• Member Since 31st Oct, 2016
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I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.



This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry Chronicles: Jakhowls Rising

With everything around Equestria appearing to be at peace, Twilight and her friends all hope that their days of adventures and danger might have come to an end. But that all changes when Twilight is given some interesting news from Celestia.

Meanwhile, a new threat has appeared and will gather the forces of evil that once threatened this world. An adventure that will change Equestria forever is just about to start, so how will our heroes handle it?

Edited by KingJoltik


Chapters (5)
Comments ( 37 )

I knew Evil Flash that Twilight and Starlight fought is the one who replaced Sombra… thank god! I am so relieved you didn't forced Sombra back to his old villain way cause that would undermine his redemption.

Look like we are getting a proper match between Flash and his evil counterpart.

Very interesting Shroudheart sees all different universes and know the outcomes, which would make him even more dangerous than Canon Sombra.

I have a feeling we see the full roster of Legion of Doom by the end of the story (if Flash's vision is true, then we will see them at the end of the story)

Here's highlight

In another underground area, a figure hidden in the darkness stared down at the ground before using a stick to draw a circle in the ground, which glowed green as runic symbols appeared inside it. They then drew a line through it, followed by a figure eight. The light spread to this marking as it began to spin, the symbol in the middle switching between an eight and the infinity sign.

The mark continued to spin until the light shot off, swirling into a tornado of green energy.

The figure walked away as the tornado slowly began to mix with another tornado. This one was made of black smoke, which appeared within the green vortex and soon overtook it. And within the fused tornado, a pair of eyes appeared. A pair of red eyes with green whites that were surrounded by purple smoke.

Please, not Sombra, not Sombra, please!

"More powerful than you can possibly imagine." The three leapt at the voice that now echoed throughout the chamber. Then, atop a walkway overlooking the stone table, a tornado of shadow appeared. It swirled with great power as a figure appeared within it. A figure that they all recognized.

"SENTRY!" They roared as the pegasi appeared from the darkness, but it didn't look exactly like the one they all knew. His coat was bleached gray, his mane and tail were short, and his face was covered in scars. But the most noticeable difference were his eyes, which were glowing like a certain formerly evil unicorn. He stood there, dark blue cloak covering his body while a pair of shadowy wings flowed out of his real ones.

That was relief… Evil Flash's here!

Tirek laughed at this, "Finally! A Flash Sentry I can get behind!"

This statement caused Flash to glare at him, "Don't call me that name. The name Sentry no longer has meaning. From now on, call me...Shroudheart."

After years of being called Evil Flash, he finally got his own name.

The others followed his gaze and turned to the entrance to the chamber as a shadowy figure appeared. It was a blue ram-like creature, with white hair and a tail. It had long curved horns on his head, and a red collar covered in bells.

"It was I," he stated as he walked passt them and around the table. "You may call me...Grogar." This got a gasp from Chrysalis and Tirek while Cozy looked confused and Shroudheart shadow-travelled down beside them.

Hi, Discord. (Yeah, you are not fooling me, Discord)

"Grogar," Shroudheart told her, "I got to watch him in his hayday. He was quite a sight until his bewitching bell was stolen by Gusty the Great." He chuckled, "Boy was your face red." Grogar was about to speak, but the evil Flash copy mimicked his voice. "You have all been brought here as part of my plan to rid Equestria of Twilight Sparkle and her friends once and for all. Evil chuckle." They all turned to him, "That's what he said to us in the other timelines. And I'm guessing it's what he planned to tell us now."

Grogar growled at him, "You're quite well informed."

Shroudheart smirked and looked him in the eye. "I've seen everything that happens in all timelines. I know everything there is to know about this situation." His grin grew at this, "Everything." Grogar frowned at this while Shroundheart pulled away. "But if you want, I won't step on your hooves anymore." He made a zipping motion with his lips while the others turned back to Grogar. All three were wondering what he had brought them there for and what he planned to do in order to get rid of Twilight and her friends. But only time would tell.

The scary thing about this is Shroudheart knew Grogar is Discord and he could spill the beans anytime he want to but he chose not to.

Evil Flash mentioned the cartoon friendship is magic.
So is he saying he knows grogars secret?

Comment posted by Kayceejr91 deleted Feb 7th, 2023

Oh boy, we're finally here! My favorite storyline from the series has begun!

Looks like my theory that the Evil Flash would replace Sombra was correct. I also like the name he has given himself; "Shroudheart". Much more creative than just "Evil Flash", and now it will be less confusing when he faces his counterpart. Though him explaining what happened to him after he faced Twilight, Starlight, and Spike was pretty terrifying. Existing outside of time unable to do anything but watch. I remember he suffered a similar fate in his debut when each time the timeline was changed he became intangible, unable to interact with the world, and had to wait for the years to pass the long way, which he suffered for over a century. This kind of thing seems to happen to him a lot, though the benefit of him now knowing everything about the different universes and outcomes makes him even more dangerous.

This also has me curious though. If this is all the members of this villain team up, then what were all the others in Flash's vision supposed to be for? Could they join later, or maybe there is a separate villain team up in the works? Either way I'm excited to see what they are capable of.

"As for Trixie," Luna continued, "She has well surpassed the point when she needs my help in learning what she wants to learn. Much like how Twilight was sent to Ponyville, she will need to start branching out on her own and forge a path for herself. Trust me, we have planned out our retirement perfectly."

That's pretty cool actually. Trixie has come a long way in a short time. I guess her finishing her studies with Luna would explain how she could potentially get a job at the School of Friendship, assuming that will still happen.

