• Published 2nd Jun 2012
  • 13,437 Views, 252 Comments

Creeping Darkness - Pen Stroke

Alan Wake must write a story where Twilight faces the Darkness of his world to save Equestria

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Goddesses Taken

Journal #57

In writing the last chapter I have come to realize that Equestria is a world inherently innocent. Perhaps it’s the nature of the ponies who inhabit it or because of the magic that seems to linger everywhere, but the darkest sins of humanity don’t seem to exist. Anger, joy, sorrow... those feelings are there, but they never boil over. The populace as a whole knows nothing of war... of murder. Even with their homes threatened, the ponies of Appleloosa didn’t fight back with guns or anything lethal. No, instead they threw apple pies at their short lived enemies, the buffalo.

Apple pies... even now as I write it down I find it difficult to wrap my head around the thought of using pies to fight off buffalo. It’s absurd... and yet it happened.

In my world, I fought the darkness like a soldier at war. The darkness was my enemy, an enemy I tried to kill on sight and fled in terror of when I ran out of bullets. I hardened myself to the fact I was shooting things that looked like people I knew, people who were my friends. I even shot at what looked like my own friend, Barry, without a moment’s hesitation. The Taken are no more human than the shadows a person casts on a bright, sunny day... but they still looked like the people I had come to know in Bright Falls, still looked like my friends.

I gunned them down just the same.

“Creeping Darkness” could be written the same way. It would make things much easier. I could just have Twilight and her friends fight the darkness directly. Let them take up weapons, and fight as I did. Let them becomes soldiers in the war against the darkness.

It would be easier... but the moment I start to consider it guilt begins to writhe in my stomach like an angry snake. Twilight cannot be what I was, cannot be a soldier... I don’t think any pony can. Their world is too pure, too innocent. Facing the darkness and having it hunt her in the night will mentally scar Twilight enough. What happens in the next chapter will be something she will not forget.

But I do not need to make the mental wounds worse by forcing her to gun down things that look like other ponies, especially if someone she knows becomes a Taken. I already regret what I wrote in the first chapter, forcing Twilight to use an ax to beat back the shadows. If I could take it back I would, but the story has begun. The Dark Place will not let me make changes now, the story must keep moving forward.

I must find another weakness of the darkness, find some other way for Twilight and her friends to fight back. If I don’t, when the Taken come from them in the night they will only be able to run... and you can’t run from the darkness forever.


The town of Emblem was quaint and quiet, much like Ponyville. Twilight watched as the small shops and homes passed by through the carriage window. The population seemed to be primarily earth ponies, though Twilight did see the occasional pegasus or unicorn. Two in particular that caught her eye were talking in front of the towns sheriff station, wearing a pair of green jackets and wide brimmed hats. Undoubtedly the sheriff and her deputy, though Twilight couldn’t tell from a distance which was which.

The town was bordered on all sides by the Wintergreen Forest, the tall green pines acting as a backdrop in every direction.

The others were chatting about the village, and while Twilight wasn’t paying much attention she did catch snips of their conversation. Fluttershy was, of course, thinking about the woodland creatures in the area and hoping she could make some new cuddly friends. Pinkie Pie was looking around for a party supply shop or a bakery. Rarity, on the other hoof, was just thankful they would be staying at Lakeshore Castle. It came at no surprise that she wasn’t a pony who thought “camping” was a fun way to spend a week.

Normally, Twilight would have joined in their chatter, but she was still a bit too shaken by the dream. It was still fresh in her mind, and because of that she couldn’t help but think about it as she gazed out the window.

“Um... Twilight?”

The unicorn blinked, her train of thought ending as she glanced to her side, the large concerned eyes of Fluttershy looking back.

“Are you okay? You’re being awfully quiet.”

Twilight put on a smile. “Yes, I’m fine. That nightmare I had on the train just really shook me up.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Twilight raised a hoof, waving. “No, it was just a silly nightmare. I’m fine, really. I just need to get my mind on something else.”

“Well... if you change your mind, I’m ready to listen.”

Twilight’s smile widened a bit. Fluttershy... all her friends were such good ponies. She didn’t know why the nightmare was bothering her so much; it was just a stupid dream, but the fact they were so concerned about her was reassuring. She had little doubt that once they got to the castle, got settled in, and started enjoying their vacation the lingering memories of the nightmare would disappear from her mind.


The day proved to be the distraction that Twilight was hoping for. As they had arrived at Lakeshore Castle, they were greeted by Celestia and Luna, and after getting things packs away the group spent the day relaxing on the shores of Shadow Moon Lake. The lake’s name came from its two key features. The first, its crescent moon shape. The second, the dark color of the water that came from the natural, volcanic hot springs that billowed on the lake bed.

