• Member Since 9th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


On Hiatus for College.


We all think that our words and actions will never come back around to hurt us. We assume that we will never be hurt. Life, however does not work like that. When life did finally turn on Diamond Tiara, all she wants is mercy, and comfort. With a reputation like her's, this might be more than can be expected.

I want to thank my team of editors, and proof readers, and my cover artist. Thanks guys.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 17 )

7012590 Thank-you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

7012667 Despite my idealist nature, I'm very much a realist. I've written tragedy since- forever. I suppose loosing Rusty, my pet turtle was the trigger into the genera. That's just the first I've written on here. Before MDP, all I ever wrote was tragedy.

And you are right, the drugs and stress didn't help. I could see this being how in real life the events would take place. AJ has the southerner's POV on death. Always go to a funeral, and always support the family. No matter who you are, you pull over, and if you know the family, you bring food. This is what is instilled into us. I wanted to show that in the story. But on the flip side, I wanted to show how the crowd Spoiled would treat her passing. I've seen this, friends to your face, assassins to your back.

I haven't read this story yet, but I saw that you call Derpy "Muffins" in it.
I assume you saw her getting credited as "Muffins" at the end of the 100th Episode and that's why you thought it would be appropriate and the right choice.
Calling her like this is unfortunate and you shouldn't do this.
That she's mentioned like this in the credits has a long and tragic history that led up to that and running with it and calling her that way too is supporting all the wrong people, people who don't use their right of voicing their opinions to change the world for the better, but instead to blackmail others and to force them into submission so that they get it their (hateful) way.

7014310 I never liked the other two names. The fans know who I'm talking about, and if I can avoid using bad taste words... I will. Muffins is what I chose, and I'm not changing my choice. As the author, that's my choice.


The problem with you using "Muffins" is that you, indirectly, support the activities of mail terrorists who are so entitled to think they have the right to write Hasbro and even Amy Keating Rogers herself and tell them what they should do because they didn't like what they saw/heard in an episode, because their pressure from four years ago which still lingers in Hasbro's mind is the only reason why Hasbro demanded that her name gets censored for the credits of the 100th Episode.
And this mail terrorism happened because of hating on a disabled character even, which makes it worse, because it carries the message that a disabled character can't be shown on TV and must either be hidden or changed to "normal".
Regardless of cartoon character or not, imagine how that sounds:

"You are disabled, you can't be shown on TV!"

That I criticize that name choice is not aimed at your decision as an author how to write your stories, it's aimed at the moral complications that calling her "Muffins" brings up, both in regards to disabled characters/people on TV as well as a serious case of blackmailing, terrorizing and harassment of people who make a TV show.
In the same way you feel your artists' rights violated by me telling you that you shouldn't use "Muffins" as name for her, Amy Keating Rogers and the rest of the team at DHX felt violated in theirs when the haters complained and made Hasbro making them change the scene.
If you want to keep calling her "Muffins" in your stories because of your own artists' rights, you unwillingly support the violations of other artists' rights and that on a far bigger scale than it would be if you would call her "Derpy" again in your stories.
I can assure you that DHX isn't happy about it that Hasbro forced this censorship of Derpy's name into the credits of "Slice of Life" either.

and if I can avoid using bad taste words... I will.

"Derpy" is no bad taste name. It's a different word for "clumsy" and refers to and describes Derpy's clumsyness:



Which is completely appropriate in a society that always names its children according to their talents and/or specific characteristics.
If you heard anyone saying that "Derpy" means "mentally disabled" or "retarded", then this came from a hater.
Those haters unfortunately like it to spread around the wrong meaning of her name in order to justify their assault four years ago.
There is no reason to be worried about unfortunate meanings of her name, because those meanings are all made up by people who need to construct themselves an argument against Derpy and her name.

7015320 I've written it how I've written it. I won't argue this topic with you. It was one line in the story, of almost no consequence, or impact to the story. I could just as soon take the entire line out and it not effect the story in little way. The name IS in the credits of the show, so it's the name I chose for this story. I as the author had that choice. It's only a stink if YOU make it such. I respect you have a difference of opinion, but I don't have to follow your advice.


It's only a stink if YOU make it such.

As far as I can recall from human history, a stink never became less of a stink by ignoring it.
Blissful denial makes you not see a problem maybe, but it never lets the problem go away.
That Derpy is called "Muffins" is no childs play, even if some bronies like to pretend so because they see the censoring of her name as trade-off for it that she can stay in the show, it's a serious issue and I do think I laid out the reasons for that well enough.
And it's now time to do something against it that the fandom starts supporting this terrible censorship before Hasbro goes nuts completely and demands the censoring of her name when it's actually mentioned in the show again too (the credits are luckily not canon, so this is nothing more than a first warning sign, one that should be taken seriously, though).

I respect you have a difference of opinion, but I don't have to follow your advice.

With all due respect, but what gives you the conviction that not following my advice and just sticking to call her "Muffins" would be the right thing to do, as opposed to stay loyal to her true name so that Derpy's haters won't get more power again?

I like this fic. The scene between Diamond and the CMC was a sweet touch. I had good feels from it. And the moral you display is correct. Living a life to hurt others and you will eventually die alone. That is a very depressing dilemma to think about.

7015733 Thank you for the compliment. It's not something we like to think about, but it is real life.

7015655 You do you, pal, and how about you not harass the author for going the route of deciding which name to use.

There's nothing romantic nor honorable in what you're saying. It's just over-analytical without any analysis or any good amount of conclusion.

If you wish to imply that, by deciding to call Derpy "Muffins" instead of Derpy, that the author supports oppression, you had better have the facts to back that accusation up. As far as I can tell, you've brought none to the table. Kindly step off your soap box and ruminate a bit more before you start getting mad about something as simple as a name dictation.


If you wish to imply that, by deciding to call Derpy "Muffins" instead of Derpy, that the author supports oppression, you had better have the facts to back that accusation up.

And if you wish to imply that I said she approves of oppression, you had better the facts to back that accusation up too.

Kindly step off your soap box and ruminate a bit more before you start getting mad about something as simple as a name dictation.

Getting called out and insulted for trying to encourage others to support a good cause and to make the right decision.
I'm struggling with deciding if I should call this a general trait of humanity or of bronies.
Thanks for the advice, but considering what bullshit gets supported with censoring her name, I feel very comfortable on my soap box. :twilightsmile:
Sorry, not sorry.


Please, both of you. Fighting over this won't change opinions. It will only add numbers to this story's comments section. This is an argument that won't be won by either side, it will only flame tempers, and disrupt harmony. And thus, dissuade members of this community from reading the comments, and perhaps answering questions they have had over the story. If you wish to argue, take it to another page.

I appreciate in both of you that you are willing to speak out for what you believe in. But other people have other opinions and it's often best to just agree to disagree and carry on with our lives.


Oh, I'm definitely not starting a fight with him, don't worry. My mood is way too good for it to ruin it with a fight and I have way too many things I still want to do before Season 6 starts to have time for that.
But I was also attacked here and defended myself against an unfounded accusation and I fear I will have to continue to do so if he makes more accusations.
Not keeping you from deleting comments here if he chooses to continue to talk crap about me, but if he does, I will answer accordingly.

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