Twilight smiled at him, but as Flash glanced away, his smile vanished. Despite how optimistic he was being, his mind flashed back to when he was at Aurarora. The vision that Clair had shown him. The destroyed Ponyville and the image of the ponies he saw, though he still had no idea who it was that had been the cause, or even if they were the cause. He had been on edge ever since seeing that vision, being extra cautious on patrol, but so far nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

He had recently been considering mentioning this to Twilight and the others, but now was the absolute worst time to do it. If Twilight heard Ponyville was destroyed, she would of course jump to the conclusion that her becoming the new ruler was responsible. Flash hated to keep a secret from her, but she had enough on her plate without worrying about another possible disaster on the horizon. So until he knew more, he would keep this information to himself.

Part of me is worried about Flash keeping his knowledge of the future a secret from Twilight and the others. What if when he finally reveals what he knows they get mad at him for knowing his fate for so long and not telling them?

Oh so Faker finally makes an appearance after S5 finale (wow it's been a while! :twilightoops: ) Since Faker has seen all those different timelines (including the canon one) I wonder if he's gonna blow the whistle on Grogar there (if it's who we think it is :raritywink:) Also wonder when the other creeps will join the Legion of Doom (if that vision Flash had was any indication) later down the road?:rainbowhuh:

Highlights for this chapter are as follows! :

Twilight glanced back at the five, seeing they all looked as worried as she was. "So everypony got an urgent summons to the castle with no explanation?!"

"Yup!" Pinkie nodded, "I just love a good mysterious summons. What's it about? Do you think it's a surprise party? Hey! Why are we running?"

Flash rolled his eyes, as Twilight turned to her, "Because something could be terribly wrong! Somepony turned bad?! Another evil creature back for revenge?!"

"Don't you think you're bein' a little paranoid?" Applejack chimed in.

"I'm with Applejack," Flash added, "It hasn't even been three weeks since what happened with the jakhowls. I doubt anything that big is scheduled to happen."

"But then why would the princesses send scrolls in such a hurry?!" Twilight yelped.

"Good point," Rarity nodded, "They know better than to make us worry."

Yeah about that Rares.......!:ajbemused:

"Excellent," Celestia declared, "Thank you all so much for coming."

"What's wrong?!" Twilight asked in panicked haste, "What can we do?!"

They braced themselves for whatever insanity they were gonna have to face, only to see Luna shine a big smile. "That's just it. Nothing's wrong! Everything's perfect!"

The eight shared a glance, Applejack asking what they were all thinking. "Did y'all call us down here just to tell us that?"

They nodded, Rarity stepping up next, "With all due respect, majesties, you might want to save your urgent summons for matters that are a bit more...well, urgent!"

HA HA enter Trollestia!!! :trollestia:

Twilight's facial expression said otherwise as Applejack pushed her over to her throne. "It's just...I know I said yes, but then they said 'in a few days,' and there's still so much to figure out! It's all happening so fast!" She grabbed the paper bag again and keep breathing into it. "I think I need some-" She didn't get to finish as Rarity floated a glass of water in front of her, the alicorn taking it and gulping it down. "Okay! I'll feel much better-"

"Once you make a plan?" Rarity asked as Spike flew down holding a quill and paper.

"Oh, wow. It's like you-"

"Knew you were going to react this way?" Spike interrupted, "We did."

Pinkie appeared from behind the throne, "Classic Twilight-ing."

"Twilight-ing?!" The princess yelped, "You...You made me a verb?!" Pinkie nodded as Twilight slouched against the table.

"Honestly," Flash smirked, "I wanted to go with 'going Twily-nanas. But, I was outvoted."

I wanted that one to stick as well to be honest! :trixieshiftright:

"SENTRY!" They roared as the pegasi appeared from the darkness, but it didn't look exactly like the one they all knew. His coat was bleached gray, his mane and tail were short, and his face was covered in scars. But the most noticeable difference were his eyes, which were glowing like a certain formerly evil unicorn. He stood there, dark blue cloak covering his body while a pair of shadowy wings flowed out of his real ones.

The three growled, Cozy tilting her head at the differences. "You," Tirek snarled, "Did you bring us here to finally finish us off?! Well, I won't go down so easily!" Chrysalis nodded and charged up a blast as Tirek summoned what little power he had.

Flash smirked at this, only for Cozy flew between them. "Wait!" The two stopped before she glanced back at them, "I don't think this is the Flash Sentry we know."

"What?!" Chrysalis yelped, "But that's clearly-"

"She's right." Flash interrupted, the three now looking back at the pegasi.

Cozy put her hoof to her mouth, "Are you...are you the evil Flash Sentry that Princess Twilight and her friends fought before? The one from another timeline?"

And enter Faker! :twilightangry2:

Grogar was about to speak, but the evil Flash copy mimicked his voice. "You have all been brought here as part of my plan to rid Equestria of Twilight Sparkle and her friends once and for all. Evil chuckle." They all turned to him, "That's what he said to us in the other timelines. And I'm guessing it's what he planned to tell us now."

Grogar growled at him, "You're quite well informed."

Shroudheart smirked and looked him in the eye. "I've seen everything that happens in all timelines. I know everything there is to know about this situation." His grin grew at this, "Everything."

Huh now this will make things interesting going forward.......can't wait!!! :rainbowdetermined2:

The evil players are gathering, looking forward to the mayhem that's coming next chapter Banshee! :twilightsmile:

just gonna call it Shroundheart will betray them all

Look like Shroudheart is teaming up with Mean Flash and he already got Crystal Empire in his hoof.

