• Published 25th May 2017
  • 839 Views, 34 Comments

The Lunar Engineer - Randomfastreader

Luna becomes an Engineer in a world where war is more common, she is now left once the carribou takeover canterlot to regain it.

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the change

After the war ended Luna, now the queen of Equestria, promptly ordered her forces to return to their homes Also discovering the amount of corruption in the nobility, she promptly ordered a council meeting when she returned to Canterlot.


Luna was currently sitting in the council chamber, a room that heavily resembled an arena. Surrounded by nobility, she stood in the center in front of a podium. As the last of the minor nobles filed into the room and found their seats. This council meeting was mandatory viewing for the entirety of Equestria, so once the equipment feeding live footage to massive screens placed in every town and city in Equestria was turned on, she began her address.

Luna began with, “Hello my fellow Equestrians, as you no doubt know by now, we have decisively won the war with the Caribou. However upon further inquiring about the actions of the nobility during this time of great stress, I was and still am concerned, because the vast majority of the nobles, only helped because it would advance them in some way, additionally I have discovered that some nobles were supported by the caribou, and upon further inquiring into the nobles actions in the past, have discovered that the majority of the current nobility is corrupt, and so from hence forth the entirety of the nobility, is stripped of their status and the majority of their estates, additionally all of the nobles except house Sparkle, and house Pants are required to vacate the city of Canterlot in no less than two days time. And from henceforth every city shall elect no less than two ponies, and one more pony per 100,000 ponies residing there upon the date of the annual census. As there is a massive amount of change going on in Canterlot, I am appointing house Sparkle to represent Canterlot with two ponies.

“Additionally, this change also requires every town to elect no less than two ponies, and one additional pony per 1,000 ponies recorded residing there upon the date of the annual census. Additionally, no town shall have more than 10,000 ponies residing there at any given time, thus allowing no town to ever have any more representatives than twelve, two starting and ten additional representatives. Also, no city shall have any more than twelve representatives.”

“This is all my little ponies, have an enjoyable day.”

With that Luna left and most of Equestria including the nobility, were left wondering how big the balls on Luna are for doing this. But slowly the shock faded and the ponies started going about their day, and the nobility, started filing out of the council chamber, except for Fleur De Lis, and Fancy pants, as they had been summoned to meet with Luna immediately after Luna’s address.

Upon requesting to be led to Luna they were slightly startled to be led directly to the princess’s chambers, but after announcing themselves, they were swiftly granted entry.

“Fleur De Lis, and Fancy Pants, it is good to see you, please have a seat. As you may be wondering I summoned you here to give you the position of royal advisors.”

“Your majesty, I am honored but what does this position mean and why are you giving us this?” Fancy Pants asked.

“I am giving you this because I am going to be going back to my job soon, and I would like somepony, to help me keep Equestria running as neither me nor my sister can do so, additionally as I am now stuck with the position of queen, and since that position cannot be retired from, or resigned from, the amount of paperwork required will most likely be multiplied by a factor of ten. And you are the only uncorrupted house remaining except for house sparkle, you were my only options, and as you are into politics and house sparkle is not you are better suited for this task. So do you accept or not?” Luna said worryingly

“Absolutely we accept, would we get to ride with you during your trips?” Fleur De Lis asked

“If you wish yes.” Luna replied