• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


Forget not that I am a derp.


Shining and Cadence knew that raising a princess would present challenges above and beyond those of raising a born alicorn. As one might expect of Twilight Sparkle's brother and sister-in-law, they prepared as best they could for many of the problems they might encounter along the way.

Of course, that doesn't mean anypony told Flurry, who feels like this is a bit of an overreaction to her wanting a cookie that happened to belong to somepony else.

Flurry in the cover image courtesy of AleximusPrime, used with permission. Source link to the image can be found by mousing over it.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 121 )

As always great to see one of your stories. Flurry's going to get to spend some time as a human, I take it.

By implication, it also means you should never bet against Cadence when death is on the line. Which the data appears to support.

Except the guy who claimed that was dead a few seconds later, and the guy he was talking to wasn't. You're also probably fine starting a land war in Asia as long as you don't try to invade Russia.

I feel like Diamond Tiara would be the better individual to teach Flurry why not acting like a spoiled brat is good, but Sunset is a close second. As usual, your Cadance and Shining are well-characterized.

Invading China might be okay as long as you're prepared to become China.

It's like the Santa Clause.

This is. Going to. Be. Amazing! I can’t wait to see where this goes.

Into the tracking list!

Flurry, be prepared to suddenly have fingers. And be a hairless ground ape.

Wow, great start! Tracked and upvoted.

YAY! I was wondering what you've been up to lately :pinkiehappy: This is so cool and exciting and I can't wait to see how Sunset and crew have turned out over the years :raritystarry:

Ah, childhood. Ah, warped and twisted childhood.

Excellent start, looking forward to seeing the rest.

Ah yes Twilight has planned of course she has. Not only is Twilight the ruler of Equestria she is president of the what if club. If Shining is worried about Flurry becoming the next Nightmare Moon or Sombra I'm sure Twilight has made plans and check list upon check list for those possibilities not just Flurry but few others as well including the possibility of it being her own foals someday

Before Dad could say his next silly answer, Mom took it from his magic grip and brought it closer. The cover had no words, just a symbol with the Crystal Heart surrounded by wavy lines. "This book's paired with another one a long, long way away. Anything written in one shows up in the other. And I've been writing to a pony who's going to help us. It turns out your Aunt Twilight had thought about this, and she's already prepared something for your punishment."

This would imply Sunset not only has a communication journal for talking to Celestia (and Twilight later on, with both the original and the new one from Mirror Magic) but one for Cadance as well. Did Sunset and Cadance get along well enough to want to talk to one another (and I mean before Sunset left for the human world)?

Soon enough, the train screeched to a halt, brakes hissing. Flurry looked out the window and frowned at the unexpected view. “If we’re going to see Aunt Twilight, how come we're getting off in Ponyville?”

I'm sorta with Flurry on this one, only because I'm surprised Twilight didn't take the mirror with her to Canterlot, but seemingly entrusted it to Starlight (along with the castle).

"And now Flurry's going to be the second coming of Sombra. Or Nightmare Moon. Or some combination of them."

Sombra and Luna both had a persecution complex the size of the moon. Luna's from ponies ignoring her in spite of being supposedly on par with her sister. And Sombra from being treated as a freak since foalhood (and the Crystal Heart being fatal to his kind). I'd say Chrysalis for being surrounded by those afraid to tell her no, but Chrysalis was simply "changelings hungry, ponies food."

I'd say she's more like Diamond Tiara, but without a father blind to her flaws and a success obsessed mother. So I guess she's more like Cozy Glow, whom we never got any answer in universe what so ever for what her motivation and origins were supposed to be.

"You're Twilighting."

Now now, if he was actually Twilighting, it would be an ACTUAL problem, and EVERYONE ELSE strangely treating it as no big deal.

That got a flat look. "Shiny, I didn't get my horn until I was fourteen, remember?"

I introduce that continuity to the glue factory.

Flurry to the human world to learn that she can't always get what she wants from those weaker than her, interesting.

For a split second I thought this was going to be something with Diamond Tiara, but I see that EqG tag up there. And cover art. And title...
Let's see what Sunset has to say about Flurry's temper. :trixieshiftright:

I don't see any links or notes, so I 'm assuming that this is to be "regular" Sunset and not "Goddess" Sunset?

This gonna be oversaturated or more mainline EQG?


Did Sunset and Cadance get along well enough to want to talk to one another (and I mean before Sunset left for the human world)?

I would imagine not, but they probably have patched things up afterwards.

Probably, it just makes me wonder why they would have their own journals in the first place, unless they came after Sunset's reformation.

And if you do decide to invade Russia, be sure to pack some winter clothes.

Very little I can say that other reviewers haven't already said better, but I DO appreciate the effort that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Can certainly understand why Shining and Cadance would be so worried and certainly sympathize with Flurry's nannies. Of course, soon we're going to learn how Sunset and her friends have been doing since they graduated from Canterlot High (it HAS been enough years, after all).

No no no, You need to invade it on horseback from the other way around. Preferably while throat singing.

I thought it was a mix of Grandma and Auntie. You know, since the sisters are the aunts of Flurry’s Mom.

Her coming from Spurcily, the largest island in the Marediterranean Sea, is my own elaboration on the theme. (By implication, it also means you should never bet against Cadence when death is on the line. Which the data appears to support.)


I'm pretty sure a big part of the reason the Mongols managed was more their nomadic lifestyle rather than horses specifically... or just a general "the Mongols don't count".

