• Member Since 14th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Nameless Narrator

Reading order/list is on the profile page or here.


This story is a sequel to Diplomatic Relations

There are two sides to every coin. It is true that Icy Gaze was imprisoned for capturing all Element bearers and almost killing them, chickening out at the last moment. It is also true that he did all that for a sum of money a pegasus of his career almost never has the chance to see and on the orders of princess Luna, possessed by Nightmare at the time.
It is understandable why he might be just a little unhappy about his current home, Canterlot castle dungeon cell, and wants to spread his wings again.

Also, Twilight "I'm not insane, stop asking!" Sparkle attempted to build an artificial intelligence to serve her needs and finally activates it.

I'm sure a pegasus and a bucket of bolts won't end up going against each other.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 98 )

Best way to end a chapter. With a character thinking the robot was joking.

Flying airships of an overpowered nature, a robotic pony and probably a crew in the future chapters. Im loving this so far

5079427 Fairly slow-paced, like everything I do. Not many people seem to like that.

5079626 with some stories, going slow paced makes it extremely boring. But in this case, it sets the stage so to speak for future chapters. I look forward to reading more.:pinkiehappy:

5122827 Actually, well, ehm...

Welp, hope you enjoy chapter 2 (mission) as much as you enjoyed chapter 1 (turns) although updates will go slower since I'm doing Frozen Heart at the same time (which actually intertwines with Skies)

Ahh, another great chaper. Onto the nex-WHAT THAT IS THE LATEST CHAPTER?!?!! WRITE FASTER AUTHOR!

5132684 I want to but... but... but... wiritng Frozen Heart as well... and stuff... too hard... brain refusing to cooperate... :derpyderp1:

I see light.:pinkiehappy:

On the other hand, may I interest you in a ton of other stories I did before Skies ? (totally not just plugging stuff wherever I can)

5136260 And look, as a complete coincidence there's a story timeline on my blog :scootangel:

What a fortunate development!

"Better start looking for a crew, kid."

(Engage maniacal laughter)

Sadly, one of the two stories I haven't gotten to finish, because the way it ties to the Imbalanced storyline made it redundant. I still intend to finish it one day, and lead Icy Gaze first to helping Luna defend Equestria from Nightmare's army, and then setting up Crowley's insurgency in the Griffon Empire.

If this doesn't ring a bell, I think either "Thawing The Frozen Heart" or "The Third Diary" is the story I'm talking about.

"Well, it would be easier if there were just the two of us but Crom is going as well to be our guide in the Griffon Empire. If I don't work my charms as hard as I can I might end up with a clopbot like you here. See you after my vacation," the batpony salutes and leaves.

Okay... Aside from the trip that nearly ended with him hung at the noose... There was no mention of Cromach going back to the empire... so then this takes place after Traitor... but then again, everything else was implying that this was supposed to be during Traitor... specifically the 'high tech warship', and, you know... how Gaze isn't still in the dungeon during Traitor...

So basically, some things imply this is before Traitor, others imply this is after... and I am just confused... a little help?

"Well, I, you know... Heart's Warming is coming and the new library is so big and empty."

Okay, something more specific. Unless this is over a year after Traitor, then I distinctly remember Hearth's Warming approaching being noted in Traitor... How the party Cro was 'found' by Jones at took place "a week before Hearth's Warming, so it was still in the spirit of the season, while not interfering with eveyone else's end of the year celebrations." ...well, maybe not that exact wording, but close enough...

"Ehm, I said the crown would pay for a vacation for two ponies and a griffon in full. Plus, the ocular sensory research I had to do in order to make this guy work might serve as a way to restore his sight. He agreed, well, his lady did and I managed to replicate the way his ability works... to a certain extent."

...and this implies that this takes place before/during Thawing the Frozen Heart... which I just read the synopsis of and have no real idea where that stands in the timeline, but since it is apparently a sequel to No rest for the traitor... I guess I will go back to Traitor...

You should make things more clear, some things are implying some things, other things are implying others, and I am just left with a big headache...

I'm prett sure I told you this happens during the "Frozen Heart" as well as it being in the reading list on the profile page.

I used to be a mercenary, nopony special, and I've spent almost fifteen years travelling the world. A young colt starting as a caravan guard working for food changed into a mercenary escorting clients and cracking heads when necessary. The life of drinking, paying whorses, telling stories to mares willing to trade a bit of affection for a catching tale of exploits in the Griffon Empire, and of course impaling a threatening bandit here and there ended with an excellent offer made by a stranger in this very city. The first order was to find and gather six very important figures for their own protection, some fillies called the Elements of Harmony. I succeeded because I'm good at what I do, no real reason to lie, but then the second half of the reward came up and I was supposed to kill them. I'm not a murderer so I declined and got ready to leave Equestria because as it turned out my employer was somepony very important and powerful.

Actually, the first order was to locate Blazing and Choking...

Hoofsteps coming from the stairs down make me thank whatever possessed me to wrap the blanket pieces over my hooves and I rush to the stairs up, chewing Dawn's keyring in my mouth. The universal guard key works on the door on the top of the stairs and soon I can hear the howling wind from outside. Whoever was coming will eventually notice the door leading here is unlocked, at least if it was a guard, so I have to gather all my courage to walk outside on a large platform whipped by the ongoing blizzard.

