hive and its destructive tendencies nothing had changed for me. It took accepting and learning to share love for that to happen, which was several months down the line. So, even if Chrysalis has been reformed, I don’t think we’re going to see any major changes in her anytime soon. Especially if what Starlight had said is true, in that her personality and everything remained intact and uh… I think that’s held true,” he muttered.

Starlight gave her former highness a small nervous smile. “So, Chrysalis, how do you feel?” she asked, as she chewed her bottom lip.

“…Like I… don’t want to kill you…?” Chrysalis articulated. If her hooves weren’t bound she may have accidentally slapped her face at her own stupidity. Was that the best she could come up with?

“Uh, that’s… good? Progress?” Starlight asked as she glanced at the others who appeared dubious at best.

“Wonderful!” boomed the draconequus, startling everyone. “Then I’ll see you at the get-together tomorrow~” he sang.

What get together?” Chrysalis asked coldly, giving him an incredulous stare.

Starlight sighed. “Discord, please. Why don’t we give her some time to acclimate first? There’s no need to throw that on her day one…”

Discord raised his brows in surprise. “Well, why not? She is reformed, is she not? I would think that means she qualifies for joining the Reformed Villains Anonymous club of ours, no?”

“Yes—well, maybe—wait that’s not the club’s name we agreed up—”

“Was it not you who extended a hoof in friendship to her first?” Discord asked, craning his neck towards her, crossing his arms and raising a brow at her.

“Uh… yes…?” Starlight squeaked, feeling put on the spot and embarrassed. “But—”

“And correct me if I’m wrong—” he looked up and appeared lost in thought for a moment, stroking his goatee, “—but was it not you who started the little club in the first place? To, and I quote, ‘Help those with troubled pasts and help them better themselves’?” he added in a terrible impression of her voice. He gave her a side glance and had a small smirk.

Starlight sighed. “Yes.”

“Well! It seems to me that there’s no issue then,” Discord shrugged, before reappearing in a trench coat and a suitcase in paw. “Regrettably, I must get going for now. My train’s about to depart and as much as I’d love to stick around and make our new companion feel ever-so welcomed, I can’t. Oh! Here.” He shoved a pamphlet in Chrysalis’ face.

It portrayed a poorly drawn version of herself… smiling as she was dancing with a group that mostly comprised ponies with one deep purple one she’d never met before... The heading read as Reformed Buddies for Life, which about made her throw up.

“See you tomorrow~” Discord chortled as he flashed out of the room.


A knock at the door roused Chrysalis from her thoughts, she cleared her throat and spoke tersely, “Speak.”

“Hey, it’s me. Can I come in?” a muffled voice hesitantly asked from behind the door.

Chrysalis’ eyes widened as she swung around, grabbing hold of a certain plush object and tossing as hard as she could towards the back.

“Ow! Hey!” came the cry from the azure mare who rubbed her afflicted eye.

Ignoring her, she made some last second adjustments to her scarf. She gave herself one final look in the mirror before nodding. She then stepped in front of the door and opened it. She tried to appear as nonchalant and regal as possible.

The lilac mare standing behind it blinked at the abruptness before looking up. Her smile grew as she took note of what Chrysalis was wearing. “You look great! Ready to head out?” she asked.

Chrysalis heaved a sigh, rolling her eyes as she swiftly stepped past her. “As ready as I’ll ever be…” she muttered.

Starlight teleported to catch up and step in line with her. “So, did I miss anything while I was gone?” she asked, knowing full well she’d receive either a heavy sigh or scoff followed by a complaint about something ponies did that made no sense to her.

Chrysalis scoffed. “Well for one, that blue unicorn who uses the guise of being a magician to hide her poor magical output followed me around like a lost hatchling for the entire duration of your absence… She even had the audacity to ask what I wanted for breakfast this morning and she knows full well I don’t need to eat pony food!”

Starlight shook her head but smiled nonetheless. “I think she was just trying to be nice. Also, weren’t you the one who told me you could eat as we could and even found some foods ‘acceptable’?”

“Yes, but she had no reason to offer those ‘pancakes,’ they’re too sickeningly sweet for my tastes…” Chrysalis complained.