Dinner was eaten, and as the sun began to sink over the distant horizon Twilight found herself striding the halls of the castle restlessly. The others had gone into town to explore, but Twilight just hadn’t felt up to it. As the sun drew closer to the horizon she found the memories of the night before pressing themselves back to the front of her mind. Twilight couldn’t deny it... she was a little scared about what nightfall would bring.

Not really thinking where she was going, Twilight soon found herself on the highest balcony of the castle, looking over the dark, glistening water of the lake. The sun was just nearing the horizon, its edge starting to mingle with distant treetops.

“Twilight, I thought you would have gone out with your friends.”

The unicorn turned, having been too lost in thought and the scenery to hear the hoofsteps coming up behind her. Bowing her head, Twilight was joined on the balcony by Celestia and Luna, the two princesses undoubtedly coming to orchestrate the sunset and moonrise.

“I wanted to, but I’m just too tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“Well then, the three of us will just have to have some nice quiet fun here in the castle, won’t we?” Celestia offered, her horn already starting to glow as she reached the edge of the balcony. The white alicorn spread her wings, Twilight able to feel the magic in the air thickening. She had seen Celestia raise the sun before, the grand display at the Canterlot Summer Sun Celebration the moment that inspired the unicorn to study magic.

The magic used to bring the sun above the horizon was energetic, uplifting... like the first cup of coffee in the morning for those ponies who couldn't get the day started without the black, caffeinated beverage. The magic Celestia used to make the sun set, however, felt completely different. It was warm, soothing... the sensation you get when you’re snuggled up in bed with a warm blanket on a cool evening. It was like a lullaby, a warm glass of milk, the magic so relaxing Twilight almost fell asleep on her hooves.

And the magic did its duty, the sun sinking below the far horizon as the world sunk into darkness and the stars in the sky began to twinkle into view. Celestia’s horn stopped glowing, the task complete, and without a word Luna began to work her own arcane arts. Her horn glowed, the small alicorn struggling since her magical strength wasn’t what it used to be.

Still, her magic began to extend out, calling the moon from the far horizon. The magic had its own unique sensation to it, one that washed over Twilight as she got to enjoy the rare privilege of watching the sister princesses change the sky. The magic to raise the moon was like a cool night breeze that carried the gentle music of the night. Almost a lullaby like sensation, a soft melody that somehow managed to actually make you feel more awake. A contradiction... but a glorious and beautiful one.

“There we are.” Celestia said, giving an approving node to Luna who just smiled in return as the moon began its journey across the sky. The princesses turned to head back inside, Twilight falling in line on the right side of Celestia while Luna walked on the left.

“Now, what do you two think about heading to the grand hall to play a game? I know we’ve got a couple old board games tucked away someplace in this castle, and I think I have a deck of cards in my personal quarters.”

“As long as we don’t play poker.”

“What’s wrong with poker?” Twilight asked, glancing at Luna.

“Celestia’s poker face.” The moon princess replied. “You can’t tell if she’s bluffing or not. The last time I played with her I lost 50 bits.”

“You were gambling?”

“Why, of course Twilight. The game just isn’t that interesting unless you’re betting something.” Celestia offered matter-of-factly. Celestia opened her mouth to say something further when a gust of wind blew along the corridor. The torches that lined the walls were extinguished in a single wave, the hall plunging into an inky blackness. Twilight couldn’t even see the nose in front of her face... and in an instant the memories of her nightmare surfaced.

“Sister, did you leave the door to the balcony open?” Luna asked, her horn starting to glow with a faint, pale light that mimicked the glow of the moon. Still, as she and Twilight looked to where the white mare had once stood there was only air. Celestia, in the moment of pure darkness, had vanished.

“Celestia...” Twilight ventured a call into the darkness, her voice echoing across the hall. Luna seemed far less worried, a disgruntled expression on her face as she looked about the hall.

“Very funny, Sister. Don’t think a thousand years on the moon made me forget that you’re a prankster. Come on out.” Yet, despite Luna’s call and accusation, Celestia didn’t appear. The castle was as still and silent as a graveyard, and Twilight could feel her heart starting to race.

The tension was set off by a flash of light behind the unicorn and alicorn, making Twilight jump while Luna spun her head quickly. The light had come from the lake shore beneath the castle’s balcony, and the pair galloped back out into the night air to try and see its source.

The source turned out to be Celestia, the sun princess’s horn glowing brightly as she shot beams of pure light at shadowed figures that were attempting to surround her. The figure made Twilight’s blood turn to ice... they were the same kind of ponies she had seen in her dream. Mares and stallions, wielding garish weapons while their bodies were wrapped in lingering shadows.

