• Published 11th Jun 2012
  • 26,475 Views, 1,246 Comments

Accidental Harmony - errant

A desperate cellist is in over her head when she takes a job at a nightclub.

  • ...

Chapter 16

The garishly pink pony shook head in denial, frizzy mane tossing everywhere. "Nopey dopey! I don't even know you so how could I have ruined your life? I mean, if I had seen you before I would have thrown you a party but I didn't throw you a party, so obviously I never saw you before and if I never saw you before how could I ruin your life?" she babbled on in a rush of sound that left both Octavia and Vinyl staring, ears flattened, in disbelief. "Hey, I haven't seen you before so how about I throw you a party!" she continued happily.

"Oh, you've seen me before," Octavia said quietly as she stepped with heavy purpose towards the counter, a glower forming on her face. "At the Grand Galloping Gala, where you humiliated me in front of literally every important pony in Canterlot." She took another step forward. "Where you destroyed my reputation as one of Canterlot's premier musicians." She advanced again, her glare darkening. "Where you ensured that I would never get work in Canterlot again." She reached the counter and leaned forward to scowl at the confused pink pony who took an instinctive step backwards. "Where you took my life's goal, snapped it in half and tossed it into the trash!" she hissed as her hoof smashed into the wooden surface of the counter.

"B -but I—" the intimidated mare tried fruitlessly to interrupt.

"Do you know what I had left after all that?" Octavia demanded as her eye twitched slightly. "Nothing! I went months without employment because everypony wanted to blame me for your stupid 'Pony Pokey'; I would have been homeless if Vinyl over there hadn't been generous enough to hire me to work at her nightclub, even though I was woefully under qualified and she didn't even know me!" she reproached, panting slightly.

"I was just trying to make everypony happy and get them to have fun," the pink mare weakly defended as she waved her hooves in protest. "I didn't mean to hurt anypony."

"Well, you hurt me. A lot. I hope your 'fun' was worth it," Octavia spat. She drew a rasping breath as she prepared to launch into another diatribe.

"Okaaay darlings, let's not get uncivilized here. We are all grown ponies, are we not?" Rarity asked with a disarming smile as she intervened between the two. "Pinkie, dear, could I speak with you for a moment?" she asked the reeling pink mare who seemed to be trembling on the edge of a breakdown. She hesitantly nodded and received a comforting smile in return. "Octavia, could you and Vinyl please take a seat while I speak with my friend here?" Rarity asked with a gesture towards one of several tables.

Octavia's frown deepened as she stubbornly lowered her head and began to open her mouth to refuse any such cooperation, until a soft touch across her back made her turn her head to see Vinyl's red eyes boring into hers, the hint of disapproval and concern etched across the white-coated features. She determinedly held onto her anger even as she felt it began to wane in the face of her marefriend's calm support. Ultimately, though, her bile abandoned her and she hung her head in acceptance.

Octavia and Vinyl made their way to the indicated table, seating themselves comfortably on the worn wooden surfaces. Neither one spoke as Rarity ushered Pinkie into the privacy of the kitchen. The two mares left in the anteroom sat for several moments in awkward silence. The delicious and homey smell of the bakery sat ill at ease with Octavia's foul mood as she glared hatefully down at the pockmarked surface of the table. The cellist's face was drawn into a mask as she fixed the table with her resolute gaze. Slowly, though, the tension began to fade a little from her expression and her body, drawn tight with emotion, relaxed just a bit. Vinyl, sensing her opportunity, broke the silence. "Do you really think you should've yelled at her like that, Treble Clef?" she asked quietly.

"Maybe not," Octavia replied darkly. "But I was either going to yell at her or hit her.”

"C'mon, you can't hold a grudge like this," Vinyl said as she laid a comforting hoof on Octavia's own. "If you keep blaming her for something she didn't mean to do, that makes you just like those Canterlot snobs who turned their backs on you."

"No," Octavia disagreed quietly. "She should have known better than to engage in such childish antics at a refined social event. And I have paid the price for her ignorance."

"I'm sure it'll be ok," Vinyl reassured her with a small smile. "I doubt Rarity brought us here to start a blood-feud with one of her friends, and she had to know this might happen."

"What do you mean?" Octavia asked confusedly.

"I mean that Rarity had to have realized that the pony you described was her friend and intentionally brought us here. I doubt her only goal was to start something ugly between you two," Vinyl answered with certainty.

"I suppose that makes sense. Still, it begs the question of what she had in mind," Octavia replied.

And whether or not I’ll go along with it.

