• Published 19th Aug 2019
  • 10,906 Views, 502 Comments

Spits Fire - CommanderApplejack

Ever wonder how Spitfire got her name and what secrets she hides?

  • ...


This was a horrible idea! What was I thinking when I agreed to come to Ponyville?!

Spitfire couldn't help but feel dread as she began to see the small earth pony town in the distance, where rows of apple trees that had already shed their leaves and foggy empty fields were lit up by the morning sun. Its inhabitants slowly started their days, farmers doing their final preparations before the onset of winter while fillies went off to their final days of school. The calm atmosphere sharply contrasted with the internal turmoil of the Wonderbolts' captain. Dash's house should be somewhere on the outskirts, something about spotting the rainbow…

The captain kept her distance from the town as she scanned the air for Dash’s house, something that turned out to be incredibly easy as she noticed a good-sized cloud home further on. Rainbows ran between some of the cloud-structure’s clouds and a fall of rainbow fluid spilled out of a pool downwards, dissipating before ever reaching the ground. How in Celestia's sweet name did she pay for all of that!? Slowly coming to a halt in front of the structure, Spitfire took in more details of the house. Beautifully crafted cloud pillars with windowed walls in-between them and a large front entrance sporting two doors. I guess I'll just have to ask her when I find her.

Landing on the cumulus that made up the ground in front of Dash's door, Spitfire knocked. “Hey Dash, you home!?” The captain waited for a good few minutes, not a sound coming from the inside, before pushing on the door and finding it to be open.

I shouldn't, but… Pushing the door open further, Spitfire took a peek into the house. It looked relatively clean. There were some things strewn about, but it looked as if Dash had at least made an effort to clean. The inside of the house was just as beautiful as the outside, walls and floors smoothed to perfection and the doorways shaped into the same style of arches as outside. With her interest piqued, Spitfire continued deeper into the house, looking at various rooms as she passed them and entering the last room which turned out to be the kitchen.

Hmm, this isn’t too bad. I wonder… Spitfire walked up to the refrigerator and opened it. Huh, I guess I should have expected that since she also knew how to cook at my place. That stereotype of her eating junk food can be thrown right ou- The captain’s eyes fell on something at the bottom of the fridge. Is that fish?! How did she get a hold of that in a rural earth pony town?!

“I see a tour of the house won't be necessary anymore.”

Spitfire yelped in surprise and jumped around on the spot, landing in a slightly crouched stance, ready to defend herself. Her eyes went wide and a blush spread over her muzzle as she recognized Dash standing in the doorway with a mischievous smirk on her face.

“I-I uhm…” Spitfire’s voice got stuck in her throat as Dash slowly trotted past her, brushing her wing against the captain’s side, and pulled a couple of things from the refrigerator.

“Relax Cap, I did tell you my door was always open for you, right?,” Dash placed a couple of apples on her kitchen table and took a seat. “Hungry?” Spitfire nodded and quietly sat down across from Dash, still a blushy mess and too embarrassed to look her subordinate in the eyes. “You do know you’re not on trial?”

“Y-yes, I’m just not used to being in other people’s houses unless it’s for official wonderbolt business.” Spitfire took a bite from her apple… and then devoured the entire thing. These are so incredibly good! That reminds me, I need to get those pies for that big marshmallow.
“Hey Dash, wasn’t that apple friend of yours the one that was selling apple-related products at the gala?”

Rainbow was momentarily surprised as she hadn’t thought that Spitfire would remember that… but quickly realised that that disaster might have left a lasting impression. “Yeah, Applejack. I was actually hoping to go introduce you to her. Why do you ask?”

“I owe Soarin some pies and promised to find the baker from the Gala,” Spitfire explained as Dash passed her the second apple that she’d been eyeing.

“That’s good, ‘cause we can actually go to her right now. She was done with her winter preparations a couple of days ago.” Dash looked over at Spitfire who was still wearing her saddlebags, only a couple of items inside of them. “We should drop your stuff upstairs before we go.” Spitfire gave her a nod and allowed Dash to lead her to the second floor of her house. Rainbow stopped at the top of the stairs and looked between two of the doors indecisively. “Uhm, you know… I-I have a guest room, but if you want?…”

Spitfire’s face went beet red. Even when she’d treated Rainbow in her own home they hadn’t slept in the same bed. “T-The guestroom is fine, thank you.” Dash pointed at one of the doors, her slightly sad face sending a small pang of regret through Spitfire. Oh no, did I hurt her with that?