“Then why do you keep me around?” Starlight teased, grinning as she noticed a quickly forming blush the former queen tried to hide by glancing away from her.

“…You’ll find out why soon enough…” she mumbled to herself.

“What was that?” Starlight raised a brow at that.

“Nothing, dear,” Chrysalis answered quickly, shaking out of her thoughts.

“Right… Well, to answer your other complaint… You know why Trixie was following you. Twilight still wants you to be monitored for the time being.” She lowered voice and spoke in a conspiratorial tone next, “But between you and me, I think she’s starting to warm up to you. I’ll see what I can do during our next meeting to lower your ‘sentence.’” She gave her a smile and a wink.

It took considerable willpower for Chrysalis not to grin at the prospect. “Mmm, that would be nice I must admit. You’re already a hoofful to deal with as it is...”

Starlight grinned. “I thought you were against using ‘ponified’ phrases? What happened to that?” she teased.

“I—I am! They are ridiculous! Do you ponies even listen to yourselves? Anypony this, everypony that. You’re all so full of it it makes me sick!”

“Like you’re one to talk…” Starlight snarked as she rolled her eyes good naturedly. “Besides, we’ve been working on that, remember? It’s everycreature and anycreature these days. Not to mention that everyone and anyone has been used as a part of our vocabulary for as long as I can remember… Also, you know full well that the only reason you’re complaining about it is because I caught you red—” she gave her companion a devilish smile as the other shot her a warning shot “—hoofed using language you so despise.”

Chrysalis grumbled at that. “I hate you. I wish you had just stayed in that accursed birdcage of a country and didn’t come back…”

“Love you too,” Starlight chirped right back; playfully bumping into her side before opening the double doors to the way out.

Chrysalis opened her mouth to reprimand her but found her attention glued instead to the heart symbols on the door at that moment. “I know, and it would be obvious even if I couldn’t sense it…”

Instead of responding, Starlight just gave her a quick smile before leading the charge.

Why did her tormentor have to be the most insufferable pony of all, she wondered. She shook her head before following suit into the frigid air, she winced at the sudden drop in temperature.

Very few were out and about that evening. Most who were, were weather ponies who busied themselves placing clouds where they needed to be in preparation for that night’s winter storm.

Why Starlight chose the worst time to go on a date was beyond her but love was love so she trekked on.

Still, being inside and near a fireplace sounded like a much better idea and most families were choosing to do just that. She’d never admit it but she’d grown used to some of the accommodations her hives never had.

“So...” Starlight shivered, huddling up close to Chrysalis and looking up and smiling at her. “Did you miss me?”

Chrysalis paused, causing Starlight to fumble forward a little, much to her own embarrassment. “So it was you who sent me that doll!” she hissed, pointing an accusatory hoof at her.

“Uh, what doll?” Starlight asked, confused as she furrowed her brows in thought.

Chrysalis’ eyes blinked a few times before choosing to pick up the pace and trot past her. “Nothing, forget about it.” She kept her expression neutral and her gaze forward, not wanting to see the reaction of the lilac mare.

“Hey, wait up!” Starlight cried, before teleporting next to her once more. “And… where are we going?” she asked.

“To the date location? The restaurant? That place you’ve only been mentioning in every letter I received every day for the past week?” Chrysalis averred, trying to keep the subject changed and away from a certain plush object.

“Then we need to turn exactly one-hundred and eighty degrees the other way,” Starlight said in a deadpan voice, causing Chrysalis to turn around instantly as if nothing had happened.

“I knew that. I was merely just testing your memory is all. I can’t be seen with someone who’s suffering from memory loss otherwise I’ll be accused of some wrongdoing, again,” she scoffed.

“You mean like the time when you sent Twilight a letter saying you were holding me hostage until she decreed that all changed changelings be officially declared as ‘fakelings’? Which, by the way, I’m still upset I had to be woken up by a frantic alicorn princess shaking me awake to see if I was brainwashed…” she mumbled as she stared off towards their destination.

“Hmm, but didn’t you complain to me how you hadn’t seen princess bookworm in over six months? I was just setting up that meeting for you so you’d stop bemoaning about it. It worked out, didn’t it?” Chrysalis asked, briefly giving her a look before staring forward, a small smirk forming on her features.

