• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,190 Views, 10,241 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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258 - Judging the Wicked

Lex frowned at House Call as the other stallion didn’t immediately rush to carry out his orders. “Why are you hesitating?” he snapped. “Bring him here immediately.”

“I-, alright, but I wanted to tell you that we’ve been treating Miss Garden Gate.” When Lex didn’t immediately snap at him, he took that as permission to continue. “Most of her wounds are fairly superficial. There are one or two that are serious, but nothing life-threatening. A few of them have some mild inflammation, so we’re keeping her under observation in case she develops an infection, but we really need more medicine as soon as possible.”

Lex’s expression didn’t change, but he frowned inwardly, knowing that even the chance that Garden Gate had caught the ghoul’s sickness was too great a risk to be allowed to stand. “As soon as I’m done with Spit Polish, I’ll see to Garden Gate and then go into Vanhoover to find more supplies. Now bring him to me.”

House Call gave a nod of acknowledgment and turned to go, only to glance back at Lex nervously. “I don’t suppose you’d be willing to let me examine your injuri-”


The angry growl sent the medical pony galloping away. House Call had no qualms about getting up in an unruly patient’s face in order to safeguard their health, but that courage only went so far. Besides, the events of last night had made obvious what he’d known for a while now: Lex Legis was a pony to whom the normal rules – whether medical, magical, and probably numerous other areas as well – didn’t apply.

For his part, Lex watched House Call leave, his thoughts already ranging further ahead. First he’d punish Spit Polish and cure Garden Gate of any vestiges of disease, then he’d lead a team into Vanhoover. By the time he got back Sonata should have returned; if she reported that nothing unusual had happened then that would be confirmation enough that it was safe to send other ponies to the surrounding farms to buy more food while those that stayed here could start digging-

“What are you going to do?”

Nosey’s question broke his train of thought, and Lex had to make an effort to quell his annoyance as he looked at her. “I told you, I’m going to gather necessary supplies while-”

“No,” interrupted Nosey with a brief shake of her head. “I mean, what are you going to do to Spit Polish?”

Lex didn’t hesitate a moment before answering. “I’m going to curse him, of course. Even overlooking all of the other criminal actions he allegedly committed before I arrived here, his attempt on my life warrants an exceptionally harsh punishment.” Just thinking of how close that wretched, pathetic excuse for a pony had come to actually killing him – and how badly it had shaken him – was enough to make his eyes glow green and purple with anger. “He’ll serve as an example of what happens-”

“You can’t!” Nosey had heard enough, and it was all she could do to keep from shouting. “Lex, you can’t curse him!”

“Of course I can,” he replied easily. “I have more than enough dark magic to do so, and I doubt he’ll find the strength to resist what I’m going to do to him.”

“No, I mean you shouldn’t curse him!”

Lex’s eyes narrowed dangerously at that, turning his head to give Nosey a dark look. Despite the fact that her current condition warranted greater indulgence on his part, he could feel his patience for her antics starting to wear thin. “What?”

But Nosey didn’t flinch, giving him a worried look. “If you curse him, you’ll ruin all the goodwill you’ve gained up until now! It’ll be like with Garden Gate all over again!”

Lex couldn’t help but wince at that. The memory of Sonata telling him that his cursing that mare had frightened everypony else, when he’d been so sure that his display of justice had evoked the opposite reaction, still mortified him to think about. That was compounded by what he’d realized last night, when Garden Gate had selflessly thrown herself at the ghoul army, crying out for the people she’d lost and proving that the change of heart she’d professed when he’d sentenced her had been genuine after all…which had been another misjudgment on his part, since he’d discounted her plea as insincere when he’d condemned her. But rather than weaken his resolve, having that thrown in his face only made him grit his teeth, pushing back against the perceived indictment of his judgment. “I wasn’t wrong,” he hissed.


“I wasn’t wrong! Garden Gate was directly responsible for Pillowcase’s death! Even if she felt bad about it at the time, her sentence was entirely justified!”

“But it scared everypony! Lex, please! If you forgive Spit Polish now, you’ll show everyone-”

‘Forgive him’?! Are you mad?!” Lex separated himself from her then, somehow managing to keep his hooves under him as he moved so that he was face-to-face with Nosey, rather than right next to her. “He didn’t make some minor breach of social decorum, he tried to commit murder! A punishment of extreme severity is not only appropriate, it’s absolutely necessary!”

Nosey blanched, whether because he’d broken off physical contact with her or because of the forcefulness of his words. But despite how pale she suddenly looked she didn’t back down, giving him a pleading look as she kept going. “Look, maybe you’re right, but it wasn’t like he just decided that it’d be fun to try and kill you! He was scared, and Xi-, that monster had been messing with his head, telling him all sorts of stuff about how they had to do terrible things to save Equestria! He thought he was helping-”

But Lex cut her off. “By trying to smother me in my sleep? No. He knew what he was doing-”

“No, he didn’t! Don’t you get it?! He didn’t know what he was doing! That’s what I’m-” Nosey abruptly stopped speaking, lowering her head and taking several deep breaths, and it was then that Lex realized that she was shaking. He had just enough time to convince himself that he had nothing to feel guilty about when she lifted her face, making a sound that was suspiciously like a sniffle before she started speaking again, calmer now. “Alright. He knew what he was doing,” she said slowly, as though not trusting herself to stay calm if she spoke any faster. “But he didn’t know it was wrong-, no, he didn’t know why it was wrong. Xi-,” she faltered then, but drew herself up as she forced herself to keep going. “Xiriel got in his head. It didn’t possess him or anything, but it…it confused him. It made him think that he had to do evil to do good.” She paused then, giving him a look of…some emotion that he couldn’t identify before she continued. “He was manipulated. He was a victim too. And if you punish him for that, then it makes you look cruel.”