“We... we have to help her.” Twilight forced out, looking over at Luna. The moon princess read the fear on Twilight’s face, coming to realize that this wasn’t one of her sister’s elaborate pranks. Eyes furrowing, the moon princess flapped her wings and got airborne. She soared down to the lake shore to help Celestia fight while Twilight turned and broke into a gallop, racing of the balcony and down the castle halls to join the fight.

Bursts of light radiated through the castle windows, signs of the ongoing fight on the lake shore outside. Twilight could only hope that Celestia and Luna would be able to defeat the strange, shadow wrapped ponies. She didn’t honestly know how much she could do to help, but she couldn’t just sit on the sidelines either.

She reached the staircase, galloping down as quickly as she dared. Memories of the nightmare flitted across Twilight’s mind and more than once she stopped to examine some of the old swords and shields that decorated the castle walls. She needed an ax in her dream to defeat the darkness... and one of the swords would surely serve as an ideal replacement if not an upgrade. Still... each time Twilight began to reach for a sword the horrible sounds from her dream made her draw her levitation magic back. The sound of a metal blade hitting pony flesh... she didn’t want to hear that sounds ever again.

She would continue on with only magic to defend herself.

After what seemed like an endless run through the castle corridors, Twilight reached the entrance, casting out her magic and forcing the old wooden doors to slam open and almost off their hinges. Her lungs were burning and legs were aching, but she continued to run. Every moment mattered, every second could be the difference. Maybe it was her nightmare-fueled fear, but Twilight couldn't shake the thought from her mind. The single thought that if she did not hurry something horrible would happen.

The flashes of light were continuing as Twilight hugged close to the sides of the castle, following the earthen trail that lead around to the lake shore on the castle’s western side. A flash of light, another flash of light... and then the brightest flash Twilight had yet to see... and then nothing. The night grew still, and for a moment Twilight let a smile spread onto her face. Celestia and Luna must have defeated the attackers, that was the only explanation after the huge surge of light that had preceded the quiet.

And yet, as Twilight rounded the corner, she was greeted with an empty scene. The black water of the lake lapped against the shore. The sand showed signs of action, of many hooves treading across its surface in a confusing and panicked dance... but the water was already washing those hoof prints away. There was no Luna, no Celestia, no shadow wrapped ponies. Twilight was the only one there.

Racing down to the shore, Twilight searched for any sign of the princesses. She followed the hoofprints, trying her best to read what happened. The deepest and largest hoof prints had to belong to Celestia, so Twilight traced them as best she could. The sun princess had stood in the center of the beach for much of the fight, turning in place as she shot bursts of light.

But then the hoof prints retreated towards the lake shore, backwards. Like Celestia was starting to get overwhelmed and was putting her back to the water to try and improve her odds. The hoof prints then just stopped, the last few partially erased by the lapping waves of the lake. It was like Celestia just vanished right there.

Twilight’s panic only grew, her mind spinning as she tried to think. Celestia and Luna were gone... they had just vanished when fighting the shadowed ponies. The attackers were gone as well, and the lake water was slowly erasing the only evidence that something happened.

First instinct was to call for the guards, but as Twilight raced into the castle she was unable to find a single armor clad pegasus. The castle was just empty. Had they been taken as well? Twilight couldn’t be sure. The castle was utterly dark, the few lights and torches that had been lit when Twilight left were extinguished upon her return. The words of the creature from her dream echoed in her mind, warnings of how something was strongest in the dark.

And even with the light from her unicorn horn guiding her, the darkness grew ever more threatening to Twilight. Soon, she couldn’t bare to stay in the castle any longer, galloping back outside where at least the moon provided some additional illumination. She panted, dropping to her haunches as her body tried to recover and seize control of the panic filling every fiber of her being.

The guards were gone, the castle was empty and dark... there was darkness all around. There was danger all around. She needed to find help, she needed to find someplace safe. Looking about, the answer to all these needs presented itself in the distance, a glowing beacon in the night.

The town of Emblem, where her friends were currently exploring. If she could get down to Emblem then maybe they could help. They were the Elements of Harmony after all, maybe they could use that power to save Celestia and Luna from whatever had taken them... Twilight assuming that the princesses were taken against their will.

Forcing herself back to her hooves, Twilight began to jog in the direction of town, letting the light from the village guide her while the light from her horn illuminated the path ahead.

You are only safe in the light.

Twilight offered a small silent prayer that the creature from her dream was right, and that the lit streets of Emblem would be a safe haven. A place where she could rest, collect herself, and try to understand what was going on.