• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 2,703 Views, 126 Comments

Ponyville Fire Department - Rescue Sunstreak

A story of Rescue Sunstreak and the PVFD, and the honor, duty, and sacrifice all first responders give.

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45 - Law and Chaos

Now sealed in the large round room, Twilight found herself going over the runes and glyphs drawn on the floor and walls. Everything glowed with a light hint of purple that colored all of her magic. Her eyes flicked over every last detail, ignoring the other three alicorns, eight ponies, and Discord.

Unaware her former mentor had walked over next to her, Celestia could see Twilight was lost in going over every last detail once more.

“Twilight Sparkle, it is all perfect,” resting a hoof on her once student’s shoulder. “Are you ready?”

She looked up and blinked, then back over her shoulder at the group around the gurney in the dead center of the room. One dark colored earth pony laid on it, a breathing tube down his throat. Under the gurney lay the breathing machine pumping and wheezing away. A small box next to it charged with magic to keep it working for a few hours.
Twilight could see Ailan had climbed up behind Rescue and was holding his husband close. Luna had cast a small sleep spell on him to ensure that he would not be awake for the main spell.

“As ready as we can be. I just wish... no, it has to be enough.”

Cadence spoke softly. “Mares, stallions, take your spots.”

So they did, a princess once more at the points of the compass that they represented. In between each, the other ponies took up their positions. Discord remained outside the now-formed circle, just observing. No one was all too sure what chaos magic would do, so he was ordered to stay out of things.

Twilight spoke so all could hear. “Cadence will start, I will come in and weave the matrix that will hold her spell together. Then, in turn, Luna, and Celestia will add their magic in. Rarity, your element is next,” turning her head some.

“Fluttershy next, Applejack, Pinkie, and then Dash. Once Loyalty joins in,” she turned her head the other way. “Pip, Diamond, Firehook, you will find Cadence’s spell will hit you. It won’t hurt, but it is going to make you tired very fast. You have to fight with all your might to stay awake and on your hooves, okay?”

All three gave a nod of their head, looking across at each other from the southeast and southwest sections of the rune-strewn room.

Now she took on a softer and hurt tone. “If the spell fails, Discord will teleport anyone who isn’t an alicorn out of the room. You have to run once you are outside. Run for Sweet Apple Acres and don’t stop until you get to the barn, okay?”

No pony had been told the outcome of the spell's failure, other than the four alicorns and Discord. They were just told to run in case it exploded. She could feel Applejack’s eyes on her. The Element of Honesty knew she was not telling the whole truth, but was not asking for it right now.

Twilight exhaled deeply and looked back to Cadence. “When you are ready.”

Head up, Cadence started to mutter softly the verbal components of the ancient spell. The runes lining the robe over her barrel and flank glowed with the blue of her magic. Then, from her horn, a beam shot out It centered above where the pegasus and earth pony slept. Splitting from there it spread out across the room, meeting each pony in turn.

Twilight's horn lit up next, her magic enveloping Cadence’s. Like a tube around it, forming a shield and smoothing the flow of mana out. As she did, like water flowing into cracks, each of the runes across the floor took on a blueish-white glow. Up the walls the magic flowed and across the ceiling, the result bathing the whole place in mana’s light.

Bright golden magic joined as Celestia brought her link to the sun to bear, followed quickly by the deep purple of lunar energy, Luna’s eyes shut and like her sister's mane, hers still and resting across her withers.

One by one, each mare that represented the Elements of Harmony lit up, their chests glowing the color of their gift, the beams joining together in the center of the room. So far, no strain on anypony showed. However, now was time to bring in the two earth ponies and the one pegasus.

As a tendril of pink magic slid from the rainbow orb in the center of the room. It flowed across and smacked into the forehead of Pipsqueak first. He stumbled just a bit, but on trembling legs, he forced himself to stay standing. Next, it was Diamond’s turn, and she too stumbled a bit, but with force of will and a heart sure that this was the right thing, she pushed herself to stand tall once again.

Lastly, it was the older pegasus’ turn to join the circle, and as the tendril hit him. His wings flared and he shut his eyes. Pain etched across his face, but it was fought down and won over. Not because he could ignore it, but because he knew this was his son's only chance, muttering under his breath, “I won’t let him down.”

Discord stood back, watching, observing quietly. His face etched in worry.

Twilight huffed out, “O...okay C-Cadence. I have them all, now join Rescue and Ailan in.”

Cadence, who already had a bead of sweat drip from her jaw, gave a grunt. Two more tendrils of magic flowed from the nearly three foot-diameter globe of magic and down into the two ponies on the gurney. The moment it made contact, the room flared and everyone, save the chaos god, groaned in effort.

“Twi... it’s getting weak, can you boost the matrix?”

Horn flaring brighter, the Alicorn of Friendship shut her eyes tight. “I... I got it, Cadence.”

Luna spoke out weakly. “I-it seem stable now. We shall push the power up to full, be ready.”

Celestia gave a low groan. “Everyone focus, just like we talked about,” her own magic flaring up brighter.

As the swirling ball of color spun faster and faster still, the strain on everypony could be seen clear. The two foals trembled with the effort to stay standing. Pip’s grandfather huffed out, “S-stand firm, f-fireponies,” doing his best to embolden the two young ones.

