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Once I was on FanFiction writing stories. Now I'm on FIMfiction writing stories. So much has changed... (Ko-fi)


(Death, Violence, & Gore Tags are for some D&D Scenes. i.e. fighting monsters and the like)

After the events of Friendship Games, though before Legend of Everfree, news about Canterlot High becoming "superior" to Crystal Prep has reached other schools and new students have transferred. So, when a new student comes to Canterlot, the girls discover that he's started a Dungeons & Dragons Club. In order to help him feel welcome, they join in. However, magic seeps into the game and soon begins reflecting the events across town. How do you try dealing with magic when everything is left to dice and chance?

Every time dice would be rolled in the game; I simulate those rolls in real life. That way, even I don't know what exactly is going to happen next.

(Chapters 1-4 edited by Circuit Breaker)
(4/30/2019) First time being featured! So cool and thank you to everyone who helped get it back there the many times since!

Since I'm rolling and more or less 'playing' a game of D&D along with this story, I need notes and character sheets to play it. And since I have all of these things I figured "why not share them with anyone who wants to check them out?"

The link above is a Google Docs folder with character sheets of all the Mane Seven's characters, plus a few other character sheets for later in the story. It also has some bonus documents I've thrown in as well.

As time goes on I'll be adding to it. Maybe cut chapters I have stashed away or other things. I'm trying to add some music playlists too for each of the Mane Seven's characters. It's something my friends do for their characters in our games and I've always wanted to test that.

Check out the Welcome Document before wandering through it. It tells you how to avoid looking at documents before they become relevant to the story. That is if you want to avoid spoilers. Hope you enjoy it!

Chapters (45)
Comments ( 357 )

I will add this to my reading list for when I have time. I like to see what other people would do as a DM.

7828714 I've been trying to be a DM myself for a time now. Most of our group consists of soldiers so while their overseas, those still in the states are taking a break from the current campaign and letting me DM. It's where I got the idea for this story I guess.

If you're familiar with the Lost Mines of Phandelver campaign, the story will go over that before slowly turning into something else.

7828735 I'm not familiar with that one. Are you playing 5th edition?

7828825 It's the one I started with, yeah. Although I have played 3.5 and a session or two of Pathfinder.

It is possible to get the Campaign I'm basing the story off of for free however. Although you don't need it to follow along.

Don't know anything about D&D but reading and enjoying this anyway.


i am very excited.

I feel his pain, so much money down the drain...😢

Heeey another D&D story got featured! I'm liking the introduction to how the EQG 7 joined his club. Imma continue reading cuz as a fellow D&D geek I must read others ideas in the game!

Pinkie Pie = Glemerr

Glemerr: Always interested in a fight.

...Is there something you’re suppressing there Pinkie?

Huh. Thorn Weilder is a badass.

I see that you got rid of the picture of the dice.

Well, the appearance of the dice changed a little bit. Sunset's Cutie Mark replaced the 20 and I figured why put a link of the picture if it wasn't completely accurate? Besides, it's already the picture for the story. People can already see it.

Thanks! Hope you're liking the story! :pinkiehappy:

I legit thought that Rarity was about to become a dude.

I'm about to start DM'ing, hoping this story can get the creative juices flowing

“Pinkie Pie!” The pink one didn't even introduce herself. She just shouted her name. "Party planner extra-not-ordinary!"

so, in this universe she is perfectly normal?

Am I the first one to make a comment about this? I'm surprised; I am usually not one of the first to see something.

Anyway, about the chapter...

Wow. The implications from what I have seen. To me, it seems like the risk of danger has increased greatly.

With the magic affecting the girls in real time, even if only putting them to sleep so far, Rd being able to see part of the others pasts has to affect HER characters background as well, since what was seen can't be unseen and Rd interacting with an important person from one of those pasts MUST have consequences.

Sorry about my rant. So many implications give my imagination too much to feed on.
I love it. >=)

I would love to see the character sheets, I havent played 5e, but I have played quite a bit of pathfinder.

I like the idea of the random character classes, get them out of their comfort zone.
So far the only one I'm sure of is Rarity's character being a bard.

Did, the GNOME, just make a short joke?

Well, so much for any mystery about Twilight's back story.

Oh don't worry. I haven't run out of tricks yet.
I hope you're enjoying the story though!

Hey, I don't mind a good rant! Rants are what make this more fun! :rainbowdetermined2:

I'll start putting them up then. Look out for the author notes on the bottom, I'll probably put one out when it's appropriate (also to make sure nothing's spoiled about them).

Just keep the chapters coming.:pinkiehappy:

Rarity blinked. "Commission?"

I cringed from the sight of Rarity's expression. Ouch. You can actually pinpoint the exact second her heart broke in two.

When Story saw Rarity's shock, he started to backpedal. "I'll talk with you after today about splitting the price. I gotta pay y'all back for the gifts anyways."

Yeah, at that point(dependent on how high price would be) I would seriously consider coming clean. They low on the money as at is.

" Au natural twenty," Pinkie encored with a grin. She was the only one to see it, but her magical rubber die was flashing as though fireworks went off inside of it.

Go Pinkie!

"By the time he finally closes in on you, the last of your—" "Relentless Endurance."

Yes, play the DM, not the game!

I'm getting TAZ vibes :pinkiehappy:(yes I'm aware Griffin started out using the same prepared story but still).