Fortunately, Sombra doesn't give in to his magic but unfortunately, Shroudheart got both Ruby and Jaden brainwashed.

Hopefully Flash and the heroes can stop him before it's too late.

Here's highlights

This rock was shaped like a giant ram's skull, which was actually the entrance to a lair hidden deep below the wasteland. And within it, some of the most dangerous threats to all of Equestria currently resided: Flash Shroudheart, Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, Cozy Glow and the most dangerous of all, Grogar.

Grogar is actually Discord, oh please, I ain't falling that, Discord. :ajsmug:

As he stepped through it, he pulled his hood down, showing the face of Flash Sentry, though it was slightly off. His coat and mane weren't as vibrant, and he didn't have a very confident expression, but aside from that, he looked just like the Knight of Friendship.

Mean Flash is back!

"Your new master." Before Sombra could ask what he was talking about, the figure unleashed a dark energy from his eyes that struck him.

Sombra cried out at this, feeling his mind being penetrated and his consciousness being squeezed tightly within the darkness. "Give in."

"No!" Sombra roared, putting his hooves to his head, "No...the umbrum...Shadow. I won't let anypony else force me to do anything ever again!" He let out another roar and to the figure's shock, his mind broke through the magic.

Yeah! Don't let that imposter control you, Sombra! :rainbowdetermined2:

"Get her!" The guards charged back at her, Ruby gasping as she saw her fellow ponies all try to tackle her. She quickly backpedaled before leaping over them, only to land right in front of Shroudheart as shadows poured out of him and circled around her.

Seeing this, she tried to teleport away, only for her magic to sputter out. The circle of shadows had prevented it, only for the controlled guards to tackle her again. He chuckled as he forged a control helmet, "Welcome to the winning team." Ruby's horn began to spark at this, only for the helmet to encase her head before she could attack. A scream came next, Shroudheart laughing as the pony soon went silent.

Oh, just great! He got a Royal Knight in his hoof! :twilightoops:

Well, that was certainly interesting. How will Shroudheart's plan differ from Sombra's? Only time will tell.

Doesn't help that he knows every outcome, so he is going to be difficult for the heroes to fight against.

was wondering if the clone would show back up.
So l evil Flash die like Sombra or will he survive to reveal it was part of another plan

They will have to face a lot of drama when the time to move comes.

Oh boy, if what I think it's gonna happen regarding Mean Flash recruitment by Faker then he would have been better for Mean Flash to stay in that cottage! :fluttercry: Glad that Sombra snapped out of Faker's control when he tried that during Crystal Empire takeover, otherwise his redemption arc would have been wasted! :rainbowdetermined2:

On a side note I still think poorly of Celestia/Luna regarding Twilight's taking the throne right away instead of a few months later, I mean they *DO KNOW* Twilight's freak-out when things are dumped on her so suddenly!!!:facehoof: Maybe it's just me but they deserve a donkey-punch to the back of their heads for that!!! :twilightangry2:

While we wait for our heroes to come to the rescue, here are some Highlights! :

"SILENCE!" He roared, making Cozy fly into Tirek's chest and hide behind his beard. Grogar started climbing up the ramp to the overlook balcony. "I've spent millennia gathering power, biding my time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to seize control of Equestria! And watching all of you. I've seen each of your humiliating defeats at the hooves of seven puny ponies." The five frowned and looked away. "And do you know why they've always bested you?"

"Because they cheat!" Chrysalis growled.

"Because they are annoyingly lucky," Tirek crossed his arms.

Cozy shrugged. "I'm just a kid, so..." Grogar would have spoke up, but Shroudheart beat him too it.

"You lost because you didn't finish Twilight and her friends off when you had the chance," he pointed at Tirek. "I lost because I got overconfident. And you two..." She pointed at Chrysalis and Cozy. "You weren't even beaten by them. You both lost to the backup brigades."

Ouch Faker's spreading nasty burns all around (himself included:rainbowlaugh:)

"Yes," Shroudheart nodded, "I know how you feel. It's not fair, is it? But that's why I'm here. To help you." The clone glanced back at him, tears now forming, "I require your assistance with something. Help me, and I'll return the favor and make sure you live as long as possible."

"R-r-really?!" He asked, Shroudheart nodding. "Wha...what do I have to do?"

"Well, first things first. Do you hate Sentry?"

"Yes," the clone nodded. "Why does he get to live his life anyway he wants, never having to worry about being discovered or fearing for what's waiting him on the other side?! I'd do anything to take his life from him."

"Good," Shroudheart chuckled, "Keep hold of that hatred. It'll be a key ingredient of your survival."

"That's all I need to do?"

"No," Shroudheart shook his head, "I'm going to take you someplace. Don't worry, there's nothing there that'll hurt you. All I need you to do is find something for me. It was buried there a while ago, and in order to take Sentry down, we need it."

"What is it?"

"You'll know it when you see it." Before the clone could say anything else, the cloak of shadows exploded out of Shroudheart and wrapped around the pair. They disappeared into the black smoke, which broke through the door and into the sky.

Mean Flash's gonna regret this isn't he???:ajbemused:

"So..." Iron tried to change the subject, "How's Twilight taking all this? I'm guessing the news sent her into a level four Twilight Attack."