Starlight sighed, “I guess? After a couple cups of coffee and talking Twilight down from increasing your restrictions it was nice to have a chat with her… and we did set up a monthly get together…” she conceded. “But did you have to do it in a way that’s so… you?” she shivered before finding herself attached to the bug pony once more.

Lights filtered through the homes and businesses they passed by, reflecting off of the snow that was starting to set. The moon above provided little light for them as it was quickly being covered by the Pegasi team near where they’d been walking. The few out and about who weren’t busy waved towards them and offered friendly and knowing smiles.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes at the sight before picking back up on the conversation. “Ha. You love it and you know it,” she mocked, her mouth twitching upwards as she noticed a slight blush forming on her companion’s cheeks. It was hard to tell if it was because of the cold or if she’d hit the nail on the head. She was going with the latter.

“You’re the worst,” Starlight tutted, smiling beside herself anyway.

“Mmm, true,” her love unabashedly admitted before almost losing her balance as Starlight lightly shoved her weight into her.

The former queen continued treading forward as she casted Starlight a side glance and a small cackle. “Is that all the strength you can muster? Pathetic.”

Starlight narrowed her brows before throwing her a smirk. “Well, no but I don’t want to leave a bruise on that pretty little chitin of yours; it would ruin your sophisticated complexion after all.”

That stopped Chrysalis in place; a scowl formed in place of bemusement. “Is that a threat?” she said, mimicking Starlight’s seemingly mocking tone after a small awkward pause. She stalked forward, hunger dancing in her eyes.

Starlight, realizing how she must have sounded, gave her a horrified look. “What!? No! Of course—”

Chrysalis pressed her muzzle into hers as she licked her lips. “You know, I never did get a chance to siphon your love after our last battle. Would be a shame if I sapped you of that alleged strength of yours…” she said as she continued stepping forward, pressing the principal back onto her haunches.

Starlight bit her lip as she scanned for nearby escape routes. “O-okay, Chrysalis, this is going perhaps a bit too far for comfort. U-um,” she cleared her throat before throwing her an awkward smile. “I take back what I said?” she whispered as she scrunched back, preparing for the worst.

“Mmm,” Chrysalis started as she gave her a predatory grin as she pressed her head into hers, making Starlight start to sweat despite the outside conditions.

“Too late,” she declared in whisper; her grin growing as Starlight looked prepared to teleport away.

But before she had the chance, however, Chrysalis gave her a quick peck on the muzzle before trotting around her.

Starlight blinked rapidly, her comprehension thoroughly un’d. Her jaw went slack, which was soon followed by a single twitching eye. “I—wha—huh!?” she stuttered, before breaking out of her daze and turning to the unapologetic insectoid who continued her march forward.

“You can’t jus—ugh, hey!” Starlight cried out, before once again disappearing in a flash and reappearing near her companion.

“Really? You’re just going to ignore me after that?” Starlight deadpanned as she kept her gaze on Chrysalis. “Also… what the hay was that!? Oh, and we’re here…” she commented as they stopped in front of their destination.

They stood in front of large rich brown double doors, on which was a window in the shape of a three-leaf clover. Dimly lit candles and silhouettes of figures sat beyond the similarly designed black grills of windows off on each side of the doors. A muffled high-pitch tone could be heard from inside the building, it distinctly sounded like strings, as to what kind they belonged to was hard to guess for the non-musically inclined at that moment.

Chrysalis’ eyes lazily glazed over the exterior before they lit up briefly at seeing the couples beyond the veil. She then eyed her companion who was still examining the building in bewilderment. She let out a huff as turned her attention to the doors. “Well, Starlight, we made it, despite your directions.”

That got her attention as the lilac mare gave her a confused look. “What? But you were the one—”

A bell chime sounded as a pale-yellow stallion with a red bowtie stepped out. He gave them a small smile and a light bow. “Ah, ladies! Welcome. I hope you’re prepared for an unforgettable dine-in,” he said in a Prench accent as he beckoned them inside.

Chrysalis scoffed, breathing a “Yeah,” as she brushed past him.

