• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago



Today is the day. You've watched her, you've pined for her, you've cared about her, and you've loved her for longer than you can remember. You've longed to hold her in your arms, to caress her, to kiss her, to make her feel like the most important girl in the universe, and more importantly, to make her yours.

So with that in mind, you know that today has to be the day. Today will be the day you confess your love to Sunny Flare.

A gift fic to my friend Kul in appreciation for all the hard work he's done for me. They also did the art~

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 35 )

What did I just read? :rainbowderp:

Holy guacamole, that was mindblowing.

...Well...you got me...

It's been 3-4 years since I've even written a WORD here...but you got it out of me...

The viewpoint described at the end of this story, if I'm to deduce it correctly, is a perfect examination and criticism of the 2nd person POV, and the story itself had me guessing at every point up until the ending itself.

You've created an absolutely incredible story here, and aside from a few stray spelling mistakes, you've opened the door to do a heck of a lot more with the 2nd-person POV than just the typical fantasy-fulfillment fare of most of them.

Excellent, excellent job.

I was supposed to write this story for Kul at one point, but HOLY CRAP am I glad it didn't work out! This is a MILLION TIMES better than what I would have done.

You turn your head to look up at the students and notice that all of them are wearing togas, and you instantly notice that they're dancing in the living room of Sunny's mansion.

A Sour Sweet Gesture reference???!!!! :pinkiegasp:



What under Luna's moon did I just read

It was amazing.


My mind is blown. :applejackconfused:




A Sour Sweet Gesture reference???!!!!

Well, all of those closing parahraphs are all inspired by one fic or another that includes their own Sunny Flare. Of course some parts from your series get in, hehe.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat just happened?

What in the world did I just read.... My mind is still reeling from tis.. How the hell is the sex tag even in this?

What the hell just happened. I'm so confused.


Its for the sure to happen and impending interaction between Sunny and Shining Armor, that our hero witness but ran away just as the action about to happen. You can read what happens next between those two here tho

This was all just a story.
You're just the small pawn of some unknown entity, being used and toyed with for their entertainment. You have to cater to their needs, to fulfill whatever role they've created for you.
You run a hand through your wet hair and slide it back, letting it fall back into the position Sunny usually has it. You take another deep breath and smile, turning to exit the bathroom and enter the halls of Crystal Prep once more.
The school is visibly twisting and changing once more, though this time it'll last for a while, and you'll soon forget that it keeps changing. After all, you've got a role to play, and that role doesn't require you knowing that the world will just change on a whim.
You dust off your skirt, making sure there are no major wrinkles on it. You straighten your bow tie, making sure it didn't go askew while you were in the bathroom. With your clothes in order, you're ready to start the next story you're needed in.
It's alright though, you know you only need to endure this for about another 98 years. By then the trademark will have gone into lapse and you can finally be free from this purgatory.
That is if they don't keep constantly renewing it, but you have to hold on to some hope, now don't you?

Well, that was disappointing.


PSST!! spoiler those stuff man, I still think we can lure up some more readers!

That was trippy.

You run past a door in the hallway that almost makes you stop running as you feel your heart drop. It's Sunny Flare, arms wrapped around a tall handsome white male with scruffy blue hair, the both of them dressed in skimpy outfits as they're making out heavily. You can see an apartment bedroom they're moving in to, realizing what they were about to do. You squeeze your eyes shut and rush past, trying not to let your heart break from the betrayal.

So if I'm getting this right, this is basically an allusion to the Shadowbolts Adventure right?

Your eyes snap open as you suddenly run into a crowd of students, the hallway having changed to the living room of a mansion. You try push your way through the crowd but get pushed back against one of the walls, hitting it hard with a frustrated grunt. You turn your head to look up at the students and notice that all of them are wearing togas, and you instantly notice that they're dancing in the living room of Sunny's mansion.

And this one to Sour Sweet Gesture?

Your breathing is growing ragged but your mind and body agree that you shouldn't stop running. You race down the hallway, still desperately looking for an exit. You notice Twilight Sparkle pushed up against the lockers, being threateningly talked to by Sunny with Sour Sweet by her side. You run past them, not even bothering to ask why Sunny is holding Twilight's phone.

Okay this and Sunny's use of "Dearie" must mean this is a reference to not a fanfic but the Perdita Finn chapter book right?

You turn your head to look down an open hallway, one that leads to a large open outdoor area. In the center of that area you see Sunny Flare, arms stretched out like she's being crucified and tied to a statue of a woman you don't recognize. Behind the statue erupts large explosions from what looks like a giant magical battle, something you want to stay as far away from as possible.

And this one for your very own Fate/Equestria huh?


Fascinating read for the experience. Basically incorporating several fan fics (and official expanded universe material) was a unique technique. Even though I don't think I got them all. That meta bit at the end kinda pulled me out of the immersion though.


Pretty much nailed all of the ones you guessed. Even I didn't recognize all of the references at first, since I was following a general synopsis Kul had given me, but I'm glad you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

7426953 :rainbowlaugh: I would but I can't seem to get it to hide anything other than the first line.


Whaaaaaat the fuuuuuck


Yeah you got them right. If I really had to spill the beans with the list of '''characters'''' featured in the story, then I can list them somewhere. But basically they all came to play because everyone was working their hardest into figuring out her personality, and it was just my way at poking the whole issue

Thanks a lot for the kind words, and you just stole the answer from my mouth! Lets hope that this can instill some other funny stuff in the future

Wow, this was one hell of a roller coaster. At first I though she had sour sweet kind of mental problems, then that went to hell with the transformation phase. From there I thought this was going to be a dream and it would continue normally. Then the mirror scene came. That was freaky. I had thought, "what now, is he going to see sunny" and he did. This is were I thought the 'it's all a dream' revelation would come. But then I lost it and started laughing at the this is just a story part. I thought you were going to stop there. That would have been one hell of a punchline. But then it continued and I'm still questioning what I read.


What the Sam Hill just happened?! :pinkiegasp:

I picked a hell of a day to quit drinking...:facehoof:

wat da FUDGE?!:flutterrage:

That was a hell of a ride.

At first I thought you were going for Changeling double, then I thought he'd inadvertently stumbled until some other strange dimension, and then it just escalated.

Fun, but leaves me feeling existential and terribly sorry for any and all fictional characters I've ever written.

Dang...What a twist really didn't see that coming. Nice Twist this is a great story had to reread it twice to make sure what i just read.

What, what form of mindf*ck did I just read? I expected to read a romance where some bloke hooks up with Sunny Flare, but instead I just got something that's making me rethink what life really is- Wait, what's going on?

Wait can someone explain what happened

Man I think my mind is so confused after reading this story.All can I said CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE STORY?! I thought I expected more but who know this just some kind of wtf in front of me.

Okay,I’m really confused

My mind is in crash mode .

It's currently four in the morning and I already feel like I went ten rounds in the ring, as soon as I got to the part "I was all just a story", I gave up understanding and surrendered to my fate and read the rest of it.

Basically, thanks for bucking with my head a bit...I needed a good thinking story.

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