• Published 5th Apr 2016
  • 3,932 Views, 179 Comments

Sweetie - The Magical Little Bot - Grimweird

Can a Robot learn Magic?

  • ...

Every Dog has his Day

Darkness closed in further ans further around our three little ponies as they descended further and further underground.

Sweetie Belle's eye flickered as she turned her infrared nightvision on. Not that it mattered, her vision was filed with nothing but the tunnel floor beneath her, as she walked with her head bent forward into the giant drill that was spinning on the top of her forehead.

She continuously put one hoof in front of the other in a steady rhythm as she pushed the drill further into the ground in front of her. The drill shook and rocked as it dug through the solid earth, held in place only by the ground around it. It would have been murder for any other filly, or grown pony for that mater, to drive this heavy machinery by their forehead like this. However, Sweetie had long since turned of her fatigue, as well as pain or motion sickness, and any other little subroutine that might hamper her progress.

Even her breathing was taking a time out. Dust and dirt was thrown up around her as her drill reduced the solid earth before her to a thin powder (mixed with the occasional rock and gravel) that Sweetie got showered in. Only the goggles on her head prevented the particles for getting in her eyes.

Though She might as well have held her eyes closed. Her peripheral vision saw only the walls of this tunnel she was digging, as well as the occasional sweep of a light cone - coming from the flashlights carried by her two friend, as they walked a little further back to avoid the same shower that sweetie was receiving.

Even so there was the occasional cough.

Who would have thought the dirt could be so dirty, and muddy, and dark.

And so devoid of anything sparkly.

Sweetie had expected to find the walls littered with gems, but this soil seemed to not have born any such fruit.

The few gemstones they had found had been used to keep her going. And right now they were barely breaking even, as the drill tore at her energy reserves.

“I just hope the drill is not destroying the gems.” She thought.

Sweetie opened her mouth and sucked in a thick cloud of the dust the drill was spewing out.

-:: No gemstones detected ::-

Sweetie had no idea how long she had been digging, it already felt like a year had passed.

“Girls. How long have we been going?” Sweetie shouted back, over the sound of the drill.

“About ten minutes.” Applebloom answered.

Sweetie stopped. She was glad that robots did not actually perceive a second like an eternity. Otherwise she would have been digging for six hundred eternities.

“Girls. Maybe we are going in the wrong direction?”

“So … Can't you turn around?” Scootaloo shouted to be heard over the drill.

That was unfortunately the problem. The drill could not turn. Once you had carved out your hole – the only choice was to go forward. The drill was held in place in the hole of its own size by everything around it.

“No! The drill is stuck in the ground. It can't turn! We never designed it to turn!”

Try as she might. Even with all her machine strength and some earth pony magic in her hooves. She could not push the drill anywhere but forward.

“What are we gonna do now?” Said Scootaloo “Go back up and dig another hole?

“I think that just puts us back in the same position as before.” Said Applebloom ”If we dig too straight, well end up outside of the quarry no matter where we go.”

Sweetie turned on her breathing to let out a long sigh.

The sigh turned into a coughing fit as earth particles got stuck in her air-filter.

-:: Retracting ::-

The drill shrunk into Sweeties horn, and she turned around to look at her progress.

She could see the hole where their little tunnel ebbed out into the sunlight. At this distance it was tiny enough that Sweetie could block it out by holding her hoof in front her face. They had been digging in a straight but not to steep angle. And had probably made more progress on the horizontal plane then they had in the vertical.

The idea of turning around and digging up holes in the entire quarry seemed like more work then it be worth.

She turned around again to look at the cone shaped dead end of the tunnel to nowhere.

That's when it hit her.

The drill could not turn around – but she could.

“Scootaloo. You are a genius.” Sweetie said triumphantly.

“Oh? … Thanks, I know!” Scootalo said. “What?” she added, when Applebloom gave her a look.

Sweetie turned to face the cavern wall. Aimed her horn downward (there was no splice between the floor and the wall – since the cave was round) And folded out her drill again.
She found herself pressed up against the other side of the cave as the drill filled the space before her. But as she started it up she found the tight space to be an advantage as the drill had no where to go but where she'd pointed it.