Starlight gave him an apologetic smile. “Don’t mind her, Horte. She’s just… excitable is all,” she offered before moving past him and joining her companion.

Once inside she found herself blinking at the sights. First to greet her was the ice sculpture that stood tall just beyond the door. Two earth ponies appeared to have their hooves intermingled as they were locked in an entire embrace, their back hooves sticking out suggesting that they were dancing.

All around the building were several candlelit tables, most empty.

The music that was hard to distinguish was crystal clear as a small musical ensemble sat on a stage near the back and consisted of a harpist, violist and cellist and saxophonist.

To top it all off, an elegant dimly lit crystal chandelier stood above in the center of the room.

Starlight breathed out a “Wow,” as she did a final scan. She knew the owner was renovating but… this was something else. “I’m starting to think we’re perhaps a tiny bit underdressed for this…” she admitted absentmindedly.

Chrysalis, who appeared bored, turned her attention to all the occupants, noticing the distinct lack of anything besides the occasional scarf, wool hat and… one bowtie before raising a brow. “Somehow I doubt that…” she muttered.

Horte appeared before them again before giving over a couple menus to which Starlight took a hold of with her magic. “Have a seat wherever you wish, a waiter will be with you momentarily,” he said before giving another bow and stepping away.

A light bump knocked Chrysalis out of her thoughts before turning her attention to the perpetrator.

“Shall we?” Starlight offered as she pointed towards a table off to a secluded side of the restaurant.

Chrysalis gave a sigh. “I suppose.” She started towards the destination before having a seat and was soon joined by Starlight.

The purple and teal striped haired pony immediately started looking over the menu, whilst her teal haired companion chose to scan the restaurant; her eyes lingering on couples as she did. It took considerable effort for her not to salivate at the love being produced. She was both thankful and frustrated at finding herself too far away to drain any noticeable trace. Frustrated because all that perfectly good love was going to go to waste, and thankful because well… She didn’t want to find herself on the couch again.

“Hmm, the Prench bistro salad sounds pretty good, but they also have a potato style salad that sounds great as well… Which do you think sounds better?”

“Uh huh…” a mumble came.

The menu lowered just enough to peer over it; a raised brow followed suit before the menu was brought back up. “Looks like they have quite the selection of wines, huh? I was thinking: why don’t we order several just to try them out and see how they compare? Sounds like fun to me. Oh, and by the way, thanks again for offering to pay tonight!”

“Sure, sure…” came another absentminded response and a wave of a hoof.

A devious smirk formed before Starlight lowered her menu and folded it back on the table. She placed her hooves under her chin as she stared at one across from her at the table. “So, I was thinking… For the wedding why don’t we have Thorax be the officiant? The progress the two of you have made has been… slow as molasses but the fact you’ve made any progress at all makes me so proud of you,” she teased as she patted one of Chrysalis’ outstretched hooves. “I was also thinking of inviting his whole hive too.”


That got a snort in response and a shake of the head in disbelief.

“I’m pregnant.”

“That’s nice…”

Starlight pursed her lips as she was nearing the end of ideas to grab the other’s attention before one final thought came to mind that seemed impossible to pass up on. “Chryssy~” she drawled as she rubbed the others hooves.

“What did I say about using that name in public!?” came a hiss followed by the retraction of hooves and a glare.

“You were staring at couples and trying to figure out if you could get away with draining their love, weren’t you?” Starlight deadpanned.

“What? No, that’s preposterous! What could ever make you possibly believe such nonsense?” she defended.

“Oh, I don’t know… maybe the drool stains you’ve left on the napkin below you or perhaps the fact you completely ignored a majority of the questions and statements I threw at you… You know, besides that… not much,” The lilac mare shrugged before returning to the menu. “Oh hey, I didn’t notice this before but they have a couple’s special!”

Chrysalis blinked as she worked her jaw, finding words was particularly difficult for her at that moment, funny enough.

To her relief, it was at that moment a waiter came by. “Are you ladies ready to order?” a midnight blue stallion asked as he brought up a moveable stand.

“I think I’ll do the bistro salad,” Starlight stated as she passed her menu over.

“Excellent, and for you?”

“Yes, I’ll be having her,” Chrysalis nodded towards the other before waving the stallion off.

