• Published 31st Dec 2020
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They're EVERYWHERE! - Nameless Narrator

No one really knows how many changelings were present during the invasion of Canterlot. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, it also means that the love explosion scattered them all over the surface of Equus. These are stories of some of them.

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CH: 11/13 - Haze

“We’re here,” Chrysalis breathes out. The trip from the north took a long time, but due to the old royal palace of the Great Changeling Empire being at the southeastern edge of the Everfree Forest, it wasn’t so much longer than simply crossing the Everfree itself from west to east while also avoiding the vast majority of threats.

The ruins reclaimed by nature long ago open into what used to be the palace plaza, although neither 96 nor 68 would have any idea about it. One by one, Chrysalis’ mind latches onto hive link after hive link, immediately establishing connections and instinctively scanning for any pressing issues.

That’s the natural power of changeling queens. We can be stronger than a warrior if we focus our life on it or we can be better than any infiltrator, but for them it’s on an instinctive level. Our inherent power is… ugh… management.

The designated place where survivors were supposed to gather hosts, according to Chrysalis’ mind, roughly two hundred changelings. Judging from the strength of some hive links, the number will keep on dropping no matter what anyone does.

There are no corpses anywhere. If anyone died after arriving here, their body was eaten for any scraps of love left.

“Show yourselves,” says Chrysalis quietly, standing under a crumbling, wide staircase leading to what used to be the majestic palace itself. She doesn’t need to shout, because she knows everyone present will hear her voice in their mind.

The hive links approach and, slowly, 43 walks out of the palace first, quickly followed by more and more withered, battered, and overall wretched remains of her hive.

You don’t know why I sent you here. You don’t know why you’re still alive. All you had to do to survive was get here. You trusted your Queen, and your Queen will do what she can to reward you for it.

Chrysalis, 43, 68, 96, the only four changelings remaining from the top hundred.

“Only warriors and infiltrators,” Chrysalis looks up at the small crowd slowly trickling onto the stairs, “Funny. Right now I need drones or Silents.”

43 looks to the left at a pile of rubble next to the palace. Slowly, twenty four small heads peek out from behind various pieces of masonry, all dented, scratched, cracked, or downright missing ears, eyes, fins, or even their stubby horns.

As painful as the sight is, it makes absolute sense that the drones would have the lowest survival rate, both in regards to the long drop and the following environmental threats. Unfortunately, it also makes perfect sense why the warriors and infiltrators hid in the remains of the palace while having the drones stay outside. One - they simply don’t care, most of them. Two - 43 is a warrior. He wouldn’t be able to prevent a hungry infiltrator from draining a drone in the shadows. Three - any enemy would see the drones first which would allow the rest to react.

“Which one of you is in charge?” asks Chrysalis.

“I am, Your Majesty,” says 43.

“I didn’t ask you, 43,” Chrysalis keeps looking at the drones, “I know you little twerps always have someone who’s doing the thinking for your group. Which one is it?”

A drone limps forward from behind a broken chunk of a pillar.

“Umm, me, Your Majesty,” says the drone weakly. It’s not even nervous. It knows it can’t change anything that’s about to happen.

“44986,” says Chrysalis, “How many of you can work?”

44986 stumbles backwards.

“E-Everyone, Your Majesty!”

Without prompting, the drones start limping, stumbling, and in several cases even crawling out of their hiding places. Chrysalis looks at one missing both hind legs slowly dragging itself towards her.

“Oh really?” she narrows her eyes.

44986 looks nervously at the obviously completely crippled drone.

“Y-Yes, Your Majesty! 99685 can totally still dig. You just need forelegs for that-” it freezes when Chrysalis quietly growls.

She measures everyone’s wounds… and counts the remaining limbs. The drone-to-limb ratio… isn’t great.

“44986, find me six drones who are the most capable of working right now. Excluding you.”

The drone instinctively blurts out six numbers before it even realizes that it could mean dooming everyone else. Drones are replaceable. Chrysalis taps into their minds, showing them two locations where to dig and how deep.

“Reserve stores of love crystals. Dig them all up, bring them to the throne room.”

The drones hobble off.

“Now show me the five weakest,” Chrysalis adds.

44986 hangs its head.

“I am waiting!” Chrysalis growls again.

With a sigh, 44986 slowly approaches five drones, patting each one on the back or the head as they slump down. In the case of 99685, it simply flops on its belly, resigned to its fate. It knew. They all knew all along.

“These five,” mumbles 44986.

Chrysalis grabs 44986’s chin with one hoof and forces it to look her in the eyes.