The tunnel had now taken a 90 degree turn. And after a while. Sweetie stopped to turn another 90 degrees, putting them back in the direction of the quarry.


Eventually, the thick ground in front of them fell away as the drill pierced a wall, and the tunnel ebbed out into a cave.

Sweetie retracted her drill, and the three of them stared your into a treasure trove.

Sweetie was almost blinded by a rainbow array of lights. The walls of the cavern were covered gemstones of every size, shape and color.

From sparkling corns no bigger then a gravel. To Diamonds as big at your head.

The cave stretched out into a multitude of different tunnels. A small pond filled the corner of the cave. Over which stalactites hanged like big juicy honeycombs, dripping their nectar of crystal-clear water into the pool.

In the middle of the cave was a stalagmite like formation, where long pink crystals were ticking up from the floor. They formed a circle on the cavern floor – with the smallest and shortest crystals in the outer ring – getting bigger and longer until they were all leaning off the center piece- a crystal as tall as a building, and wide enough for a pony to fit inside.

Sweetie walked over to the crystal. It was shifting in different tones of pink and purple. And seemed to glow with an inner light that filled the cavern.

Her face was reflected in its smooth, mirror-blank sides. As was the smile that was spreading ear to ear.


The girls quickly got out their mining tools. And got to chipping the rocks from the walls. While Sweetie started working on the giant Pink dream in the middle.

The sound of pickaxes and chisels began to echo through the cave as the girls went to carving the gems out from the walls. Each gem making its own little tone as the metal dug it out. The steady pace Started to set into a rhythm, and Sweetie found herself beating her pickax in tune to the other girls mining equipment.

Maybe this was the time for another song?

“Running mining dot exe.” Sweetie jokingly said.

One of the advantages of talking over her voicebox was that she could form perfectly normal words despite having a mouthful of pickax.

“Hey Sweetie. does this remind you of something?” Said Scootaloo. “That game that you and that colt used to play?”

“Um … I don't ...” Sweetie stammered, suddenly feeling that the cave was too small.

“Yes you do.” said Applebloom.”Wasn't his name Button or something?”

“Button bash?” Scootalo teased.

“No – I think it was Mash.”

“Ah! - That brown little colt that likes video game so much.”

“And consoles and wires and digital stuff. ”

Sweetie cringed. This cave was becoming too nosy for her liking.

“Anything electronic really … ”

“Button sure loves his electronics ...”

“Shut it girls!” Sweetie snapped. “Its not like that!”

“What isn't?” They asked in unison.

“N .. Nothing!” Sweetie said, and turned away.

Was it getting hot in here?

“He's just a colt who likes video games.”

“A cute little colt.” Scootaloo teased.

Something was starting to frizzle.

“ With a cute little propeller on his cap.”

Sweetie was beating her pickaxe harder.

“Do you like him?”

"N … NO!"

“But you like chocolate?”

Sweetie Failed to see the relevance.

“yes .. But … what...”

“Isn't he brown like a chocolate cake?”

Now the frizzle was getting intense.

“Say Sweetie – which of these best represent his eyes? “

Applebloom held up two amber colored stones, One an Amaranth red-ish color, the other a more brilliant yellow-ish tone.

Sweetie's pickax shattered as she rammed it to hard into the ground.

The cave fell silent, except for the distant sound of dripping water. And a mysterious frizzle.

“Ups … “ Sweetie said, as she held up the broken handle.

“Girls – Do you hear that?” Said scootaloo.

Applebloom's nose twitched.

“Do you smell something burning?”

“Were underground. What could be burning here?”

They both looked back to Sweetie.

“Sweetie! - your cheeks are burning!”


Sweetie looked around, and found herself staring into the reflection of the giant pink crystal.

Streams of smoke were rising from her red hot face. And her cheeks were turning colors that should only associated with vegetables on a grillfest.

-:: Embarrassing subroutine running at maximum efficiency ::-

Like a mare who had forgotten something on the stove.
Sweetie hurried to flip of the switches to her red hot face. She ruched to the small pond and dipped her face into the water.

Curse her embarrassing subroutine. The real embarrassing thing about it was that if she blushed hard enough – you could roast marshmallows on her cheeks.

