• Member Since 5th Aug, 2020
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Fable Caster

World is cold, hard and miserable. Pony is soft, warm and adorable. (He/Him)


Another day, another failed job application... In other words, Andy is having a bad one. Luckily his equine housemates are there to brighten it up.

A Ponies on Earth story.

CW: This story touches upon subjects of depression and mental health.

Profanity: Our resident human drops a couple of bad words, but nothing too excessive.

[Rated T for some saucy humor and bad language.]

[Featured on 22.02.2021; Thanks for all the love, everyone!]

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )

I must say you did a very outstanding job on this story, I really enjoyed the interactions between the human Andy and his stallion roommate Silver Comet.

My favorite part was Silver Comet learning what the meaning of Netflix and Chill stands for. LOL

Fantastic story! :heart:

And a great exploration of human norms vs. human norms . . . going beyond the obvious joke at Silver Comet’s misunderstanding (and Andy’s advice on how he deals with it), I think that overall Andy’s got a lot to learn from Silver and Willow, and I hope he does.

In fact, I would be interested in more stories, where we might discover if Andy embraces the pony way, or sticks to his foolish Human morality. Even if he struggles with mutual grooming, he can hopefully learn that favors given and favors returned is never a balanced ledger and never should be.

Just friends! Honest!

The right kind of warmth that's good for the soul: ponies.

Nice, and well done.

Regarding ponies typing, I encourage you to look up what an OrbiTouch keyless keyboard is, and then consider using it in your stories. I think it's the perfect thing for ponies to use to enter text into a computer with. Better than levitating a bunch of styluses.

I'll get you next time Silver. Next. Time!

Hmmm, wonder which Gadget that was from ...

For real-life use, the price is a bit prohibitive. $400 is pretty steep for a keyboard, and the one review on Amazon says it died after 2 months.

That said, the concept would be great for ponies - typewriters have been seen in the show with two giant keys instead of a typical keyboard. (Apparently the fandom calls them either binary typewriters or an 'escii keyboard'.)

This was adorable, but I'm not sure which of the dudes is more oblivious. Or maybe that's my shipping-goggle-itis.

Thank you~ Writing the banter between those two was definitely oodles of fun. :twilightsmile:

I'm glad you enjoyed it! And asking for a sequel? Hmmm... I just might do that. I do have some more ideas involving this intrepid trio...

Yup, totally. <.<

Thank you. :heart:

Oooh~ That is a cool little device. However, in Silver's case, he much prefers the styluses. Telekinesis is his magical specialty and that stallion just wants to show off! :rainbowlaugh:

The answer is a resounding "yes."

You're very welcome.

I'll admit, this was quite wholesome, a good laugh, and hit a bit close to someone who has been stuck in a job hunting funk. Good work!

Well, do consider it for other times you're writing a sapient quadruped using a computer. Thanks!

Nice, I really like this story.

Edit: now that I reflected on it for a minute, there's a bit of irony in the bit where Andy thinks/talks about how some of the creepy customers treat Willow Song like a pet, only shortly after petting Silver and mentally comparing him to his parents' Rottweiler. I know it's a difference of consent and familiarity and all that, but it's still kinda funny.

Also, I'd love to see a picture of Willow and silver, since my brain isn't always great at imagining people/ponies.

That was something I wish I’d known existed when I wrote Silver Glow’s Journal (I think someone mentioned them midway through). Perfect for people with mobility issues or ponies without hands, and possibly faster or more accurate than voice-to-text (I never had much luck with VTT, personally).


For real-life use, the price is a bit prohibitive. $400 is pretty steep for a keyboard, and the one review on Amazon says it died after 2 months.

If it’s a tool you’re gonna use a lot, it’s worth it. Assuming it’ll last through the warranty period, anyway. Since starting on FimFiction, I’ve got over $400 invested in keyboards to keep the horsewords coming.

That said, the concept would be great for ponies - typewriters have been seen in the show with two giant keys instead of a typical keyboard. (Apparently the fandom calls them either binary typewriters or an 'escii keyboard'.)

