• Member Since 31st Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Thursday



After her defeat, Sunset discovered something called [STAND]. As she decides to use this power for good, Sunset is now tasked to protect her other friends from the attacks of her new found enemies. Stand users attract each other. However, this attraction may draw enemies to her sooner than later.

Sunset Shimmer
Stand Name: Days Gone By
Special Ability: Record the [Cause] and [Result] of an event, and remove the [Result] by erasing the [Cause]. By doing so, Sunset has effectively created an alternative reality where the event never took place. Her stand also allows her to switch between reality where the event took place, and the reality where the event never occurred.
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: D
Durability: C
Precision: A
Potential: C

Stand Name: Mezzo Forte
Special Ability: Control density.
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: B
Precision: A
Potential: D (Complete)

Stand Name: Au Claire De La Lune
Special Ability: Put others to sleep. This stand also allows Luna to invade others' dream to either destroy their mind or erase their deepest fears. The scariest thing this stand permits its' owner to do it to control others while they are dreaming and plant ideas in their mind.
Power: E
Speed: E
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: E
Potential: C

Stand Name: A Fine Day
Special Ability: Control mutation occurring within living organisms.
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: B
Precision: A
Potential: E

Pinkie Pie
Stand Name: In The Hall Of The Mountain King
Special Ability: Space bending
Power: E
Speed: E
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: E
Potential: D

Stand Name: Song of the Earth
Special Ability: Connection and manipulation of electric/magnetic field
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: D
Durability: D
Precision: C
Potential: B

Rainbow Dash
Stand Name: Anvil Chorus
Special Abilities: Creating centers of mass so to life herself off of ground or pushing others away
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: D
Durability: C
Precision: C
Potential: C

Stand Name: Blue Danube
Special Ability: Changing the state that a material is in: solid to liquid, etc, and alter certain attributes of non-life-material. If used properly, Rarity can alter a material so much so that she can create dresses out of even diamonds.
Power: E
Speed: E
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: E
Potential: C

Twilight Sparkle
Stand Name: Nuvole Bianche
Special Ability: extract special abilities/attributes of other stands/objects without causing any damage. This stand also allows Twilight to apply the extracted abilities/attributes onto herself or others. At this point, she can only keep two types ability(Including her own) at a time. However, with enough exercise, she may be able to keep unto seven types of abilities together at a time, and doing that may cause her stand to involve.
Power: C
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: C
Precision: A
Potential: A

Stand User: Glomung
Stand Name: Minute Waltz
Ability: Freeze a subject, one at a time, in time. The subject frozen in time is unaware of his/her surrounding and will not take damage unless time, from their perspective, starts to flow (If the subject is a living being). Moreover, this stand would allow its' user to freeze other subjects such as rocks, water or even reality itself. This stand is very powerful and is evolved from another stand.
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: A

Chapters (34)
Comments ( 82 )

I..is this a Jojo reference?!

Days Gone By.....
It must be able to replay events through 2 different timelines.

You thought it would be a JoJo in this story, but it was I, Sunset!

I, Sunset Shimmer, have a dream.

OK so here’s what I got so far sunsets Stand can mess with time or reality itself one of the two

Also my interest has been gained. So far it is pretty good
Though the explanation of stands is a little rushed

Now this, this I love.

So from what I can tell Sunset reverses time in the area for everything except herself

Sunset turns off the fleshlight

Uhhh...Might want to fix that buddy

Good. Save that for the X rated version lol.

I guess this means Sunset can use her stand to heal herself too? That's gonna be pretty useful ability, especially if she can use it on others.

So... Fluttershy's stand is one that only works while she's sleeping.
And she sleepwalks.

That title is mega creative. I haven't read yet, but I can tell this will be interesting. :twilightsmile:

Twilight is her usual self here.
I love it.

I'm interested in this kind of exposition. Sunset is just as confused as anyone else not already in the know. I look forward to where this goes.

...that strangely sounds about right for her; secretly all-powerful...but for one reason or another will rarely use it.

So you're telling me Sunset could deflect the Emerald Splash?

There's no way! No one can just deflect the Emerald Splash!

Calling it now.
Sonata Dusk has The Swan Lake.


No, this is a completely new story.

"No," Celestia says: "Luna is smarter than she looks. So don't worry about it."

Ouch, the backhand.

...So, Luna's Stand is like Death 13?

It’s a bit different. I will elaborate on that in the future!

I suggest describing what the stand looks like, thats part of the fun of JOJO, as they tend to look odd

Every Big Bad for JoJo has had a powerful Stand with a time related ability, seems we just met ours.

I saw JoJos. I faved immediately :pinkiehappy:
I only have one question...


Such a wasted opportunity for pun.

*sees this story*




I have a question if you don’t mind answering. Just to clarify something

I was a bit confused seeing the Dazzlings appear again (btw happy to see my adorable and cute sonata again :heart: )

But seeing some things like adagio asking “can she see them” and AJ attacking phasing through aria and the ending of the book that twilight was reading called “the dazzlings”

Did twilight do something to them only specific people can see them?

Sense it sounds like they are like spirits or something but few chapters back they can physically touch things and even eat

All these have something to do with their stand abilities and none of them are ghosts. When Adagio ask Sunset whether she can see them or not is because their stand powers aren’t working. For the sirens, their powers are different when they are together: when you have all dazzling sin a group, their power will mess with your brain so you don’t see them as the way they really are. You can still see their frames but won’t be able to perceive other things let alone remember any of their appearances.
As I mentioned, the sirens will have different powers when they are apart. For Aria, she’s able to de materialize her body.
As for Twilight, she did do something to the sirens by stealing part their power in the form of a book.

Ah I see. Thanks for letting me know

And I’m guessing twi also mess with their memory Aswell or no?

She did, and Thanks for your support!

You’re welcome :pinkiesmile: also like the new story cover pic

Oh you happen to have discord? I love to talk to you more (discord for better communication) if not we can talk in DM

More specifically more stuff on the story if it’s ok with you

Hi! Thanks for such immense interest in this silly story of mine! I don't have discord, but do feel free to message me if you have any questions!

"No, it's not," Twilight argues back: "I felt horrible about, but there's no other way. Destroying the book will return the ability to their owner, but with a catch: their stand will go berserk, and the stand user will risk insanity."

How much of a risk we talking here?

Wonderful chapter! :pinkiesmile: looks like the end of the Dazzling arc. Looking forward to upcoming one and upcoming chapters :pinkiesmile:

I'm thinking about a 70% percent of risk

Huh so a 30% odds of it not happening also if I had to guess Dagi and Aria are in the straitjacket and sonata got away

Spoiler tag because well. You know

You’re welcome :pinkiesmile: and like always if you need any help and ideas I’m always free to help more :pinkiesmile:

So Sunset basically has King Crimson?

Not exactly, King Crimson can erase the [Process] and get to the [Result]. Sunset, on the other hand, will erase the [Cause] alone with the result (Erasing certain causes may cause a butterfly effect that influences other events) . By doing so, she's essentially creating an alternative reality where an event never happened. Sunset will also be able to switch between the realities (A reality where the event did occur, and one that the event didn't).

Her parents are the first victims of her standability. By forcefully altering their memories and personalities, Twilight felt something that she never felt before: Namely, love. The love between family members. For the first time in years, Twilight feels happy to be around her family.

Man. To her own parents

Another amazing chapter! :pinkiehappy:

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