"Level five," Flash groaned, "And it could get worse if she continues to stress herself out about all this." They nodded at this. "Honestly, I'm on her side with this. Celestia and Luna shouldn't have just dropped the bombshell on her like that. I mean, they probably weren't thrown into being ruling princesses right away. Heck, they were literally trained from fillyhood by Starswirl to do the job. Expecting Twilight to take on all that responsibility without some serious heads up seems a bit...short sighted."

Exactly my point, glad someone said it out loud! :flutterrage:

"Your new master." Before Sombra could ask what he was talking about, the figure unleashed a dark energy from his eyes that struck him.

Sombra cried out at this, feeling his mind being penetrated and his consciousness being squeezed tightly within the darkness. "Give in."

"No!" Sombra roared, putting his hooves to his head, "No...the umbrum...Shadow. I won't let anypony else force me to do anything ever again!" He let out another roar and to the figure's shock, his mind broke through the magic.

"Whoa," he staggered back, "Strong mind." He chuckled, "But weak everything else." He spun around at this, "Oh well. Even if I can't control you, you're not much of a threat. I'll just come back to deal with you later."

HA denied Faker!!! :rainbowdetermined2:

Before long, Amore, Cadance and Shining were chained up, Flurry following suit once her parents were properly contained. Shroudheart then returned to the throne room, his magic infecting the castle. The Rune Gate was disabled, and the Crystal Heart was captured, as dark crystal spikes impaled it.

He began to laugh more and more as he sat down on the Crystal Throne. "With the Crystal Heart now in my possession, there is nothing to stop me from ruling the Crystal Empire!" He looked down at the four royals as the masked Ruby and Jaden pulled them toward the throne. "Now, kneel before your new king!" The adults glared at him, but the chains were pulled, and they were forced down to the floor. The sight made him sigh as he leaned back. "The stage has been set. Now, I just need to wait for the main actors to arrive."

So looking forward for the upcoming flank-kicking on Faker here!!! :twilightangry2:

Next week can't get here fast enough, till then Banshee!!! :twilightsmile:

This is getting intense! Shroudheart has officially decided to strike out on his own, but it seems like he has a slightly different plan in mind than Sombra.

Interesting to see him recruit Mean Flash to his plan, and that Mean Flash has less than a year to live. I thought that Mean Flash was the Token Good Teammate of the clones, but seeing him willingly going along with Shroudheart's plan due to his fear of dying and declaring his hatred of Flash, maybe I misjudged him. I wonder what his role in Shroudheart's plan is? Though part of me thinks it might have something to do with the Tree of Harmony's destruction in this version.

Meanwhile, everyone seems to be handling the news that Twilight will be ruler of Equestria differently, as well as what that means for Flash and his charges. I actually forgot that since Scootaloo is Flash's little sister, she needs to stay with him and move to Canterlot with him. That's sad since it means it will essentially be like "The Last Crusade" with the CMC splitting up. Though hopefully it is mitigated since Canterlot is a lot closer and they have the Rune Gates, but still.

this does make me wonder if clone flash will live or die and if Evil Flash will offer to revive Clone twilight

Oh dear, Shroudheart have now Ponyville under his control after destroying Tree of Harmony.

I hope Flash and Mane Six figure out quickl before it's too late.

The others cheered, Flash pointing to Heart and Soul. "Stay here and stay out of trouble," Heart spoke up before Flash could say anything. "Figured you were gonna say that."

"You're learning," Flash laughed as Twilight turned to her other pupil.

Considered what happened in Dragon's Awakening, Heart is learning from his mistake.

"Can't I?" Shroudheart asked. "I've seen this play out in other universes. This wasn't even my plan originally." He pointed at Sombra, "It was his. I'm just copying it from a timeline where he never turned good and returned just like this."

That's good in-universe explanation of why his plan is so similar to Sombra one.

These slammed into the Tree of Harmony, ripping pieces off of it and knocking the Elements loose from where they rested. And before any of the ponies could react, the largest crystal of all exploded out of the ground and ripped right through the center of the tree. The crystal structure shattered as the Elements were sent flying, all hitting the ground in front of Flash and shattering to pieces. And as this happened, Flash's eyes went wide as he saw the Element he had forged hit the ground, only to snap in two.


Tree of Harmony.

We will never forget you. :pinkiesad2:

"Nah," he laughed as the mist returned to him. "Where would the fun be in taking all your fight away from you? After all, me conquering Ponyville is already your greatest fear!" He cackled as he spun around, "I'll destroy everything you love, then watch as your spirits break. And when there's no hope left, I think I'll turn you girls into my willing little slaves." He licked his lips at that, "We're gonna have some fun after that. Been a while since I conquered an Equestria after all...I need to make sure I don't bored after I destroy everything."

Okay, this Flash is definitely a pervert for saying that to the girls! :twilightangry2:

"Scoot," Flash continued, "Soul...Heart." He turned to his friends, seeing the frowns on their faces, only to change his face to a fierce glare, "There's still a chance." They all glanced over at him, "Shroudheart might have beaten us, but this isn't the first time we've been taken out of the equation and the good guys still won. Grand's still out there, along with Iron and Lightning. They're not gonna go down without a fight."

Uh…. About that…

Starlight, Soul, Lightning and Wild fired at the shadows, but their magic simply flew through the clouds without any damage, the same with Spike and Heart's flames. Rogue sent out a sonic blast, but it didn't even blow the shadows away as Soarin spun around to form a tornado, but it didn't do anything either.

