• Published 28th May 2019
  • 1,951 Views, 206 Comments

Changeling of the East - AF FireFly

A mutualistic changeling crosses the great ocean to observe the lifestyle of ponies in Equestria.

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Blind and Plump [Re-Edited]

"Hello! My name is Arctic and... you're just gonna walk right past me, excellent," I sigh. For a land with a supposed reputation for being the most harmonious in the world, these ponies are awfully rude. I’ve been trying all morning long to connect with at least one of these ponies only for the majority to look at me funny and continue walking without a word. As for the minority? Well, it's a good thing I had a thick chitin when it comes to insults.

There's only so much rejection one can take before giving in and I’ve reached mine. Now I'm just walking aimlessly down the street in defeat. A city of thousands upon thousands and I can’t make a single friend. Not to mention that the leftover emotions in the air are once again too mixed up to feed on. Am I missing anything else?


Oh right, I'm also starving with the only source of food stored in my ship next to that strange tower. Not that that does me any good right now as I may or may not have gotten very lost. As in, I’m not even sure where the shore is anymore.

Thoughts of the homeland once again invade my mind. To think, I viewed life there as routine, uneventful, and just downright boring. I mean, there was only so much one could down in a small town of maybe a couple of hundred ponies. Even when I moved to the main hive I couldn't find satisfaction. Always lost in a dream of going on some grand adventure. Heh, if only my younger self knew what was in store I wouldn’t have- What am I talking about? Of course I would have still done the things I did.

Anyway, I may be down and striking out right now, but I have done so in the past and always bounced right back up. I've been told my tenacity is somewhat of an annoyance at times. Well then let me be the most annoying creature out here. I have an opportunity unlike any other before me and I'm gonna make the best of it. And so, I perk myself up and intercept the mare walking past me.

"Hi! My name is-"

"Not interested!"

Ick! That has to be the sourest flavored indifference I've ever tasted. Indifference isn’t even supposed to be sour! One thing is for sure, these ponies could sure use some positivity. Hmm, now there's a thought. I stop to sit down on a nearby bench and ponder. So far I have deemed this city unsuitable for a sub-hive and have even debated trying my luck finding some other place in this land. But, maybe... just maybe the reason this place seems to be so unwelcoming is that there are no changelings here. In fact, I'm starting to recall some stories from the elders about how even the ponies on the homeland were highly not trusting of strangers until we changelings were able to integrate and slowly change their way of thinking. I will have to send a message to the queen to inquire her wisdom of such thoughts. Despite all this, it does not solve the problem of food; especially if these ponies were reluctant to establish direct links. Technically we could force direct links and drain the ponies for substance, but such a thing was highly forbidden by the queen.

As I sit and think, I watch the passing ponies and observe their behavior. There must be something wrong with the way I'm trying to introduce myself. Perhaps if I just sit and pony watch I can discover the secret of proper interaction with the city kind. I suddenly start noticing an interesting pattern. Not so much of what was being said, but rather where the majority of the ponies are heading. Though a few are traveling every which way and some even entering nearby buildings, a large number of ponies appear to be walking on the same path and heading the same direction. It may be coincidental, sure, yet it was enough to get my curiosity flowing. As such, I got up from the bench and start following the herd.

As I walk along with the crowd I notice more and more ponies heading in the same direction from multiple directions. Any doubt I had of this being pure coincidence is now completely banished from my head. After several minutes of trotting, a building comes into view that appears to be the destination of the ponies. Though calling it a building doesn't really give it any justice. It’s more of a complex, and it is ginormous! It isn’t nearly as tall as any of the other spires in the city, but it takes up much more space than any other structure. The closest comparison I can think of is an enlarged version of the theater squares back home. From this distance, I can see many rows of seats stretching several stories high just on the other side of the complex and curving to keep the view towards the center. Several gates mark the entrance of the brick complex where the ponies queue up. As I approach, I take notice of ponies hoofing over tickets to the other ponies standing guard at the gates.

Not being a proprietor of such a ticket myself, I stand a fair distance away to take in the sights and sounds. In doing so I make a surprising discovery. The emotions in the air are no longer as mixed as they were in the city proper. Instead, A strong flow of excitement and joy lingers all around in great strength and only grows stronger the closer to the complex I get. I admit that I may have gotten a little giddy myself as I take in the unexpected meal, my hunger finally being sedated. So much of a change in this one area that I simply must find a way inside to see what could raise a ponies emotion to such power and unity.

