• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 303 Views, 10 Comments

Snips and Snails and Puppy Love Tales - Caladis

Snips and Snails practice courting but fall in love with each other instead of the original targets of their affection

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Chapter 2 – Gifts and Cuddles

Chapter 2 – Gifts and Cuddles

The next morning came quickly for two certain stallions who really needed to hit the Ponyville markets before going to the School of Friendship this morning. Snips was careful to avoid Snails this morning as he didn’t want his best friend to catch sight of his gift before he could present it to him. Snails was equally careful to avoid his best friend while doing his own shopping.

They met at school and greeted each other. Snips smiled at Snails. “So when should we give each other the gifts?”

Snails shrugged. “I figured we could exchange these gifts at lunch or after class. But we also need to remember that mares like surprises, so we need to practice buying and giving gifts unexpectantly. This being ‘planned’ is fine because it’s the first time but as odd as it sounds… we need to practice being spontaneous.”

Snips cocked an eyebrow at Snails. “Where did you learn all this stuff?”

Snails looked around for eavesdroppers. “My mom gets the ‘Mare’s Monthly’ magazine. A few months ago they had several articles and advice columns about dating. Most of these techniques that I’m teaching you, and that I’m using myself, is actually geared towards mare’s attracting stallions. Since there aren’t as many stallions as mares… a lot of mares have a hard time finding husbands… unless they don’t mind herding. There are a lot more mares in our class than stallions, but we have other issues to overcome. I’m not sure that Diamond Tiara will really interfere with our plans… from what I hear, she has her hoofs full as the Assistant Manager of Barnyard Bargains under her father’s leadership.”

Snips acknowledged the statement at face value. “Makes sense. Let’s go sit down before were late to class.”

Snails kissed him on the cheek. “After you…”

Snips was too shocked to comment on the kiss before he walked into the classroom.


At lunch… Snips and Snails sat down to eat. They both had hoof made daffodil sandwiches but then Snips brought out a large box of chocolates.

“I’d thought we could share this large box of chocolates as dessert?”

Snails smiled widely. “What a thoughtful gift! I’d love to…”

They ate their sandwiches and hoof-fed each other the chocolates… giggling every so often at the absurdness of the almost date like lunch.

As they walked to the next class of the day, Snips asked Snails in a low whisper. “Do you think a date-like lunch would work on the Cutie Mark Crusaders?”

Snails rubbed his chin. “Maybe… but they normally eat lunch together with no other ponies present. I suppose we could ask them if they’d care to join us, but we’re not supposed to be flirting with them for a while until we really have it down.”

Snips nodded. “I guess I’m jumping the spear here but I’m eager to try this on them. I really enjoyed our lunch today… it went so well!”

Snails nodded back. “I’m eager too. But if we tip our hoof too soon… they will be ready for the attempt and they will close their hearts to the possibility of dating us.”

Snips asked the inconvenient question. “What if another stallion beats us to them while we’re practicing?”

Snails shook his head. “None of the other colts or stallions are even trying to date any of the fillies or mares in our classes. Some of them are too young and the rest don’t care. Us and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are amongst the oldest students here, so I don’t think we have any reason to worry. The Crusaders are only seventeen so even if we do manage to start dating them, we couldn’t marry them until they turn eighteen anyways. And even if we do miss our chance, trying our new moves on Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon might be enough to make the girls jealous if we started to flirt with them instead of the Crusaders.”

They returned to class and waited until school was over for the day.

Snips and Snails walked back to Snail’s home again for another round of practice. When they got to Snails room, he pulled out a wrapped package and he give it to Snips.

“Here you go. I hope you like it.”

Snips unwrapped the gift with a slight amount of regret that he hadn’t wrapped Snails’ gift earlier. When he got the package opened, he smiled. Inside was one of the softest blankets that he had ever felt. It was warm too… perfect for cold winter nights which would be happening soon with the ‘Running of the Leaves’ having already been planned for next month.

Snips decided to be bold and returned the earlier kiss onto one of Snails cheeks. “This is the best gift I could have hoped for. I hope it didn’t cost too much.”

Snails shrugged, lighthearted. “I wanted to give you something that you needed that would also show you how much I care.”

Snips nodded at the playful tone but serious reasoning behind the gift. It was a real gift. The type of gift that you would give to a coltfriend or marefriend. Certainly more important than a box of chocolates although the chocolates had been fun to share.

Hmm. Sharing. Spontaneous affection. Snips walked forward.

“Um. Would you like to try the blanket out? We could… cuddle?”

Snails seemed both shocked by and okay with the suggestion and helped Snips unroll the blanket as they worked to drape it on the bed. They both got into bed together and cuddled close.

The blanket was warm and would be even better during cold weather, but Snips was practically on fire from the heat of what they were doing. Snails was very warm. It felt… good.

Friends cuddled all the time, right?

Friends helped to provide comfort in times of need.

Snips yawned, suddenly very tired from the mental toll that the flirting yesterday and the gift exchanging today had taken on him. This was weird to him, but it had also been his idea.

A soft snore from behind him confirmed that Snails was already asleep. Maybe he was just as tired? He probably had gone back to re-read those magazine articles to make sure that he was giving the right advice for their efforts. It did seem to be working. Snips didn’t think that he would have ever cuddled with Snails before they started practicing flirting and how to be more emotionally open yesterday.

He just had to hope that it didn’t become weird…


3 hours later…

Snips was having the best dream ever. He was sucking on the best lollipop he had ever had. The spiral ridges mimicked a unicorn horn and might have been considered sexually suggestive if it hadn’t been candy.