Sweetie battered her cheeks with the cold cavern water. At least she assumed it was cold. She had forgotten to turn her scenes of touch back on. And had been to embarrassed to notice when her skin started to cook.

She walked back to the giant pink crystal, and looked into her reflection. Her cheeks had become freckled with a few nasty black spots. But – even as she looked, they began to fade away as the regeneratory system began to restore her fleshy skin.

For a moment, she thought she could see Twilight's purple eyes looking back at her in the colors of that crystal, instead of her own.

“You're to reckless Sweetie. You have to learn how to control yourself.”

Had Twilight said that? Or was it her own inner voice?

What she did know was that this would never have happened if she had been under her restrictions.
She kind of regretted to not have left her skin back at home. Not only was she getting dirty, but the was damaging it as well.

Applebloom walked up and put her foreleg around Sweetie.

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah! Yes, I'm ok”

“Sorry, We should not have teased you like that.”

“Its ok, I'm Sure you'll have someone we can tease you about too”

Sweetie gave Applebloom a pat on the shoulder.

“Someone small and Squeaky ...”

“What! - but I never ...”

Applebloom quickly diverted her eyes.

“Or maybe someone who 'Rumbles' a lot?” Sweetie said to Scootaloo.

“Hey! That's not … !” Scoot began “He does not even like me!”

“Sure. He just loves it when you dress up like Rainbow dash and leads her fanclubb. “

“A lot of ponies love Rainbow!”

“I'm sure he loves her more then you.”

“HEY! Nopony loves Rainbow more then … I mean …. you just … that's not ...”

Scootaloo blew a raspberry and kicked over her saddlebag – Ironically causing a lot of rainbow colored gems to fall out.

“UGH! Now I need a cold bath.”

The girls looked down on themselves. Hard work in the mines did not win them any beauty contests. Their manes and were full of dirt and diamond dust, and spots of soot dotted their bodies. Particular Sweetie, who had been playing Drill-mare, was sure that the gravel had managed to get in under her skin – Literally.

“I think we all do.”


A few minutes later the girls had dropped their goggles and hard hats, and were splashing each other with cool clear water.

“Oh no!, My circuit are malfunctioning – wh – w – w – w – Why do I have to be in the water! ” Sweetie cried playfully, while making her voice glitch out.

Contrary to belief the water did not make Sweetie feel funny. She was watherproof with layers of rubber protecting her insides, and most of her most vital parts where enchanted to be water repellent.

Including her skin, which currently lay of to the side of the pool – drying on a rock.

Sweetie had removed it, and been carefully scrubbing out the dirt from both her outsides and insides.
She was thankful for that she had her white alloys underneath. Otherwise her naked frame would have appeared skeletal. Like this she still resembled herself even if she was now bald.

Seeing someone peeling of their own skin might have traumatized anyone who was not used to it. It was not something Sweetie did in public. (that Nightmare night had taught her that much) Luckily, there were only her friends here. And to them, it was no more different then seeing their friend undress in the locker room.

“Sigh … We are some royally messed up fillies.” Scoot said, as she leaned her head back into the water.

But just as quickly as she relaxed, she slung back up like a tightened spring.

“Um … Girls! Do you hear that?”

Sweetie looked over herself.

“Its not me.”

“No … Its coming from over there.”

Sweetie raised her ears. Yes, she could hear something coming. A soft rumble was getting closer, like a small stampede. But not of hooves.

And then there were the voices.

“What was noise?” came a voice from the far tunnel. “Someone in our cave?”

“Is it worms?! I hate worms! And moles!”

“Does not smell like mole.”

“Then what does it smell like?” saith the other voice Impatiently.

“Smells like … Cute and fuzzy.

“Ugh! I hate cute and fuzzy.”

“Do you smell bacon?”

“I love bacon!”

“Who is toasting bacon without me!?”

Two shadows appeared on the tunnel wall, Two bipedal creatures

With no where else to go - the three fillies took a deep breath and ducked down – Sweetie grabbing her skin as she when under.

The spring was not deep. just enough to allow three fillies to lay on the bottom. Hoping that their sort of - Orange - yellow - white colors blended in with the calky rock formations.