I make my way over to a medium-size stall set up near the entrance that appears to be handing out the appropriate tickets to gain entry. Perhaps I could barter my way into receiving one myself. I am confident in my abilities to haggle with others. I did travel with merchants all the time back home. bartering may as well be a second language to me. Or third, to be more precise. Plus, the fact that I am a changeling gives me a pretty great advantage to read the pony in order to get the best deal possible. With my ego raised to appropriate levels, I enter the line with an eager smile. It doesn't take long until I stand before the unicorn stallion standing behind the booth.

"Welcome to Circle Change Park!" he greets with a smile. Let the show begin.

"I wish to procure a ticket for entry my fair friend," I respond in kind, sharing my own smile.

Excellent, I can feel his resolve wavering with... huh, is that amusement I taste?

Sure enough, though the green pony in front of me looks bemused, he is definitely radiating the sweet taste of amusement. Looks like I'm dealing with a strange one here. Another ego boost should help my position.

"And might I say that yellow mane of yours matches very well with your coat."

Ick! I can't believe I just said green and yellow is a good combo. It has to be the worst color combination on the face of the planet.

I feel the amusement suddenly drain from the stallion and be replaced with confusion and uncertainty. An unexpected result, but still achieved my goal of unbalancing the unicorn. All too easy.

"Uh, thanks. I think? We only have upper deck seats left which will be 30 bits." I openly scoff at the listed price.

"Surely 15 bits is the better price for one measly ticket." I make a point to raise my head above his, puff out my chest, and close my eyes, keeping just a sliver of my right eye open to judge his reaction. Now is the moment where he accepts the challenge and makes a counterclaim.

"The ticket is 30 bits, no less," he scowls.

This throws me for a loop. Perhaps he is unaware that the battle of wits had begun? Or maybe I haven't talked him up enough to change his position? Hmm, maybe another stroke of his pride, as well as a subtle hint, is a must. I lift a hoof on the table and rest my head upon it, making sure I stare intently into the colt's eyes.

"Hey handsome, what's it going to take to receive a deal on these here tickets? Something special perhaps?" I bat my eyes at him, a trick I learned from watching the nymphs haggle back home. He must not be getting what I’m hinting at for his frustration and anger explodes from him in such passion that it causes me to stumble back.

"Okay, listen here buddy! First of all, I do not swing that way! Second, the ticket is 30 bits! If you don't like the price then stop wasting my time and buzz off, capisce?" Even with my ears pinned to my head his shouting nearly makes me deaf. I wonder if I should ask what swings have to do with the current conversation, but his glare stops the words in my throat. Either way, it’s clear that the stallion does not understand the concept of bartering. Despite my annoyance at this fact, I can’t help but feel pity for him. Without the ability to properly barter he will be run out of business very quickly. I let out a defeated sigh.

"Alright. 30 bits it is."

The stallion's anger dissipates into triumph as he holds out his hoof. A moment passes, followed by another. As the third moment passes between us I sense his frustration return as he eyes me questioningly. At this point, I rub my mane in embarrassment as I realize a slight issue with this whole situation.

"What are bits exactly?"

The pony lets out an exasperated whinny. A deep frown emerges as his brows narrow dangerously. He is very, very angry. I gulp as sweat rains from my face.

I successfully escaped the wrath of the unicorn during his rant about foreigners. I proceed to try and find other ways into the complex. My last attempt resulted in being tackled out of the air by a couple of stout guardians when I tried to fly over the gate. taken to their nearby station for questioning, they asked me simple things such as why I attempted to infiltrate the stadium? Was I attempting to disrupt the game? Why is a raven like a writing desk? You know, the usual line of questioning. I'm back at the complex after having successfully snuck out in the middle of the guardian’s rant about pegasuses. Pegasi? It's not important. Though I am starting to wonder if ranting is a common occurrence for ponies around here.

Suddenly, I spot movement out on the corner of my eye. I discover another entrance flanked by two guardians next to a sign which dictates authorized personnel only. A small group of 4 slightly overweight ponies stands just outside with each wearing a plain black shirt with a black ball cap. All except one that is. Though I can't quite make out what is being said, I do get a hint of embarrassment from the unclothed pony as well as annoyance from the other three. I watch in surprise as the three black-shirted ponies walk through the entrance without security even sparing a glance in their direction. The last remaining pony quickly trots away from the gate and passes me. I get a strong sense of urgency from him as well as some sort of mumbling about forgetfulness.