Or maybe that was the point.

Come to think of it… a lot of married or dating adults seemed to buy their partners candy like that as a gag gift, but it wasn’t unheard of for younger Earth Ponies and Pegasi of both sexes to buy candy like that also to tease their unicorn friends. Watching a filly or mare suck on a unicorn horn shaped lollipop was a huge turn on for Snips, although he’d never be caught admitting to it.

Maybe he should buy a few of them for the Cutie Mark Crusaders… he’d love to see their reaction at the suggestion that they should suck a horn. Or would that be considered flirting? A gag gift with a deeper sexual implication… Sweetie Belle would certainly understand the meaning. No… as funny as it would be for him to give them a gift like that, he couldn’t ruin Snails chances with Sweetie Belle by buying a thoughtless sexual gag gift. Maybe being emotionally open with Snails’ help was helping him mature too… maybe being mature would help endear him to Scootaloo? She seemed mature for her age… yes, that could work.

As for him… he knew he was dreaming. He knew he was asleep. The lollipop didn’t seem to have an actual taste, but the texture was odd… maybe that was just part of the dream? Maybe he couldn’t imagine the flavor of a candy he had never personally tried. Or maybe there was no flavor because his mind couldn’t decide what flavor it should be…

A magical jolt surged through him, instantly waking him up, and his tongue went numb, ozone coming out of his nostrils as he came to the horrible conclusion that he had been sucking on Snails’ horn. And he managed to give Snails a horn-gasm.

Sweet Celestia… how did this go so wrong…

Snails woke up too, startled by the unplanned discharge of magic, rubbing his wet horn with a hoof, and looking confused.

Snips just wanted to sink into the mattress and disappear.

Snails put two and two together and his jaw dropped open. “Really? How?”

Snips was spurting. “I… It was an accident! I swear! I was having a dream about sucking a lollipop and when I woke up… it was your horn. I swear I didn’t do it on purpose.”

Snails’ eyes were grossed over, the horn-gasm making it hard for him to focus. “I’m not… mad… I’m… uh… I wasn’t expecting you to be my first…”

Snips sighed. “I guess… I should go home. I don’t think we was planning to nap this long anyways. My mom will be mad if I don’t do my chores… and I think I’m late for my shift at work.”

Snails winced. “I wish you could stay the night… I don’t want you to leave thinking you did something bad. Like you said… you was asleep… it was an accident.”

Snips rubbed the back of his neck after he climbed out of bed. “I’ll… try to find a way to make it up to you. I just don’t know how yet.”

Snails opened his mouth to say something but stopped when Snips turned to leave his room.

Just before Snips reached the door, Snails spoke up. “Don’t forget your blanket…”

Snips looked back at the bed. His thoughts were in turmoil.

This is super awkward. What am I supposed to do, or say?

“Umm. Why don’t you keep it here. It can be our special cuddling blanket. That is… if you want to practice cuddling more.”

Snails frowned as he thought about it. “Do we need more practice cuddling?”

Snips was wondering the same thing. He didn’t want the idea to sound lame and he didn’t want them to waste any time they could spend doing other things, but he did want to make it up to Snails.

Just be honest…

“Yes… you kissed me on the cheek earlier today with no effort. I was only able to return the kiss in the privacy of your bedroom where there was no risk of being seen. I was shy to ask about cuddling in the first place, and while I didn’t mean for everything else that happened to happen… I think we should cuddle until we are one-hundred percent comfortable with doing so. We’re friends… we should be able to cuddle and comfort each other without any awkwardness. Even now… I’m super embarrassed about what I did even though you’re not mad. I want our friendship to go deeper. I want us to be able to trust each other with literally anything. I can’t make this up to you without spending time with you. And I really want you to be okay with what happened since we can’t take it back.”

Snails frowned at what Snips said but admitted privately that there was truth to what he said.

“I’m not sure why you feel like you have to make it up to me. The horn-gasm felt good, even though it was an accident. If anything, most ponies would think I would owe you one since I got off and you didn’t.”

Snips swallowed hard and the red blush overtook everything as the heat he was feeling came back. He felt warmer than he did while he was under the blanket and cuddling. His embarrassment was so strong it felt like a fever.

“I… um. I’m not sure I want you to suck my horn. I certainly don’t think that you should think that you would have to do that to me to make up for anything. You’re not the one that had the weird dream and made the mistake.”

Snails smiled at his friend. “This isn’t as big of a deal as you think it is. Colts and Stallions our age, and even a little younger, experiment like this all the time, at least according to Mare’s Monthly. And it could have been worse.”

Snips frowned. “Worse? How could what I did have been worse?”

Snails raised an eyebrow suggestively. “You could have put your horn or your shaft into my tail hole. I remember you suggested something like that to Apple Bloom yesterday, though I guess you were joking? She didn’t seem to think that you were. At least you kept it in your sheath.”

Snips did smile at that. “You’re right. That would have been worse. I’ll try not to keep saying that I’m sorry, but I do still think I need to try to make this up to you, somehow.”

Snails accepted what he wouldn’t be able to change. “If you feel like you need to make it up to me, I’m sure that you’ll find a way. In the meantime, please try not to worry about it. And try to have a good night and a safe trip home.”

Snips nodded and left… leaving Snails alone. Snails was left to consider what would have to happen next.

This isn’t going the way I planned… but maybe I should just see how this plays out…