-::Please don't come over here::-

She held her own skin a little closer, trying to cover herself with it like a blanket.

She turned up the sensitivity on her sound receivers, trying to get a sense of where the Intruders were heading. Most of it was blurred out by the water, but she thought she overheard the word gems several times. And bags.

She realized in horror that their saddlebags and mining equipment were sill lying out in the cave. And from the sound of it, the stranger had spotted them. However, this did not seem to cause them much alarm, as they seemed to be thinking someone of their own was mining here.

This was cause for laughter. Sweetie could not understand why. She had a bigger problem on her hooves. For while she could hold her breath indefinitely – the other could not. And they were starting to tug at her, showing that they were running out of breath.

In a moment of desperation, Sweetie had an idea. She leaned in and in a way that totally-did-not-count-as-kissing-because-she-was-saving-their-lives she blew the air she held in her airpump into them. Half into Scootaloo and half into Applebloom

That bought them a little more time. Sweetie only prayed that the shadows would leave before her friends had to breathe again.

Eventually it seemed like the voices were going away. At least one did. But the shadows leaned closer to the spring. The girls tried to crouch down even more, afraid that the shadow would at any moment put its head trough the water and spot them.

Instead – She shadow raised one of its rear legs.

Why was the water suddenly getting warmer?

And yellow?

The pool erupted like a geyser as three little fillies shout up from the pool, screaming and gasping for air at the same time. The dog above them also screamed at the horror of what had emerged from the toiled (at the horror of what was jumping up at him. )

They impacted with the big and lumpy figure standing above them, Thrashing and splashing all over him as they fell. The figure also screamed and trashed – Horrified that the contents of his potty was jumping out at him.

A dogs yelp escaped him as be bolted away through the tunnel a yellow row following him all the way.


The girls spat and gasped and gagged, eager to get that toilet water out of their mouths. They were sure they were gonna have to bathe for weeks after that bathe.

Though bathing was the least of their worries, as a howl when through the tunnels. The girls got on their hooves just as a whole pack of bipedal dogs came running into the cave. At least half of them wearing armor and spears. All of them looking jumpy and ready for a fight.

Diamond dogs.

“WHERE are the worms?!” They screamed as they flooded into the room.

“They were here – I saw them – It has three heads trying to take a bite of me! Or Three! – It was a hydra worm!”

The pack was staring down an them.

“You are not worms!”

“You are ponies.”

“Except that one.”

“Why is that pony missing her skin?”

The pack stared at Sweetie, seemingly more confused over that they were not “worms” then over her mechanical nature.

“Why are you trying to eat me?”

“Were not ...” But before the girls had a chance to say anything, a new tumult was stirred up from the back of the pack.

“PONIES! I hate ponies!”

A single brown dog pushed himself to the front of the pack. He was wearing a red vest, and a black collar with a orange gem hanging from it.

His green eyes showed nothing but contempt for the intruders.

“How pony get in here!?”

“Um … Sir Rover ...”

“Now now Jim! Rover busy interrogating ponies!”

“I believe they came in through here.”

The whole pack turned to face the whole in the wall. Underneath it, a small, meek looking dog was standing, Unlike the others, who either wore vests or armor – we was wearing a blue jacket of a material that made him look foreign amongst the others.

“How that get there?”

“It was mined only recently, sir.” said Jim. “I clearly leads to the surface.”

“What, since when toilet has tunnel to surface?”

“I believe it was dug recently – by those three.”

The pack turned back to the trio.

“Why ponies breaking into toilet!”

“Pony smell bad” Said a big dog, waiving his paw in front of his face. “Pony bathe in toilet water.”

The whole pack started laughing.

“Pony stupid!”

“Hey! Were not … ” Sweetie began … But was pulled aside by Applebloom who was making a half hearted attempt to join in the laughter.

“Yea … Were stupid. Stupid little ponies will be leaving now.”


The laughter died instantly as Rover slammed his paw down.

“Pony our prisoner now!”


“Pony heard me! You our prisoner now!”

Several guards in armor were moving over to cut off the girls retreat towards their hole.

“You … you cant just take us, that's foal-napping you know.” said Applebloom

“Yeah!” Said Scoots, rearing up on her hind legs in a combat pose. “You have no right to hold us!”