“Not an easy task, was it?” she hisses, lets go, and starts walking up the stairs to 43, “Assign someone to carry the ones who can’t walk to the throne room. Everyone else, get inside,” when the drones don’t move, she flashes them an irritated glare, “As far as I can see, all of you still have at least one ear and a working link, so I know you heard me.

The drones exchange glances and start shuffling ahead.

When inside, Chrysalis focuses on her own mind, scouting for a way to dive deeper into the inherited memories, but feels her touch repelled by power far beyond her own.

“Call me when you are truly ready. I’m not sure what will happen when I’m gone,” replies an old voice she heard once before.


Several hours later, everyone is inside the throne room, huddling under any cover they could find. Glowing love crystals are bathing the area in green shimmer, and the vast majority of the changelings are asleep. The few in a good shape were sent out in infiltrator-warrior pairs to bring any resources the forest can provide from which to craft suitable sutures, splints, ropes, and any other vaguely medical necessities usable on broken chitin.

So far, everyone is still alive.

Getting back to the hive will be a chore, but this outpost will serve as a temporary base more than well. And who knows? There might be more survivors coming, although this long after the… failed invasion it’s unlikely.

Chrysalis measures everyone’s links one last time before mentally touching her new top brass.

“43, 68, 96, meet me here,” she pings a place under the palace.

The place is a small cell, likely one for solitary confinement, and as the three warriors arrive, she walks inside and starts fixing the rusty door with her goo.

“What’s going on, Your Majesty?” asks 43.

“I’m going for what might be my final dive into the hive mind. 68 and 96 will tell you all you need to know,” replies Chrysalis, cutting off all her hive links which makes the warriors blink in shock.

“Shouldn’t it wait until we gather enough love to make you stronger?” asks 68, earning a shocked look from 43 like anyone second-guessing the Queen would, “Your previous dives were exhausting.”

Chrysalis shakes her head.

“Close that dropped jaw, 43, before a fly buzzes in,” she says, “I fully intend to burn myself out making sure I… or anything else that might want to get out of here can’t.”

“Anything else that-?” 43 tilts his head.

“68, slap him.”

68 does so.

“Her Majesty told us to brief you later and we will do so,” says 68 firmly, “Please, keep going, Your Majesty.”

“Thank you,” Chrysalis nods, “I will reinforce this cell and the cocoon I will be making. 68 and 96 will stay down here both to protect me from anyone and anything hostile as well as to protect you in case that I... fail. If I prepare things properly, you might be strong enough.”

“What about the hive?” asks 43.

“You’ll be in charge. If you have any doubts about the right call, come here and discuss it with these two,” Chrysalis nods to her bodyguards, “You don’t have to grow our numbers, you don’t have to defend any of our positions. Your job is simply to make sure everyone up there in the throne room survives, no matter the class or rank. 68, 96, you two will keep an eye on things. If there are any split decisions while I’m gone, a two-vote majority wins. Is that clear?”

The warriors nod as one.

“How long do you think you’ll be gone, Your Majesty?” asks 43.

“If all things go well, it might only be a few hours,” Chrysalis frowns as all three of them breathe a sigh of relief, “I’m preparing everything for the worst case scenario. Just in case. If anything tries to get out of here that isn’t one hundred percent me, it must die no matter what.”

The door is mostly green and hard as steel as Chrysalis closes it. Through the small, barred window at the top third, the warriors can see her begin building a cocoon around herself.

In mere minutes, Chrysalis’ mind is gone, separated from the outside by the hardening green resin. 96 takes the first watch while 68 leaves with 43, telling him everything Chrysalis explained to them about her inherited memories and the danger lurking within.


Like before, Chrysalis is pulled into the memories without having the option to prepare herself in the hive mind’s waiting room. This time, instead of floating above the sea, she finds herself in a lush valley surrounded on all sides by forests. The valley is full of ruins from structures made from huge slabs of stones which are overgrown with vegetation. A stone path cuts through the valley, leading on one side into the forests and towards a towering pyramid with a flat top on the other. One more look around reveals changelings - tiny flecks of teal light dotting the ruins, all aimed towards the pyramid, all filled with uncertainty and worry. The weird thing is that no matter how hard Chrysalis tries, she can’t distinguish between them. No warriors, drones, infiltrators, or anything else… just changelings.

The memory doesn’t wait for anyone, so Chrysalis stops examining the changelings and flies over to the main pyramid where, as it turns out, a royal changeling is locked in a heated battle against a second royal as well as several other changelings who look like the hive’s top ranks.

Clearly, a queen and her top guards are fighting for their life against the challenger. The one fighting alone against the entire old guard is a marvelous changeling specimen brimming with power and beauty that makes Chrysalis self-conscious on far too many uncomfortable levels.