Grand and Iron swung their weapons at this, but it did nothing as well. They were soon surrounded, and one by one, dark tendrils flying out and grabbing them all. They screamed as they were pulled into the darkness, first Wild and Soarin, then Lightning and Spike. Heart and Soul were next, followed by Grand and iron.

Starlight gasped at this, about to teleport away and find her friends, only for a dark tendril to lash out and grab her. "AUGH!" She cried, trying to ignite her horn, but the dark fingers coiled around it and her magic died.

"It's nice to see you again." She went wide-eyed at the voice, only for the dark figure to appear from within the shadows. She and Shroudheart stared one another down, Starlight glaring at him as he began to laugh. Then, his eyes glowed and unleashed a blast of green and purple. And that was the last thing Starlight saw before her mind went blank

Flash just jinxed it. :ajbemused:

I am assumed Rogue is one of them that got brainwashed by Shroudheart?

"Nope," he laughed, "First of all, the name's Shroudheart. And you ended up blasting me out of time. Unable to do anything but watch as every timeline played out. You have no idea how many different realities I've seen play out. Just be thankful you lot are in this one and not the many ones full of caribou. Those...geez those ones were hard to watch sometimes. Though I'll admit, they had their moments I enjoyed. Especially with what they did to you and your friends."

Man, you didn't have to make Shroudheart do them dirty like that lol. Like DAMN, I'm surprised the heroes didn't instantly die from that burn!

Also, I'm likely going to regret asking this. What was this obsession with Caribou that the fandom had for some reason?

This is intense! The Crystal Empire is saved, but only because Shroudheart lost on purpose. Now Ponyville and all of Equestria is vulnerable against him. I like how you expand on Sombra's plan from canon a bit, with it being explained how the Elements and Tree were vulnerable for a bit due to the Elements being removed. But the really scary thing though is that whatever Shroudheart has planned, Mean Flash's role in it is still unknown to everyone; and not just to us but to the heroes and even the Legion as well. Now I'm almost tempted to think that Shroudheart is just planning to use him to fake his own death if he is defeated, but that is really just a small guess since literally anything could happen.

Back in his lair, Grogar watched with the other three as the heroes claimed another victory.

"Huh," Tirek laughed, "So much for him. For somepony that claimed to have seen the future, he certainly didn't see that coming."

Chrysalis and Cozy nodded, only to see Grogar shake his head. "He's not gone." The three glanced up at him, "I can still sense his presence. He hasn't been defeated yet. He just wanted them to think that."

"Why?" Cozy asked.

"An opponent is always at the most vulnerable when they think victory is assured." Chrysalis chimed in, the three turning to her, "Taking the Crystal Empire was never his plan. He must be after something else. But what?"

"Good question," Grogar added, "And it took him a lot longer than it should have to get to the Crystal Empire. What was he doing all that time?" They all focused back on the orb, which changed once again to show their enemies making their way to someplace else.

Chrysalis is definitely speaking from experience about being the most vulnerable when you think you've won. It is interesting to see the villains were apparently watching the whole time instead of Grogar just showing them the end results afterwards.

Starlight, Spike, Heart and Soul were making their way through town, the group wanting to make the heroes a special meal to enjoy once they returned from putting the Elements back. Spike had returned to the castle when they got home from the empire, and was now wanting to help out. They then spotted Grand Hoof, Iron Core, Lightning Blitz, Wild Smile, Rogue and Soarin Skies ahead of them, the group also waiting for the heroes to return.

That is going to be a gut-punch for everyone when they get out of the trap. The first ones placed under Shroudheart's control were not just Spike and Starlight, but Flash's mentor and the love-interests of the Mane 5 (well Soarin is technically Rainbow's husband now but that makes it worse).

he really hit them hard and played them like chumps and now everyone in danger he worse then sombra ever was

Look like it going to be a bittersweet victory, if they defeated Shroudheart, they would sealed Flash's fate as whoever going to be the one to force Flash to sacrifice his life (Hopefully, Flash will find a way)

Here's highlights

"Soon, everything will come to a head. The final battle. And when that happens, everything will be set into motion." He began to laugh again, "I wonder if my cowardly little fake has completed the task I set for him? If he doesn't get it in time, everything I planned will be ruined." He let out a long happy sigh, "It's good not knowing everything that's gonna happen. Surprise is the spice of life." He looked to the stain glass windows, staring at the image of the seven ponies that were fighting against Nightmare Moon. "Hurry home now kiddies. We wouldn't want to be late."

I am still wondering the task he gave to Mean Flash is either breaking all dangerous villains that Flash and others faced in the past or using him to have him killed instead when Flash and the girls blasted on them?

"Whoa!" Flash flew out of the dark shadow and rolled along the marble floor, his sword flying from his hooves and hitting the ground a bit away. He quickly pushed himself back to his hooves, only to see he was inside the castle throne room. The place was much darker, crystal spikes coming out of the floor and the stain glass windows had been transformed into the exact opposite, now being made of dark glass and showing all of their victories as them being defeated.

He then turned to the throne, seeing Shroudheart sitting upon it with a smile on his face. "Well then," he got up. "Here we are at the end of all things."

Finally! A match everyone waiting for! Flash Sentry VS. Flash Shroudheart!

Shroudheart laughed at this as the sword he used before appeared in his hooves. "True. But I've grown since that day." He moved down the ramp as Flash picked up his sword. "When your girlfriend beat me, I was but the learner. Now I am the master."