Lex waited a few seconds, just to be sure that she was finished, before he replied. “I. Don’t. Care.” He said each word slowly, wanting to make this as clear as possible. “I don’t care how I look to other people, and I don’t care if Spit Polish was confused when he grabbed the pillow and held it over my face.” He let that hang in the air for a moment before continuing. “His state of mind is an explanation, not an excuse, and he will pay the price for his actions.”

Nosey seemed to crumple in on herself at his words, her ears folding back as she shook her head softly. She licked her lips but didn’t say anything, and a second later turned as though about to walk away. But she didn’t move, simply standing there with her back to him for a long moment. “There’s so much good in you,” she murmured mournfully.


She turned back around, and her eyes were watery when she looked at him again. “There’s so much good in you, Lex. You’re strong and you’re brave and you’re selfless. I’ve seen you risk your life for complete strangers and get hurt really badly in the process, and you never expect so much as a thank you for it. You do so much for so many people, and then you go and act like this…” She bit her lip, reaching a hoof up to rub her eyes. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe Spit Polish does deserve whatever you do to him. But Sonata was right too: you shouldn’t hold it against everypony when they fail to live up to your example.”

Lex was about to reply that he wasn’t doing that, but Nosey stepped forward before he could, placing a hoof on his chest. “You have so much good in you, and you think everypony else should have that much good in them too. But they aren’t strong enough for that. They don’t have a heart as dedicated as yours. When something puts them to the test, some disaster or monster or something else, most of them will fail. That’s what happened to Spit Polish. If you punish him now, it won’t be because he did something evil; it’ll be because he was weak. And everypony else will see that, even if they don’t know it, and they’ll wonder why you didn’t have more compassion for a pony who never had a chance.” With nothing else to say, she slowly withdrew her hoof from him, letting it fall back to the ground.

Seconds passed as Lex simply stared at her, turning her words over in his mind, not noticing as his eyes changed back to their normal color. Before he could start to formulate a reply, several ponies stepped forward from the crowd, carrying a struggling stallion between them. But Spit Polish’s thrashing stopped as he caught sight of Lex, his eyes widening and the blood draining from his face as the ponies forcing him forward all but threw him at Lex’s hooves. “No!” he whimpered. “Please, whatever you’re going to do to me, don’t do it!”

The sniveling display drew a sneer of disgust from Lex, and he turned his full attention to the simpering stallion, looking him over. Spit Polish was a mess; his eyes were bloodshot and had dark circles under them, his bandages were handing loosely from around his wounds, and there were several splotches of dirt across his body. Lex sent a disapproving glance at one of the ponies, another doctor, who had carried him over. “Sorry,” murmured the medical pony meekly. “He tried to run away when he saw us coming. Didn’t get very far on those injured hooves of his, but he kept trying anyway.”

Lex’s only response to that was a snort, before looking back at where Spit Polish was lying on the ground. It wasn’t lost on him how everypony else had apparently noticed the spectacle, coming closer to see what was going on. “Spit Polish,” began Lex, pronouncing his name as though just saying it left a foul taste in his mouth. “Given how the nature of your crime has already been made public, there’s no need to reiterate what it is you’re accused of. Nevertheless, I’ll do so now: you attempted to assassinate me in my sleep. Do you deny the charge?”

Lying on his belly in front of Lex, Spit Polish shook like a leaf. “I…I didn’t mean to…”

“Answer yes or no,” growled Lex.

Biting back a sob, Spit Polish shook his head miserably. “…no…”

“Before I pass judgment on you, do you have anything to say in your own defense?”

The prospect of his imminent punishment was the last straw, and Spit Polish began to wail loudly. “I’m sorry!” he sobbed. “Mercy! I didn’t want to do any of those things, I swear! I just-, I thought I had to! To save Equestria!” He turned toward the crowd, hysteria written all over his face. “Please, you have to understand! I’d never would have hurt anypony unless I thought it was for the greater good! But-, but I was wrong! I see that now! I see that now and I’m so, so sorry!” He looked back at Lex as he continued to plead. “So I beg you, mercy! Have mercy on me! I’ll never-”

“ENOUGH!” boomed Lex, making Spit Polish and several nearby ponies jump. “I’ve heard all I need to.” His eyes flickered to Nosey for an instant as he spoke, before returning to the quaking pony at his hooves.

“For your crimes, your punishment shall be…”

Author's Note:

Lex prepares to sentence Spit Polish!

Did Nosey get through to him, or is he about to make the same mistake all over again?

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