A touch of knowledge reveals to Chrysalis that this is a battle between queen Shroud and her daughter Haze, and no matter the relation, the visual difference between the two couldn’t be bigger. Where Shroud’s carapace is dusty grey, mane and tail white, and eyes gleaming silver, Haze’s body is dark green, eyes glowing with sapphire blue, and her hair scheme of living fire of red and orange sharply contrasts with the overall dim look of Shroud.

However, as Chrysalis floats closer, unbothered by the battle, she notices that the colors are completely misleading. Haze’s colors might be warm and lively like a burst of sparks after throwing another piece of wood on a campfire, but her blue eyes are precise and calculating, carefully measuring her every step as she defends herself from weapons and energy blasts of all the other changelings. Shroud’s wintery scheme breaks completely as Chrysalis focuses more on her as well, and the living queen shivers.


Pure, living rage.

At that moment, Chrysalis knows with absolute certainty she just found what she was looking for all this time. Unfortunately, Chrysalis’ ego isn’t overblown enough, no matter what anyone might say, to consider even for a moment that she could face either of the two queens without getting immediately splattered.

Obeying a mental order, the top ranks back off for a second before attacking Haze from all sides at once. Gaining a moment to focus, Shroud’s horn flares with a sickly green glow, and a telekinetic blast shears a layer of stones off of the top of the pyramid. When the cloud of rocks ground into dust under a single moment of telekinetic pressure clears up, Chrysalis’ jaw drops.

Haze is standing there, her horn burning with magical fire creating protective barriers around her as well as every single changeling attacking her. Runic symbols floating in the air slowly dissipate as the top ranks exchange confused glances.

Chrysalis shakes her head.

Magic. Real magic. The ability to use it is so extremely rare and limited among changelings. Even I can use minor enchantments at best, and they’re temporary and barely controllable.

Shroud rears on her hind legs and screams. She doesn’t scream something, she just lets out a howl of pure anger alongside a psychic blast that even Chrysalis, despite not being part of this memory, feels. Chrysalis recoils and tries to blink away the sudden migraine and blurred vision.

When she recovers, Shroud is sitting on the pyramid’s top, her legs having collapsed under her, while Haze is still standing, surrounded by now dead top-ranked changelings, each bleeding from ears, eyes, and mouth. Haze herself simply sneezes out some blood out of her nostrils, and walks over to Shroud.

“This can’t be our future,” she says simply while nodding towards the corpses, “We must build a brighter one.”

“We must carve it out of the corpses of our enslavers!” snarls Shroud, “Or we will never be free!”

“Why are you talking about fighting? Ever since you killed your father, we’ve only been running. Look where you brought us!” Haze waves her hoof around, “There’s nothing to eat. We are what we are now, we can’t hide and wait. We need ponies, or griffons, or any other living, loving species.”

“We can wait. We can hide and we can strike once they all forget us,” Shroud pushes herself up on shaking legs to face Haze eye-to-eye, “They wanted an unstoppable army to save them and my cursed father gave it to them. And when we did what we were made to, they tossed us away! THEY WERE HAPPY WHEN WE WERE STARVING AND DYING OFF! WHERE WAS YOUR LOVE THEN, HUH?! WE HAD NOTHING!”

“Mother,” Haze breathes out, a bitter smile appearing on her face, “I’m so sorry it ended like th-”

She looks down where a spike growing out of Shroud’s foreleg would have pierced her armor and impaled her heart were it not for the fact that it shattered on impact.

“I am the only queen who can ensure we will never be slaves again!” Shroud bares her fangs and snaps at her daughter like a rabid dog.

Haze’s horn flashes, and after a short burst of flames there’s nothing left of the old queen barring a small pile of ash.

“Hmph,” huffs a voice just next to Chrysalis’ ear, making the queen dart to the side and face an older version of Haze. Seeing that, Haze smirks, “Jumpy, are we?”

“I’m not risking anything,” replies Chrysalis, lowering herself into a careful combat stance.

“Understandable,” Haze nods, unfazed, “There’s one more thing I want to show you before we get to business, though.”

The memory of the valley shifts into one where current Haze is stroking the mane of young Shadow as the smaller royal is hugging Haze’s neck.

“Don’t worry, buggy,” whispers Haze, “We both have our roles to play, and you’ll do great.”

“It’s too soon...” whimpers Shadow.

“It is. I wish we had more time,” Haze nods, “But we can’t always control our circumstances. All we can do is look and plan ahead.”

“But I don’t know what to do! Where do I even start?”