"I never said he would beat you," Shroudheart laughed, "But the one you'll face is so powerful that the only way to defeat him is to push yourself to your breaking point and then go far beyond that." Flash hissed at this, remembering the vision he had seen in Aurarora. "Just watch. Beat me and you will be forced to face the one who hates you the most. And that hatred will fuel them into becoming the greatest threat this world will ever see...and in order to defeat him, you will have to give up everything that's precious to you. You'll give everything up to save this world and make your friends feel despair like they've never felt before."

I have a feeling Shroudheart is most likely talking about Shadow Corrupter/Void since out of Flash's enemies, he absolutely hates Flash the most and going by Shroudheart's description, all fingers or hooves pointing at Shadow Corrupter.

The ponies all went wide-eyed at this, only for Flash to whisper, "No...it can't end this way." He spun around and glared at the dark pegasi, "I refuse to let it end this way! We will find a way to stop you!"

"HA! How?!" The sphere grew larger at this, "Gonna pray for a miracle?"

"Why not?" Flash replied, "Miracles can happen. But only if you never give up and have the will to make them happen." He spread his wings, "If it's the only way to stop you, I'll make a miracle happen."

"Well, you better make it happen quickly," Shroudheart laughed before swinging his sword at Flash. "BECAUSE THE END IS NIGH!" With that, the sphere shot for them, the girls all bracing for impact. And as they did this, Flash closed his eyes and dug deep. He thought about everything he had to lose. His friends, his family, his home. The vision he had seen in Aurarora, and the nightmare Shroudheart tried to stop him with. He would not let those events come to pass.

So as the dark sphere came toward him, his eyes opened and shined gold.

Oh boy, it's go time! Go Flash! :rainbowdetermined2:

Dang, went out of town for a week to come back into the dumpster fire that Faker created here for our heroes on these last 2 chapters! :twilightoops:
Faker's pretty much leaning into the *I know how things are gonna play out ha ha* crap, can't wait for this *future* to blow into his fat face! :twilightangry2:

And now it's Highlights Time! :

Rarity remained where she was, staring at the muddy hole. "Normally, I wouldn't dream of digging, but right now..." She pushed the others out of the way, "SHOW ME THE MUDDY!" She dug like a mare possessed, the group following Pinkie as she drilled a tunnel under the spikes. They were in deep, so getting beneath them took a while, but eventually they managed to dig their way to the other side before moving toward the surface. Once Pinkie broke through the topsoil, she shook the mud out of her hair as the others pulled themselves out.

lol time to get down & dirty Rares! :twilightsheepish:

Shroudheart laughed as he morphed into a shadow and blasted through the doors, making his way through the halls. And everytime he found somepony, he consumed them with shadow and bent them to his will before reaching a certain room that he slammed the doors open for. "Honey!" He cheered as he walked in, "I'm home!" There was no reply, not that he expected one. "Of course."

What, were you expecting a parade or something??? :ajbemused:

"Like I'd believe that," Flash instantly replied, "You're just trying to throw me off my game. The future isn't set in stone. You think this pony is strong enough to defeat me, but I don't believe that."

"I never said he would beat you," Shroudheart laughed, "But the one you'll face is so powerful that the only way to defeat him is to push yourself to your breaking point and then go far beyond that." Flash hissed at this, remembering the vision he had seen in Aurarora. "Just watch. Beat me and you will be forced to face the one who hates you the most. And that hatred will fuel them into becoming the greatest threat this world will ever see...and in order to defeat him, you will have to give up everything that's precious to you. You'll give everything up to save this world and make your friends feel despair like they've never felt before."

Hmmm that almost sounds like a certain Deluded one that we all hate....:applejackunsure:

"HA! How?!" The sphere grew larger at this, "Gonna pray for a miracle?"

"Why not?" Flash replied, "Miracles can happen. But only if you never give up and have the will to make them happen." He spread his wings, "If it's the only way to stop you, I'll make a miracle happen."

"Well, you better make it happen quickly," Shroudheart laughed before swinging his sword at Flash. "BECAUSE THE END IS NIGH!" With that, the sphere shot for them, the girls all bracing for impact. And as they did this, Flash closed his eyes and dug deep. He thought about everything he had to lose. His friends, his family, his home. The vision he had seen in Aurarora, and the nightmare Shroudheart tried to stop him with. He would not let those events come to pass.

So as the dark sphere came toward him, his eyes opened and shined gold.

Let the beatdown commence......hopefully unto Faker's flank!!! :rainbowdetermined2:

Looking forward to the end of this showdown Banshee! :twilightsmile:

Oh boy, things just keep getting intense. The final battle against Shroudheart is here, but I'm more concerned with what happens afterwards.

Shroudheart warns Flash that even if he defeats him somehow, his future, the same one the Future Fire Heart warned him about, will still come to pass. We still don't know a lot of specifics, but the really interesting part was how he said it was "the one who hates you the most". With that in mind, I have a bad feeling he is referring to Shadow Corrupter/Void. He is the most dangerous villain Flash has ever faced and the closest thing he has to an arch-enemy, so it would make total sense if he were the final villain of the series. Not to mention he pretty much gave a Dying Declaration of Hate to Flash when Fire Heart defeated him, exclaiming his hatred for Flash would destroy him someday, even if he's not the one to do it personally. But I still believe that regardless of what Shroudheart says, Flash can still change the future.

The other part that has me concerned is whatever is going on with Mean Flash. Shroudheart said his entire plan apparently relies on whatever task he gave him being done in time. That certainly doesn't inspire confidence. Interestingly, Mean Flash did say earlier that he hates the real Flash, but I doubt he is the one Shroudheart described. Still, he isn't someone the heroes can afford to leave unresolved, but first they need to learn of his existence.