Starlight blushed at that as she turned away in embarrassment.

The waiter nodded, “Excellent choice. May I recommend tonight’s specialty wine: Fleur Petrus to compliment her?” he asked, as if it was an obvious choice.

Purple hair found its way to be at the same level as the table itself after that.

“You may…”


“As in, you may recommend it, I never said I wanted it,” the former queen retorted.

“Chrysalis… be nice. Yes, that sounds great. We’ll take that, thank you.” Starlight found herself sitting back properly in her seat.

“Great, anything else?”

“No, no that’s all. Thanks,” Starlight said perhaps too quickly.

“Your wine should be out in a moment and your salad should follow not too long after,” he said with a bow as he took off.

“Really? Did you have to embarrass me like that?” Starlight asked as she took off her scarf and placed it folded off to the side.

“I did say there would be consequences for using that name in public, did I not?” the changeling stated in a neutral tone as she examined a hoof.

“All bets were off when you decided to play googly eyes at others besides me. Besides, the difference there was that there was actually someone else around to hear you say that whereas when I said Chryssy—” she promptly ignored the hiss and glare she received ”—no one else heard it. So, yeah… I would say it was pretty uncalled for,” she stated as she crossed her hooves.

The changeling scoffed. “Yes, well… Whatever.” She folded her hooves as she stared off to the side.

“What is with you tonight? You’ve been acting stranger than usual all night! One being the weird thing that happened before we got here, which by the way we are ONE-HUNDRED percent going to talk about once we get back… And now you’re acting like some petulant child here! What in the world has gotten into you!?” she breathed through her teeth, frustration and anger starting to become the dominating emotions she was feeling.

A lip creased upwards in response. “You know… I always did wonder about this side of you…” Chrysalis started out as she faced her.

“What?” Starlight hissed, a vein starting to become visible on her head.

“I’ve heard bits and pieces here and there about your past but nothing that ever really gave me the full picture. I’ve been told you were once a villain; however, I always just laughed it off because it sounded ridiculous. How could a happy go lucky little pony such as yourself have ever been considered a threat?”

That stopped the other in her place as she bit her lip, glanced away and rubbed the back of her head. “Uh… Well—”

“I want to hear your evil laugh.”


“Your laugh. I want to hear your evil laugh. You will not convince me you were one if you can’t pull off something decently convincing.”

Starlight furrowed her brows. “Uh…”

“Go on, humor me,” Chrysalis teased as she leaned back.

“I mean… I don’t really know if I ever really had one…?” she questioned sheepishly.

“What? You mean to tell me you never let out one just once after a plan came to fruition?”


“What about when you brainwashed that village? When you stole their cutie marks and held them hostage?”

Starlight flinched at that before slowly shaking her head. “No… because at the time I believed what I was doing was for the betterment of all of Equestria and—oh, well there may have been that one time…” she added as she tried thinking back.

“Oh?” the bug mare questioned, leaning further and placing her head on her hooves. She gave her a smirk as she tilted her head. “Well, let’s hear it then.”

“I don’t know… I don’t think I could replicate it even if I heard it by traveling back in time. My head was in a completely different place when I confronted Twilight all those years back,” she said as she rubbed a hoof.


Starlight let out a deep sigh before glancing around to make sure they were out of ear shot. Not fully convinced, she placed a sound dampening bubble around.

Chrysalis stood stock still as she waited in anticipation.

Starlight cleared her throat and closed her eyes. What came next was a sound that could be described in some form or another, a laugh. The kind of one you’d expect to hear a showmare to let out after an awkward answer given by a contestant. It was safe to say that it was nowhere even close to how she’d remembered it, not that she could remember that well anyway. Even with only one other being able to hear it, to say she was embarrassed was well… yes.

Chrysalis, who was not sure what to expect out of the other let out something she never had before, that one noise she’d come to despise ponies for doing… a giggle. Realizing this, she looked in horror as Starlight seemed to register it as a slow forming grin started to take hold of the once embarrassed features of hers.

“You heard nothing! I just simply had a bug stuck in my throat is all…”

Starlight snorted at that. “Try having a bug stuck in your life then come complain to me.”