Quickly throwing all her stuff on the bed, Spitfire followed Dash back through the front door of the house. “Come on. Let’s go hit up AJ!” Without warning Dash shot up into the open sky, laughing as she flew through the frisky morning air with her scarf flapping behind her.

“Hey! Wait!” Spitfire immediately shot after Dash and caught up with her. “Shouldn't you have locked your front door?!”

“This is Ponyville,” Dash shot back, “No-one's going to break into there. Everyone looks after each other!” She banked to the right to put herself on a path straight towards the distant red barn standing in the middle of the vast apple orchard they had just started flying over.

Wow, these ponies must trust each other a lot. “If you say so… Hey Dash, how is it that you can afford a house like yours?” Spitfire asked as she got comfortable with their current airspeed – a normal pegasus might have described the speed as grueling.

“Built it myself of course,” Dash casually replied. Spitfire's mouth dropping wide open earned her a grin from Rainbow. “What? I was Ponyville's main weather manager for years, and you don't get to be that in the town that gets to deal with Everfree storms if you don't know how to expertly manipulate clouds. And yes, I might have slept through the theoretical classes but not the practical ones.”

“Wow, that's so cool!” Spitfire responded in utter awe. “Didn’t the mayor have issues with you building your own house in the sky?”

Dash shrugged as she lowered her airspeed and led the final approach to Sweet Apple Acres. “She was just glad to finally get a weather manager with a lightning certificate. Hiring the airspace costs me a few bits, but its not nearly as bad as renting an apartment in Cloudsdale.”

“Guess that's cool, but aren't there other pegasi living in Ponyville? I remember there being enough of them to lift water for winter up to Cloudsdale last year,” Spitfire recalled, also remembering how awfully close to not getting enough wing power that tornado had been.

“Most of those pegasi came from the surrounding area and most of them have families on the ground. I know only a couple who have their own cloud homes around here,” Dash flared her wings and came to a gentle stop on the ground in front of the Apple's house. “Anyway, they should be up already, so we might have to search for her.”

“All good with me.” Spitfire ruffled her wings as she followed Rainbow to the front door of the large, red, farmhouse. Outside, an ancient green earth pony sat in a rocking chair, knitting some wool as she looked at the two approaching pegasi.

“Morning Granny, is AJ still inside?” Dash greeted her, setting the venerable mare to chuckling.

“Darn tootin', Ah told her ta sleep in fer once. That mare was gonna worry herself inta 'n early grave.” Spitfire smiled at the slightly mischievous tone in Granny's voice. There was more behind it than the old mare was letting on. “Ya’ll gonna find her in the kitchen.”

“Thanks Granny!” Dash said and pushed through the door into the home. Warm reds adorned the wooden walls of the hallway and patterns of apples were carved into the woodwork. As they approached the kitchen the smell of cinnamon and apples floated in the air. Dash motioned for Spitfire to quiet down as she snuck into the kitchen, stepping softly until she was practically touching the groggy mare therein. “GOOOOD MORNING AJ!”

A scream of surprise came from Applejack as Dash greeted her friend. “Gosh darn it, sugarcube! Ya can be a mighty quiet sneaker if y’all wanna be.” Spitfire poked her head around the corner to see what was going on. Applejack was sitting on her haunches next to the kitchen counter working on some apple flapjacks, and the hair that was poking from under her stetson hat was looking messy at best. “Whatcha doin’ here?” Applejack asked Dash, “Shouldn’t ya be workin’ on the first snowfall?”

“Nah, as long as Cloud Chaser keeps Derpy on rogue cloud-busting duty they’ll be fine. The first batch of winter clouds from Cloudsdale are always pretty easy to handle,” Dash explained casually as she took a seat, waving at Spitfire to join her at the kitchen table.

Applejack’s eyes widened ever so slightly as she recognized the wonderbolt captain from all the times Dash had shoved memorabilia in her face. “Good mornin’ ma’am. Ah’m sorry Ah didn’t see ya there.”

Spitfire chuckled and sat down next to Dash, eyeing the small stack of fritters that the earth pony had already made. “Don’t worry about it,” Spitfire waved off.

“You two hungry? Ah can make a few more of these if ya want?” Applejack asked, giving the two a knowing smile. Both Spitfire and Rainbow simultaneously nodded sheepishly. Behind them they could hear someone walking down the stairs, the light sound of the hoofsteps betraying that it was a filly who was descending.