Sensing an opportunity, I take quick notes on the stallion’s appearance. Earth pony, brown coat, white diamond on forehead, light brown mane and tail, cutie mark of a whistle, and extra furry hooves which are an even lighter brown. How very... average. I could nearly confuse him with an uninspired changeling coming up with their first form. I look around to check if the coast is clear before I dip into a nearby alleyway and shift forms. I try my best to mimic the low gaze of the stallion as I mutter incoherent words. I trot up to the gate and, as expected, the guardians let me pass without even so much of a glance in my direction. In fact, the most reaction I got was the stallion guardian muttering something about a river made of frosting while the mare guardian mentioned something about frosted-covered stallions.

With my infiltration very legal method of entrance a success, I begin to navigate the long twisting tunnels of the complex. I don't get far before I hear voices coming around a nearby corner. Wishing to avoid as much contact as possible, I urgently open a nearby door and rush in. In retrospect, I should have looked before doing so as to save the embarrassment of crashing into several cleaning apparatuses and being buried alive by several black shirts. Then again, this could have been a lucky break for me. I remember the ponies from earlier were also wearing these shirts. With the thought of bettering my already impressive disguise, I slip on one of the shirts. Now if only I could find a hat, then my disguise would be absolute perfection.

After hearing the voices pass the door, I exit the closet and check the hallway. With the coast clear, I once again walk down the dull hallway. I reach the end of the current hallway when I come across another door with a sign marked "Officials Only". With the only other option being to backtrack I instead decide to peek inside. I find an empty room with multiple lockers. All of them are empty outside of one where a strange mask with numerous metal bars lays. I walk over and pick up the mask in curiosity. I'm not sure why, but some part of me is familiar with its purpose though I have trouble placing it.

Suddenly, the door opens behind me. I turn around and my face pales. Standing right in front of me is the very same pony I am currently disguised as. I feel his confusion and panic wash over me which does nothing to help my own rising panic. Despite this, we just stand there, facing each other as if we're both hoping the other isn't real. Several moments stretch out without even a hint of movement before I mentally shrug and make the opening move.

“Twin brother! I finally found you after all this time!” I exclaim excitedly.

The stallion wobbles a little in place before his eye rolls back into his head and falls face-first on the floor. I spy a couch in the middle of the room and carefully pick up and lay the pony down on it. With any luck, when he wakes he'll just think he had a nightmare or something. I start leaving this place behind when I notice a mirror in one of the lockers. I blink. Glowing colors of pink and purple blink back at me.

"Ok, this is just getting ridiculous. I can't be that bad with eyes!" I despair.

I hear the door start to open again and in a rush of panic, I instinctively grab the nearby mask and place it on my head in hope of hiding my mistake. Instead of, you know, simply fixing the color of my eyes. I make a mental note to bang my head repeatedly after I get out of here. The three black-shirted ponies enter the room. I sense relief upon spotting me.

"There you are Blue!"

I quickly try to piece together a masterfully put toge- wait... Blue? The brown stallion on the couch behind me name is Blue! I... what? Baffled, I don’t notice one of the ponies walking behind me until they start pushing me towards the door.

"Come on Blue! I get this is your first time and you're nervous and all, but the game is about to start and it can't without you."

As I'm dragged against my will towards the door, I can't help but think what kind of mess I got myself into. With my escape cut off, I finally find my motion control again and follow the lead of the other three ponies. We take multiple turns in the tunnel system heading deeper and deeper into the complex. And then I hear it. The cheers of thousands of ponies at once. The air sparking with a sense of anticipation. Turning the last corner I see the light of the outside filtering through a large opening. We emerge from the tunnel; what I sense can not be put into words. Before us is a large field of grass. On the other end, I spy a dirt track in a cone-like shape with a mound of dirt in the middle and white lines extending on the far sides of the shape. Beyond that were the stands which were visible on the outside, filled to the brim with ponies of all types saturating the atmosphere with joy, and admiration. So much emotion is being poured out that I swear it could feed the entire hive for months if not years!

I turn my attention back to the field we are crossing. It takes me a minute of pondering the familiar terrain when a spark stirs my memories. Images of foals from the small settlements back home playing on a similar field tossing a small white ball. Yes, I know this game. What was it called again? I remember the pure innocence and joy emitting from the foals as they rounded the bases in triumph. Ah, that's right. The game is called rounders. I have never seen a game being played on a scale such as this though.

As we reached what I will find out later is called the pitcher mound, the copper mare that dragged me out of the room from earlier huddles us up.

"Alright, here are the jobs for today's game. I'll be working first base today." She points at the red stallion on my right. "Sharp Sight will be on second base." She swivels her hoof to the violet mare to my left. "Violet will be on third base." She finally points her hoof on me. "Blue will be on home plate. Everypony good with this?" I gulp, but nod my head in acceptance.