“No right!?” yelled Rover. “Ponies are the ones without right! Ponies are the ones coming here, breaking into our home, destroying our caves. And stealing our gems!”

Rover went over to the bags and dumped the content in front of them.

“Little thieves be what you are! Little thieves have to learn their place!”

Sweetie lowered her ears in guilt.

“Pony been very bad – pony breaking diamond dog rules – Pony be Diamond dog's prisoners now – Ponies work for Diamond dogs now – Diamond dogs has right to do so see?! - Diamond dogs have treaty with ponies!

The small dog with a jacket walked up beside rover and handed him a piece of parchment.

Rover held up the parchment and held a round gemstone in front oh his eye - like a monocle.

Treaty say – NO PONY COME HERE! (unless on official business) less breaking diamond dog law! And when pony break diamond dog law! Diamond dog have right to take your prisoner!

He pointed menacingly at them, and the pack closed in around the girls.

“Don't worry girls , Sweetie said “ I have a plan.”

A very perfect plan

“Cover your ears.”

An ear piercing scream filled the cave, as Sweetie closed her eyes and let out the full fury of her voice box. If anything that her sister had said about these creatures, it was that they were sensitive to sound.

So Sweetie screamed. Hoping to fend off fend off the diamond dogs with a continuous shrieking noise. And since she did not have to pause for breath – she could keep screaming indefinitely.


“No Sweetie. No they are not.” Applebloom said, in a very deadpanned voice.

Sweetie looked up and found that not only were the diamond dogs not gone – but they had Scootaloo and Applebloom.

The two of them had been covering their ears against Sweetie belles scream – and the diamond dogs had simply walked up and slammed collars on them. Collars with chains on them. Chains that the dogs now held in their paws.

In her shock – some-dog walked up and slammed a collar on Sweetie Belle too.

“Now! Bad ponies wear collar!” said Rover.

How did that not work? Were diamond dogs not supposed to be sensitive to sound?

Rover pointed to his ear.

“This time! Diamond dogs have secret weapon! Diamond dogs learn from little miss prissy pony. Learn that if you put cotton plug in your ears – you no hear wining no more!”

“What?” one of the dogs said.

“I said, no hear whining no more!”


One of the dogs – realizing that no-dog could hear him. Started sprouting profanities and things clearly not meant for small pony ears.

Not that being chained up seemed to stop Scootaloo from resisting. “You don't scare me” She said, as she wildly swung her hooves at her captor. A big gray hound with a big wobbly belly – upon which her rapid punches had the same effect they might have upon a big bag of flour – And producing roughly the same sounds.

“I got him right where I want him!” Scootaloo declared, triumphantly.

Her captor simply looked down on her, unfazed by her rapid punches.

“Cute” he said. And bent down to pick Scootaloo up by the tail.

Scootaloo continued her attack, even as the dog held her at arms length to keep her short, flailing legs out of reach.

Rover approached Applebloom.

“Since you are so eager to work for gems – you work for us! Make up for what you stole! And maybe we let you go!”

He pointed at Sweetie.

“You make your machine pony dig for diamond dogs.”

“What did you just call …? Who the hay do you think I am?” Sweetie snapped.

But her cries for acknowledgment went ignored and unheard.

“Dog thinks bad little pony should work for dogs now! Or else ...”

He put his big paw around Applebloom's throat.

“WAIT! Ok, ok … I'll do it.”

Sweetie nodded submissively , and very enthusiastic, hoping that Rover would understand.


With collars around their necks – the girls were marched away.


Digging for gems was not as funny when you were forced to do it. And the dirt quickly gathered upon the girls newly bathed bodies as they chopped away at the rocks.

That is – Her friends chopped, while sweetie was stuck pulling the big cart that everything was thrown into. Along with the guard dog that who was riding the cart and holding on to all their leaches.

As she pulled it through the caves and tunnels, She noticed There were an awfully lot of guards around. Standing in every tunnel. In every intersection and every crossway. Guarding … Well. … something. They could not all be for her, She could understand having guards at the entrance and such, but what was the point of so many guards all over the place. And what were they guarding?
They just seemed to be guarding the caverns and tunnels themselves.