“Ha,” Chrysalis deadpanned as she rolled her eyes. “Don’t think we’re done working on that laugh of yours. That was terrible.”

“Right… What do you say we work on it right after you tell me about that doll you mentioned earlier?”

Chrysalis’ eyes widened as her mouth started to twitch.

“Here’s your wine—” the stallion fumbled forward as a flash of green snatched it from him.

Chrysalis attempted to open it with her magic but to no avail. She tried opting for her teeth but still found no luck.

Starlight gave her a neutral look as she grabbed it from her using her magic. She tapped it twice on the edge of the table before popping the cork out easily with her magic. “Thank you. That’ll be all for now,” she said as she waved the stallion off who blinked a few times dumbly before doing so. She then poured them both a glass; although she gave her companion a considerable amount less. She then placed the bottle as far out of reach as possible. “Don’t think you’re getting out of this one so easily, missy.”

Chrysalis hmphed as she took her glass and eyed it before tasting it. As expected, she didn’t care for it, but strangely enough its bitterness did end up complimenting her companion’s usual sickening sweetness. She sighed before setting it back down. “…I’ll consider showing you it later.”

Starlight smiled at that as she placed the bottle in the middle. “I’ll accept that… But…” She furrowed her brows. “You’ve still been acting pretty weird tonight—weirder than usual—want to tell me what all that’s been about?” she asked as she took a sip. Her ears perked as she heard an incomprehensible mumble come from the changeling. She placed her glass down. “Sorry, what was that?”

Another, slightly louder mumble.

“Uh… Chryssy?”

“BECAUSE I MISSED YOU, YOU STUPID PONY!” she bellowed before placing her hooves on her mouth in shock. Her horror grew as she realized the bubble that dampened sound from earlier was no longer there and that she was receiving stares from everyone. Oh, and the music seemed to stop being played.

“...Your salad, madam…” came a voice that Starlight hardly noticed as she stared across the table with her mouth agape.

It was not long after that the music started to slowly come back into play, followed by the few who were there, turning their attention away from them.

Starlight, feeling a thousand different emotions at once, blinked. She poured both of them a little more wine before setting the bottle back down. Despite the prevailing awkwardness the outburst may have caused and the awestruck horror that seemed so profound on Chrysalis’ face, Starlight smiled beside herself.

“I missed you too,” she beamed as she took a sip.


By the time they left, the snow had really started to set in. No moonlight could be seen; however, the outdoor lanterns and lingering Hearth’s Warming lights were plentiful, making the trek back towards the castle relatively easy. Or well… it would have been easy had they made the left turn towards it.

Chrysalis paused as she stared back and forth between the castle and the still trotting Starlight who appeared to be going past it. “Has the cold affected your sense of direction or are you normally this incompetent?” she commented loudly.

Starlight glanced back with a smile, “Oh no. There’s just… one more thing I wanted to show you tonight. We won’t be out much longer, promise,” she said cryptically as she continued on.

The bug mare raised an eyebrow at that and followed pursuit. It wasn’t long before she caught up. “So, are you going to tell me what exactly we’re doing out here? Are you hoping I’ll freeze to death, because news flash: I can change into something much warmer…” she demonstrated by changing into a polar bear before changing back. “Not your brightest plan if so.”

Starlight giggled. “No, silly. Also, not telling! You’ll have to wait and see.”

A devious smirk formed on Chrysalis’ features. “Well, then tell me… Which do you prefer tonight? Number one?” She changed into an azure mare with a billowing purple cape. She prodded her hat up and gave her a familiar trademark smirk.

Starlight stopped in her tracks.

“Or number two?” A flash of fire brought forth an orange stallion with darker orange hair. He tipped his glasses down and winked.

Starlight’s processes weren’t exactly functional but before she could even formulate a response, her tormentor continued.

“Three?” A purple mare with stars for a cutie mark came next. “Or fou—”

“Oh, hey look! Weeeee—” a flash occurred, and the two soon found themselves on top of a hill “—e’re here! That was fast,” she said with an awkward laugh before clearing her throat. “And for the record, you know I only want you, right?” she clarified before sitting.