"Hey, don't worry too much about it. Remember you were trained for this," Sharp Sight says.

Violet gives me an encouraging smile before heading towards third base. Sharp Sight turns and motions to the dugouts as he trots to second base. Leaving me with a glaring copper pegasus mare. I try to give a reassuring smile, but the grin may have been a little too wide. She then pokes her hoof firmly on my chest.

"Don't screw this up for us you hear?"

I energetically nod my head. I let out my breath as she makes her way to first base. As both teams enter the field I hear the crowd behind let out a mighty roar of admiration. I slowly trot to home plate wondering what to do. There is absolutely no escape from this developing nightmare. I will have to survive the game before I can leave. I take my place behind home plate and the first batter walks into the batter's box. I take note of the grey and blue uniform of the batter with the words Canterlot Monarchs written across his barrel. The other team wears a white pinstripe uniform with red trimmings and the name Manehatten Loyalists. I take a deep breath. I have watched a pick-up game of rounders before and am familiar with the rules. It is my job to call if a pitch was a ball or strike. This will be easy.

A light blue, grey mane pegasus takes the picture mound and stretches his wings. With a nod to the catcher just in front of me, the pitcher grasps the ball in his wings and readies the pitch. With exaggerated motion, he throws the ball.



What just happened? I could have sworn I saw the ball for a split second before it disappeared. I notice the catcher glove is raised over the home plate. Did he catch it? Can a pony truly throw a ball that fast? Silence dominates the stadium as the crowd eagerly awaits my call. The taste of confusion fills my senses as both batter and catcher tilt their heads as they stare at me. I spy the copper pony over at first wave a hoof erratically trying to get me to speed up. I am completely baffled. I slowly close my jaw as I try to decipher what to do next. I need to make a call, but will it be the right one. I hesitantly lift my right hoof and stretch it to the right.


I jump slightly as the crowd lets out euphoric applause at my call. I’m flooded by the appreciation being directed at me. It’s both overwhelming and empowering. Overconfidence replaces every single doubt and fear within me. The pitcher even nods my way as the catcher tosses the ball back. I can do this after all.

The crowd quiets down as the pitcher takes his stance again. With another nod, he readies the pitch and throws a heater just above the zone.


"STRIKE!" I turn to the crowd and lift a hoof high above my head. "TWO!" The crowd roars again and fills me up with another dose of positive emotion. I give a slight bow in appreciation and turn back to the pitcher mound. I feel a little foggy in the head, but I pay no heed to it. I am on my game. In fact, I'm pretty sure I know exactly how the next pitch is going to turn out. As the pitcher releases the ball I'm on the call.



"Three! Three! Three!"

This time I make sure to perform a full jig for the crowd as they erupt again. The struck-out batter’s face glows red in anger as he glares me down. I do not care for him, those who strike out looking aren't worth my time. I do seek out the other umpires for additional positive reinforcement. Violet has a hoof on her muzzle with wilted ears. Sharp Sight is on the ground laughing. I didn't dare look at the copper one as I could feel her anger all the way over here. Some part of my brain suggests that I tone it down going forward and I take the advice from my survival instinct to heart. And so the ball game continues.

Nothing too eventful happens for the next 5 innings. Every called strike is greeted with more and more positive emotion which, I must admit, did perhaps just slightly completely impair my judgment skills. It was an imminent result considering I am completely full and the excess emotion being directed at me has to go somewhere. I did discover that calling a pitch a ball had an extreme opposite reaction from the crowd. Not wanting to experience waves of negative emotion like that again, I make it a point to call more strikes than balls. Yet, when it went to the bottom of the inning I found the ponies giving the opposite reactions; preferring more balls being called over strikes. I keep this in mind as the game progresses. At one point, I notice that every ball thrown by the Monarchs tends to be very sticky. I sniff at one of the balls and found the substance to be pine tar. I’m puzzled as to why the pitcher wants to put himself into a disadvantage by covering the ball in tar, but I suppose that's why I'm not a pitcher myself. I still think, however, that the Loyalist pitcher method of sanding the balls to be much more effective.

Things become heated in the 6th inning. Before the current Loyalist batter can enter the box, the opposing manager rushes onto the field. In the resulting conversation I have, he claims that the home team is using corked bats. I do not understand how that can be a problem, but I do investigate the matter to satisfy him. I take one of the bats used by the Manehatten team and break it open. I discover that bats are apparently hollow on the inside. Who knew?. Although I do spy what appears to be styrofoam, I do not discover the cork that the manager is complaining about. Being annoyed at him for wasting everypony's time, I promptly eject him from the game. This is followed by another wave of praise from the crowd. Honestly, I am surprised I can still walk properly at this point.

