• Published 1st Jun 2022
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Logic and Friendship. Roger! Roger! - Anaylze

The Remains of a CIS fleet stumble to a world filled with ponies.

  • ...

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Chapter 35: Something Surprising

“NO!” Twilight screamed as she woke up in her own sweat after having a nightmare.

It was morning, but Twilight knew it was going to get worse the longer it when day when. After last night when the droids took Candance, hurt Rainbow who now is in the medical wing and the loss of her bother. That this point she wished this was all just a dream, because she wanted all of this to be over.

“Brother...I'm sorry I couldn’t save you.” she said, starting to tear up. “I will kill all of them for you.”

Twilight then realized what she said.

“WHAT I’M I SAYING!?” she thought to herself as she didn’t have this many violent thoughts before. Why would she, a Princess of Friendship, think of violence before trying to fix the problem?

“Why do I feel bad thought. They were the ones that started this war in the first place, they killed my brother.”

She didn’t want to feel bad for killing machines, but the more she thought about it, she realized that it was not their fault that this war started. And droids like her 2 assistants 1&2 were not bad anymore since they were-


Twilight took it all in. The droids were bad, but it was not the army, it was their leaders, and even then, they gave them a chance to live peacefully.

“it wasn’t them that started this war. It was us.”

Twilight knew something was wrong. They were pushing themself into a corner the more they try to fight the CIS. She then started to cry. These droids caused so much pain for her but would not have done it if they just left them alone.

She cried quietly for a few minutes, before wiping her eyes.

She didn’t know what to do and what could she do. But if she didn’t do anything it could Ethier end up with the Separatist alliance winning and putting up the pony race into salary or worse, if equestria wins they could not realize they are being too cruel to these machines and do worse things to them. She couldn’t imagen what her friends could do that they thought would be fine.

“I know what I have to do.”

She got up out of the bed and headed towards the door.

As she opened the door to the room and left, she looked down the stairs that were nearby. She saw her friends enjoying a nice pancake breakfast that Spike made for them.

She didn’t want her friends to spot her, but it was hard trying to leave.

“I'm sorry, but I must do this. For Equestria.” she said with a tear before leaving the area where her friends were.

She started to run around the hallways looking for 1&2, but she didn’t have to look for long as she ran into both droids as they were rounding a corner and she crashed into them trying to slow down.

“OW!” 1 yelped in his high voice

“Sorry 1 I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“No worry’s Sir...I mean ma’am.”

“Why are you here right now” 2 asked “Shouldn’t you be with your friends?”

Twilight quickly looked around to check if anypony followed them. When she turned to the droids, she Notice they had a small and not very noticeable symbol of the sun on their chest, but she let it side for now.

“No time to expand right now. I need you 2 to come with me.”

“Yes sir, but what about 1?” 2 asked

“You bucket head! I'm coming too.”


She then started to use her horn and surrounded the droids and her before a flash appeared and the three disappeared.
Kraken was watching over the planet as he began to wonder. His plan was successful to get TF-1726, but he began to wonder about how close he almost lost a commander like TF-1726 even if they had one of their leaders as a prisoner. He took some time to calculate what to do next. One of the main ideas he had was to start construction of droid factories in the new Separatist occupations in Manehatten, Applelosa and Rockville as soon as possible. As they wouldn’t have to keep reserving troops every time they were fighting against the ponies.

As he had his conclusion. He picked up a holo pad and contacted TA-175.

“What is it commander?” TA-175 asked

“I have decided that you and TJ-912 shall prepare construction on droid factories in your protected areas. Make sure that they start construction as soon as possible.”

“I Understand. However, why are we starting construction on droid factories so soon?

“We almost lost one of my Tactical droid generals TF-1726. And I cannot take more risks of our droids getting destroyed. If we plan our factories now, we won’t have to worry about resupplying ourselves and giving us more troops to risk. Unlike the ponies who have limit to how many they can send. Do you understand?

TA-175 took some time to think about what Kraken said. He was right about resupplying and using more troops to risk. He wouldn’t have to keep using the same troops every time there was a fight against the ponies. Plus, his plans could be more successful with more droids at his command.

“Yes sir. I will have my troops round up the salves of Manehatten to start the construction of the factory immediately. I will also contact TJ-912 to let her know about the construction.”

“Good. I will let you know when the next attack is planned.” Kraken finished as he turned off the holo pad.
“Umm...sir?” A B1 Security droid said as he came up to him with a data file in his hand.

I found what you we’re looking for.” as he passed the file to Kraken

Kraken held the file for a moment as he looked to make sure it was the right file. He then placed the file into the main computer of the ship as a hologram showed a B2 but larger with two extra arms on its torso that ended with blasters, a rocket launcher on its shoulder, and spikes on the back of its feet.

“Well done B1-4783. Head back to your original post.”

“Roger, Roger.” the B1 then headed back to its post.”

“Once we transfer the Construction files to the first constructed factory. One B3 Ultra Battle Droid will be the one of the first droids to enter production. After its flaws have been extinguished it shall enter mass production and once it does, we will use this droid along with the new droid army to destroy the Equines Captial once we have been brought back to our full strength. They will suffer the consequences.
Twilight and the 2 droids teleported to twilight castle with the droids falling over since they didn’t know what just happened.