“Mornin’ sis,” the little filly said sleepily before spotting Dash and Spitfire as well. “Hey Dash, Ma’am.” Sitting down on the opposite side of the table to Spitfire, she held out her hoof to the captain. “Ah’m Apple Bloom, but call me AB.”

“Hi there, AB. I’m Spitfire,” the fiery maned pegasus chuckled as Applejack placed plates, a bottle of caramel syrup, and the stack of flapjacks in the middle of the table. Dash immediately snatched one for both herself and Spitfire, showering her own with the syrup.

“Ain’t you that Wonderbolt captain?” Apple Bloom asked with a bite of flapjack in her mouth, Spitfire carefully nodded. “Huh, neat,” Apple Bloom said, with little more interest shown as she dug into the rest of her first flapjack. “Ah’m goin’ to be hangin’ out with Sweetie and Scoots after school today.” Spitfire raised an eyebrow as both Dash and Applejack both briefly looked concerned for some reason.

“Well, have fun with yer friends then, sugarcube. Try not ta break anythin’,” Applejack nervously said as Bloom quickly stuffed a second fritter in her mouth, picked up her saddlebag with school books, and ran out of the house. Rainbow and AJ looked at each other, wordlessly sharing a conversation that Spitfire had no way of following. “Ya goin’ to give the town a heads up just in case or should ah go do that?” Applejack asked dead seriously as their unspoken conversation ended.

“Yeah, I’ll give the weather crew a shout before school’s out,” Dash confirmed before starting on her third flapjack. “So AJ, wanna hang out with me and Spits today?”

The expression on Applejack’s face turned into one of surprise at the request. “Ain’t the two of ya plannin’ to go flying or somethin’ like that?”

Dash just waved off Applejack’s surprise with a hoof, “Come on AJ, we fly together with the ‘Bolts constantly. We wouldn’t have had to come here if we only wanted to go fly around.”

“Ah guess that’s fair. Just so ya know Ah still need to go do a couple of repairs on the south-east border fence, if the two of ya gave me a hoof we’d be able to fix that fence in a jiffy.” Rainbow looked at Spitfire to see what her reaction to that was, the captain only giving a shrug and a nod.

“Yeah, of course we can do that!” Dash almost scooped up the final flapjack but her hoof was swatted away by Applejack who pointed at Spitfire. Dash sheepishly looked at her companion and offered her the last fritter who graciously took it.

“Great, yer help is much appreciated,” Applejack said happily as she cleared the table of plates and put them in the sink, filling it to quickly do the dishes.

“Miss Applejack, could I ask you a question?” Spitfire asked as she reminded herself to ask for the pies. Can’t have Soarin go around spilling juicy gossip now.

“Jus’ call me AJ. Ain’t no need for that miss stuff. And Ah’m always open to questions,” Applejack chuckled, Spitfire smiling warmly at the light attitude of the earth pony mare. It wasn’t often she could just talk with somepony without being treated like a celebrity.

“I was wondering if you could bake me two of those pies you had at the Grand Galloping Gala,” Spitfire asked, getting a knowing grin from Rainbow as it didn’t take the pegasus long to put two and two together, mouthing ‘Soarin’ at the captain. “I have bits back at Dash’s place!” she quickly added.

“Don’t worry ‘bout bits. If y’all help me out with the fence, ah’ll give them to ya fer free.” Applejack placed the cleaned plates back into the cupboard they’d come from and dried her hooves. “Follow me, and we’ll go load some planks onto the cart in the barn.”

Applejack took the lead as she walked out of the kitchen’s back door, trotting over the worn dirt path that ran beside the side of the house towards the barn. Inside, she pointed at a small stack of wood and a medium-sized cart. “If the two of ya can load seven of them long planks onto the cart, then ah’m going to look for a hammer and a hoofful of nails.”

“We’ve got it AJ,” Dash said with certainty and walked over to the pile of wood, Spitfire following her while Applejack went back outside to fetch her tools from somewhere. Waiting until the earth pony was surely out of earshot, Dash turned to her companion who was helping her to put the first plank on the cart. “So what do you think, Spits?”

Spitfire only gave Rainbow a confused look, “What do you mean?” The words had barely left the captain’s mouth before she realized exactly what Dash had meant. “Y-you want me to tell her?!” She nearly dropped the second plank.

“Yeah. Trust me, if there’s anyone you can trust it’s her,” Rainbow said sure of herself. “I’ve pretty much known her from the moment I first got to town.” They picked up the fourth and the fifth plank simultaneously and pushed them onto the cart as well. “If you want to talk to her some more that’s fine with me.” Just as Dash finished talking Applejack came trotting back into the barn.

