• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,654 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 59


Silently allow Tali to cry. 50%

Fluttershy thought about asking Tali about her feelings towards Shepard but decided against it. The quarian was already in enough distress as it was. Opening one of her wings, Fluttershy wrapped Tali in a tight hug while rubbing her back.

As time continued on, more escape pods were guided into the hangar, allowing their occupants to flow out into the safety of the dreadnaught.

Fluttershy and Tali were soon joined by other members of the crew. Wrex and Garrus were the first to join them, the krogan having calmed down a little, but seeing the stream of blood coming from Garrus’ nose gave a good indication how he had done so. Liara, Doctor Chakwas, and Kaiden were the next three to join them, all of them staying silent as none of them really felt like saying anything. The last to join them was Joker. The pilot wasn’t even able to look any of the others in the eyes for some reason.

Tali, having calmed down some, found herself looking at the pilot and calmly stood up. The others tensed up as the quarian approached the pilot with balled fists. Right before Tali could reach Joker, Kaidan jumped in between them.

“Whoa there Tali, calm down,” he said as he made sure the quarian couldn’t suddenly jump at the Normandy’s pilot.

“Kaidan, get out of my way. That bosh’tet is the reason Shepard isn’t here anymore!” Tali roared as she tried pushing past the human biotic, but Kaidan would not budge.

“Breaking all of his bones isn’t going to bring the Commander back, Tali. Whoever took a shot at us is responsible for killing him, not Joker. He was just trying to save his ship!” Kaidan sternly told Tali, the quarian remaining in her tensed up stance for a few moments longer before her knees started wobbling and she fell sobbing to the ground again.

Both Garrus and Fluttershy were filled in on what happened on the Normandy. How Joker had tried to save the ship and how Shepard had gone to get him, ultimately dying because of that. Fluttershy understood why Tali in her distraught state would blame Joker but hoped that she’d see that it wasn’t his fault.

Eventually the last of the escape pods entered the hangar and the Everest’s crew started bringing the Normandy’s crew to quarters on the dreadnaught where they could stay until reaching council space again.

...The tragic death of the human spectre who saved the Citadel from the Geth a little over a month ago. We now go to Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani for-


Shotgun pellets ripped the TV monitor apart as it was in the middle of it’s report on Shepard’s death. Tali meanwhile re-holstered her shotgun, sat back down at the table, and continued to drink through her ‘emergency induction port’ as if nothing had happened.

The occupants of the bar they were sitting in nervously glanced at the rest of the group around the table. Wrex, Fluttershy, and Tali were fully geared up while Garrus, Kaidan, Liara, Chawas, and Joker were wearing more official clothes. They had attended the military funeral the alliance arranged for the commander and the rest of the Normandy’s crew who hadn’t made it.

The Normandy’s wreckage had been marked by the Everest before they left so that recovery teams could attempt to retrieve any remains of fallen servicemen and materiel, something that happened mere days after the destruction of the vessel.

The only thing they hadn’t been able to find was Shepard’s body. This was something that hit the crew hard. After all that happened, they weren’t even able to give the commander the proper burial he deserved.

Fluttershy downed the final bit of alcohol in her glass before speaking up. “So what are we going to do now?”

“What can we do? The council is denying every claim the Commander made about the Reapers, and they’ve broken up the Normandy’s crew, even going as far as taking me out of rotation entirely!” Joker immediately answered. “I want to keep fighting against it, but it’s us versus the entire galaxy right now.”

“We could spread the story on the extranet. There are bound to be some people who’ll believe it,” Garrus commented offhandedly, earning a groan and an eye roll from Liara.

“Because having conspiracy theorists on your side is so incredibly helpful,” the asari snarked. “I for one am going to look into if my contacts have any further information from the protheans on the Reapers, like strange, inconsistent information left over from their fall.”

“At least one of us is going to make herself useful. How about you, Tali?” Joker asked. The pilot had made up with the quarian, so Tali wasn’t at his throat anymore.

“I’ve been putting off my return to the flotilla for too long already. I’ll inform the Admiralty, but I’m not expecting them to believe it, much less act on the information,” Tali sighed. The next person in line was Wrex, who took a swig from the bottle of ryncol in front of him.

“My kind is killing itself faster than we are replenishing our numbers. We’re simply too divided to be of any help,” Wrex simply stated, but the tone in his voice suggested that he was holding back something, and the others were quick to pick up on that and looked expectantly at him. “I’m going to return to Tuchanka and take control of clan Urdnot, expand its influence, and try to get the krogan to breed for at least a single generation. A bonus to this would be that when the Reapers come we’ll be a united front.”

Garrus whistled, “That’s one ambitious project, Wrex. Good luck trying to achieve that.”

“Yeah, I’m going to have to bash some skulls to get it done,” Wrex chuckled. “So what are you going to do?”

“The CItadel’s a mess right now, and C-Sec is severely understaffed. I was thinking of joining back up to help restore order while informing the lower levels of the Turian military of the Reaper threat. The Citadel council might be discrediting Shepard’s story, but I’m sure some of the lower functions will believe the claims and start preparing for it,” Garrus answered without a moment of hesitation.

“And what are you going to do, Fluttershy?” Chakwas asked.

“I’m not sure yet. I’m not my friend Twilight Sparkle. She’d be able to figure out where home is, but I simply can’t do that,” the pegasus admitted. “I think I might just go help out Garrus with restoring order on the Citadel or find a job involving animals.”

“I think they’ll appreciate all the help they can get in C-Sec if you decide to do that,” Garrus said with a smile.

Chakwas sighed as she finished her glass of brandy. “Well, I’m pretty sure none of those things will get done with us just sitting here drowning our sorrows.”

A chorus of agreements came from the group as they went to exit the bar, saying their final goodbyes before splitting off from each other to go off world. Fluttershy hoped that this wouldn’t be the last time she’d see them.

Author's Note:

No vote this time, time jumps incoming:twilightsheepish:

I hope you enjoyed! :twilightsmile:

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[No Vote]

Now edited by gerandakis and lordelliot

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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