• Member Since 17th Mar, 2013
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Comments ( 63 )

I wonder where I've seen that art before?

I'll admit, my first thought when I saw that picture was "Oh, look. A giant stellar crab."

And my second thought was "Rarity's going to go sparse."

A beautiful, quiet tragedy. One that we know has an a happy ending, but that doesn't help Celestia.

(And now I find myself reminded of one of my old unrealized ideas, wherein shortly after Luna's return—and Celestia no longer having to keep the night sky in a holding pattern—the head of the Royal Astronomers' Guild storms in demanding to know who's been messing with his sky. Said head happens to be Night Light. Twilight has to bail her father out of prison at one point.)

In any case, truly lovely work. Thank you for it.

AIn't it pretty. :raritystarry:


"Well met, Rarity. How may I-"

"Princess Luna, I do hate to prevail on past favours, vis-a-vis the whole purging you of Nightmare Moon business, but I feel I have no choice. Muster whatever alicorn magic you have, fly forth, and show that thing its maker."

Glad you like it! And that sounds like a marvellous story premise, affa worth realising. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

She sews her regrets into the night sky
As an apology a thousand years old
And repeated many more times that.
The patterns in the sky dapple and spin.
Beautiful like the tears of sadness
Over a regret,
But paling to the beauty that was the traces
Of trails of past stories
Yet still she tries,
Building the path for two
In hopes of redemption and atonement
For the sins of the sisters of the sky.

Verse is always a nice thing to get in a comments section. Thank you for this. :twilightsmile:

Indeed! It was so pretty I used it for a story about a year or two ago! :P

I'm seeing a giant space whale off to the left, myself. The thumbnail doesn't really do this artwork justice.

Lovely fic, Carabas. I am a fan of your Celestia, she's such an intensely practical creature. There's too many stories where she wallows rather uselessly in self-recrimination and maudlin grief. Here she's hurting badly, but she knocks back a shot of booze and gets on with rebuilding the world and sky, one star at a time.

Great minds think alike! Or... some sort of minds, at any rate.

Glad you like it, and my rendition of Celestia. She's a pony who'd likely love nothing more than to indulge in nice, prolonged self-recrimination and grief... but she knows she can't, not while there's a country that needs her and there's work to be done.

I feel as though I should just team up with you whenever you write a story. I seem to be writing poems for you most often.

A couple of years or so after Luna's banishment, and after a bit of resultant strife in Equestria.

It's an excellent habit you have there, though I may be biased in that opinion. :raritywink:

Lets go with 'great', shall we? :duck:

Well done!:yay:

If anyone asks, we'll pretend there's no other possible adjective that could apply.

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

she had an unenviable view of it all.

Wouldn't unenviable mean that nobody envied her view, meaning it is not desirable at all?

If you get the thesaurus, I'll get the knife.

Yep. She's not liking the night sky as it currently stands.

Knife? Tsk, you're the merciful type. I would have gone for fire, myself.

Evocative (if short) character piece. What it does, it does well. I particularly liked the tragic-comedic aspects, such as the descriptions of how badly Celestia mangles the constellations. Drives home how far out of her depth she is.

Still, I wouldn't say no to a full fic on Celestia rebuilding after the nightmare incident, as this is crying out for substantial expansion.

Hmm. That works too.

8381669 beat me to the "truly lovely work. Thank you for it", and so all I can offer is a "what he said."

Glad you like it, especially the tragi-comic bits. You can't (or, well, I can't) have some buggered-up constellations without going into unflattering detail of how exactly they've been buggered up.

I have actually been considering a longer piece about Celestia getting herself back together after the Nightmare incident, set between this piece and The White Horse. I've got the vague outline of a plot, a villain, and a way for Celestia to be forced to confront her gnawing inner wrath, despair, and Daybreaker, which would be fun to realise. Alas, what I've got so far would also probably call for Dark and Gore and suchlike tags, but it'd be fun to have a whirl at.

Yep. Gives you something toasty to warm your hands on as well.

He's nae bad at encapsulating sentiments, that FanOfMostEverything. Glad you liked it as well! :twilightsmile:

Marshmallows though, yay or nay?

"onto Celestia face"

"look up the pegasi schedules"
"pegasus" or "pegasi's"?

"She rose her head and studied"


Ah yes, the good old British pastime of detailing how precisely smug to feel over someone else's cockups. One likes to see the good ol' traditions upheld. :raritywink:

I hope you get around to writing that post-traumatic Celestia story; between the psychological angle and the historical context, the thing could practically write itself. Lord knows what monstrosity you'd foist upon the world, but I for one would be fascinated to find out. And to act as eye-witness, should the occasion arise.

Oh, definitely yay. Burning words gives them a subtle piquance, as well.

Fixed, and thank you! :twilightsmile:

Glad to have a vote of future approval! There'd certainly be wonderful story potential in it, even if I end up being too cack-handed to tap into it.

Celebratory s'mores seem like a requirement now...

You're quite welcome. :)

A nice little insight into the mind of Celestia and her feelings just after the Nightmare Wars and Luna's banishment. It is clear that she still feels guilty about not realizing Luna's descend into nightmaredom. At least Celestia has come to the conclusion that she must stop her self-flagellation if she is to lead Equestria, though she still blames herself sometimes. Celestia trying to fix the night sky seems to me to be one of the ways that she is trying to make up for banishing Luna to the moon. I wouldn't mind if you wrote more stories set in the past. It could offer you opportunities to expand upon the past and how it affected the present of the Palaververse.