“Ah got mah hammer and we should have enough nails to replace all them broken ones.” Spitfire and Dash put the last planks on the cart. Applejack strapped into the harness and, without too much effort, pulled the cart out of the barn. The two pegasi took to the air to follow the earth pony as she tracked towards the eastern border of Sweet Apple Acres.

“Say, aren’t we getting closer to the Everfree forest?” Spitfire asked, her voice betraying a slight tinge of nervousness.

“Eeyup. Ah want to repair the fence in some places cause it’ll help keep some of the critters from there from roamin’ onto the farm.” Applejack took the cart down one of the lanes of trees, a fence becoming visible in the distance.

“Isn’t it dangerous to go that close to the edge of that forest?” Applejack chuckled and Dash laughed, Spitfire looking slightly surprised at the two's reactions.

“Nah Sugarcube, the forest ain’t that dangerous if ya don’t head in too deep. Jus’ have ta watch out fer poison joke and timber wolves,” Applejack explained as she continued to chuckle. Spitfire’s reaction simply being that her mouth dropped open in awe. Not that dangerous because you ‘only’ have to watch out for bucking timberwolves?! Is she completely out of her mind?!

“You’re not afraid of being attacked by timberwolves?!” I might be part dragon, but even I know better than to go tussle with those things! Applejack stopped chuckling and looked at the baffled pegasus.

“Ah know it sounds kinda reckless, but we’ve ran into a whole lot worse over the last two years. Everythin’ from monsters to a corrupted alicorn.” The explanation did make some sense to Spitfire as she had read some of the reports of the things the elements had run into. If they could overcome those, timberwolves might not be the scariest thing to them… I might not be the scariest thing to them…

“Hey, I think I just saw the weather crew starting to push snow clouds towards the farm. Mind if I go drop in on them? We’ll meet back up at the fence!” Without waiting, Dash shot off into the open air towards where she’d spotted her colleagues. Wait what?! I-Is she leaving me alone? Is she coming back?! Did I do something wrong?!

“Ah don’t worry ‘bout ‘er, she’ll be back soon,” Applejack said as she happily continued to trot towards the approaching fence, one of the boards having been split in half. “Can ya hoof me one of them planks?” Spitfire nodded absentmindedly and picked one of the long wooden boards off the cart, flying it over to where Applejack was taking off the old, broken one.

I think Dash may be right on this. Should I wait for her to return or… The captain glanced at the hardworking earth pony as she pulled off the last pieces of plank from the post along with the nails. Come on, Spitfire, you're the captain of the bucking Wonderbolts. You shouldn't need anyone holding your hoof!

“Say Applejack, there's something Dash and me have been talking about…” Spitfire's voice was trembling as her nerves flared up regardless. Applejack stopped her work to look at Spitfire, prompting her to shrink down under the earth pony's gaze.

“Did that featherbrain tell ya she loves ya? Ah know she's inta mares. 't made our first few meetings mighty awkward.” Spitfire's face went beet red at AJ's assumption.

“N-No!… Well yes, b-but that wasn't I meant!” she sputtered. Applejack couldn't help but laugh at the Wonderbolt’s awkwardness as she put a hoof on Spitfire's shoulder.

“Calm down there. Ah ain't judgin'. Any friend of Dash is a friend ah mine. If there's anythin' ya want off yer chest, ah'll listen.” With those words a whole lot of tension within Spitfire was released.

“I’m not a normal pegasus,” she blurted out, Applejack raising an eyebrow. A little bit of sweat forming on her fur. “I’m p-part dragon.” Applejack just stared at her with an expression Spitfire had trouble deciphering, only adding to the swiftly returning feeling of anxiety.

Oh no, she’s going to be afraid and get mad, isn’t she? And then she’s going to get angry at Dash-

“That all?” Spitfire’s mind came to a screeching halt as she processed those words. Applejack wasn’t angry or mad. She didn’t even find it strange! The Wonderbolt’s legs started trembling as she felt their strength waning, tears forming in the corner of her eyes and a lump forming in her throat. “Hey, you okay there partner?”

“No…” Spitfire shot forward and pulled applejack into a hug, crying onto her shoulder. Applejack awkwardly petting her hair.

“It’s all right sugarcube, let it all out…”

Author's Note:

I've got some fun ideas lined up for the next chapter already, I hope that you enjoyed the chapter! :twilightsmile:

edited by gerandakis, lordelliot

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