• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 20 minutes ago


Perfection? I don't want that, because that would mean stopping, standing still, instead of improving.


Tirek thought it was over when the mares he thought he had defeated used the powerful rainbow power of Harmony against him, stripping him of the power he had stolen from the ponies of Equestria, while no doubt sending him back to his cell in Tartarus. Fate, however, seemed to have other plans for him as he found himself buried under the ground, in a shallow grave that he had to pull himself out of, just as a bell tolled, and in a foreign land that he knows nothing about. At the same time he discovers that he wasn't the only one buried, as a fallen warrior also pulls herself from the grave and sets off on her own personal quest, while also finding out that they are both undead in some manner and that fate has big plans for them.

He and his unlikely companion must band together for the foreseeable future and tackle the dangers of this world, all while Tirek searches for the power that will allow him to break his condition, regain his true power, and then conquer the world, or die trying.

(Dark Souls 3/MLP Crossover)
(Part of the Demon War story series, but reading the others isn't required)

Chapters (43)
Comments ( 95 )

Insta like and fav just for DARKSOULS

Well I wonder how often he is going to over estimate his capabilities and end up back at a bonfire?

Oh yes I am going to enjoy this as that was fan-fucking-tastic. The start with Tireks Canon ass kicking was great and almost scene for scene from canon which was great. I have this feeling though that Tirek is going to be wishing he was in Tartarus by the time they get to the tutorial area boss Gundyr. Sarana is also quite interesting in that she seems like a cold and calculated warrior. I am really looking forward to more of this. Another great chapter from you, looking forward to more of this. Keep up the great work

All I can say is excellent job on this start to the story. The exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up were all quite well done in all the right places. Loved the flashback to Tirek's canon defeat before he ended up in the Dark Souls universe. And, to his credit, Tirek IS, at least for now, tempering enough of his arrogance to listen to Sarana (especially her points about them being freshly resurrected and in a new world). And, yeah, the warning about the Crystal Lizards is probably a good one, but odds are he probably WILL have to fight a few of them after he's levelled up a fair bit. So far, if nothing else, Tirek is showing good instincts.

All in all, an excellent start to the second story in your Demon War series. While I don't have the knowledge of the Dark Souls series that I do of the Spyro games, I am still curious as to where this is going to go. And a story like this seems especially appropriate considering you're starting this less than a month before Halloween.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

well that was fun. Tirek begins the long process of Mastering this worlds magic in combat while his partner Sarana gives zero fucks about him. Definitely got a chuckle out of her calling him an "old man" and quite enjoyed seeing Tirek simply being ordered around because he has no other choice in the matter. Am looking forward to when he starts dying as it is a dark souls game after all. As always another great chapter from you, looking forward to more of this. Keep up the great work

I am starting to wonder, is Tirek a follower in someone else’s campaign? That will definitely rub him the wrong way if he finds out.

Again, excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Greatly enjoyed Tirek and Sarana's first few battles as well as Tirek's frustration about how long it is obviously going to take for him to get back to full strength. Plus, Tirek meeting the Fire Keeper and finding out a bit more (though not much more) about how this new world works definitely makes sense (particularly his notes about how this seems to play out like a video game where he is only at the starting level (a good Leaning on the Fourth Wall bit).

Certainly looking forward to more of this.

Hopefully when Tirek levels up next he will spend the points and improve his health. He is more of a liability with him being so slow.

Again, excellent job on the exchange, action, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Yeah, Tirek went and got himself killed, but at least he learned to be more careful. And I can see BOTH Sarana and Tirek's points. Yes, one can definitely understand why Sarana would be so upset and Tirek has a point about being too slow at present.Hopefully, when he levels up enough, he'll have built up his health AND his speed enough to be less of a liability.

VERY definitely looking forward to more of this.

Death Counter:
Tirek: 1
Sarana: 1

wow Tirek seems to be actually learning from this experience but then again Dying can do that, though he damn lucky he can't feel being cut in half as I imagine that woulda hurt something fierce. Definitely Enjoying Sarana and her no fucks given attitude is a great contrast to the guy from the last one with Rarity. Really good to see someone finally giving the bow some love as its one of my personal fav weapons in darksouls as a useful backup weapon. As always another great chapter, looking forward to more of Tirek dying (cause I loved seeing that happen to one so deserving of it). Keep up the great work.

Death Count this chapter:
Tirek : 1
Sarana: 1
Tirek: 2
Sarana: 2

hahahaha that was awesome. Loved the interactions between Tirek and Sarana especially Tirek getting told off by Sarana and basically having to suck it up and go"yeah your right I am fucked alone" though she shouldn't feel too bad i had the same thing happen to me the first time I ever fought the dancer. Looking like Vordt should be up next though which should be good for a death or two. AS always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

I think Tirek is going to be going down one of the darker paths in this story. It makes me wonder if he will fail and allow the demons to get closer to wining?