Guarding against what?

She could not ask. For the guards that were following her all had their ears full of fluff.

Try as she might, she could not see any good situation to use her combat mode in, not without endangering her friends. And she did not want to do anything, less the Diamond dogs might hurt them.

She would have to figure out something soon. Sweetie could feel her energy levels dropping as the hour ticked away. And every time she tried to put a gem in her mouth the guard poked at her with a spear.

If she did not get to recharge soon – she would drop into a complete blackout.

Wait – that's it! She might not drop yet – But the guards did not know that.

Sweetie deactivated her body, and Dropped to the floor.

“Whats wrong with machine pony?” the guard dog asked.

Applebloom was quick to cut in.

“Oh! - she has … like … run out of energy. Don't you know? She has to … Recharge before she can work again … But it takes like a few hours.”


Applebloom sighed.

“You know – It would be easier to explain if you removed the fluff from your ears.”


Applebloom sighed again, and tried to get her point across with hoof gestures.

“Stupid ponies and their stupid machines.”

Sweetie almost wanted to jump up again ans send this guy into the wall, not wanting to blow the girls cover story.

She remained still as she was picked off the ground and carried away.

The three of them were brought to a cave with a lot of barred doors in the walls. The guard opened one of the doors and threw them into the small room inside – In sweeties case literally.

“Now – Ponies stay here until they fix machine pony.” Said the guard, as he threw the gate shut and locked it..

“Hey! You can't keep us here! We have server out time!” Yelled Scootaloo ”We got you your stupid gems ten fold!”

The guard dog simply tilted his head – and then pointed to the stuffing in his ears with a sadistic smirk on his face.

“ Ponies shriek all you will – wont do you no good.”

Then he walked over to stand guard over by the entry-way to the cell cave - his back turned towards them.

“Ok Sweetie – you can stop acting now.”

Sweetie reactivated her body, and sat up again.

Scootaloo sank back against the bars.

“Well girls – We got very close to the gems, but we don't have much to show for it.” Said Applebloom

“At least we don't have a cutie mark. Scootaloo said, with some relief “All this mining has kind of taken the fun out of that Idea.”

“So what do we do now? Wait here for out big sisters to come and save us?”

“I don't think I want to explain this to my sister.”

“You're right! They don't even know we are here – yet. Hopefully we can fix this before they ever find out.”

“you say that like there is an uncertainty.” Laughed Scootaloo “Were the Cutie mark crusaders! There's nothing we can't do – So lets add prison breakers to our quota – CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS …”

Applebloom was about to shove her hoof into scoots mouth – But scoot caught it, and gestured at the guard herself.

He was just standing there, with his back to them, and some very big cotton earpluggs in his ears.


No response


Still noting.

“Were breaking out now! Say something if you hear us!”

Not only was the guard not reacting, but now he started snoring.

“Ok, Ok, you made your point. The question is just- How are we getting out of here.”

Sweetie looked around.
The cell door was made of iron, with bars too think for her to bite through. It looked sturdy – but at the same time – she was unrestrained. The walls looked sturdy too, made out of solid bedrock that she was not quite sure that their home made drill could pierce.

The floor on the other hoof. It was softer, more like tightly packed dirt. Hard – but still dirt.

Sweetie put her hooves on the cell wall – and (standing on her front hooves) she put her horn to the cell floor.

“What are you doing”

“what does it look like – were getting out of here”

“what if the guard wakes up!?”

They looked over at the sleeping guard. His snoring sounded worse then any drill.

Sweetie made a face.

“Do you really think he will? “

“Now girls – Climb up on my back.”

The girls did so. And sweetie extracted the drill from her horn – It took up the whole floor in the tiny cell and pushed the three fillies up towards the roof.

Sweetie put her hooves to the wall, and, with the earth pony magic in her hooves, she grabbed on for all that she could, And whit her two friends were hanging on to her sides she started the drill. It quickly sunk into the floor at an almost vertical angle – But with the wall to hold on to – Sweetie prevented herself from being sent into a spin.

As the drill descended – Sweetie walked down the wall – and eventually down the walls of the hole she was digging.