Ah. I see.

Sunset and Flurry moments for the story? I dig it lol

But lmao Twilighting runs in the family


The Mongols also won a bunch of land wars in Asia. (Admittedly, they were _starting out_ in Asia, but still.)


Yeah, but the author was cheating there: Westley is clearly an overpowered OC. :twilightsmile:

Sunset: "You know, you really need to start paying me for babysitting services."

It's pretty much a portmanteau of Great Auntie or shortened form of GrandAuntie

100%, I like the fresh concept here and where you're going with it is unique and interesting. However, I have to say I'm also peeved by it as well in a grander sense. Story wise, this is great, but the facts are that a young child is about to have their wings and magic removed with a complete body change and I don't think that's at all okay.

Maybe if it was an ongoing issue, like eventually getting sent to military camp for troubled teens, but while this seems like a a problem that's been growing it also hasn't been fully addressed till just now with this upcoming punishment. So ya, as a comedy not taken too seriously it's pretty funny and interesting, but when considering it more rationally that's kind of super messed up to do to a young kid before trying alternatives that don't strip them of fundamental aspects of their identity.

Someone's going to the human world, where she won't be an alicorn! Just a normal little girl. and Flurry's gonna hate it!

I, for one, think it’s unique and creative. Not to mention, cute, because it’s from Flurry’s seven-year-old point of view.

What hurts to have to remember is that the Thing that will Go Wrong Very Badly is something that nopony can foresee. It'll look super-obvious to Sunny and Izzy but to these equines? I doubt that they think that the causative factor can exist!!

This should be fun. Seeing how a being reliant on magic copes without it (and being in a new body to boot) should be entertaining.

Really? I thought that plot beat was introduced in one of the chapter books.

10982802 10983035 10983228
Conclusion: Temujin was an overpowered OC. Which also checks out given the historical record.

If it were just the happenstance of birth, Diamond would be the perfect mentor for Flurry. Throw in the happenstances of culture and genetics and we have some extra issues. (And there's the slight risk of Diamond lashing out at her past self's foolishness through Flurry, but the Crusaders have assured me that that only happens if she has at least three drinks in her.)

It's not really the kind of thing you can prepare for. I imagine that's why Celestia was so vague before Twilight went in to retrieve her crown. Or, you know, because "wise, but vague" is Celestia's default mindset during national emergencies. :trollestia:

That is the question, isn't it? Even with the vague temporal relationship between the two worlds, after six-ish years, the Humane Seven have almost definitely graduated from high school by this point. :raritywink:

If it weren't warped and twisted somehow, could you even call it childhood?

Batman has nothing on Twilight Sparkle's contingency planning. Rumors have it that Celestia's old cake vaults beneath Castle Canterlot have been repurposed as the Midnight Sparkle Memorial Strategic Cheese Reserve.

As 10982975 noted, Cadence's quantumantic journal is a more recent development as Sunset has tried to reconcile with more of the ponies she left behind. It hasn't seen much use since it was first created, but it's one of those gifts where you may not use it much, but you're glad you've held onto it every time you do.

As for the portal, both Princess Twilight and Sunset agreed directly exposing the human world to pony Canterlot (and vice versa, but mostly that) wasn't going to end well.


I introduce that continuity to the glue factory.

Polite but firm reminder that your headcanon doesn't necessarily apply to stories you aren't writing.

10982958 10982969
This will be a more mainline human world... though given several more years of magical shenanigans and Twilit thaumatology, it's not going to be exactly as we left it in "Holidays Unwrapped."

Glad to hear it. I didn't want this to just be a matter of parental fiat. Flurry's a bright kid, and her parents try to respect her. But they do still need to make sure she understands the wisdom of Uncle Ben.

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Flurry came up with it when she was three and has stuck with it ever since. No force in Equestria can convince her otherwise, not that most of them want to. Celestia thinks it's adorable and Luna wears the title with as much pride as any other, if not more.

Anxiety tends to. Though it takes a lot more to trigger Shining's than Twilight's.

"At least she's not another cursed artifact. Technically."

You do raise a fair point. But as we've seen many times with Starlight, the equine understanding of crime, punishment, and redemption rarely lines up with ours.

I'm not sure what you're referring to, having avoided the G5 leaks as best I can, and I ask you to keep the intimations of doom to a minimum until after the official release.

Ah, that makes sense. I would imagine (as alot of fanfics and headcanon go) that Cadance would be a primary target for Sunset's bullying, with her wanting to be a princess and all, so no wonder Flurry's bratty behaviour reminded her of Sunset.
Though I would also imagine very few (if any) of Sunset's reconciliations would result in a journal. She doesn't need a collection of those things :trollestia:

If this is going where I think it's going...

This gonna be good.

Looks like another interesting premise and unique character pairing, the kind of stuff I like the most from you. Will be good to see where this goes, especially your take on the non-Oversaturated EG world's future. Also, really like "Spurcily." That's a good one.



The Cadance of Cloudsdale interpretation is better.

All the chapter books did was recycle the plot of Magic Duel, so I have to concur.

Twilight strikes me more as a Tony Stark type, pretty sure that's the route her human counterpart will end up going down.

I am mildly disappointed that, thus far, there are no pierogies.

Mom didn't look any happier. “In that case, we can nip it in the bud in the bud here and now. Flurry?”

In the bud in the bud?

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