“Come on where is it! I know I have that book!” twilight franticly pulling books off their shelves trying to find the book. For what she remembered Celestia gave her book for her birthday called (How to teleport long distances: for Unicorns in training)

“Ow my head.” 1 said rubbing his Faceplate.

“Same here” 2 replied.

“1&2 can I have some help please. Twilight begged

“Just...Give us a seco-WHAT THE!” 2 yelled, looking at his surroundings. They were different now.

“2 you don’t have to scr-OH MY G-” twilight put her hoof on 1 faceplate before he could finish what he said.

“SHHHHHHHH. Be quiet. Somepony could be sleeping here.”

“Sorry Ms. Twilight.”

“But how did we get here the second we were in Canterlot?”

Twilight sighed knowing she would have to tell them.

“We teleported here.”

The droids looked at each other confused about what she meant

“Teleport. Like moving to a location in an instant?” 1 asked

“Yes. That teleport. And now I'm looking for a book that can help me teleport even farther.”

“So, I'm asking for your help.”

The two droids looked back at each other again before turning back to Twilight

“We’ll always help our commander!” 2 said

“Yes sir!” 1 replied in agreement

Twilight smiled. This was only the start of her plan.

“Thanks, you 2, I don’t know what I could do without you right now.”

For the next few minutes Twilight and the droids pulled books off the shelves to look for what was needed.

“I still think books are an inefficient way of storing data.”

“Let them do what they want to do 2”

“I FOUND IT!” Twilight shouted has pulled a book with a maroon cover that had a gold unicorn on it with her magic.

The droids we over to her to see what book she had with her.

“Huh. I thought it was going to look different.” 2 said

“Why would it look different. It's a book.” 1 told 2

“Sh. Not right now.” twilight then started to flip through the pages.

“Aha! Here it is.” Looking at page 171 (Long Distances beyond the continent lesson 4: (Warning: this lesson will require you to be heavily experienced with magic, even then this will drain most of your energy. you will need to be an alicorn and be able to lift the sun or moon to master this ability)

Twilight looked at the final sentence (lift the sun or moon) and felt shocked

“But...I can’t lift any of them. How can I do this spell.”

She became worried and confused. How would she be able to do this if she doesn’t know how to do magic like that?

But. She remembered that she could teleport from her home to Canterlot and back again without any trouble so how hard could it be, and plus she needed to do this for her plan to get into motion. She had to try.

“Miss Twilight?” 1 asked moving his hand Infront of her face bringing her back to reality “You been staring at the book for 3 minutes. You, ok?”

Twilight looked at 1 then back the book and signed

“Yes, I'm fine, but let's get this over with.”

Twilight turned back to the 2 droids.

“Do you still remember what your old commander’s ship looked like?”

1&2 both thought for a second trying to remember, but the brainwash didn’t help things as they took longer for them to remember, but then 2 replied

“Well...from what I remember in my memory banks I think it had a pointy front with 2 blue and white spots... and at the point there was a bridge as well.

“There’s a bridge at the front too? I know there was a tall bridge at the end of the ship near the engines and a hanger bay in the middle of the ship, but I didn’t know about a bridge at the front.

Twilight got confused if the droids knew what they were talking about.

“2 Bridges? Like what your walk across?”

“No. Not like that, but you’ll need to see for yourself, and we can’t do anything to show you.” 2 said

“Why would you need to ask that?” 1 asked

Why not? It seems important for her to know.”

Twilight knew she didn’t want to be here for much longer, but she had an idea where she wanted to teleport to.

“The hanger it is then.” twilight while focusing on the topic of hanger. “Large, has plenty of space, on a big ship with two bridges, and a point with 2 blue and white spots. Hope this works.” twilight told herself

“Sir? What are you-” 2 was about to ask before another blinding flash came from Twilight as she and the 2 droids teleported once more.
In the hanger of the province capital ship hanger many B1 battle droids were moving different cargo to multiple landing crafts to send supply to TA-175 and TJ-912 to start construction on the new Droid factories that Kraken requested. An OMM commander was making sure everything when to the right ship.

“Hey, you 2!” the OMM commander pointed at 2 B1’s taking a break
“Breaks over. Get back to work.”

“Roger, Roger.” one of the B1’s said

But before they could get up a blind white light started blinding the droids in the hanger with some of the droids bumping into each other and falling over.




Many B1’s questioned what was happening.
But it all stopped as the blinding light slowly dimmed and revealed a purple alicorn who was panting after the teleportation spell she did and 2 other B1’s standing right beside her.

“Ugh...did it-” Twilight said tiredly, but as she looked up the look on her face changed from tired to a scared surprised.
“Work.” 1 finished her sentence


One of the B1’s ran to an alarm button and pressed it which set off a loud blaring noise which warned every other droid in the hanger of their location.