I usually call them ‘telegraph typewriters,’ since my headcanon is that they were developed for telegraphy and then picked up by other ponies ‘cause they were convenient. I haven’t heard them called an escii keyboard but whoever thought of that deserves an award.


And asking for a sequel? Hmmm... I just might do that. I do have some more ideas involving this intrepid trio...

I’d be interested! I like these three, and I’d love to know more about them. :heart:

Letting out a groan of frustration through gritted teeth, I bring my fist down on the surface of the computer desk; hard. The impact knocks over the pencil holder and jostles the various pieces of decorative knickknacks I have on the desk, a single pencil rolling all the way off and clattering onto the floor.

On the screen of my computer, staring back at me almost as if mocking me, is the email that is the root and source of my foul mood.

Dear mister Anders.

We thank you for your interest--

It's another day, another failure at securing a job. These bastards were nice enough to send me an email, even if it is as boiler plate and cookie cutter as can be. At least they copypasted the right name into their rejection mail. Unlike that one place... I had to call them to make sure I had indeed been rejected and the person I spoke to didn't even bother to apologize for the hassle!

I'm trying to find a better job right now, so this really resonates with me and anybody else who's been jaded by all the "we thank you for your interest" responses.


For real-life use, the price is a bit prohibitive. $400 is pretty steep for a keyboard, and the one review on Amazon says it died after 2 months.

Things get cheaper to make the more of them that are made. If there was a higher demand for OrbiTouch by ponies visiting Earth, the cost would go down as more got manufactured and purchased. And there would be a market for such a thing to use with computers purchased in Equestria, if there was cross-world trade.


That was something I wish I’d known existed when I wrote Silver Glow’s Journal (I think someone mentioned them midway through)

It might have been me who mentioned them to you. I would love to read a story with ponies (or other quadrupeds using computers) using something like an OrbiTouch, even if it's not called that. The function is just too perfect. A story using such an input device, written by you or by someone else, would be a great starting point.

Well... you could either write a story around the OrbiTouch, or you could more discreetly incorporate it into the next story you write.

I wanted to give you a big thank you, I love these types of stories.

Glad you enjoyed it ^_^

Yes, I'll at least keep that in mind, especially if I need to have an earth pony using a computer.

Thank you! I did actually throw together some visual representations of the two in question, but the program I used was some free 3d pony model maker and BOY it produced something borderline nightmare fuel (those empty, soulless, staring eyes...) For the sake of everyone's sanity, I shan't post them, but maybe if I can bug one of the artists I know to accept my money and draw me some pones... :rainbowlaugh:

Andy's experiences may or may not reflect some of my own. I confess nothing!

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

It might have been me who mentioned them to you.
It might have been. I do like looking up comments and giving credit where it’s due, but SGJ’s got 20,000 plus comments, and I can’t sort through all of ‘em. . .

I would love to read a story with ponies (or other quadrupeds using computers) using something like an OrbiTouch, even if it's not called that. The function is just too perfect. A story using such an input device, written by you or by someone else, would be a great starting point.

Well... you could either write a story around the OrbiTouch, or you could more discreetly incorporate it into the next story you write.

Good news, everypony!

It’s not a major plot point, but in Como Salsa para los Tacos, Grace has one:

Humans had keyboards which had over a hundred buttons, humans had programs for spreadsheets and computer letters and such, humans had complicated telephones and she’d studied them and mastered them. In the name of accessibility she got an Orbitouch keyboard and a touchscreen and a stylus, and by the end of the day she’d mastered all three, and learned lots of gossip ‘for her ears only’ about the other staff in the office.

I did learn about new stuff from comments on my stories. :heart:

Thanks. I'll embed a link to it here for anyone else's convenience.

TComo Salsa para los Tacos
One thing ponies lack in Equestria is Taco Bells. With enough hard work from enough ponies, that can change.
Admiral Biscuit · 12k words  ·  193  6 · 2.4k views

Awesome story very well written

Thank you kindly. ^_^

A wonderful story and I look forward to the sequel :)

Progress on the sequel is being made, slowly but surely. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed my scribblings! ^_^

Not just fluffy physical affection, but fluffy emotional affection too! I love these three.

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