"Why don't you let me answer that, darling," Rarity's interrupted as she reappeared with an uncertain Pinkie behind her. They sat themselves at the same table, Octavia glaring at her nemesis who was looking everywhere but at her. Rarity sighed inwardly and traded a long-suffering glance with Vinyl that neither of the other two noticed. "Octavia, this is my good friend Pinkie Pie," Rarity began the introductions. "Pinkie, this is Octavia Philharmonica and her marefriend, Vinyl Scratch. You may remember Octavia from the Grand Galloping Gala." Pinkie hesitantly nodded assent, making brief eye contact before looking away. "She certainly remembers you, darling," Rarity informed the pink mare. "As a matter of fact, I believe she has some things she wants to say to you." Both Octavia and Pinkie remained silent, looking at Rarity unsurely. Finally, Rarity gave Pinkie a gentle nudge to prompt her to make the first outreach.

"What . . . what did you mean when you said I hurt you?" she asked in a subdued voice.

"Well, um," Octavia stalled as she tried to collect her thoughts. This was it, her chance to vent all her frustration and anger, her disappointment and worry and humiliation, onto the pony that started it all. Her opportunity to confront the pony who ruined everything with her childish antics. Her shining moment to strike back (verbally, of course) at the heartless mare who would negligently destroy another pony's life as a side effect of a few moments of amusement. "You see," she began again as she tried to find the words and the anger to fuel them. After a few seconds of searching inside herself for the firestorm of emotions that had propelled her earlier tirade, she gave up when she realized that it was simply gone, unable to maintain itself when confronted with the reality that its target was in fact just a normal pony, not an uncaring beast with no regard for others.

Well, the truth is still the truth and I'm already committed now. Still, I guess there's no need to be petty or vicious about this. I am a better pony than that.

"Your request for us to play the 'Pony Pokey' angered a lot of the other attendees at the Gala," Octavia began in a quiet, even voice." After the whole thing went disastrously wrong nopony was able to identify those who had caused all the damage. Still, everypony was convinced it was our fault. They couldn't do anything to us directly, of course, but afterwards we all found ourselves out of work. The wealthy and influential ponies we all used to play for stopped hiring us. Nopony in Canterlot would hire any of us. My fellow ensemble musicians were eventually driven out of Canterlot to live and work in other cities. I was too stubborn to leave, though. I was convinced that if I could just wait long enough things would go back to normal. They never did. I went several months without getting any kind of employment. Things degenerated so far that I couldn't even afford food and I was about a week from losing my apartment because I couldn't pay rent. It wasn't a very pleasant experience, I can tell you. I couldn't understand what I had done to deserve such a horrid fate . . ." Octavia trailed off as her eyes unfocused to look upon some memory.

Awkward silence reigned for several heartbeats while Pinkie seemed to have wilted at Octavia's account, sitting slumped down in her seat with flattened ears and haunted eyes. Rarity finally cleared her throat with an obviously forced cough before interrupting the cellist's reverie. "Darling, did you actually . . . you know, become homeless as a result of all this?" she asked cautiously, as if she were afraid to hear the answer but needed to know regardless.

"No, not quite," Octavia replied with a slight shake of her head as she returned from her mental excursion. "But, as I think I mentioned earlier, only because Vinyl was generous enough to offer me a job at her nightclub. It was the only work I was able to get at all, so I took it. It was definitely out of my comfort zone and I was terribly nervous at first; I was certain I would make some kind of terrible mistake. And, to be completely honest, I thought at first that it was too uncivilized for a respectable musician like myself and I felt like working there was at least a little humiliating."

Vinyl snorted and rolled her eyes. "Typical Canterlot snob for you," she deadpanned.

"Oh no, Vinyl, you know I don't feel like that anymore. As a matter of fact I started to rather like working there with you," Octavia quickly defended, suddenly afraid of having offended her marefriend.

"I know, Tavi. I was just joking," Vinyl replied with an easy smile.

"I'm glad to hear that you didn't have to suffer the disgrace of losing your home, but if you will permit an interruption," Rarity eased back into the conversation, "why are you two looking for a place to rent in Ponyville if you have a business in Canterlot? Was it not doing so well?"

"Ha," Vinyl snorted out a laugh. "It was doing just fine until it burned down. I don't have enough money to start up again and Octavia is still hated by practically every rich and powerful pony in the city. She hasn't been able to get any kind of musical work and I'm not qualified to do a freaking thing but DJ. And all the clubs already have all the talent they need. So I haven't been able to work either. Actually, we're just about in the same can't-afford-rent-or-food boat she was in before I hired her."