Chrysalis scoffed. “Well, that’s only natural of course…” she stated as she changed back into her original form as she took a seat next to her in the snow.

Turning around Chrysalis noticed they were a good clip away from Ponyville and turning back she took note of a few more things. Number one: the quickly disappearing clouds above them as a chromatic blur collided with them and number two: the distinctly familiar stage below the hill in front of them that seemed to be missing its host.

“Really? A show?”

She received a hush in response to which she rolled her eyes at.

It was not long before a whizzing sound could be heard, followed by a streak of light as it went in an upwards trajectory. A bang resounded and out spilled a flash of lights. At first, it was nothing special, just some generic fireworks. But as time went on, things changed. It started with the depiction of Starlight, then Chrysalis, followed by a familiar scene of Starlight extending her hoof out towards her which received a grunt by one in response.

Next came a sequence of more familiar events: the first villain’s reformation meeting where she learned Starlight would be her long-term supervisor of sorts, the time Starlight admitted her feelings towards her, their first date, the time Chrysalis held up her dol— “I’LL KILL HER!” the former queen seethed which made Starlight laugh in response.

The changeling grumbled as she folded her hooves.

One final bang brought her attention back up. It was… a green leaf with red wrappings around the top? It reminded her of something… In fact, it looked oddly a lot like a mistlet—oh.

It seemed to linger in the air longer than the others, somehow. The stage below had disappeared entirely and all that was left was just the two of them.

She turned to the expectant look of the lilac mare that sat next to her.

Now that they were alone, it would be so easy…

She’d spent years carefully planning out her revenge.

She’d studied Starlight’s mannerisms extremely carefully.

She watched her perform her duties at the school.

She knew how she wrote.

She knew how she spoke to her friends and others.

She knew everything about her.

How easily she could brainwash some fakeling to play the role as herself. They would hold her captive as she played as Starlight whilst the real lilac mare would have been disposed of.

How easily her friends would fall for it as they turned the fake Chrysalis to stone.

How easily she would be able to dismantle them one. By. One.

The plan was flawless.

Starlight leaned forward, closing her eyes as she did.

It would be so easy…

She came closer.



Chrysalis glanced up to the fading light before back to Starlight.

Screw it.

Starlight opened her eyes in startlement as the other abruptly pushed her muzzle into hers before she relaxed and melted into the kiss.

Besides the moon shining brightly from above and providing ample lighting there was one more source that seemed to reside then and there…

One that no one took notice of…

A certain pair of wings seemed to glimmer a bit more than usual.

Comments ( 17 )

sigh another torture for the queen chrysalis what a horrible to waste

Oh my! Thank you so much for this! I got quite a good number of chuckles and laughs from it. Poor Queenbug, such a tortured buggie! *cue dramatic le sigh.* Hehehe
Also. Also. BIG thing for me, MAJOR MAJOR brownie points. I don't know if Nailah told you about it or not, but spelling Chrysalis's nickname, as Chryssy rather than Chrissy. I haaaaate the latter spelling with the i. It just looks wrong and bugs -pun intended heh- me soooo much. It looks SO much better with the y so, thank you for spelling it that way! :D
This story was great and beautifully written and I loved it! <3 You, my friend, are awesome!

Thanks for making me laugh out loud. This is a great job

Ha, I did pick up on the acronym the title forms. R.E.F.O.R.M.E.D. :rainbowlaugh:

Was going to read this but saw you used AI art...no, in the trash you go.

A certain pair of wings seemed to glimmer a bit more than usual.


Yay for ship. But dang it Lawson

Still great story my friend.

By the way who created that cover exactly?

I put artist's name in the description! You can find their user page and all its glory.

This GIF is 😂👍

Okay now that was a funny gif.

The bug mare raised an eyebrow at that and followed pursuit. It wasn’t long before she caught up. “So, are you going to tell me what exactly we’re doing out here? Are you hoping I’ll freeze to death, because news flash: I can change into something much warmer…” she demonstrated by changing into a polar bear before changing back. “Not your brightest plan if so.”

One of the prime advantages of shapeshifter GF is being able to snuggle things that are normally unsnuggle-able.

i didn't notice that! like how the first letter in each chapter spells the spoiler "nicole is dead"

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