Again, great job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. I greatly enjoyed Tirek getting told off by Sarana for his outburst following her getting distracted by that armor. And Tirek admitting that he definitely needs her was really great, especially for somebody who has been on both sides of the "double-cross" before. And, earlier, when they both picked up things that could be useful (Sarana that "ring of sacrifice", Tirek those couple of Embers), that should some good forethought. Plus, they DID find a shortcut too, just in case.

Very certainly looking forward to more of this.

death count:
This chapter
Tirek: 1
Sarana: 1

Tirek: 3
Sarana 3

well that was fun both Sarana and Tirek learn just how hard a Dark Souls Boss can be and each earn their third total death. With the addition of Martok though it seems the party has grown quite a bit more powerful as having a dedicated tank in any party makes things easier. All they need now is a healer or for Tirek to learn some healing miracles. As always another great chapter, looking forward to what is next. Keep up the great work

Excellent job on the action, exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Again, loved seeing Tirek and Sarana's teamwork against that one knight (even though they lost to him once) before their encounters with Yoel and Martok. And now, Martok is allied with Sarana and Tirek, so we DO have a stronger party.

Definitely going to be looking forward to more of this.

So they have started to expand their party. With someone to help improve their spell casting and a better front line fighter they should do better.

Deaths this chapter: 0

total deaths:
Tirek: 3
Sarana: 3
Martok: 0

hmmm now that is interesting Tirek begins the long journey for one of the hardest endings with his use of yoels power, Tirek just turned hard mode on. Sarana and Martok on the other hand are quickly proving just how useful they are both in and out of combat. The group also managed to get through the undead settlement without dying which was quite impressive though could easily be chocked up to the size of their group. As always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

Again, excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Absolutely loved seeing Martok, Sarana and Tirek in action here working as a team (as well as Yoel temporarily boosting Tirek's power to a small percent of his true potential, but still enough to help him out of a few rough patches and Greirat's interactions with the party). Slowly, but surely, they ARE getting better and stronger.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

deaths this chapter:
Tirek: 1
Sarana: 0
Martok: 0

Total Deaths:
Tirek: 4
Sarana: 3
Martok: 0

Tireks first power boost seems to be serving him quite well indeed and martok seems like a real tank with that armor. It seems to be on par with the black knights set if it can simply take a flamberge hit. Also Can relate far to heavily with Sarana and anger at her parents though for her to go to such lengths it must have been a truly terrible childhood (given that its dark souls its not to hard to picture) and finally Tirek gets skewered by the giant lol though that does tend to happen to newbies first entering that area (I know its happened to me a few times) as always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

Excellent job on the latest chapter. Love the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. Yeah, certainly really liked the look at the supply run as Tirek, Sarana and Martok explored the peasant hollow settlements and Tirek reflected on how much Yoel actually helped him. And, yeah, I could see where Tirek might be interested in learning a bit of pyromancy and also learned that Sarana has issues with her parents (to put it EXTREMELY mildly). And, yeah, the fight with the manservant was great to read. Unfortunatley, Tirek just got killed again at the very end of the chapter.

Very certainly looking forward to more of this.

deaths this chapter:
Tirek: 1
Sarana: 1
Martok: 1

Total Deaths:
Tirek: 5
Sarana: 4
Martok: 1

hah I can't believe the group got thrashed by the frost sword knight, I don't think I have ever lost to that one in any of my playthroughs of DS3, though i will give the group some props for successfully trolling it to get their souls back. also SIEGWARD WOOOO, love that little onion knight. hes one of my favorite npcs in that game. as Always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

Again, quite well done on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Once again, seeing the group's teamwork in these battles, especially with Tirek's notes about how that one fiery beast had so much trouble with him, Sarana, Martok and Siegward even with everything it had access to and how they prevented those two evangelists from using teamwork of their own. And, again, they continue to collect things that, even if they don't know HOW they will be useful right now, they probably will find out later on.

Anyway, certainly looking forward to more of this.

Deaths this chapter:
Tirek: 1
Sarana: 1
Martok: 1

Total Deaths:
Tirek: 6
Sarana: 5
Martok: 2

Well Tirek is definitely progressing quickly at regaining his old power being at 10% already while Sarana and Martok continue to impress with their skills and abilities, though it kinda seems Martok may have an issue with being absentminded or being easily distracted from the task at hand, I can see either of those leading to some real shitty deaths later on as the enemies get stronger. Another death each as well to the curse rotted greatwood which is a boss I think basically everyone has died to at least once (i know I have) and they missed something in the second fight area for that boss, not a mandatory item pickup but one that cannot be gotten after leaving the area once the tree is dead. I also have a feeling that the transposing Kiln will be very useful to them as they meet and overcome some of the later bosses (mainly the ones you can turn into spells that is). AS always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

Very little I can say that PrismStrike hasn't already said better, but I quite agree that the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up continue to be well done.

Excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places once again. I could definitely see the bits of reflection before Tirek, Sarana and Martok went on their latest outing - especially Tirek observing that the party would only need to clear out the area between the latest bonfire and the tower once or twice before he can get another spell or two. And, yeah, they found a new tome, but one none of the party could translate. And now, the party has met Ari and Horace.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

I am now also wondering about that as well. Why hasn’t anyone commented on his appearance yet? A perception filter is odd for this setting.

deaths this chapter:
Tirek: 0
Sarana: 0
Martok: 0

Total Deaths:
Tirek: 6
Sarana: 5
Martok: 2

wow the group managed to get through this chapter without dying at all and martok shows himself to be a true beast of a warrior manhandling the crazy lady and then sparta kicking her off the edge and then manhandling that fat dog before yeeting it off another one. Though I will say Tirek does have a good point about his form but hey when all life is about survival you tend to let shit like that go. As always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

Deaths this chapter:
Tirek: 1
Sarana: 1
Martok: 1

Total Deaths:
Tirek: 7
Sarana: 6
Martok: 3

oh the fucking swamp, unngghhh how I hate this area so hard. Wonder how hard Tirek is gunna hate it once they get to the poisonous part of it. I was impressed though by Sarana and her acrobatic ability here, kinda wish you could do that in game when it came to those crabs eh. AS always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work.

Deaths this chapter:
Tirek: 1
Sarana: 0
Martok: 0

Total Deaths:
Tirek: 8
Sarna: 6
Martok: 3

another boss fight down in the form of the crystal sage, seri9ously that boss is such a bitch for how powerful it is supposed to be (another boss i don't think I have ever lost against). Tirek definitely had a good idea though going back to the swamp to search for items though i honestly was expecting them to die at least once to the Black Knight. Also though their first invasion and it seems Tirek can't really handle himself still yet which I found kinda funny. As always another great chap0ter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work.

I wonder if Sarana is starting to realize that Tirek is just a bit overwhelmed here. I think the next chapter is going to be interesting as they all will probably be having a difficult rematch.

Deaths this chapter:
Tirek: 1
Sarana: 0
Martok: 0

Total Deaths:
Tirek: 9
Sarana: 6
Martok: 3

ahhh the cathedral of the deep, what a fun location. Tirek is getting some good use out of his newest spell already though it seems, while Sarana just continues to exude awesomeness. That giant is a massive prick though as it has killed me a few times in playthroughs. AS always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

I have a small bit of criticism and it is that the paragraphs are a bit too long can you please shorten them a bit in the next chapters but the story is very good apart from the long paragraphs

Deaths This CHapter:
Tirek: 1
Sarana: 1
Martok: 1

Total Deaths:
Tirek: 10
Sarana: 7
Martok: 4

omg I wish we could do what Sarana did in game with that mimic as that was downright badass. Tirek also gets to the end of the empowerment from Yoel, am looking forward to his reaction to meeting Yuria of Londor. Also the deacons of the deep go down and tirek gets to be frustrated about not yet finding Aldritch. AS always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

Deaths this chapter:
Tirek: 0
Sarana: 0
Martok: 0

Total Deaths:
Tirek: 10
Sarana: 7
Martok: 4

ungghhh this fucking swamp has to be one of my most hated area's in the entire game between the poison and the elder ghru's. Tirek though seems to have gained the ability to drain enemies once more which only makes things worse for the magic users of Dark Souls. Have to agree fully with Sarana though, wish we could turn the swamp into a wasteland of ash and bone in game. as always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. keep up the great work!

I do wonder, is Tirek going to be the true villain again? We are witnessing what could be described as his fall from possible hero to villain.

Deaths this chapter:
Tirek: 1
Sarana: 1
Martok: 1

Total Deaths:
Tirek: 11
Sarana: 8
Martok: 5

doing the watchdogs of farron side task is a great way to earn easy early souls but as the group found out its also a good way to meet up with extremely skilled and powerful unkindled of other worlds. was interesting to see Sarana mention the Black hand wonder if there is anything to that also another demon dealt with as well by the group. AS always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