A sudden gasp directed all the mares' attention onto Pinkie Pie, who was now wearing an expression of rapturous epiphany and was starting to practically boil with excitement. "Wait wait wait wait! Vinyl, you and Octy wanna come live here in Ponyville? And you need work as a DJ?" she gushed excitedly.

"Uh, yeah?" Vinyl agreed.

"Octy?" Octavia mused aloud to no pony in particular. "Why must everypony saddle me with pedantic nicknames?"

"That's super-duper-amazingly awesome! Do you know why? Because earlier I was thinking to myself, 'Pinkie, you throw a lot of parties and there's always music and stuff and it's really hard to take care of music plus everything else and how cool would it be if you had a real live DJ to handle all that for you?' And now you're here and you're a real live DJ and I could hire you and you could work for me and it would be so cool and it—"

"Pinkie, dear, I believe we all get the idea," Rarity said with a strained smile as one of her white hooves clamped over the rambling pink mouth, holding back the torrent of words. "But are you certain that you shouldn't perhaps discuss this with the Cakes first before offering to employ somepony else?"

"Nopey dokey loki!" Pinkie chirped brightly. "They've wanted to hire a real DJ for, like, four evers, but they were all too expensive since they had to come in from Canterlot or Manehattan or somewhere even farther away. Vinyl's right here in Ponyville so that won't be a problem, will it?" Pinkie asked.

"I . . . my rates are really reasonable, I'm sure," Vinyl answered uncertainly, still floored by the opportunity just offered to her.

Holy buck, I'd probably work for food at this point.

She looked at the equally-bewildered Octavia, who merely shrugged her shoulders. "It's a better offer than either of us have had anywhere else," she agreed. "But," she interjected, "Pinkie Pie, why are you doing this for us? I don't know if I want to accept charity just because somepony feels sorry for us."

Let alone charity from you, of all ponies.

"Don't listen to her; we'll take whatever we can get!" Vinyl disagreed.

"Vinyl, have some dignity!" Octavia scolded.

"I actually do feel really really bad for you, but it's not just regular feeling bad for somepony, it's a special kind of feeling bad because I hurt somepony and I need to try and make it up to them and make them happy again because that's what I do since I'm the Element of Laughter and—"

So she actually feels bad for what she did and wants to try and fix it? I suppose that is a noble sentiment. Celestia knows I've done and said enough things recently that I regreted.

"Once more, darling, we get the idea," Rarity again interrupted the loudmouth Pinkie with an expertly-placed hoof. "I for one think it's very generous for you to make this offer in an attempt to atone for past misdeeds." She fixed Octavia and Vinyl with an expectant gaze. "Well, what do you two say? If Pinkie can get some formal confirmation from the Cakes on her offer and you decide to take it, I'd gladly help you find a nice place here in Ponyville.

Celestia knows we don’t have anything better; this could be just what we need, provided I can swallow my pride and move on.

Octavia and Vinyl shared a brief look before turning back to the Ponyville mares and jointly replying, "Why not?"

The chill embrace of winter finally descended from the mountains of Canterlot to envelop the lowlands of Equestria, including Ponyville, with an undeniable frigid touch in the air that promised snow in the very near future.

The cold, however, had no power to penetrate the bubble of happiness and optimism that surrounded a white unicorn with a startlingly blue mane and a grey earth pony with a jet-black mane that flowed elegantly along her back. They stood in the middle of a house, their house, and admired the fruits of their hard work; furniture moved into place, possessions and a frankly distressing amount of stuff all neatly in their spots. Personal knickknacks and odds and ends adorned the shelves and tables and though the interior lacked any particular artistic style or décor it nonetheless felt like home.

"Well Vinyl, I for one am glad we were able to get all of this moved in one trip. It was taxing enough as it was," Octavia eventually said.

"You said it," Vinyl agreed. "I didn't even know we had this much junk."

"Vinyl, the majority of this 'junk' is yours," Octavia replied, indicating a large number of boxes containing records and assorted bits of audio equipment, still sitting unpacked in a corner.

"Yeah, but your stuff takes up a lot of room," Vinyl replied with a sly smile. "Take your cello, for instance. It would travel so much easier in pieces."

"So would you," Octavia returned Vinyl's snark.

"Just make sure you keep the best piece of me intact," Vinyl replied with a sultry smile.

"Oh? And what piece would that be?" Octavia asked in feigned innocence.

"Why don't I remind you?" Vinyl hinted as she slunk closer to Octavia.

Octavia gently bumped Vinyl aside as she stepped aside and made for the door. "Maybe later, Scratchie. We have Pinkie's welcome party to go to, remember?"

"Oh yeah, I nearly forgot," Vinyl answered as she scurried to follow after. "Scratchie?" she asked as she and Octavia walked side-by-side down the dirt road made solid by frost.

