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9. Helping Friends in Need

I woke up slowly, it had been a few days since my fight with Tirek and I was still in a bit of pain, I decided to head down to Ponyville, teleporting to Twilight's castle I walked into Twilight's throne room of her castle, six thrones in a circle stood shining brilliantly. I turned to walk to the study room, where Twilight was reading a book. "Figured I'd find you here Mom.", I step forward and sit next to Twilight.

"How did you know?", Twilight asked, looking up at Minxy.

"I'm not sure really, I just had visions, I haven't had any new ones so I think that's the end of it.", I stated bluntly, hugging her close. After a bit I let go of her, "I'm gonna head over to Sugar Cube Corner, want anything?"

"I'm ok, thank you.", Twilight said, smiling, watching Minxy teleport away. Twilight began to think, Minxy had become so powerful, if he were to become corrupted would they be able to stop him? These thoughts filled Twilight's mind, is there a way to stop someone so powerful? She went down into her lab, wondering on what to do.

I appeared outside Sugar Cube Corner and as I entered I immediately saw how busy it was today, apparently Pinkie was hosting a sale for Equestria not being destroyed, her and her antics always seem to be random, but it wasn't long until I realized everypony had heard of my victory over Tirek and the Horses of Diamedes, so many ponies were congratulating me which was fine I guess.

Pinkie Pie suddenly grabbed me and pulled me into the kitchen, I looked at her confused and realized how stressed she looked, "Alright then, Let's get to work!", I said standing up and beginning to bake cupcakes and other pastries.

After a few hours the massive crowd became much smaller, Pinkie let me get going and gave me a chocolate cupcake and a bag of bits for my work. I flew up and began to head over to Sweet Apple Acres. Landing I see Applejack working as usual, I walk over to her, "Need some help?"

"Ah sure, go ahead!", She said continuing.

I fly around, picking apples and putting them into the buckets below, I found a decent rhythm after a while and it was easy work from there, eventually the area was clear and as I helped Applejack load the buckets of Apples into her cart for tomorrow, she asked me.

"So what's it like being a big time hero?", She smirked and laid down on a pile of hay.

I look at her, "Oh and you and the others aren't heroes?, last I heard you defeated Nightmare Moon, Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra, and Tirek before he came back, seems like I've been catching up to you and girls' score."

"Maybe, hey so.. when you saw the future.. what did you see of me?", She asked, concern on her face.

"I.. well a lot of you all had defining features either gone or added on, you.. had an eye patch and a large portion of the skin on your face looked burnt, you looked, battle hardened, more than you are now..", I said sadly, "I don't know what caused it, I wish I did but I don't know."

"Maybe try seeing if, somehow, it'll still happen?", She asked nervously.

I look at her, "Sure.", I close my eyes and after a bit, slowly open them, it's then I see the exact same version of Applejack I saw before, fire surrounding us, I look around panicked. I then see two stallions laughing, stepping back I close my eyes and shake my head. I open them again and it was normal once more, "Impossible, your fate is unchanged.."

"What?", Applejack said confused.

"Applejack, tell me, is there anything going on? please, you have to tell me.", I said, staring her in the eyes.

Applejack stared back, and teared up a little, "we've been needing loans for a while but it's never been this bad before, these ones are loan sharks more like it.", Her eyes widened as she saw the two familiar stallions, she stood up and ran to the house.

I followed quickly behind and as she went inside I heard one of the stallions begin to speak.

"Well looks like she's scared, well makes sense, we told her if she didn't have the money, we'd burn this place down.", The stallion said.

"And who are you to make that decision?", I asked walking forward.

"Oh a brave one huh?, odd creature too.", The other stallion said looking over the being in front of him.

"Tell ya what, you seem like a good fighter, how about this, if you beat us in a good scuffle, we'll leave you and your friend alone.", The stallion said, trotting forward.

"Deal.", I said bluntly, readying myself for a fight.

One of the stallions charged forward, using his magic to draw a knife, I forgot my sword at the castle so this would end up messy, I decided to risk it and throw a punch, he retaliated by stabbing my forearm, but this let me grab him by the neck, lift him up and slam him down knocking him out.

I pull the knife out and use my magic to close the wound, "Ok, your turn asshole!", I charge forward and kick the other stallion in the chest, knocking the wind out of him, I stand up and make my way over to him, "So, you and your friend done harassing my friend."

"Yeah, yeah we're done!, Honest!", The stallion said, grabbing his friend and beginning to quickly trot away.

"It's ok Applejack, they're gone.", I said.

"Thank Celestia!, and thank you! how can I repay you?", Applejack said.

"Promise me you'll be more wary about who you take loans from, oh and, here, use this to help you're family out, ok?", I said giving her the bag of bits Pinkie Pie gave me, "Cya around Applejack and have a good afternoon!", I teleport away before she can refuse my bits.

I appear at my room at the castle, and begin to clean my sword, as I'm cleaning my sword, Luna enters.

"Minxy, I think it's time to see where you stand with me and my sister.", Luna said seriously.

"I see, alright.. let's go.", I stand beside her and she teleports us to where no one will be hurt or effected by this battle.

"Good, now allow me to go over the rules, No weapons, No killing of course, and only use magic or physical attacks, Understood?", Celestia asked, looking over at Minxy and Luna.

"Yep, got it!", I said smiling.

Luna nodded, "Of course Sister."

Minxy, Luna and Celestia get into position to begin the fight, flaring their auras and releasing some of their power.

Author's Note:

Minxy helped out some friends, but now must be tested by Celestia and Luna, will he pass? find out next time!