• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
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Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤



This story is a sequel to Stay Golden

There are two things the Canterlot elite care about: blood and coin. At least, that is what a little filly has heard all her life. Young Marigold desires both... and with a strange amulet maybe she can have such things.

The dark shape beckons her, as does her own bloodlust. Her greed demands to be fed, and darker magics are willing to help her gain her fill of riches and ruin alike in the dour city of Manehattan.

If only the price was not a city.

A version of this story was scrapped and presented in a chapter of 'Missing Pages & Scrapped Footnotes'. The cover was commissioned from PurpleGrim40. Contribute to the TVTropes page! This is the SFW version of "Stay Golden" which I consider it the better, uncensored story. Posting permission granted by Majin Syeekoh. Edited by MissyTheAngle, Hellblazer, and Muggonny.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 13 )

Ratings are temporarily disabled. This is to prevent drive-by downvotes from anyone who somehow got the impression that this was porn, despite there being nothing to support that impression in the descriptions. This is in fact a story with structure, plot, and characters that do not predominantly feature the sexual elements, so you're only going to be disappointed. Y'know, just story things, albeit with more morbid trimmings. :ajbemused:

Until now, I've had no foray into long form mature-rated fiction. The closest was Halfway Mare and most of the mature elements to that were just related to descriptions of a corpse. The same goes for my other longer mature story, Bastard Juice. Both were purely for gore at certain parts. This is quite a bit more than that. While I like what I have now and planned for the future, I'm not entirely certain of my ability in this kind of storytelling yet because I'm not fully realized in the art of grimdark. Comments will be particularly helpful. Or you could be the person who just spams my comment section while I've currently kept ratings disabled. That's your call.

(I can't link the mentioned stories in this comment, which is copied over from the main/mature version. I feel it's still relevant because someone might think this version is also porn. Somehow. Unfortunately. :facehoof:)


I know people can be stupid sometimes, but I'm pretty sure that the average user here is in fact literate enough to distinguish a 'T' from an 'M'.
Also, personally, I think you're worrying a little bit too much about the early downvote crowd. I've seen plenty of good stories, including those by well established authors like you that start of with shit ratios for some reason or another, only to bounce right back.


I know people can be stupid sometimes, but I'm pretty sure that the average user here is in fact literate enough to distinguish a 'T' from an 'M'.

It's not so much the rating difference that I think will 'trick' people, I've seen it happen enough times on this site that there are people who will see the tags and content and think that it will be fetishized. The same can go for a lot of groups simply related to dark themes, including just the general 'dark' group itself. FIMFiction is disappointing like that sometimes. I also can't control whether people add stories to groups that could further that false impression.

Also, personally, I think you're worrying a little bit too much about the early downvote crowd. I've seen plenty of good stories, including those by well established authors like you that start of with shit ratios for some reason or another, only to bounce right back.

I think you're overestimating how 'well-established' I am. I may have quite a few followers, but most of my stories do not get many people who rate them, and that's the only thing that really impacts how well they do in terms of up/downvotes. (Comments are a different matter.) I have a lot of stories that ended up with more iffy ratings just because there weren't enough upvotes to counteract the downvotes substantially. Ten downvotes might not sound so bad, for example, but if you only had (let's say) thirty upvotes, then the rating looks much poorer.

I've also noticed that the M-rated stories I have done in the past have gotten more downvotes than their SFW versions and my SFW stories in general. Considering I normally only have two/three warning tags in the past, I think it's pretty justifiable in restricting ratings temporarily. The comments are always open, if people really want to post anything, be it story-related or a kneejerk remark.

Yes, they're currently disabled. There is a comment explaining why that is the case right now. It's right below yours. (That is, assuming you have the comment sections arranged with the newest showing first.)

I put a lot of thought into the matter, and considering the amount of work I’m putting into this story, I’m not going to have it get downvote bombed or attract creeps.

‘Creeps’ as older comments here show obviously refer to people who would find the contents of this story fetishistic or wish it would be. If I didn’t want feedback, I would not have published anything in the first place. I certainly wouldn’t left the comments open. I have over 120 stories and am not some frightened newbie ffs. That’s very clear considering my comments are open to basically anyone and all I did was prevent anyone from downvote bombing the story I knew would be most likely to get it.

They literally have always been the main source of criticism and feedback on the site. The up/downvote is a quick measure that impacts ratings and searches. It never correlates with how many people read the story (the site has no exact measure of that) and is just at-a-glance. There are no notifications when a vote is given or if the person even read the story. It’s just a button that you click.

Dude, for someone who has been on the site since 2017 and is the esteemed author of zero stories, why are you still pretending that you know what you’re talking about?

I know that you’re the only one here that’s petty. All the answers I have given to you this far have been filled with more patience than you have earned. I know it’s you who refuses to really read what you’re told and lazily downvotes my comments. You have no experience as a writer on this site and you don’t make any actual points. You just add people’s stories to a public shelf about how much you hate those stories and never comment why, despite knowing the author will get that notification.

Feedback can take many forms but you can’t even properly categorize the kind you’re thinking about or describe basic site functions.

You decided to start posting on my story’s comment section, so ‘leave me alone’ isn’t a card someone who acts in bad faith like you gets to play. Especially considering you got the only answer that you needed in the first reply I gave to you. The room to offer positive or negative feedback on the story wasn’t reduced substantially by disabling the ratings, just whether my story was likely to circulate on the site without a key popularity meter. You always had the option to say what you wanted about the story itself and you’re fully aware of that.

I know you because your type is full of bullshit and there’s as many people like that as there are grains of sand on a beach.

wait, does this go before or after Stay Golden ?

(I'm copying this over from the sister story) They're the same story, but one is the mature version and one is the teen version. They loop because all my stories that get published this way loop. One does not come after the other. The reader chooses what version they want to read.

The only thing that makes these unique from other mature-teen story duos I published was that this has the ratings turned off for the first act. This is done to prevent drive-by downvotes that would have accumulated quickly after the initial publishing date. On this particular version, someone got unusually hostile in the comments. Their account is now deleted, which I hadn't noticed until I checked this story's page most recently.

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Comment posted by McBehrer deleted Oct 3rd, 2023

This was added to the 'snuff' group despite not being porn, and literally being an inversion of that genre. C'mon folks. Also, this is literally the SFW version. And regarding the deleted comment: feel free to comment on both versions of the story. I don't mind. You don't have to delete your comment on one version just 'cause you commented on the other one.

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