"You aren't the only one who can think of nicknames, you know," Octavia answered loftily.

"I know, Octy."

Octavia sighed and hung her head in defeat amidst Vinyl's soft chuckles. Night was rapidly falling and so were the temperatures. Both mares began to regret not donning some clothes before heading out, but soon enough their hoofsteps brought them to an oasis of light, sound and activity that lit up Sugarcube Corner's iconic structure like a beacon of welcome. Vinyl confidently walked up to the door and nudged it open, reveling in the sudden rush of conversation, warmth and festivity that washed out over them. Spotting a table full of recognizable bottles and labels, Vinyl's eyes lit up behind her shades and she wasted no time in stepping inside. "C'mon, Octy! They've got booze!"

"Oh dear Celestia," Octavia groaned. Vinyl was gone in a white blur, mingling with far more ponies that Octavia herself could even hope to keep up with. She moved through the crowd like a fish through water, bumping hooves and exchanging easy introductions and pleasantries. Somepony hoofed her a drink and she was already making rapid progress on it as she was caught in animated conversation with a brown pegasus. Judging by her excited gestures, they had to be talking about something relating to her music; that was the only thing that would get her so excited.

A high-pitched voice suddenly filled Octavia's ears, making her jump a little in surprise and forcing her to try and divine the meaning behind the torrent of sound. "Hey are you having fun 'cause this is a party and parties are supposed to be fun and if you're not having fun it must be a bad party and I don't like it when ponies don't like my parties so please tell me you're having fun!"

"Yes, I'm having lots of fun. It's a very nice party," she reassured the pink mare who had appeared beside her. "Vinyl and I are very grateful, Pinkie. For everything."

Not that I ever thought I'd be thanking this mare for anything. But I'm glad I was able to let go of my anger towards her; she didn't really deserve it and she's obviously a good pony who wants to make amends.

"Oh, I'm so glad to hear it, Octy! I felt so terrible about everything that happened to you because of silly old Pinkie Pie and I just had to find a way to apologize for it and I knew a party would be perfect because really, what can't a party fix?" the party-obsessed pony babbled on. "And I'm so happy I was able to get Vinyl a new job that she likes and I'm working really hard with Rarity to find a job for you too since it's my fault you lost yours in the first place."

"Wait, Pinkie, what—" Octavia began to question, but she was cut off as Pinkie zoomed off at ballistic speeds to intercept another newcomer to the party.

"Oh dear Luna, what did I drink last night?" Vinyl groaned as she held her pounding head between hooves that felt like they weighed approximately one metric ton each. Her supine position on the couch hadn't varied yet; movement cost too much in terms of discomfort.

"You drank everything, you adorable idiot," Octavia answered softly as she walked in from the kitchen, twin mugs of steaming coffee balanced precariously on a plate clamped between her teeth. "Here, this will help at least a little bit," she assured the miserable pony as she deftly extended one of the cups, waiting patiently until Vinyl sat up and figured out how to grip it with her own hooves. Magic was certainly quite beyond her at the moment.

"I guess that explains the wicked hangover," Vinyl said sheepishly. "But why aren't you as bucked up as me? I know you were drinking a lot too."

"I guess I'm just a better drinker than you," Octavia answered easily.

"Horseapples. No pony can out-drink Vinyl Scratch."

"Alright, if you must know. I was drinking the exact same thing all night long, and I didn't drink that much. You, on the other hoof, attacked every bottle of alcohol as if it were your mortal enemy. Does that make you feel any better?"

"It helps my pride," Vinyl answered seriously.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. On another topic, don't you need to go into town today and see about getting your something-or-other repaired?"

"Ugh, don't remind me. I need to take the motor assembly that I use in my turntable to that stallion we met at the party. He said he thought he could probably get it working, and I need it for DJ'ing that party Pinkie has scheduled in a few days."

"Whatever you say, dear. You know more about your equipment than I do."

"What I know is that I'll be glad to be able to afford a nicer setup than the one I have now. I rigged up something that'll work with the junk I had laying around, but it ain't perfect," Vinyl grumbled.

Octavia disappeared back into the kitchen without saying anything, leaving Vinyl to finish her coffee and contemplate the arduous chore of moving her body enough to walk across town on her errand. It was a daunting proposition. There was one possible salvation, however. "Hey, Tavi! I don't suppose you're making breakfast, are you?"