Deths this chapter:
Tirek: 0
Sarana: 0
Martok: 0

Total Deaths:
Tirek: 11
Sarana: 8
Martok: 5

hahahah well then they made the abyss watchers look damn easy here but I guess that does come from the size of their party, especially with help from gottards phantom. Also another mention of the black hand, me thinks that Sarana might be hiding something but only time will truly tell (though I will admit it makes me think of that set of game theory videos about the player character and the black hand). Sarana and Tirek also get revenge upon the dancer for one of their early deaths. Was not really surprised by Sarana getting the dancers armor as its great for most stealth builds being light with high poise and given her first reaction upon seeing the dancer. As always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. keep up the great work

Deaths this chapter:
Tirek: 0
Sarana: 0
Martok: 0

Total Deaths:
Tirek: 11
Sarana: 8
Martok: 5

ahhh the catacombs of carthis what an absolutely douchey place especially that bone boulder. Was never a big fan of the respawning skelbros either. It was interesting though to see the group recover the firekeepers soul, wonder if they are going to try to get the eyes as well. AS always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

Deaths this chapter:
Tirek: 0
Sarana: 0
Martok: 0

Total Deaths:
Tirek: 11
Sarana: 8
Martok: 5

well thats the catacombs finished. I personally consider the high lord one of the easiest bosses in the game so am not surprised about the group beating him without taking any damage. I was kinda surprised that Tirek so quickly killed Orbeck though as i personally will fill him up on spells so i can have them all then kill him when he is no longer useful but Tirek is a decisive bad guy one after all. Though I will point out that your supposed to find horace before you get confirmation of Anri being taken for the wedding though I have never actually tried doing it without finding him first. As always though another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

Tirek is on a very disastrous path. Not that I would expect any less but hopefully there will be someone who will stop him in the end.

The lord of Hollows questline is arguably what should be done as it brings the world into the age of darkness Gwyn and his "gods" have been holding back with the linking of the fire. if anything the main ending for ds3 is the bad one where you link the fire.


There are three endings to my understanding. You link it which is one of the bad endings, you become the the new ages first Dark Lord (what Tirek is doing), or allowing the flame to go out and the natural order to resume. My understanding of the game lore is that the third ending is the one that is good one. It is my understanding that someone at the start of the current age got paranoid and did something that messed up the natural order of the world. By allowing the flame to go out and not becoming a Dark Lord was supposed to be like a reset button and Tirek will taking control is a bad thing.

Unless my earlier prediction is correct. Tirek is going to be the overall big bad and we are seeing his rise to power. His story starts with his banishment and it sounds like he was the first to leave.

technically though an age of dark without someone to rule would just be anarchy where eventually a strong creature would rise to power over all so why not be tirek. despite him doing the lord of ho0llows he is learning to co-operate with others and even see value in others (mostlyu Sarana and martok but still its a start to actual friendship) so no way to actually tell if he is going to be evil or just mean

Deaths this chapter:
Tirek: 1
Sarana: 1
Martok: 1

Total Deaths:
Tirek: 12
Sarana: 9
Martok: 6

smoldering lake an interesting area of the catacombs. I do wonder if Tirek is going to find the one staff down there as its like the second or third strongest in the game (if my memory is serving me right on that) I will say though Yuria having a book of spells like that is something i could see happening given her proposed lore connections, Tireks enemies though are in some pretty deep shit now as some of them spells be damn powerful. though he will still need a hex capable focus item for the dark spells. AS always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

deaths this chapter:
Tirek: 0
Sarana: 0
Martok: 0

total deaths:
Tirek: 12
Sarana: 9
Martok: 6

well seems like the group has more or less finished smoldering lake now what with Tirek finding the staff there and even soloing Horace. The trio is definitely getting quite powerful indeed. Also in an effort to boost comments if any of you have Questions about Sarana and Martok feel free to reply to me here as they are my characters originally used here with permission. (will happily give out backstory and stats for those interested but will not spoil anything still to come). though as always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. keep up the great work


I have some questions about Sarana. I looked up the game I couldn’t find any information about her so I thought she was originally the authors PC.

Nice to see the group powering themselves up. I was surprised when they just lit the bonfire and left, but they got lucky they didn’t immediately find a powerful character laying in ambush.

yeah you wont find anything about her in canon as she was a character I created while playing the game. her base class from in game is assassin. please feel free to ask any questions you might have about her in regards to story, class and stats :pinkiesmile:

10561333 Sarana and Martok are both characters that PrismStrike allowed me to use for Tirek's story, so he's the one that knows the most about both of them.

Yes resting would be a good idea. I hope he plans a bit more because just how far back would he have had to go if he had “fallen” here?

10566523 If Pontiff had beaten him and his group, well, they would have gone back to the bonfire near the sewer area, since it was the last one they had activated, which isn't too far from the Pontiff's boss chamber, so they wouldn't have had to repeat too much (now if it had been the first of Irithyll's bonfires, at the bridge, then they would have had to either repeat a lot of stuff or just teleport to the church and run from there).

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