"You realise what that'll do, don't you?" Shroudheart chuckled, "If you keep fighting, you'll eventually come across somepony you can't beat. You have so much to live for, but you're willing to risk everything so somepony else won't have to. Don't you think your friends would want you to live? Have you ever thought how they would feel if you lost your life protecting them?"

Big talk coming from the guy that's trying to kill him as he says this!

Why am i getting the feeling the clone is after a certain bell.

I get the feeling Flash is about to do something like a super saiyan thing next chapter

Very interesting and unexpected ending.

I am rather surprised Grogar or Discord chose to not recruit guys like Doom Raizer, Storm Blade, Big Score, Banshee, Shake Shocker etc since they are Flash's greatest enemies (okay, maybe not Big Score but you get my point)

Here's highlights

The girls all screamed as they braced themselves, expecting Shroudheart's power to completely obliterate them. But the pain never came, making them open their eyes to see that Flash standing with a brilliant golden glow radiating off his body, taking shape and forming his Sacred Light armor. That light also formed a shield, which was blocking Shroudheart's attack.

"What?!" The evil version of Flash Sentry yelled, "How?!" Flash smirked at this, only for the armor to begin to fade, Shroudheart attacking again. The blow knocked Flash back, the armor dying out as light vanished before he slumped over.

Well, that was rather anti-climax to be honest with you.

But as they began to celebrate, a tiny wisp of black smoke came out of the floor where Shroudheart had been standing. The black smoke rose up, soon flying up to the ceiling and out one of the few holes the magical blast hadn't fixed.

Huh… I thought he said… oh no… :pinkiegasp:

"Is it even here?" He asked as he thrusted his shovel into the dirt. But as he did it this time, he felt it hit something that wasn't soil, rock or even a root. This caused his eyes to go wide and pulled the shovel out, instead getting down on his knees and digging away at the last of the dirt with his hooves. And when he did, he found what he had been looking for.

It was a mask. A black mask with red trim on the sides and red eyes.

Oh no… :pinkiegasp: NOT HIM!!!!!

Smoke exploded out of the holes at this, the fog morphing into different shapes. One moment they were a pair of black wings with three red metal spikes sticking out of them, then they transformed into three fingered claws with the spikes on the tips. They changed several more times before reverting back into the wing shapes as the eyes began to glow. The figure looked itself over as memories began to form in his mind. Memories of his master, of merging with him in an attempt to save him. Of being defeated by that fire child and his master promising his rage would never die.

New memories then appeared, memories of being born from a tree and living in constant fear. Of being trapped out of time and watching multiple universes play out. Of being pulled out of time and recruited to destroy Equestria. Of being destroyed by the power of friendship

Throughout these memories, one thing was apparent. Hatred. Hatred for a pony and a thirst to destroy them. And he would. "Flash Sentry," he growled. "I will take away everything you love."

Aw… great! :ajbemused: It's the return of Deluded One's pet! Armalum! :twilightangry2:

so does that mean the clone is no more just taken over?
our heroes and villains all in danger

This is quite the heart stopping moment.

Will you also be able to continue with "Flash Sentry's EQG chronicles?"

Wow, nice ending! I believe Doctor Strange put it best:

So heading into the final season, we not only have the Legion of Doom to deal with, but now Shroudheart has somehow resurrected Armalum! I guess that's why he needed Mean Flash's help; to dig up Armalum's mask and serve as his new body. What happened to him was pretty freaky though. That's practically a fate worse than death.

I wonder what Armalum will have planned for the future? Will he try to get revenge on his own, create his own villain team-up, or try to somehow bring his master back to life?

Quite the cliffhanger for the final season here with Junkpile's return (seriously can't he just stay dead???!!! :flutterrage:) Also I had a feeling mean Flash was gonna be cannon fodder by Faker regarding digging out that damn mask & sadly I was right! :pinkiesad2: Can't wait to see how wild S9 will turn from here on out Banshee! :rainbowdetermined2:

For final Highlights! :

"Listen to me," they turned to the still weakened Discord. "You don't need me. You don't need the princesses, and you certainly don't need the Elements or the Sacred Light." He let out a cough. "Fluttershy," he placed his hand on her cheek, "You will always be kind. Applejack, you will always be honest. Rarity, you'll always be generous." His breath became ragged, "And Rainbow Dash will be loyal as can be." The four ponies smiled at this sentiment. "Pinkie will always bring laughter wherever she goes," the earth pony shined a big grin at this. "Flash, your courage is what first forged your Element." Flash smirked, remembering how he stood up to Nightmare Moon when that happened. "And Twilight..." He let out another cough, "You are and always will be the embodiment of magic." The alicorn began to tear up at these kind words.

"I think I'm gonna gag," Shroudheart covered his mouth. "Does anypony have a bucket?"

Oh don't worry Faker, you will be failure-gagging in a few! :twilightangry2:

"Oh please. You may have each other, but what do you have that can actually hurt me? I've seen many different worlds in many different timelines. I've seen you succeed, and I've seen you fail. And I'll tell you, all the times you succeeded were only because of those things this fool tells you you don't need. Do yourselves a favor and accept that this is the end."

And then, Shroudheart began to laugh, darkness swirling around his whole body.

"You're lying!" Twilight yelled, "You might think you know everything that's going to happen, but you've got one major disadvantage. I know that face. And I know what it looks like when it's lying!" Shroudheart stopped laughing at this, "You've seen us win on our own. You won't tell us how, but you've seen it, and that's all I need to know."