“Now that's one way to escape a prison.” Scootaloo commented, as they descended down into the uncharted parts of the earth, and out of Diamond Dog territory.


Rover awoke to the sound of nothing at all. This was unusual, not to say unheard of. Where were all the dogs milling about? Where where the barking and yipping and skipping? Where were the sound of tunneling, of digging and the sweet sweet clink of diamonds?

Where were the sound of his alarm clock?

Rover looked over at his desk (which was really just a stone with a flat surface) and saw the clock shaking about. Without a sound.

Angrily – rover picked it up and threw it into the wall. Smashing it into a hundred tiny pieces.

“Stupid broken pony thing.” He said to himself. Now he was gonna have to buy new one ... again.

That's when he noticed he barely heard the sound of his own voice.

He reached up to check what was wrong with his ears, and found them full of fluff.

He pulled out the cotton earpluggs. And the sound of the mine became clear again, The dripping of stalactites ... and the snoring of dogs.

Looking around him, he found his pack curled up on their sleeping rocks, dreaming like puppies when they should be working.

“Wake up!” Rover yelled.

He yelled at them a few more time to no avail. Loosing his temper – he instead resorted to slapping them across the ears.

“Wake up you lazy mutts! Gem does not mine themselves!”


Rover growled and pulled the cotton from their ears.

“I said its time to get back to work!”

“Do we have to? Don't we have ponies to do that now?”

Ponies … The word made rovers skin crawl. They were noting but trouble. Not only had those little nuisances demolished their bathroom wall yesterday. But also the reason for earplugs that caused such an annoyance. Even though it blocked out their annoying little whining pony voices it also made communication impossible. And not they were disrupting their working schedule It seemed like those little horses caused nothing but trouble no matter how you spun it. -
For that alone he was gonna work them to the bones. In fact – He was gonna go over there and slap their silly pony butt-cheeks right now for costing his pack time and gems.

Rovers temped did not subside as he walked through the tunnels, finding more dogs, and even the guards sleeping.

As he stormed into the cell-cave, he almost fell down a hole in the middle of the floor. That had most certainly not been there before.

First the toilet and not the cells! Those ponies were so …

… Gone!

Not only was there holes appearing everywhere. But there were no little nuisances on the other side of the bars. In fact, There was no floor either, as the cell opened up to yet another hole. Even the box with the girls belongings – that had been right behind the guard – were also gone.

And the guard. Years of training and active guard duty had let him master the art of sleeping while standing.

Rover marched right up to the guards face, so close that their noses almost touched, And yelled.

“Where are the ponies!”

The guard hat the audacity to remain sleeping - until Rover slammed both his paws on his helmet.

“Sir” the dog saluted

“Where are the ponies!” Rover repeated.


“Take out your plugs!”


“Take out your plugs!”


Rover – loosing patience. Pulled the plugs out of the guards ears himself and stomped on them while barking profanities at the guard – the plugs – the ponies – and everything in general.

The guard - in his drowsy condition, took a step towards the cell, and found out the hard way that not only had his prisoners managed to elude him – But they had made off with the very ground beneath him.

“Found a hole sir.” The guard said – Peaking up from the floor.

“I see that!” Rover barked. “But where are ponies? – Find ponies!”

He put his foot on the guards head, and pushed him back down the hole.

A second later – the guards head peaked up inside the cell.

“They are not here.”

Rover growled and dived into the hole himself. Moving like only diamond dogs can, it took him less then a second to search both the ups and downs of the pitch black tunnel between the holes – And find the third hole. Though unlike what he had expected from examining the breach into the toilets, this was no steep tunnel – It was more like a bottomless pit. Dropping almost straight down into the underworld.

A cold chill froze away all of Rovers rage.

“No! No going down there!”

In another second. He was up in the prison cave again. He pulled the guard up with him, and shook the dog so his helmet rattled on his thick head.

“Seal off this cave! Seal off this tunnel! Less we invite the terror of tremors from the deep earth below!”

Author's Note:

This is not an April's fools joke - the story really is continuing now.
Almost a year after I uploaded the first chapter.

Sorry for the wait. But I was dealing with some very personal tragedies that left me unable to write.