A few more at-bats later and we reach what I will learn later is called the 7th inning stretch. It is in this stretch when I become witness to one of the most amazing, most awe-inspiring moment in my young life. It starts with an announcement.

"Fillies and gentlecolts. Please put your hooves together and join us in singing "Take me out to the Ballgame".

Then the organ located near the top of the stadium begins playing. I sit on my rump, slack-jawed, as I hear the voice of thousands of ponies join together to sing in unison.

Take me out to the ballgame

Take me out to the crowd

Buy me some peanuts and crackerjack

I don't care if I never get back

So it's root, root, root for the home team

If they don't win, it's a shame

It's one, two, three strikes you're out

At the old ballgame

The crowd erupts in cheers as the singing fades away. I am left on the field, unable to hold back the tears of witnessing such a display of unity. It is the final wave of emotion my body can take. My head is swimming, unable to make sense of my surroundings as my stomach starts to ache. With neither team yet taking the field, I wobble my way to the entrance of the tunnels. As I reach the secluded hallway I drop the mask on the ground. Unable to hold on anymore my disguise fades away in a brilliant torrent of pink-hued flames. I wander aimlessly through the tunnels and somehow end up outside the door of the umpires' locker room. I cautiously open the door and hobble my way to the couch to check on the pony. To my surprise, I find the couch unoccupied. With my brain still out of order, I am unable to form a connection of what this could mean and instead plop myself on the soft surface of the couch and let out a moan of ill comfort. I find myself start to drift off to sleep. Right before I fell completely out cold I hear the crack of a bat as well as the vibrating cheers of thousands.

Guess the other pony found his way back to the game. That's good.

Then I blackout.

I’m so, so, so very lucky! Lucky that nopony noticed my mismatched eyes. Lucky that nopony was in the hallway when I dropped my disguise. Lucky that the true umpire went with the flow and didn't question how he woke up with the game nearing its end. And so very, very lucky that I managed to wake up and exit the stadium unnoticed before the end of the game. I will never, ever pull such a risk like that again. I will even go as far as to say I will never take another form other than my own from now on.

I am now back on my beached ship tending to my massive headache. Never before have I had to manage so much positive emotion in my life. Those stadiums are great harvesting and feeding grounds though. I will have to find a way to acquire these so-called bits in order to properly enter an event. I also need to judge the feeding potential when none of the emotions of the game are truly being directed at me as well.

Ugh. I'm thinking too much. It still feels like my brain is on fire. I am filled with hope, however, for the sporting events themselves could properly sustain not just a sub-hive, but the main hive itself. With this discovery, it is possible that every changeling will never know the feeling of hunger ever in their lives. I must get a message to the queen, but first I must rest. It will be nigh impossible to send a message through the link with such a pounding feeling in my head.

"I will never, ever overfeed ever again," I mutter.

My Queen,

I send great news back to the hive. I have made landfall on the lands across the great ocean. I am currently residing in a city called Manehatten. The city is truly a mighty sight to behold with spires towering just as high, or even higher than our own. The city itself, I estimate, spans about the size of three or four pony villages found on the homeland with 100 times the amount of ponies present.

I am unfortunate to announce that contact and communication with the ponies of this land have been met with absolute failure. It appears that the reports of these ponies being highly hospitable may be exaggerated. However, I have not ruled out the possibility of establishing a sub-hive. In fact, I believe to have uncovered a suitable harvesting ground ten times stronger than what can be gathered during our festivals. I will continue to observe this ground and the surrounding city, but my initial thoughts are that these grounds outweigh any risk associated with establishing a sub-hive in an unfriendly area.

I again offer my thanks for the funding of this journey of mine. In a show of absolute appreciation, I will work harder than ever before in service of the hive. I eagerly await your wisdom on the matters presented.

I'm not sure if this will work over such a long-distance link, but with this message, I am sending images of the potential feeding grounds as well as a sample of the emotions gathered from the location.

If I may make a request, please give my love to my immediate family and tell them I miss them.

Forever Faithful,

Arctic Thunder

Author's Note:

Life's a fastball, belt high,
Coming right down the middle.
Don't stand there and let it go bye
Swing hard and aim for the stands

Arctic Thunder. He's blind, he's plump, he wants to be an ump.