• Member Since 26th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Found the show in late 2015, and fell in love with it. I also like D&D (3 and 3.5), Fansty novel and movie, Sci-Fi movies. MarbleMac is Best Ship and Flashlight is a fair second


This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: Weight of the Crown

Many are the slices of life stories of Twilight, her friends and their families. Here are five, as Twilight's friends are tested to show that they are the bearers of their Element, even with the Elements returned to the Tree of Harmony.
A My Little Mages retellings of: Rarity Takes Manehatten, Rainbow Falls, Leap of Faith, Pinkie Pride and It Ain't Easy being Breezy. Collectively they are The Rainbow Keys.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 20 )

Applejack held out her left hand with the palm up and brought the fingers in a few times, indicating that the others were to pay up. Fluttershy and Pinkie swiftly placed several bit notes in the paladin’s hand. Rainbow dug into her pockets only to find one bit coin. Applejack’s bemused face looked squarely at Rainbow. “Can I issue an IOU?” Rainbow asked weekly.

I don't know what they were betting on, but if it has anything to do with Rarity's downfall, something about this whole situation just feels kinda mean. :applejackunsure: I mean, sure making bets about whether or not a friend's vices will end up getting the better of him/her is normally relatively harmless, but something about this occurring in the current context just feels wrong. It kinda feels like they're getting a kick out of seeing Rarity plummet into the ocean after flying too close to the sun. :applejackunsure: Granted, I might be missing some further context and nuance in this situation. :applejackunsure:

On a broader note, I see you have elected to make Manahattan less sanitized and full of more rude people than what's shown in canon. Having AJ's extended family was fun, not that they added much the main plot.


I don't know what they were betting on, but if it has anything to do with Rarity's downfall, something about this whole situation just feels kinda mean. :applejackunsure:

Earlier in this take, the Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rainbow more or less bet nothing could go wrong.

I mean, sure making bets about whether or not a friend's vices will end up getting the better of him/her is normally relatively harmless, but something about this occurring in the current context just feels wrong. It kinda feels like they're getting a kick out of seeing Rarity plummet into the ocean after flying too close to the sun. :applejackunsure:

Fair point, but its more of 'AJ knows Rarity, so it's stupid to bet against her on the topic. Also she's the most initiative of the group, as the Team Mom, so she's most likely to see things coming

Granted, I might be missing some further context and nuance in this situation. :applejackunsure:

It is a give and take.

On a broader note, I see you have elected to make Manahattan less sanitized and full of more rude people than what's shown in canon. Having AJ's extended family was fun, not that they added much the main plot.

Well to the first part, NYC is not known for its hospitality especially to 'country bunkins', as to the second, They aren't meant to and to the plot, but flush out AJ's family and well... they are in NYC and have family there, why not use them

Thoughts on the rest of this take on the Rainbow Key Arch?

I haven't gotten to it yet. Progress has been slow due to real-life occurrences.

I see you saved Granny from the indignity of getting conned. Having Applejack get so angry about her involvement that she would curse herself and the FlimFlams is a tad dramatic, but it fits the setting.


I see you saved Granny from the indignity of getting conned.

Made much more sense to have someone else in the family than the main four.

Having Applejack get so angry about her involvement that she would curse herself and the FlimFlams is a tad dramatic, but it fits the setting.

it is on the dramatic end, I will concede

Okay, this was much better written than the actual episode, but man, those military rivalries sure are something. :ajbemused:

To be just, Flash and Rainbow aren't friends... yet.

Any thoughts on anything in particular, aside from the military rivalry?

The whole thing being a secret test of character from the Wonderbolts higher ups feels a bit more believable than the idea of them just being selfish jerks.

After she jotted down the last of her thoughts she looked to Boneless and smiled, “Cheese Sandwich, I’ll never forget that name.” she mused before she tucked herself in and held Boneless like a teddy bear. Unbeknownst to her, Boneless flashed a rainbow of orange, yellow, alabaster, cyan, purple and pink.

I don't know why, but the way you wrote this feels shippier than what actually happened in canon.

I think you might have inferred too much.

Okay. I'm done. Unfortunately, since I only have a passing understanding of Doctor Who, I have no idea what Time Turner had Fluttershy do instead of the transmutation spell. :applejackunsure:

The Tardis can move through Time and Space, call it teleportation

So, are they inside the TARDIS or what? What are the pixies being blown away by if they're inside? :applejackunsure:

Brighteyes took them to Time Turner, and Time Turner transported Fluttershy and the Pixies via the TARDIS

I can’t believe you got Weird Al to guest star! How did you even managed that?! :rainbowderp:

It cost an arm and a leg

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