• Member Since 4th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Just a guy writing fanfics. I also draw and make music, which I try to include in my stories as well. They/them.

Comments ( 794 )

Here we go again! I always love these types of stories because I'd love to be the one in the story who gets reborn

Perhaps he should've aimed for his head instead. But without a functioning heart, his brain would completely die after but a few minutes of oxygen deprivation. No one could survive without a heart, yet people were known to survive even if parts of their brain were gone. It was no life, and becoming trapped with no escape was far more frightening than death.

I'm not going to lie that has got to be the dumbest reasoning I have ever heard for committing suicide by shooting yourself in the heart instead of your head.


That may be so, but there's some logic to it, even if the said logic isn't really solid.

True, it just calls into question this kids intelligence.


Or the state of mind. After all, he's far from being perfectly reasonable - "depression realism" phenomenon notwithstanding - and thus prone to making wrong assumptions and conclusions. I had depression once, and I know it well enough.

It was surprising, but honestly I've read of work place accidents of people getting 6 foot rebar poles through the brain and living, hell even the guy who stuck his head in a partial accelerator lived.

Great intro, can't wait to find out why he came out of a flower thing :D

I'm sure there are hundreds of cases were stuff like that happened but at the end of the day 99% of the time if something goes through your brain you're dead. But shooting yourself in the heart... let's imagine you know exactly where your heart is the chances of that bullet hitting it is more unlikely than likely. The bullet will most likely veer off course or hit a bone and a slew of other things.

Admit it, we all want this to happen to us...minus the suicide aspect, I’m looking forward to reading more of this

Never have I ever wanted to become or be born as a pony. I honestly find the notion of bit disturbing.


I'd honestly like to be a magical unicorn. Because magic. Even simple telekinesis is pretty useful and better than having hands.

i wonder if this could mean he is more in touch with magic then others and as such it boosts him more?

That's one way to start your new life. :pinkiehappy:

A pony name

Slave Knight Gael

Bloody hell... :ajsleepy: Is that a attempt at 'who can have the tougher start'? :pinkiesick: Thats one crazy start :fluttercry:

Why not go out in glory :duck: Fertilizer bomb to take down a corrupt political person.

This kind of death is just pointless :duck:

Bad chapter. I hope the next is a lot better.


Bombing requires preparations, skills, equipment, and plenty of luck. You wouldn't really let anyone who looks like the protagonist approach a politician. Besides, taking out some lower politicians wouldn't really do much.

Dont think reborn really fits if your not 'born' hes just... Transformed i guess?


Technically, he was reborn. Just not traditionally.

Adrenaline boosted him, not magic. The protagonist may not be exceptionally strong now, but when he does fight, he goes all out. And so far, he's not even aware of magic.

I cannot agree more.

I can't just steal a famous name, as good as this one is. But the protagonist is certainly not a slave and he's not knighted.

You're not denying that he is similar to Gael.
He may not have the name or the title and we all know he is not a slave.
But there is a chance he can make the armor and cape.

I hope he scares luns with his dreams and his eyes if there dead enough

Im curiouse if Equestria can cure his souls pain...

how is he going to react to this? more plz

Love the look and music

Damn fine chapter! :coolphoto: Im hooked :rainbowdetermined2:
This is were the story starts for me.

This is a take i never read before in Fimfiction :raritystarry: I look forward to more updates. A clear like after this Chapter :twilightsmile:

The unicorn thought of whom could that pony be,

Is that supposed to be ‘‘(...) of whom that pony could be’’?

watching her with intensity as he also looked for an exist to escape.


A shout from a guard woke him from his thoughts, and he was two hornless and wingless guards charging at him.


not a iota of information.


Neither her impressive size nor the length of her horn not having it and wings at the same time made him afraid

What is ‘‘her horn not having it’’ supposed to mean here?

He could see where he was led, although it was no shape nor named place

The ‘no shape’ part confuses me.


Fixed, thank you.

I half expected him to stay with Celestia, since he only seams to trust her.


He doesn't actually trust her. He made a gamble and won a roof over his head and some food. If he could stay away somehow, he likely would.

Interessting all male Orphans?
Will he have a personal care taker?
Did Celestia see what he did after he reached his room?!

Great chapter! Well done :moustache:

Okay, thanks for clarifying that. :twilightsmile:

Also, if I look at the size of the bed, I get the feeling that this isn't a single pony room. So when he wakes up the next day, he will most likely be surrounded by other foals, all of them much to close for his comfort.

since we were told that the last pony like our mc was apparently sombra maby celestia has decidid to take a big intrest in the upbringing of the mc? it could just be they are giving him alot of space so he doesnt have to interact if he doesnt want to as we dont know the state of other rooms so maby the big bed and bathroom is to allow for his isolation from others?


No, not all male. There are colts and fillies alike there. I would certainly mention if it were all-male.

The bed size is just for comfort plus maybe sleepovers, but every foal gets his own dorm. Privacy is pretty important, all that.


Every foal gets an individual room. Besides, Celestia thinks he's a Feral, there's no way she would put him in a room with other foals.

Pretty sure Celestia will monitor him trough Pony and Magic. Just like Twilight :raritywink:

Excellent Chapter!

Question, will their be maids in the next chapter by any chance?


The Royal Orphanage does have staff, but they don't do everything that foals can do themselves.

Excellent story so far! Love how you portray a character that can't escape his depression with death, meaning he will have to confront it eventually. Can't wait for more :D

The odd thing was that this chapter was not added to the unread chapter count, despite being unread.

his muzzle to dig into the first meal - a bow full of fresh green peas


Princess Celestia didn't miss cookie dipping, puzzlement now present on her face. How would a Feral know this way of eating cookies?

Is that supposed to be ‘‘didn't miss the cookie dipping’’ ? As the sentence is phrased now, it implies that she simply distanced herself from performing the act with no regrets.


Fixed everything except "had had". As far as I'm aware, it's correct.

I double checked and you are correct. I have now removed that part from my comment.

James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher.

Are you going to finish this story

The former human inclined his head, wondering what was said. Judging by her tone, the first word she spoke was a greeting, a slightly nervous one at that. The rest had a meaning he couldn't yet understand. In any case, she didn't seem threatening. He expected to feel anger at her for watching him like this, but he found no good reason to feel that aay. Instead, there was interest - he would very much like to learn this spell for his own uses.


Beautiful chapter. I look forward to more :twilightsmile:

I wonder how long he needs to learn until he can speak or at least write.

My theory in Celestias place would be a familie step into the forest but only 1 foal left alive...

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