“You will be the new queen. Most of them will accept it. Some will challenge you, but you are strong enough and you will grow so much stronger with time. I wish there was some secret I could tell you to make this easier, but the only thing to know is that you must do it. We both must do it if our species is to survive. We don’t have a choice.”

Shadow pulls away from the hug just so that she can give her mother a kiss on her nose. Haze smiles, her horn lights up, and her love starts pouring into Shadow. Soon, Haze’s body crumbles to dust as Shadow devours every scrap of love there is.

Chrysalis looks away from the scene and at Haze watching it with a dreamy smile.

“Fine, I admit this was more for me than for you,” she turns towards Chrysalis when the memory fades, and sighs, “I guess now it’s time to get to business.”

Everything goes dark.


The hive mind’s waiting room is different. How? Chrysalis can’t tell, but something is making her hair stand on edge and her chitin crawl. As Haze materializes in front of her, Chrysalis gives her a nod of respect.

“So, here we are, Chrysalis. The end of the known road.”

“What happens now?” asks Chrysalis.

“If you decided to seek me out, then I presume you’ve made steps in case of trouble.”

“I have next to no love inside me. From what Shadow said, you were the strongest changeling who ever lived, so no matter what I would find here, with zero love I would drag it down to my level.”

“Smart thinking,” Haze nods, “And if you lose, there’s someone filled with love waiting out there to skewer you- well, her.


“Unfortunately, they will fail.”

“What?” Chrysalis frowns.

“If you fail, they will fail,” Haze leans closer, “I am not your enemy, but I know how different my mother is. If she gets out, she will control them no matter how exhausted she might be.”

“How do you know that?”

Haze closes her eyes and sits down.

“Because of this,” the darkness of the hive mind withdraws, revealing that the two are in the eye of the storm of ash surrounding them. Screaming and wailing at the edge of her hearing makes Chrysalis turn her head from side to side to face the unseen attacker who nonetheless doesn’t strike. Haze looks at Chrysalis, “What I didn’t have time to show you was why I had to die and leave Shadow in charge prematurely. Sit down, Chrysalis, and listen. Use the time I’m giving you to get used to her rage creeping through the cracks before you have to face it in full force.”

Chrysalis does so despite every instinct of her body telling her to keep looking around for something that can strike from any angle, at any time, with any amount of force.

“Is all this… Shroud’s doing?” she asks.

Haze nods.

“Yes, it is. When I killed her, she left her physical body and retreated into the hive mind. I didn’t realize it until it was too late. We started forgetting what happened before I became a queen. A detail here, a memory there, and with all the trouble ahead of us we simply didn’t notice it until it was too late. When I finally realized what was wrong and tried to stitch together whatever knowledge remained within the hive mind, changelings started acting up, violently attacking and devouring others in a hunt for power. And whenever I tried to track what made it happen, I lost another memory, another piece of our history. My only recourse against this was to fully enter the hive mind myself.”

“And that meant sacrificing a physical body at a time when the hive needed a living queen. How could Shroud have done that if you were so much more powerful than her?” asks Chrysalis.

“Power comes in many forms, and I believe this has something to do with our lost history. I can only remember my own experiences with her, and I know Shroud’s mind was different from almost everyone else’s. She couldn’t directly manipulate someone like me or Shadow, but she could hide away in the hive mind in ways I couldn’t track.”

“You said almost everyone,” Chrysalis raises an eyebrow.

“As the disintegration progressed, I noticed strange hive links, and when I tried to connect to them, I was… misdirected. It’s difficult to explain, but one moment I was following a link and the next instant I was inside a ‘random changeling number XXX, nothing to see here’. Someone knew what Shroud was doing and was better equipped to deal with it than I was. Unfortunately, Shroud went after those first. Since I was still learning her methods of manipulating the hive mind I was unable to save many of them but I protected some. Over time, I weaved and weaved my net until Shroud could barely reach out, but I could never stop her completely.”

“Any idea who or what those fake hive links were? I think I’ve sensed a few myself but, just like with you, they kind of… slipped into unimportance as soon as I touched them,” Chrysalis furrows her brows.

“I’ve had time to watch and ponder it, and I think they are old changelings whom Shroud wasn’t able to kill. Those who might still remember bits and pieces of what we used to be.”

Chrysalis sighs.

“So you don’t know why she called us army and slaves.”

Haze shakes her head.

“Changeling history, as stored in the hive mind, begins with me. However,” she hesitates, “Shroud is bound to know. Whether or not she’ll tell you anything is a different story entirely. I worry...” her voice trails off. For the first time, Haze seems hesitant.

“That I will lose?” Chrysalis takes a guess, “That’s always been an option. Just like you, I don’t have much of a choice.”