Oh ho ho hooooo.......Bookhorse called you out on your bullcrap Faker!!! :rainbowkiss:

He had been digging for who knows how long, the clone terrified of what might happen if he didn't find what he had been sent for. As such, the area was full of holes he had dug. Shroudheart had told him the object he seeked shouldn't be too far buried, so he had opted to keep making new holes whenever he dug deeper than his shovel was long.

"Is it even here?" He asked as he thrusted his shovel into the dirt. But as he did it this time, he felt it hit something that wasn't soil, rock or even a root. This caused his eyes to go wide and pulled the shovel out, instead getting down on his knees and digging away at the last of the dirt with his hooves. And when he did, he found what he had been looking for.

It was a mask. A black mask with red trim on the sides and red eyes.

Oh heck no! :facehoof:

"What?" The mask floated until it was level with his face, the red eyes beginning to glow. He expected it to start talking, but instead...tendrils of black shadow exploded out of it, the pegasi gasping as he tried to run. But before he could do anything, the tendrils wrapped around his neck, legs, wings and even his tail, completely binding him in place.

"AHHHH!" He screamed as the tendrils began to retract and pull him toward the mask. "NO!" But it was no use. He couldn't even move, "Please...don't do this!" The mask began to turn around, the clone's face getting closer as he tried to squirm, "NOOOOOOOOOO!"

An explosion of black smoke completely engulfed him at this, only for it to instantly fade. And what now stood there was a pony in black armor, with holes in the back that looked like a pair of wings should stick out through. Its face was that of the mask, but with a long red horn sticking out of its forehead. Its legs were black, but turned red at the hoof while red fur could be seen around its neck and chest. And instead of a tail, it had a bunch of black chords with red blades at the tips.

And here's Junkpile!!!! :ajbemused:

Looking forward to what happens from here on out, great work Banshee!!! :twilightsmile:

Please tell me that "Grogar" isn't actually Discord masquerading as Grogar like in canon. In this context, it makes Discord look even dumber and more irresponsible than in canon. I mean, summoning a being who probably knows your real identity and could use that information against you? Why?! :facehoof:

Okay, I see Twilight's anxiety comes with the mom friend override. (It's a thing I saw on Twitter. Basically, the mom friend override when someone is too anxious to do something for themselves but suddenly becomes more than willing to do the thing if someone they care about is in need of it.)

Also, in the show staff's defense, they were probably in a hurry to wrap up the series, so they might have rushed through some parts of the story that they probably shouldn't have.

Oh, good gosh! He's toying with them. That lousy evil variant is toying with them. Why else would he enact a plan that he already saw fail in multiple different timelines? Also, assuming that Grogar is actually a fake like in canon, why didn't he just unsummon Shroudheart? As if getting Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis to team up wasn't enough of an unnecessary risk! :facehoof:

Everything still feels a little too similar to canon still, which is weird. :trixieshiftright: Gosh! What is he planning? :facehoof:

Good gosh! I still can't figure out what this guy's angle is. Everything is still playing out pretty much the same way that it did in canon, but why? :applejackunsure:

Cozy then scratched her head, "I'm still curious. At what point did this Shroudheart go off plan?" The others turned to her, "He said his plan was originally Sombra's from another timeline. But when did he go off the plan? Did Sombra not return and destroy the Elements? Or was Shroudheart planning something else?"

It kinda disgusts me that she basically said what I've been saying this whole time. :twilightangry2:

Wait. So, Shroudheart's consciousness merged with that of Armalum and those of his previous hosts? Gee, that's not creepy. :twilightoops:

"I wouldn't let him hear you say that," Grand laughed, "And I doubt he'll ever wanna start taking it easy. He'll work himself into the grave before he decides to retire from active duty." He turned to Heart, who was currently sucking at a juice box. "So, looking forward to moving to Canterlot?" Heart went wide-eyed at this as Grand glanced back at Flash. "I'm guessing he and Soul will be going with you when you leave."

"Yup," Flash nodded, "Scootaloo too." He sighed, "I'm not looking forward to that conversation."

This will be an interesting chapter in season 9. I wonder who Scootaloo will chose to live with in season 9 her parents, Rainbow and Soarin, her godparents?

I was also wondering what that Caribou reference

He then turned to the throne, seeing Shroudheart sitting upon it with a smile on his face. "Well then," he got up. "Here we are at the end of all things."

Is that a Lord of the Rings reference?

"I never said he would beat you," Shroudheart laughed, "But the one you'll face is so powerful that the only way to defeat him is to push yourself to your breaking point and then go far beyond that." Flash hissed at this, remembering the vision he had seen in Aurarora. "Just watch. Beat me and you will be forced to face the one who hates you the most. And that hatred will fuel them into becoming the greatest threat this world will ever see...and in order to defeat him, you will have to give up everything that's precious to you. You'll give everything up to save this world and make your friends feel despair like they've never felt before."

Monokuma: Did somebody say despair?

Also why didn’t Fluttershy use her shrinking and growing powers?

Great story. I’ve spent the previous weeks/month rereading the previous entries and I cant wait to see what happens in season 9

I am looking forward to Season 9. I just have one question: are you going to do an upgrade on the canon "Sweet and Smokey" episode? Because I swear that was the worst of that entire season. At least I don't like it. And I'm sure you can make a version a hundred times better. I just hope you plan on making one. If not, it doesn't matter. It is your story and you decide. Great job and best of luck.

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