Couldn't Icy lock it from the outside?

And without spilling a drop of blood. Violence is for those who have nothing else to offer.

Wise words...

error 666: Nightmare Moon returned


Do I have to go full recap on you again?! :rainbowderp: Anyway, Icy has to be sugarcoating things. He can't just say "I was hired to kill a bitch."
Possibly, possibly.
Sometimes. On the other white feather, it can quickly solve a lot of problems. It creates far more afterwards, but it solves some.
Overreaction... 93%

With that in mind I book a ticket for the first train north to Stalliongrad.

Home sweet home...

"Of course. I am considered an artificial intelligence, not artificial stupidity. It is obvious."

Artificial Stupidi– Bwahahahahahaha!

Home is where the gulag is.
Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence 9 out of 10 times.

When I eventually manage to rub my eyes enough to work as the maker intended the grey sky and soft snow of the incoming morning tell me I'm back in the land I grew up. Stalliongrad technically obeys princess Celestia's government but the local law is more ruled by tradition and generally it's much less forgiving than in the mainland. On the other hoof, the guards here are more ruthless because there is more crime and thus it should be possible to find out whether the black market relocated during past two years or not.

He's only been away for two years? I thought it was longer...

"-Okay then. I returned here two years ago when the Crystal Empire reappeared to see what was going on. Finding this place again was pretty difficult from memory. Not sure how things work around here business-wise though."

Oh, right. I half thought he was being sarcastic when he first mentioned that.

"I know that expression. A young newcomer thinking somepony will steal his amazing and unique idea. Well, I have no problem with that. We can get your blueprints to the patent lawyer, have them signed, and you'll be safe to give me a copy of whatever I need for the job."

Yeeeep... right up until Celestia finds out about the mysterious new super high tech airship going around...

Notes: keep under observation (Twilight), connection to Void (Twilight), father of queen Guiding Light (Twilight), split personality (Twilight), dead (Twilight), undead (Twilight), contruct (Twilight)

How is that list not longer..?

"Laughter levels overloaded. Locate nearest repair-bot. Beep boop."

"My name is Holy Light and Luna's thugs killed my parents and both brothers. Beat that, pretty face."

...wait, Blazing never mentioned a third brother, did he?

Paying for my drink, I leave the two to explain how they would pay for the broken floor and walk outside. Now I've got an insane engineer, a ninja with no social skills, a vengeance-driven paladin, and a berserker so dumb not even other minotaurs want him. On the bright side, there's always a chance they won't show up next week.

Hehehehehehehe... If that's the bright side... heh, you're screwed!

"He's dead?" it clicks to me.

Good. Deserved it. Fuckin bastard.

Damn this... an unwanted hooker would be a GREAT addition to my supercrew. At least the day can't get any worse.

If (text = "can't get any worse")
{Bool Murphy's law = True}

Murphy's law has been activated. Beep boop.

Perhaps princess Twilight can help me, she's back in the castle due to some unexplained things happening in the Griffon Empire. She should be in her laboratory in the dungeons unless she's talking with the other princesses about something. Perhaps she could tell me something about how to make Dawn blush in the way I've wanted to see again for a while.

Unexplained things? Griffon empire? Welp, off to catch up on Thawing...

•I would understand if he was saying that... thing is he was thinking that.

•and he didn't even try because..? Something tells me Icy isn't quite as smart as he is made out to be...

•True... true.


•Can't argue with that logic

•The hard part comes when you try and tell the difference between the two...

Great things happen when I don't have to explains stuff and make more of a mess of things.
Hopefully, at that time Icy would have more super airships and some Black Ops allies (which technically happens, but that part isn't written down)
At the moment, Bucket is running on 64Kb of memory. He's basically a smart 386. :rainbowlaugh:
Nope. Plot hole, or just plot?
Ahh, young Heavy. So sweet, so naive.
Now why isn't THIS a sitcom?
Murphy's law never fails.
Here's the Dun DUN DUUUN!

Carrying the unconscious batpony back to my 'hideout' at Burning Brand's bar, I wonder about what to actually do with my 'crew'. The idea of having an advanced warship at my disposal looks nice up to the point where I'm going to have to pay them... with money, money I'd rather keep to myself. Not that I'm a greedy bastard but all the bits invested in this little venture either belonged to Ivan or me and it has to return in some form which means we're going to need an employer. Now, what are the chances of somepony giving us a job and not trying to steal my secrets for himself? Pretty slim.

You could destroy the Blueprints... then there would be no way TO steal your secrets...

Well, then there would also be no way to rebuild the Hailstorm, improve it, or mass produce something similar later for profit. Kinda contraproductive I feel.

"It's the only thing I'm useful for."

...this guy is sounding more and more familiar... You know? I wonder if he met Blazing? They could probably help teach eachother a lesson about themselves.

Step right the heck now - go have a drink. Too much work and no fun made Icy a dull captain.

...and I just saw the Shining yesterday... the universe sure loves to conspire to creep me out...

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