“No,” Haze shakes her head, “I worry that you might think she’s right.”

Chrysalis ponders it for a moment.

“I mean, since don’t know why she-”

“NO!” Haze raises her voice, “Look, I don’t know why she’s doing all this,” she gestures towards the ashen tornado surrounding them, “I can’t remember our history from before me, but there’s zero doubt in my mind about this,” she leans so close to Chrysalis that their noses almost touch, “She. Is. Wrong.”

Chrysalis gently pushes Haze’s face away.

“We will see.”

Haze hangs her head.

“If she wins, the hive ends,” she says quietly, “Some changelings might escape on their own and live among ponies, but there won’t be a hive. The cycle of hiding, attacking, and getting beaten down will repeat until we either win or get eradicated completely. And if we win by force… well, you saw the times we tried to farm other living creatures in cocoons, and it always failed because the love we gained from it got weaker and weaker over time. It’s the paradox of our nature, Chrysalis. If we win, we lose.”

“And if we lose, we lose,” Chrysalis scowls, “Then how do we win? Where is the path? Shroud’s way of domination dooms us, your way of coexistence leaves us starving and resented because we are ‘mind-controlling bug monsters’. How do we win?!”

There’s nothing other than bitter aftertaste in Chrysalis’ mouth when Haze replies:

“You are the current queen, Chrysalis, and unlike those before you you had the opportunity to see parts of our history and how they played out. Other queens, when they looked too deep into the hive mind, found it staring back with eyes burning with rage. The explosion that separated you from the real core of the hive mind might have been the best thing that ever happened to us as a species, if you use your freedom right. The real hive mind revenants deemed you useless and they moved into a different host. If you’re lucky, their host is dead and they’re finally gone. If not, they will find and control changelings in order to destroy you. However, that is all secondary, until you clear your head up. As depressively comical it would be to have two Shrouds running around attempting genocide, I’d rather avoid that.”

“Hmmm...” is the only noise Chrysalis makes.

Haze slowly breathes out.

“Well, I guess my vigil is at its end. You seem to be holding up well against Shroud’s pressure. In the meantime, is there anything you want to know that isn’t related to my mother?”

“I won’t beat around the bush - is Scream trustworthy?”

“She did help me immensely. As we were returning to Equestria, I had no knowledge about the state of the world. Thanks to her scouting I was able to plan my steps.”

“So… help with no strings attached?”

“I suppose so,” Haze shrugs, “Of course, from what I was able to see after my passing, she knows how to play the long game.”

“That she does,” Chrysalis grumbles before clopping her hooves together, “One thing, hopefully a less depressing one - what was that instant kill move you used when you took control of me to destroy Carapace?”

Haze looks up with a fresh, amused smirk.

“It’s an ability I genetically locked into drones after one of the queens who came after me started splitting us into classes which the hive needed at the time.”

“Drones? Why give something this incredibly useful to drones of all changelings?! Warriors and infiltrators would-”

“Make us a tide of murder machines unstoppable by any armor, fortification, and barely any magic,” Haze tilts her head.

“And if we win we lose...” Chrysalis sighs.

“Besides, I think drones need it the most for all that digging with next to no access to love. We’ve had enough warmongers and predators in our history. We could use some culture, even if it’s about finding shiny things and trading them for anything that sounds interesting at the time.”

Slowly, the howling of the storm grows louder, which Chrysalis understands is Haze’s influence fading away.

“You know, I could use a queen like you remaining in the hive mind,” says Chrysalis.

Haze shakes her head.

“I had my role and I fulfilled it. The only way this ends well is with a fresh hive mind free of influences other than yours, and you must become a queen worthy of being ‘the first’.”

“It was worth a shot,” chuckles Chrysalis.

“Heh,” Haze closes her eyes, “Get ready, Chrysalis. The fate of our species is now entirely in your hooves.”

Haze vanishes, and with her goes the storm of ash, leaving Chrysalis in complete silence.

The queen looks around. Nothing but darkness.

She tries to reach out to any other hive link and fails. Good, the cocoon is working.

Finally, she concentrates on returning into her body and the real world…

...and fails.

“I don’t think so, Chrysalis,” muses Shroud’s raspy voice as the grey queen materializes in front of her, “You’ve gone far through the hive mind, protected by my traitorous father, but after I take control of your body I will finally destroy him for good, and everyone who ever used us will follow.”

Author's Note:

Queue a boss fight track.
Or several, really, since next up is the finale of 1313's investigation.
You know what? Just find a Two Steps From Hell playlist or something, since we'll be polishing off the dreamscape too.

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