Several more cups of coffee and a sizeable number of pancakes served to power Vinyl through the streets of Ponyville, bustling even at a relatively early hour in the morning. As she walked she couldn't help but breathe deeply of the chill air; it carried the faint scent of bakery and the hint of pine. It smelled . . . fresh. Ponies nodded and smiled at her as she passed by, and she returned the friendly gestures gladly. The homey atmosphere went a long way towards restoring her spirits.

It may not be Canterlot, but I've gotta admit it's a lot nicer here than I thought it'd be.

After a bit of determined searching, she found the shop she was looking for. A sign hung from the storefront, depicting a stylized clock. She pushed the door open and walked into a brightly lit shop illuminated by thoroughly modern electric fixtures.

And thank Celestia, this place really does have electricity. That was a nice surprise, even if it made me feel stupid for assuming it didn't just 'cause it didn't look modern enough.

"Hello?" she called out as she peered around the store. She caught sight of a green cap atop a black mane just barely visible from behind a countertop.

"Can I help you?" asked the brown-coated pegasus who emerged from behind the counter. "Oh, hello there, Vinyl! I'm glad you found my store ok."

"Yeah, no problem," Vinyl replied. "I'm really glad you agreed to take a look at this for me, Clockwork."

"Don't mention it. I like a challenge," the stallion said.

Vinyl fished in her saddlebag, lifting out the small electromechnical device and hoofing it across the counter. "It's certainly not a clock, though, so I hope it's not an impossible challenge for you."

"It may not be a clock, but it still has an intricate assembly of gears and other mechanical pieces which aren't too different from a timepiece," he demurred as he lifted out a magnifying glass and a number of tools from the multitude of pockets strewn across his waistcoat. With Vinyl as a fascinated audience he rapidly had the whole assembly torn down and lying in pieces across the surface of the counter. With a screwdriver deftly held in his mouth he began to carefully reassemble everything, adding liberal squirts of lubricating oil and ensuring that every minute piece was in its proper place. When he was finished he gave the interior mechanism a prod and a satisfied smile crossed his face as everything moved as it was meant to, all in harmony and order.

"There you go, Vinyl. The whole thing was seized up before, but now it's in perfect order," he said with a satisfied expression as he handed it back over.

"Thanks so much," Vinyl gushed as she took it back. "I don't know what I was gonna do if I couldn't get it working. You're a lifesaver."

"You're very welcome. Good luck with DJ'ing that party, though I'm sure you don't need any luck."

"Ha, you're darn right I don't need luck. Still, I appreciate the thought. See you around, Clockwork," Vinyl said as she stepped back outside.

Inside the store, Clockwork couldn't stop feeling that he forgot something. Suddenly a hoof flew to his face in realization. "I forgot to get paid . . ."

Vinyl herself trotted briskly back towards their new home, intent on spending the rest of the day with Octavia. Her breath condensed in small clouds around her muzzle as she went, a visible reminder that the grey skies would soon enough be dispensing flakes of snow to coat the ground of Ponyville just as Canterlot's streets had been when they left that city for their new home. A small and content smile fixed itself on her face as that home came into view, an inviting tendril of smoke curling away from the chimney and promising warmth and comfort to be found within.

As she came nearer her ears swiveled to catch the faint strains of music. Hurrying, she opened the door and stepped inside. She paused at the sight of Octavia reared back on her hind legs, gracefully balanced with her cello as she drew forth a jaunty melody. Her smile widened into a grin. "Octy, that's beautiful! You haven't played your cello in so long I thought maybe you forgot how."

"Hardly, my dear," Octavia replied as she stopped her bow's movement. "But I will admit I am a bit out of practice. That needs to change quite quickly, however," she said.

"Huh? Why's that?" Vinyl asked.

"Because," Octavia said with a grin to match Vinyl's own spontaneously appearing on her own expression, "I am going to be giving music lessons. Isn't it wonderful, Vinyl? I finally have a use for my own talent again!" she exclaimed radiantly.

"Hay yeah!" Vinyl cheered as she drew Octavia into a one-sided hug that allowed the other mare to keep hold of her cello. "I'm happy to hear that. How did you manage that, though? We've only been in Ponyville for a few days."

"Well, Rarity told me that she may have mentioned me and my talent to a number of local parents who wanted to arrange a music tutor for their foals. Apparently the only other music teacher in Ponyville is overbooked as it is, and no pony will object to me taking up some of the slack," Octavia explained.

"I'm glad to hear it, Treble Clef," Vinyl said as she settled down on the couch. "I was actually starting to miss listening to you play."

"You know I'm never going to let you forget that, right?" Octavia gently teased.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Vinyl mumbled as she closed her eyes and settled down more comfortably.

With a smile, Octavia began to play for her audience of one.

The only one who really matters.