I look forward to the next chapter of Wedding March when it comes out. I need something to fill in the gap left behind when I finally finish Fallout Equestria Project Horizons after what will total out to be an entire week of reading that thing.

8381953 8382009 I also offer my vote of future approval to "that post-traumatic Celestia story". Goodness knows I'd read it, especially if Carabas wrote it.

So, what's Sterling's story? Because I know she has one. After all, how many scarred battle-axes do you see serving tea and brandy to a princess?

(Even if the answer to that question is "A lot, actually," there's still a story in that.)

Glad you like it! Stories set in the past are always great fun, and I'll be sure to write more. There's so much untapped potential there for fics, especially those that want to root around in the psyche of the Princesses.

Best of luck with Project Horizons. Every time I so much as contemplate getting properly stuck into it, the sheer size is enough to send me nope-ing away in terror.

A vote of confidence is always a nice thing to have. :pinkiehappy: I'll see about hammering its premise and plot in better shape, then, and maybe something worthwhile'll pop out eventually.


So, what's Sterling's story?

Long and exciting. :trollestia:

A loyalist veteran of the Nightmare Wars that erupted after Luna's banishment. When stuff like the background events of The White Horse were unfolding, she was in the thick of things, and distinguished herself to come to Celestia's attention when peacetime finally rolled back around and she found herself looking for employment with a marginally-reduced risk of stabbing.


That was excellent.

It's always been my head canon that the first night of Luna's return, she's absolutely horrified by the mess Sunbutt's made of the night sky, and she spends the better part of an hour yelling at Celestia for basically ruining all the hard work she'd put into it. It takes her several nights of hard work to fix everything, and by the time she's done there are astronomers, astrologers, sailors, and occultists all complaining to Celestia because the stars aren't where they're suppose to be.

But on the night where it's all fixed Luna puts on a display that makes Celestia's very best night sky look like a low-res 16 bit badly pixelated gif, and everypony shuts up in awe.

EDIT: Either form of continuation would be loved. This is a great read.

Hah, I like that headcanon! It'd make for a lovely short story. :pinkiehappy: Glad you like this. :twilightsmile:

I've always wanted to see more of the White Horse, both before and after.

Because your Celestia when she is truly twisting the strings and striking down enemies - one way or another - is extremely fascinating.

In a way that's one of the mildly vexing bits about Wedding March. After it ends - well, some sort of post-story about her quite conclusively demonstrating that even when a threat is too powerful for her to physically smash one on one, she has webs within webs within webs to in particular silence the schemes of a certain Crown & Corvid and perhaps a Sheep as well...would be most fun.

If I ever got around around to writing that post-traumatic Celestia story, I reckon The White Horse, it, and Starscape would end up forming their own mini-trilogy of sorts, with the former and latter showing off the book-ends of Celestia's character just after dealing with Luna's descent into Nightmaredom. And rest assured that the middle one of these would involve Celestia pitting herself, body and soul, against some other foe of Equestria. Pitting herself hard.

Wedding March's denouement chapter should also evince some of her schemes to stymie the Crown and Cormaer and others ... though the show may have already spoiled them. :raritywink:

You know, that last bit in paragraph one has me going from 'Awesome serious fic' to 'Seducing the Emperor of foreign nation and preventing a war via exhausting the enemy leadership so hard they either ally or die of blissful exhaustion.'

The Catherine the Great approach to internal and external threats. It's one way for a stressed Celestia to unwind, certainly.

I suppose it is that as well, too!

A lovely, lovely little piece, Carabas. Wonderful as always!

Alas, the rest of the audience here has already beat me to the praise-heaping, so there’s not much I can add. Still, add a good helping of the same to the pile! Looking forward to whatever come next.

Oh, please do reconsider that idea! I would love to see a scene where Nightlight is going off to Celestia about that, as Luna sits nearby growing absolutely pissed at what’s being said. And it wouldn’t be Twi bailing her dad out, but more having to save him from an upset, recently-returned demigoddess.

Affa glad you like this one as well. :twilightsmile: And I second the motion for FanOfMostEverything to revisit that idea. It could make for an excellent wee story.


I like the way you write, and I particularly like the way you write Celestia.

That said, this story falls flat for me. If not for the particularly delicious prose, I'd have written it off as "just another guilt-ridden Celestia misses Luna" fic.

I'm glad I saw in the comments that you've written more Celestia stories, because otherwise I'd have risked not reading more of your writing. Do you have a story you recommend?

Glad you like my Celestia, though it's fair enough it fell flat regardless. 'Guilt-ridden Celestia misses Luna' is a crowded marketplace to barge into, and I suspect making this as short as it is was my way of trying not to frustrate folk too much on that account - "Sure, it's another one of those stories, but think about how little of your precious mortality it'll take up!"

If you're looking for something else featuring Celestia, though, see if Second Sun floats your boat. It's a wee bit old and unedited around the edges, but hopefully it'll satisfy.


I'll check that out, thanks!

Full review here, but in brief: a really nice character study of Tia at this particular point in her life. Nice to see her not represented as just mopey. Faved. :twilightsmile:

Glad you liked it, and much obliged for a full review in a place! :twilightsmile: Mopey Celestia isn't anywhere near as fun an entity to write about as Trying-to-do-things-about-it Celestia, and I'm happy I avoided the former.

What other genre tag do you reckon it deserved, out of interest?

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