All was not right, however. Discord could see it as Twilight started to shake. He bit his lip, eyes flicking to Fluttershy, who was giving it her all.

“Cadence, I-I can’t close the matrix loop. It's starting to fray!” Twilight called out

The Alicorn of Love flared even brighter. “We have to, we can’t fail, we just can’t!”

The runes about the room changed, the glow filling them flowing from that soft blue-white to something far darker, a green tint started to fill them.

“Twilight, it's collapsing!” Celestia cried out.

Twilight's eyes flooded white with energy and her body flared out. Wings spread, horntip glowing brighter than the sun for a split second.

“I... can’t...hold...it!” panic in her tone as she yelled. “Discord, get them out of here, now!”

In that moment, the room seemed to become one hot white ball of mana’s glow. In the center, the two stallion's mouths were open and an unholy scream of pain came from them, the kind of sound a soul makes as it is ripped into shreds. Joining the scream was four alicorns.

Discord lifted his claw, snapped his fingers, and no one could see the look on his face.


Soft blue dotted with stars as far as the eye could see in every direction. This is what Discord found himself floating in, looking around he let out a huff and turned, knowing he would find a smug ball of white energy.

“What do you want, Law?”

“Chaos, you know better, you were told…”

Discord cut him off. “I told you, ever call me that, My name is Discord now.”

The ball seemed to pulse as if chuckling. “As you wish, Discord, my brother. Now, please answer me, what are you doing? You were reminded we can not interfere with the course of mortal events.”

Discord waved his lion paw in the air. “You mean like you did? Using a changeling to act as a power sink for the Elements, not exactly hands off.”

The ball pulsed a few times a blue tone of color before turning white once more. “We could not allow Gelos to have a promise broken. We remember the last time that happened.”

Discord snapped his fingers as a chair and a cup of tea appeared. Sitting down and taking a sip of the tea once he had hold of it. “Yes, yes, I do get it. So, perhaps I am just... nudging things along a bit. After all you did give Eros the vision of the spell. I would say you have been playing your hand in things too.”

Again, Law pulsed blue a few times, then yellow and back to white. “Very well, but I felt it, brother, you used your magic directly. Why?”

Discord set his teacup down to float in the air, glancing over at the glowing orb of energy once more. “I could not stand by and watch my friends fail. It would destroy them, you and I both know that Law. Yes, I said friends, perhaps the first I have ever had. If that means I break a few rules along the way, so be it. Let the universe punish me for it later. I am Discord, what fun would it be if I didn’t throw a wrench into the works every now and then?”

"And Thanatos?"

Discord gave a grin "He can wait, it's not like he is going to get any better looking"

The ball changed color once more, a bright warm orange pulsing.

“Why, Law, I do believe that is the first time in our existence I have seen your sour puss laugh.”

The ball resumed its white color. “Perhaps, Ch—Discord, perhaps. I will allow this, it is clear this—Friendship has taught you much. I am glad to see that, my brother.”

Discord snorted. “Don’t get too used to it," and suddenly was gone once more.


Luna gave a soft groan, eyes fluttering open. The last thing she could remember was the spell matrix collapsing in, then the screams. Bolting upright onto her hooves once more, she looked around, confused.

All around her, ponies were laying on the ground. She could see her sister starting to move once more. Twilight looked the worse for wear as smoke rolled off the tip of her horn. Cadence was out cold, as were the Elements and the three family members. She could see everypony was still thankfully breathing, then her eyes roamed to the table.

Laying there, the two stallions looked at peace. The breathing machine was dead, burned out by the looks of it. The worst in her heart as she took a trembling step over to the gurney. Leaning down, she could see Ailan’s chest rise and fall, he was breathing. Then her eyes went to the large earth pony stallion. There, she saw it, and again, he was breathing on his own!

“How... how can this be? The spell failed, w-we felt it break!”

Celestia, looking very worn down, moved to her sister's side looking down at the two on the gurney. She was quiet for a time, before saying very softly. “I smell chaos magic’s touch sister,” looking up and around, not seeing the draconequus around.

Luna glanced to her sister then back to the two laying before them. “Could... could he have used his magic to save us, to save them?”

An alabaster head gave a little nod. “I am not sure why, sister. I do not even pretend to know why Law would allow it, it goes counter to nature. However, there can be no mistake here, Discord...saved them and us from the consequences of what we would have had to do.”

Twilight came up slowly, clearly in pain, likely nursing a powerful headache. “I heard what you said Pri... Celestia,” laying her ears back. “Will they... live?”

She glanced over at Cadence who had yet to start to wake, let alone anypony else in the room, then back to her once student. “Time will tell now, Twilight. We have to wait, and see. He is breathing on his own, that is a good sign, but did the magic heal him, did the soulbind work?”

She shook her head. “We won’t know until they wake. Now, Luna, see to taking down a section of wall, remove the runes first. Twilight, start to gather up ponies, they will all need sleep, as will we.”

Luna gave a nod and turned to work. Twilight started to check on the two young foals first. Meanwhile Celestia looked down on the two stallions.

“Again, Discord, I find myself not only in your debt. I can say, without doubt, thank you, my old friend. Any past you owed for... is wiped clean now. All... is forgiven.” her voice said in the softest of whispers. "I am sure that mother would forgive you too were she here"

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