B1’s, B2’s and even Droidekas and Vulture droids surround Twilight and 1&2 trapping them where they stand.
“Ma’am? What do we do now!?” 2 asked worried

“Don’t do anything! Let me handle this.” Twilight told 2

“Wait... why are those two droids listening to you?” the OMM commander questioned

“Um...I met them in ponyville...” Twilight said worryingly

The OMM commander thought for a moment before looking back at Twilight

“Hold on. That doesn’t make any... wait...you reprogrammed them!”

“Well that jig is up now.” 2 replied

“Do make it worse than it already is.” 1 told 2

“Quiet you 2. Princess Twilight Sparkle you're under arrest!”

Twilight started to panic

“Wait! Let me explain. I have a deal for your leader Kraken!”

The OMM commander was confused for a moment

“Why should we believe you.” he said pointing at her

“Because I know more ways for you to get magic than Cadence. If you release her, you can have me instead. Just please let her go.”

The OMM commander started to think once more

“Let me call the Commander.”

He then pulled out his Holopad and contacted Kraken

“OMM-990 what happened in the hanger? I cannot have any more distraction until the supplies have been delivered”

“Sorry sir, but an intruder managed to get on to the ship and it’s none other than Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“That is Impossible. They shouldn't know the location of our ships.”

“Well sir she came with 2 B1’s. She might have reprogrammed them.”

“If that is the case capture her and place her in a containment cell.”

“Well sir, she gave us an offer that you might need to hear.”


“Roger, Roger sir.”

The droid then started to explain Twilight’s offer which intrigued Kraken. He wasn’t sure if Twilight was lying, but he couldn’t calculate an answer that could prove his point. Still if she knew more possibilities for magic and was willing to give it to them it would be a missed opportunity, but he knew he had to be cautious. And getting his hands on both ponies would be difficult.

“Wait there and keep an eye on her. I will join you soon.”

“Yes sir”

The OMM commander turned off the holopad

“The commander with be here soon. Don't pull anything funny.”

Twilight fell worry once again crawling back her spine, but hid it with a kind smile and a relieved look

“Ok. Thanks for understanding.”

The droid didn’t respond back or care that much, but no matter. She would have to do something greater to impress a droid like that.

As time passed it was a little weird just standing there around platoons of droids, but she did take time to Imrie them. Taking in what they were.

The B1’s did look skinny and act dumb, but they looked harmless on their own and have some curiosity that always makes them feel alive and not a mindless soldier. She liked that about them. Even if after some events they still acted the same. The B2’s was a droid that she didn’t she active, but she seen them before, but they were usually dead. They definitely had a bold personality but had less of one as well. They did seem to act more like they were mindless, but still had something that made them alive. Droideka’s did even have a personality, but still fascinated their shields. They may be her least favorite droids fight against them, but in person without fighting they were her favorite droid just because of their complexity. But the Vulture droids were something she had never seen in person before. They looked like they could fly faster than a Rainbow dash, but it was unlikely, if she could fly again.

“Miss Twilight.” 1 told her to bring her back to the present.

“He’s arrived”

Twilight looked back where the OMM-commander was and saw Kraken heading towards her and the droids. Following him were two much taller droids that had a red light of some sort on their chest and eyes and were holding a staff with balms at the end, 3 Commando droids, and an OMM-commander pulling a Cuffed up and very braised Cadence.

She looked tired and in pain.

“Twi.” she looked up to see her stand in front of Kraken

“Quiet prisoner.” the OMM-commander warned her

“Stand down” Kraken told the OMM-commander

The Battle droid nodded that his request.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Kraken said as he turned back in her direction “I have thought about your request. If I return your friend back to the equine capital, you will take her place and give us all the information we need.”

Twilight shudder of a moment. It didn’t help as she saw Cadence with a face of worry knowing what she was saying in her head

“Twilight. Don't do it.”

She felt regret coming in, but she knew what she had to do or the fate of equestria was sealed.

“Yes. That is right.”

“Then it has been setalled. Kraken turned to the Commando droid standing next to him
“Captain. Take this princess back to the equine capital via shuttle. Proceed with caution.”

“Yes, Commissioner.”

The Commando droid then gripped Cadence cuffs and pulled her along and passed twilight and her droids.
Twilight saw Cadence’s head turn to look back at her sister-in-law. Tears were falling down her cheeks, not understanding why she said yes.

“I'm sorry Cadence, but I know what I'm doing. You will see it one day.” she thought as a tear fell down her cheek.

She watched as the droids and Cadence ahead into a shuttle and flew off back into the open blackness of space and turned to head back to her home.

“You sure this is a good Idea?” 2 questioned

“Well... this is only the first part.” Twilight replied

When she couldn’t see the ship anymore, she back the kraken

“Oh. There is one more thing I want to mention.”

“What do you mean. We have already accepted your terms.”

“Well, that was part of it, but I don’t want to be your slave.”

“I want to join you.”

Author's Note:

Finally! I got a Chapter out. this toke longer that I thought, but I just want everyone to know that I'm not giving up on this story. I'm going to keep working on chapter, but it will take some time. I'm working on a big story next. but I won't give up on this story

Have a good day!

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