Okay, so let me see if I have the characters correct (not using in-game names):

Rarity- bard
Pinkie- monk
Applejack- rogue
Rainbow- paladin
Sunset- sorcerer
Fluttershy- druid
Twilight- ranger

Am I right?

"Well," Twilight spoke next, keeping her voice low and bored as Vareén would. "Splitting up is even more dangerous. There have been wolves howling in the distance behind us. If there's more goblins we would need everyone to fight them off."


Am I correct? If so: F:yay:CKING GENIUS!!!!!!!

Confession: This story inspired me to purchase the Lost Mines module, with my brother as the DM and myself as a half-orc monk. As of this chapter, we are going to be entering the mine next session, while the Rainbooms still haven't entered the goblin stronghold. Not entirely a complaint, it's just funny, though I honestly think this story needs more attention.

I hope you enjoy the module! As for the story, I'll be trying to work on it a bit more. At the very least I want to try getting more chapters than just every few months. Still, I hope that doesn't dissuade you from your game!

No worries! The sessions usually happen on Friday! It likely won't get in the way at all.

By the time I finished telling them about "Bear God", the ridiculous plan I worked out with another player that could shift into animals.

No, a ridiculous plan is when a warlock player decided to keep the lowest stats I’ve ever seen, and proceeded to tell me about their pact with the Box Ghost from Danny Phantom. Oh, and they have a pet box that flies around telling you to eat its packing peanuts. If you do, no harm no foul, if you don’t, it force feeds the explosive ones. Looking back, the most interesting character I’ve ever allowed.

Hm. Strange. No burning orphanages. It’s almost like you have non-arson-committing players!

Seriously, this is neat, I’ma keep my eye on it.

It's funny you mention that! When I started playing D&D at a game shop, there was one guy that played regularly and he was a natural murder hobo. He actually did burn down an orphanage in a game and because he loved playing characters with magic, he was then on known as Fireball.

Welp, at least it was for a different reason. My guy burned down an orphanage because a kid threw a toy at him, because he was annoyed by the communist propaganda the player was spreading by putting posters up and telling them to share with everyone. Quite frankly, one of the best examples of domino effect.

Okay, wild guess, I think I'm right: Rainbow bullied him as a child, didn't she?

“Allow me explain; you all just rolled a bunch of different sets of dice. Each of you rolled a percent roll, the D100 and D10. The top four numbers were the people whose characters would start out the game. Meanwhile, the lowest three numbers then helped create the setting. Applejack made the scene, Fluttershy, the time of day, and Rainbow rolled for how many people will be in the area,”

This. Is. GENIUS. Btw, what do you mean by, "made the scene?" I really would like to know specifically how this mechanic works, as I have only heard of it here, and really want to implement it.

It's something that I made up for this story. If this was a real game and I had a bunch of players new to the game, I'd have them roll all the different kinds of dice so they can get familiar with it.

This veteran DM I play with has this composite notebook filled with dozens if not 100+ charts. He occasionally has us roll for villages and weather so people have probably made the charts somewhere and posted them.

As for the 'made the scene' part, I had several ideas of how their encounter at the bar would happen. I can't remember them (It's been so long) but I think Applejack rolled the most boring of them No drunk, no frustrated barkeep, just a regular day.

The horned person was shorter than the elf and had a different tint to their skin. While than the elf had a metallic, their skin was actually

Tiefling? Discord?

"Ya think?" AJ's stare turned more stern. "Hidin' it from most a' tha school's gotten a touch easier since the Friendship Games. 'Specially since we only pony up durin' band practice now. But if we wanna keep an eye on this," she said, pointing to the table and translucent items. "We need ta make a decision. Do we really wanna keep this a secret forever?"

You know, Applejack's got a good point. They're messing with a different kind of magic than any they've ever seen before, and Story (unknowingly) has control over it as well. If they continue keeping this a secret, there could be serious consequences, and they really shouldn't take that chance.

Is it obvious that I'm tired of the secrecy yet?

Suddenly, Sunset's eyes lit up.

"Wait. Can I use ⟟⎅⊬⍀⎍⊑☌ ⟒⏚ ⟊⍀☌⎐?"

That's what the rest of the girls heard anyway. And despite their confused expressions, Story understood her and sat back.

"Huh," was all he responded with. "Would this technically count?"

"It says any failed save or attack roll," Sunset defined with a grin. "And you told me to make an attack roll. Right?"

"..." Story narrowed his eyes. "You and Pinkie both are a little too good at talking." But still he caved. "Go ahead."

What did she use? Tides of Chaos?

Close but not quite. If you are interested, those random symbols can actually be decrypted and they are what the characters are saying. Though, when I come back to this story, it'll all be revealed over time.

I was kind of hoping Sunset's character was a warlock, and her personality shift was something to do with her pact. Oh well. Loving the story, I'm really invested in everything. I can't wait to read more when it's out.

Favored by Gods. It's an alien language with a caesar cipher shift of 3.

Nice catch! I didn't know if anyone would ever want to go through decoding it.

I hope to see this continue, I'm loving this story and I'd love to see where it goes.

Ah, the wolves. When I played this campaign as a half-orc monk, you wanna know how we pacified the wolves?

I tenderized a goblin corpse and fed it to them.

Good times.

I mean, a well-placed arrow, sword, polearm, etc, and they're ready for a tenderizing...

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